Size 0, attractive?

15% (4 votes)
15% (4 votes)
35% (9 votes)
35% (9 votes)
Total votes: 26

Louise Redknapp discovers first hand the dangers of the current obsession with being stick thin when she undertakes an extreme crash diet and exercise regime in an attempt to drop to a US dress size zero in just 30 days.

In The Truth about Size Zero Louise undergoes a punishing plan to dramatically lose her trademark curves and attempt to drop two dress sizes is external)

Did anyone watch this last night?'s so sad how young children are affected by this, in this programme a 12 yr old was worried about her weight and at one point she wouldn't even drink water coz she was afraid she might put weight on!!

I think what Louise done was great even though she could have harmed her health, I do hope it helped people realise how stupid and crazy it is to want to be like that....

Has anyone been through this? I have many times lost weight but never ever gone to the extreme of not eating properly, puking my food back out etc.

This programme was a real eye opener and it's such a shame that girls young as 12 are thinking they are fat.....they are kids for god sake!! They should be out playing not stuck in depressed worrying about weight loss.

There's no point in having the poll, everyone's going to vote no anyway.

In uni I have people saying I'm skinny, so I want to gain some weight. But I guess I'll put on weight anyway as I grow older. Yesterday, a girl who's in my class said she wants to be like me :?

This is absolutely riddiculious... why do women want to be this thin??? They need to stop thinking what other people think or find attractive and start seeing themselves as beautiful the way they are.

I knew a girl who was in my class at uni who was obsessed with her weight and she was as thin as anything. Her friends had to force her to eat propperly.

Can you believe they told Beyonce to loose weight for her movie 'Dreamgirls'... i was like 'wat?' She dont need to loose weight... heck she could do with piling a few pounds... have a pizza woman.

Its sad... slightly disturbing and unneccessary for the majority of women... except the wildly over-weight women coz lady DAMN... get a grip.

Back in BLACK

Maybe this campaign against "size zero" is helping against bulimia and anorexia. Obviously excessive weight loss is dangerous, never mind unattractive, but this campaign is mostly a way for fat people and the media to pick on thin celebrities.

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
Maybe this campaign against "size zero" is helping against bulimia and anorexia. Obviously excessive weight loss is dangerous, never mind unattractive, but this campaign is mostly a way for fat people and the media to pick on thin celebrities.

Maybe... but ive spoken to sooo many normal girls who are as thin as anything and they still think they're fat and should loose weight... :roll: I tell them to shut the hell up and they look fine the way they are... I doubt they listen tho. But its a mental problem if you ask me.

Back in BLACK

i watched a programme similar to that on sky the other night

it was some other lady and she was also on a bid to get down to a size zero to prove a point

she also became weak etc

whilst i understand where these ppl are coming frm

i think they generalise WAY too much

assuming that

girls who are size 6 or 8 are weak, unhealthy, do crazy stuff etc to get down to that size

when thats not true at all

i see their point - esp after the death of them anerexic twin models

but i also think 'pick on skinny girls' plays a part in this campaigne

and i dont want to discriminate but

who'd want to see a fat girl on the cat walk?

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

who'd want to see a fat girl on the cat walk?

that depends on how fat we are talking?

Back in BLACK

i think that it is all the coporation hype of being able to hide behnind a pole i mean if your that skinny you lose attraction surely? but some asians do pile on the punds which isnt always a good thing but they dont go crazy they jus walk about in the feilds thinking that theyve doen excersise :roll: :roll:

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"MuslimBro" wrote:
There's no point in having the poll, everyone's going to vote no anyway.

Well not everyone thinks size zero is unattractive everyone has their own view, albeit crazy to find size zero attractive...

I think size 10 is perfect, not skinny not fat but just right...Also I think women who have more flesh on em look better in clothes as opposed to bonny women.

i think victoria beckam

paris hilton

Kate Moss

and Kiera Knightly

are attractive size zero's

victoria beckam looks like a stick insect

paris hilton alrite

Kate Moss drugy looks weird!!

