The Revival is working on this topic for the next issue of the magazine. The question is what 10 things would you want to do before you die.
the idea is as follows:
we we all die one day. may be today...tomorrow... so before we die what do you want to do? so these things should be important, crucial, exciting, compulsory, life changing, revolutionary, once-in-a-lifetime, buzzing, righteous, cool, etc......
the conclusion is : time is short, make ,most of it, dont waste it, do stuff which are meaningful and not meaningless... do things which you wont regret and most importantly things which will make u succesful HERE and in the HEREAFTER....
[b]so people be honest...and LIST YOUR 10 THINGS WHICH YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE.[/b]
This will give us a good indication on what points to cover...
Okay firstly ... what kinda time frame are we talking about? Am i gonna die within a couple of days? Weeks? Months?... years?
Its important coz if i do one thing i may not be able to do others if time is short.
Lets see...
1. Bungee jump for charity
2. Learn to play the Piano
3. Drive a sports car around a track at a riddiculiously high speed.
4. See the Taj Mahal
5. Write my own book.
6. Kick George W Bush in the crotch
7. Street Race an Evo
8. Donate all my cash to an orphanage.
9. See my sister get married.
10.Ask for forgiveness for all the cr@p ive done... before croaking in the best death scene .... [b]EVER[/b].
Back in BLACK
thats it my friend.... we dont know when we're gona die?
so what do u wanna achieve before u die?
Can't think of all 10 things at the mo.. but I know at the top of my list is to perform Hajj and Inshallah have all my sins forgiven; only then will I feel free to start living up my life - in a halaal manner of course.
Well in that case... add the following to my list:
1. Achieve positronic distillation of subatomic particles.
2. Figour out what the above means.
3. Time travel... where i go back in time putting right what once went wrong and hopeing that the next leap will be the leap home.
4. Finally watch the last episode of Friends... turns out Ross and Rachel get back togeather apparently.
5. Go to my high school reunion and it turns out im more successful than the other people there.
Back in BLACK
Assalamu alaikum,
Most of the things on my list involve travelling, so I guess part of it would be to earn enough money to spend a lot of time travelling!
I would love to see my cousin and his twin-daughters and baby son in Australia! its supposed to be absolutley beautiful down-under and judging by the news it might not be for much longer.
I would also love to see the mosque made of mud in Mali. Another beautiful country!
There are apparantly some gorgeous mosques in Eastern Ethiopea that are carved into tree trunks, and there has been a Muslim population there since the time of the Prophet (saw).
The Great Wall of China would be amazing to trek across, I've heard stories of how wonderful it is.
I've always been fascinated with the longest river in the World, the Amazon. If I could get over my fear of all those poisonous bugs, snakes spiders and frogs, plus the man-eating pirahanas and panthers, I would love to go one day.
I would love to visit Andalusia in Southern Spain, it would me really exciting to see an example of European Muslims from hundreds of years ago, and they had one of the most spiritually enlightened and progressive communities the World has ever seen.
Istanbul is the point where East meets West, and I would love to sit on the mountain overlooking the famous mosques.
One thing I can do while staying at home would be to memorise the Qur'an. The reward of being a Hafiz is so much and I would love to be able to stand in prayer and recite for as long as I wanted without having to constantly repeat myself.
Of course, before any of the above travelling, one journey which is the most important to any Muslims should be Hajj, insha'Allah. I would love to see so many people from all over the World all joined together for the sole purpose of worshipping our Creator, and if it was excepted insha'Allah, I could feel what it is like to be a baby again, cleansed of all my sins!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
1. Finish reading 'Crime and Punishment.'
Write a book.
About something. Anything.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Things I would like to do before I die:
Perform Hajj
Make up all the prayers I've missed
Get married and have kids.
I'm a bit of a boring person - no point saying 'drive a porsche' as I probably wouldn't be able to park it, lol.
An autobiography maybe :twisted:
But the question is will you be able to afford it.
Sports cars are a headache to park, esp as most of them either have a tiny rear window or no rear window at all.
I would like to:
- Travel around the world, and see the famous landmarks/buildings.
- Make up my missed prayers.
