Teaching homosexuality To Our Children

new government plan will mean kids as young as 4 are taught homosexuality is "normal" and "acceptable" in society, regardless of faith views...concerned? See here:

** The Joint Committee on Human Rights said that the Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs) should make it illegal for Christian schools to teach that homosexuality is wrong.

The EFFECT OF THE Committee’S CONCLUSIONS IS that the freedom to live a homosexual lifestyle should always trump the freedom to live a Christian lifestyle.

The Government have said about the SORs “This is not just about legislation it is about ultimately changing the culture of our society”.

Further info here:



excellent issue the sis has raised...but no one has bothered to comment.

I mean how would you answer if your son/daughter, niece, nephew etc said:
Dad/Mum, Auntie/Uncle:
1. whats gay?
2. whats a homo sexual?
3. are we gay?
4. is it good ?
5. why is it bad?
6. what does Islam say about it?
7. 'my friends dad is gay.....'
8. my friends dad says its ok for boys to like boys....

i think you get my drift...

so ppl, pls discuss



wow. Now that is one hell of a bump.

All the way from 2005!

In answer to question 7: "So... tell me again. How were you born?"

Ask it with a straight face. Obv, the kid will need to be old enough to understand talk about the birds and the bees.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I think this is really worrying. Making it a part of the national curriculum is just insane. This is the first thing which has made me question bringing up any children I have in the UK. Lots of people are opposed to it, of all colours, races and religions, but I think people are very cautious to not appear homophobic as you never know the person your having a rant to could turn out to be gay themself. I really should look more into this as I'm extremely against it. I'd be horrified about my child learning it is the norm to have 2 mummy's and not a single daddy. How the hell did it get to this.

I had no idea Britain was this socially messed up... everybody seemed so [i]normal[/i].

"Don Karnage" wrote:
I had no idea Britain was this socially messed up... everybody seemed so [i]normal[/i].

Everywhere is messed up.

America just seems mroe so because it dominates the media. how many "international" shows stem from America?

Over here, if something bad happens in America, it is reported as if it happened in our own back yard.

There will always be social injustice. There is the 80-20 rules that applies to most situations. It can be twisted or not, but it applies quite often.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Americans are supposed to be Christians. They have legalised gayism. They have permitted gays to openly marry in public. I saw on tv people getting married to gay men. I was sickened to see this attitude from Christians in America. They have no shame and lost all morality. Their religion is now only lip service. Gays should be banned from even kissing in public. Allowing them to marry is going to make God very very angry. He may have to destroy America as He did Sodom and Gomorra in the Bible.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
www.presstv.ir(link is external)

i dnt think it'll ever come to that

i have a younger sister, and LOTS of younger cousins all over the UK (all between the ages of 6-16 and most of them are between 6-10)

they've never been taught homosexuality in school

"malik" wrote:
Americans are supposed to be Christians. They have legalised gayism. They have permitted gays to openly marry in public. I saw on tv people getting married to gay men. I was sickened to see this attitude from Christians in America. They have no shame and lost all morality. Their religion is now only lip service. Gays should be banned from even kissing in public. Allowing them to marry is going to make God very very angry. He may have to destroy America as He did Sodom and Gomorra in the Bible.

You will notice America has two axis. North and South. North mostly has "liberal" attitudes. South not so much.

ANyway, why pick a fight in this topic? no point pointing top someone elses flaws when talking about our own society's.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.