ok, I have had a month off (my noptice period should have ended on friday) now and need to find a new job.
Only problerm is that everything seems to be sales.
This will sound like a stupid question, but what other types of job are there?
ok, I have had a month off (my noptice period should have ended on friday) now and need to find a new job.
Only problerm is that everything seems to be sales.
This will sound like a stupid question, but what other types of job are there?
It depends on the individual.
Some people like to sit down in one place all day and others wanna move about.
You seem to enjoy having power and punishing people so you'd make a good judge (not likely though), police (I hear they want people from ethnic minorities), or somewhere in the legal system.
I myself wanna work somewhere where I have power over others, and with the added element of punishing people, it'll be like heaven.
Do you like physical, getting your hands dirty kinda work?
Ask yourself questions, only you know the answer to your destiny! [size=7](does that even make sense)[/size]
I lack ambition, so that defeats asking most of the questions.
over the last month I have noticed I am becoming more assertive. not something I like as it brings out the dark side.
I do not enjoy having power, but I can be responsible with it. I can also mete out punishments on these forums where encessary, but this is just a forum. I have no law background.
Apart from Sales, I do not know anything really, but I hate sellign anything. From myself to a product, and this can be a big problem in all jobs.
I could probably get contract jobs for webdesign, but my portfolio is not that large, nor that impressive. Besides doing even more webdevelopment than I do atm could be a tad too much.
Only job I have truly enjoyed was event security. Top job, but problems are with pay and timings.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Being a police officer isn't that bad. You get respect, power, no law background is needed along with good pay and pension.
However if you have (any) degree then you can apply for something called an accelerated promotion scheme which basically gets you up the career ladder quickly but obviously it aint easy. I've heard it from other officers that it's better to join like everyone else. If you work in London then its even better coz you get paid more.
If you wanna do a job which requires a law background then you can simply take a one year law conversion course, but it's really boring. I know someone who got a 1st politics degree and they're now doing a one year law conversion course.
There are many types of security work you can do, interested in being a bodyguard?.....btw are we allowed to be a bodyguard?
The Prison Service have a scheme for graduates, called an Intensive Development Scheme. Which you may know from the name is course designed for graduates. This is abit like the police's accelerated promotion scheme which gets you up the career ladder quickly, but again it aint easy.
I am interested in these two areas, police being the 1st and prison service being my 2nd choice.
If you're not interested in the areas I have mentioned you would be good at a job which requires using computers. What about people who make games, they get paid alot. Or if you're interested in computer hardware then you can earn a living fixing and installing hardware.
well for a start
stop posting procrastinating threads about it on the revival and actually do sumin about it
we cant help u find a job
no one likes an unemployed bum :twisted:
I do not care what others think of me.
Part of my charm. :twisted:
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
and thats why ur an unemployed loner :twisted:
there's nothing charming about that
in ur position u shud be encouraging the dissastified, low acheiveing, more likely to be unemployed, Muslim youth into doing somthing with their lives
not vice versa :evil:
I administrate this place, not run Revival policy.
I got no problems with low achievers. Or lack of ambition. People have a right to fail. Do what they want.
It is called free will.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
which is why u shudnt be a major part of the 'voice of the muslim youth' no more
even im a hellava lot more motivated then u
and i was forced to attend higher education
Can't say I disagree. Just nobody else steps up to the platter.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Blimey. That's a bit harsh...and who are we to say so.
I'm sure most people feel like this some time if not most of the time.
I think it's alot harder for the guys coz they [i]have[/i] to work. There aren't many people who actually enjoy their work, it's just something they have to do. If I was in that position I think I'd be kind of stuck, I get bored very easily, so would want to do something different, which is a lot easier thought than done. Having to make a decision about your life career even younger than the age of 16 doesn't help. I don't think many people have a clue at that age or even later.
What about computer programming or teaching?
Don't know too much about programming. I learn as I go and have no related qualifications.
And I hate explaining myself. Or things.
The main problem is the amount of sales jobs out there.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Don't you have a science degree? I know someone who had a chemistry degree and worked in a textile place as a junior scientist, although there aren't many places like that, or what about a lab technician or something - although that sounds kind of boring.
Most obvious thing....
have you been on the jobcentre plus website?
I need to start looking for proper now.
The past month has been more or less a time to relax.
I think I have got a little too comfortable.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
May Allah swt bless you with the job of your dreams. Ameen.
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
i no wot u mean, im also looking 4 a job and sales is everywher n in ur face
i hate the thought ov having to work though becoz ive been owt ov it 4 sooo long
i no it sounds lazy, but if i won da lottery, id never work!
if u need a job quick, that earns u decent dou, den sales it is!
I was of the impression muslims are forbidden "games of chance."
i only ment 'hypothetically', if 1 was 2 win the lottery...
i mean u never no, sum1 mite leave me a huge sum in there will
yeah forbidden but if ur ever in the uk Dave go to the local lottery point in the weekend and ull see the majority of the ppl standing there waiting for their lucky tickets are muslims. Even if these ppl aren't devout they won't want to be seen as justifying gambling so they'll still make some excuse oh it's just the odd flutter. if i win ill give the proceeds to charity looooool.
i used to put in the odd quid when it first began here in the uk, that was before i was practising, still no excuse i was still muslim back then even tho i was ignorant of the obligations. My parents used to do the weekend draw and theyd say u wana choose some numbers for a quid aswell lol. i shouldn't laugh. Parents don't do it anymore they soon forgot the novelty side realised the odds of winning were minute. mums won them scratch cards lots of times though, she should really go bingo lool.
Theres one muslim man in our town who won the jackpot in the early days. all a sudden he's minted and no one can figure out why. he still lives in his modest 3 bed terraced victorian property but money is not a problem anymore, everyone can see that. those close to him know he won the lottery, the rest don't know coz it's shameful he;s a muslim dude it's not the done thing.
dont you mean web surfing
since you already know the basics of web development, get yourself certified by microsoft. once you've got the cert, there's no big need for a portfolio.
get c# under belt and you'd be looking at contracts between £300-£500 daily rate.
it will be hard work, and not everyone is capable of that level of study. but putting in 2 hours a day for two months should get you ready for the exams.
sales, open source technologies.. im not dissing it, but for equal the effort you can get paid a lot more.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
It will be a hefty commitment... I do not know any programmign loanguages.
I did know C, VB(6) and Fortran when doing Engineering at Uni, but I promptyl forgot them.
I can read php, probably a few others with some practoce and hack in them, but that is not actually knowing the stuff.
I will need to look into what I need to know. There will be alot to learn.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
C# evolved from java which evolved from C..
if you want, i'll mail you some really good pdf books that show you step by step guidelines to creating applications and web sites in c#/.NET
its all about going back to when you were learning about object oriented programming.
php has had the reputation of being an open source scripting language thats easy to follow. but even that has taken the object oriented root.
here check this book out, will make you decide if its for you or not.
http://download.yousendit.com/820AAD4A1D011F0C(link is external)
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]