- Get a job as a police officer; I dream about it nearly every day lol.
- Buy a house/flat and a fast car.
- Perform Hajj
- Fall over and bang my head on something and then to wake up and find that I can memorise anything; just by reading something once. Memorising the Qur'an would be amazing.
- Give away loads of money to charity.
- If I had super powers, I could save people in my spare time without revealing my identity (like spiderman).
who says you need to own it? There are other other ways to acquite the merchandise - even if for a short while.
Stop jumping to conclusions! you can probably hire one for track days or something.
Wouldn't mind crashing one.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Well by saying parking a car, you would get the impression of buying the car wouldn't you...or maybe you wouldn't.
If I wanted to test drive or drive it around a track I wouldn't mention parking.
Maybe she wanted to buy the car rather than hire it, how do you know. You stop jumping to conclusions :P.
I am only go by wehat is written. You are the one assuming ownership.
I expected my other line to be more controversial...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Get writing!
So far I have become the things I want to be: father, husband, Christian, servant of the nation, but before I die I wish and I hope to be given the opportunity to prove myself equal to the greatest challenge in each of these, especially with respect to serving the nation. I cannot list ten things I wish to do before I die... transitory things tend to have price tags I can more than match, but the things that really matter can't be purchased. Only character can pull us through them, and that is ultimately what I hope to prove to myself, the people I love and the people that dependon me.
A good death would be knowing that great things were expected of me, and that I met those expectations, and passed great expectations onto my beautiful little girls.
Weirdly enough, thats EXACTLY my list too :shock:
Except id add as well:
4. travel
5. paying off all my debts
6. memorising more of the Qur'an and
7. learn the art of Qira'at of the Qur'an (female Quran reciters like Qariah Rabia Sayed and [url=]Maria Ulfah[/url] really inspire me) Indonesia is THE place to go to learn - im sure that my fiance-to-be inshaAllah wouldnt mind if i lived there for 3 months
Oh yes, and and not forgetting driving a Bugatti Veyron, bungee jumping, sky diving, parachute jumping, rock climbing and kayaking INSHAALLAH
She may be able to - ANYTHING is possible by the Will of Allah - He has created the whole universe - giving a person wealth is nothing - inshaAllah
May Allah bless you all with dreams that you have. Ameen.
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
I'm too smart to ever spend that much money on a car, they are such rubbish investments. My brother bought an Audi A4 last year and to me that could have been a handsome deposit on a house. His argument was he's already got one - yes and it's now worth about 3 times what he paid for it, so buy another, doh! But he decided to be thick instead. Where my car had a glove box his has a fridge - I think that's mental. Something else my brother had always wanted to do was drive on a dirt track, which he has now done - I think that's a death wish. When I asked this question to my younger brother he said he wanted to drive a lamborghini. I think they need to re-prioritise.
salaam All.....
ERRRR....If I had time the ten things i would like to do before I died are:
1. Finish writing my book on the Life of the Holy Prophet

2. Ask for forgiveness from my mother.
3. Go around the world to see all the Holiest places. Which includes performing Hajj.
4. Find a kidney donar for my sister.
5. Get married......
6. Make up for all the prayers I have missed....
7. Leave a Will....
8. Make sure my faviourite niece got all the love from me that she deserves.
9. Write an article for revival magazine....or saj would kill me before I died!!!!!!
10. Lastly I would pray that I get to read the Shahadah on my last moments. (Ameen)
That's all I guess......Hope that made sense. Lol!
"Happy are those who find fault with themselves instead of finding fault with others"
You're very brave! You do know your cars don't you, I wouldn't mind driving the [url=]Bugatti[/url], after all it's the world's fastest car. Do they even hire out that car? costs around a million quid to buy it though, good luck to anyone who's planning to buy it :D.
Alot of people seem to have driving supercars on their to-do-lists.
1. to break those things one by one that cloud my heart.
2. to enslave my nafs little by little until it is truly the slave
3. to then recognise with clarity my Lord
4. to love and be loved by my Lord
5. to pray until my reason is satisfied
6. to die wth confidence
7. to continue in death the process of purification
8. to rise on the day of judgement under the protection of the Prophet(pbuh)