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Angel" wrote:
"MuslimBro" wrote:
There's no point in having the poll, everyone's going to vote no anyway.

Well not everyone thinks size zero is unattractive everyone has their own view, albeit crazy to find size zero attractive...

I think size 10 is perfect, not skinny not fat but just right...Also I think women who have more flesh on em look better in clothes as opposed to bonny women.

i think women look good in all shapes and sizes

be it skinny like paris

or bit flabby like beyouce

it all depends on ur frame

just like how beyounce would look crap as a size 6

paris wouldnt suit a size 12/14

I think people have a choice as to what size they wana be but when it affects health, thats when the line should be drawn.

It's not only that though, some may be living healthy and still be really skinny, however if they are famous people they are impacting on young people to look a certain way which is the media's fault for highlighting it, damn the media.

i think it is society's fault for excepting this its sort ov like hidden terrorism towards children

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"F4NZO" wrote:
i think that it is all the coporation hype of being able to hide behnind a pole i mean if your that skinny you lose attraction surely? but some asians do pile on the punds which isnt always a good thing but they dont go crazy they jus walk about in the feilds thinking that theyve doen excersise :roll: :roll:


That's the older asian women though. It's a shame they only realise quite later on in life, when they develop health problems. I think they may be the reason why their daughters are so into dieting. I don't know many women who after 3 children aren't quite overweight, even when they are quite young.

I saw the programme yesterday - I thought it was really boring and dragged on a bit. This issue has been all over the media recently and I didn't learn anything new - I thought the programme was over hyped just coz it was Louise. It didn't answer the one question I had, how that personal trainer justified what he did ethically, ie helping an already thin celebrity to lose even more weight. His regime was tough ...and dangerous, yet seemed very established. I mean Louise was a size 8 to begin with, ok it was for the show, but he admitted working with other celebs who are dangerously thin. :roll:

Anyway, I think it's crazy to be that obssessed about your weight. American celebs seem to take the whole being slim to extremes though.

Beyonce isn't flabby! - she's quite big boned, but she aint flabby, lol. My brother saw her in concert and was quite near the front, he said he was surprised at how big she really is - not fat, but definitely not the usual model thin figure.

I think Victoria Beckam is too thin, but she can carry it off. Most of the time I see her pictures I think she looks very good, not very thin. I don't like Paris Hilton full stop, so don't care. Kiera Knightley looks ok in casual stuff, but very thin when glammed up in a dress. I don't think she is naturally that slim, coz she was a lot curvier in Bend It Like Beckham and looked much better then.

I think thin is attractive. I've always been pretty skinny and never because I was dieting, although I don't always eat much. When I do eat and don't exercise my arms stay bony (but then I get a belly, and when people say I look good they emphasise healthy), so I'm not quick to judge skinny women. Excessively bony is something else that obviously needs to be addressed.

On a plane recently I couldn't get up the whole time or make myself comfy because I was caged in by sleeping fat people, which was very, very annoying.

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

"Angel" wrote:
I think people have a choice as to what size they wana be but when it affects health, thats when the line should be drawn.

It's not only that though, some may be living healthy and still be really skinny, however if they are famous people they are impacting on young people to look a certain way which is the media's fault for highlighting it, damn the media.

media staturation too much of it :!:

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"Noor" wrote:
[b][color=indigo]I need to lose a lot of weight. Going Pakland at the end of this month so Inshaa'allah i'll shed some stones.[/color][/b]

u need to aswell noori, yeh pakistan should help u loose weight as u won't eat pretty much as food thier isn't as yummy as hereee . enjoy ur stay their noori woori.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

Stick to chicken and it will be ok.

The meat there is too strong. Probably the warmer clime or something.

and if you go for chips, you wil notice that the potatoes there are sweet.

You should gain an understanding why asians have such a sweet tooth.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

They hang their chickens, skinned, upside down, outside in the markets so all the flies can do their business on them. Yummmm.

But yeah, if you're going to eat meat then chicken is best. Red meat might make you ill.

ppl should be happy with what they are naturally. if you're naturally a size 6 and it's in proportion with ur height and weight then u won't appear to be a stick insect ull look just right. Some ppl are naturally more curvacious not necessarily flabby.someone said Beyonce is flabby i disagree she is naturally a very curvy woman and if she tried to become a size 6 she would look ill, and her looks would go down with it, i think she's beautiful as she is.

I think most women do have mental issues over their weight, particularly in the UK and America where much importance is put on women's physical appearances, there's a pressure to be thin, coz thin is deemed to be beautiful. It;s ironic that in countries like hawaii, and india a bit of fat is seen as beautiful on women, and thin women are deemed as less attractive. Although things are changing now coz the western ideals of beauty have now gone universal. In some cultures they make women fatten up so they can get a good husband did u know that i read it in national geo.

Nearly all the girls i've known have been insecure about their weight at one time or another even though they weren't even fat :? I've always bobbed between two sizes but i wouldn't say i was depressed over it coz i don't think i'm fat. If i were over weight i would definately change my diet and hit the gym rather than resorting to extreme measures like the above.

I've never skipped meals but i have replaced my dinner with a bowl of cereal, i did that for years and could still do it now only like Dave i love my homecooking a lot more since i got married ,so no way bring on the proper food not birdseed!

I think much has to do with girly magazines they're very influential, and as much as ppl may say well u can't blame the media i'd disagree. I blame the media and parents for allowing girls as young as 11 to read trash that ingrains it into their minds that they're ugly and worthless just coz they don't look like a couture catwalk model. well hey most models don't look like that either a select few make the couture ranks, being a size 6 or smaller is demanding too much for most ppl.

Btw have u guys ever seen a size 6 item of clothing, i was quite shocked when i saw how small they were it's crazy. Most ppl can't achieve this type of size and for most altho not all it's totally unnatural. Ms Becks is nice in her own way but she is definately too thin and it is unnatural for her. i recall when she was in the spice girls she was a good weight and she looked far more attractive that she does right now. so she has money and nice labels now but as far as a figure goes it;s all bones theres little flesh there

At the same time ppl who are obese need to take radical action and responsibility for the mess they're in rather than sitting in denial and eating away their life. That mother who has an 8yr old child who is 14 stone still refuses to change how she feeds her child, i believe her child needs to be taken into social care for a while coz his life is literally ticking away. This kid can't walk for 5 mins without breaking into a huff puff and sweat, and a heart attack is imminent for him according to docs if he doesn't change asap. :?

btw whats a size zero? size 4?

according to media average size for women in uk is 16. now if ppl are kidding me that this is natural then i wana leave this country now. That is definately a large size.

It's also ironic that most men will enter these debates saying women are crazy and have mental issues we like a bit of meat, but it's a fact they're the ones who help the fashion industry cash in. Most men do want thin women and they're lying when they say we like women who are size 12s. I mean how many fat girls can u remember having boyfriends whilst u were at school, fat is not seen to be attractive admit it guys, most of u want size 10-8's. There;s nothing wrong with it just don;t lie to us!

"yashmaki" wrote:

btw whats a size zero? size 4?


thats madness maybe if ur seven ud naturally be that small but why as a 12-40 yr old woman would u wana be a freak trying to look like a child.


What's all this size 6 and size 10? - so how is this size measured?

I think men use waist size as opposed to the 'size 10' or 'size 6' women refer to.

My waist size changes. 29 in when I'm hungry, 30 in most of the time, and 31 in when I'm full. Sometimes I even have to loosen my belt when or after eating, does this happen to anyone else?

Cathie Jung's waist is about the same size as a regular jar of mayonnaise (38.1 cm or 15 in). She's been wearing a corset every day for the past 12 years, and she now wears one 24 hours a day. "I probably have around 100 of them," says the corset queen.

"MuslimBro" wrote:
My waist size changes. 29 in when I'm hungry, 30 in most of the time, and 31 in when I'm full. Sometimes I even have to loosen my belt when or after eating, does this happen to anyone else?

Exactly, although recently I hit a record-breaking 32".

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
