I have been thinking bout this more so than before, what does it mean for people to leave this world and be raised and be punished for their sins, how far away is judgement day?
How does it feel to know that on judgement day our sins will be revealed to everyone, including our parents, family etc..maybe we think right now, our creator is watching us but how embarrassing will it be to have Allah (swt) question us about our sins and the Holy Prophet will be present there, he
who took so much pain and abuse from the kuffur to spread the word for his Ummah to come, he
who kept praying for his ummah’s forgiveness?
What are people’s thoughts about judgement day?
yes on the day of judgement our sins will be revealed to everyone
although i have heard that if in this world you keep secret the sins of fellow Muslim brothers/sisters (not cause them distress but to secretly inform that person of their sin rather than exposing it to everyone) then Allah Almighty will not expose the sins of that person on the day of judgement...but im not sure how authentic that is as i do not remember where i heard/read that from.
Will it really matter if your family is there?
Bcoz im sure i read somewhere that on the day of judgement all ties will be broken, brother wont recognise brother, mother wont reconginse son or daughter as they'll be too worried about they're own fate.
Do i think about the day of resurrection?
hhmm in one word: yes.
Am i worried about having all my dealings revealed b4 family etc?
Nope, not really... they're will be bigger things to worry about like the fate of my soul.
Will i be worried about having all my dealing revealed b4 the Holy Prophet (saw)?
Yes... after everything he went thru to bring us Islam... i worry i wont be able to do justice to the original message.
Back in BLACK
true...nobody will recognise or help each other...
everyone will be too worried about their own state and fate
Yeh i dnt think anyone will even think bout anyone at that time, 2 much chaos, but like i said b4 the most embarrasing thing is to have to bow down our heads in shame in front of the Holy Prophet
who done everythin for his ummah!
when i think of the judgement day i remember the good/bad deeds i have done...
i weep for forgiveness of my bad deeds and pray sincerely that Allah Almighty accepts my prayer
i am eternally grateful to be amongst the greatest ummah to have ever existed...i pray that we all are under the shade of Allah Almighty when there will be no other shade except His
and i pray that we all are amongst the lucky people to be admitted into jannah through the blessed intercession of our Beloved Nabi Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon Him and His family)
Ameen to that
"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim
You should not think of judgement day as an event that happen in the far future, rather something that will start after your death. You could be dead in the next five minutes.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
OK, it is clear that only good Muslims go to heaven. Out of millions of Muslims only few hundreds are good one, the rest only carry the Islam’s name.
Billion of people shall be sent to hell. The budas, the Christians, the Jewish etc who don't believe in Islam are all marked for hell. These are billions in number while good Muslims are only few hundreds. This is not good, is it?
I also know that heaven language is Arabic. Wow… Cool. This is good coz I already speak Arabic …
One thing I wish to ask the good Muslims, why should we let billions of people go to hell?. Why don’t we work hard enough to bring to Islam?. What is stopping us from doing so?. We have the ability of doing so but we have no will to do so. In the end, there could be no one doing to heaven coz those good Muslims are not working hard enough to pull more legs on their direction.
Easy way of doing it is to spread good Muslims in all countries around the world with good financial support. Help the needy, encourage them into Islam by means of providing poor with food and shelter. Educate them and support them. No teaching of killing because this is not the Islamic way. Islam means peace and the word needs be carried the same way.
If we can do this, perhaps we can pull more people into Islam and be rewarded for the same. Remember, the day of judgment is not too far. Signs that have been mentioned in the Holly book can now be seen. So we should prepare of selves for the good of all.
Yeh! ive heard this plenty of times and it is really scary. I alwayz remember the day of judgement especially when i go outside n see sisters without a hijab, nt covered, when i hear others backbiting n when bros n sis r together it really gets to me.
I alwayz think n say to myslef "ya Allah u hav given us everything in this world n still we r so ungreatful"
Its just so depressin seein our beloved rasool (saw)'s ummah behaving like this. You cannot avoid it no matter how hard you try. I try n point out this issues to my family too but unfortunately they don't think.
Things like these does get you upset but also make you think of Allah (swt) a lot more and when you think of Allah (swt) you also remember judgement day. Some of these naaths that i listen to just explain it all, u no bout our few sins n wat were goin to present in the hereafter.
Its just so... scary!!!!
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
yep thats true cuz the punishment/reward for our deeds starts soon as we die!
It is true that the heaven's language is arabic. See all prophits were from the arabian continent. The holy books were all written in arabic. Prophit from Ibrahim to the last one Mohammed
I dont think it matters if you know Arabic or not. In heaven you'll understand each other regardless... and if you're in hell... well i dont think it really matters if you cant speak much Arabic.
Back in BLACK
lol exactly the language will be the last of anyones worries! the language that will be spoken in the hereafter will be arabic..
Besides i think theres bigger things people should be worried about like actually getting into heaven in the first place. concentrate on that and im sure the rest will fall into place.
Back in BLACK
poor dead muji is worried bout the language, shouldnt he know cuz the three questions asked in the grave are done so in arabic, would think he would have been questioned by now :?
Maybe he was rejected... like the girls did when he was alive.
Back in BLACK
Looks like some people's fate never changes, oh well beta luck nxt time muji..ooops there wont be a next time!!!!
Aren't there supposed to be signs of the day of judgement approaching?
I think theres supposed to be some major ones (like the moon splitting in two)
And some minor ones....
Cant remember... anyone know?
Back in BLACK
yep the signs are like fitna such as now, corruption..people disrespecting their parents, zina etc all that is happening now but after sayin that i dont think judgement day is so near, still major signs to come like imam mahdi ..but doesnt mean one shouldnt prepare themselves for this, as the time b4 imam mahdi comes will be the worse and the 7 yrs that imam mahdi will be ruling will be the most peaceful time..
Judgement day should be remembered because Allah mentions it in the quran and wants people to know. So we should remember it and do good deeds and don't do bad deeds.
Judgement day is gone to be on a friday at asr time and some of the signs are the following:
Men will dress like women
Women will dress like men
Imam Mahdi
The sun will rise from the west
and many more...
"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim
Ive often wondered how would it be possible for the moon to split in half.
The best theory i could come up with is a deep impact scenario by some large asteroid.
But i've no idea how the sun would rise from the west... That would mean the natural orbit of the earth would have to change drasticly.
I think it was the planet mercury where the sun rises from the west and sets in the east.
Back in BLACK
You can't have a scientific explanation for everything.
God does it and thats all you need to know and that is what is meant by a miracle.
Here is a definintion:
mir·a·cle (mĭr'ə-kəl) pronunciation
1. An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God: “Miracles are spontaneous, they cannot be summoned, but come of themselves” (Katherine Anne Porter).
2. One that excites admiring awe. See synonyms at wonder.
3. A miracle play.
"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim
eerr thanx...
Im sure i knew that already.
Im aware God could do watever simply coz its his will but i'd wouldnt be as dramatic if just one day all the sign came to pass and it was suddenly judgement day.
Back in BLACK
dont speak on behalf of everyone
I'm sure everyone didnt know that :roll:
Hellooo!! Anyone home?
Incase you missed it i said "'SHOULD' know that" no where did i imply every1 did, or that i spoke for every1.
jeez... woman... wake up.
Back in BLACK
omg i cant believe it
i thout onli Allah will knw abt our sins and no1 else
im gonna start bein gud nw
It’s funny (yet sad) that fear of getting clocked by parents is more terrifying then the fear of getting clocked by Allah (swt).
When I was younger dad said that I have to wear a scarf and I didn’t want to cos none of my mates wore one….so I used to take it off at the top of my road.
Fear of getting clocked by him was always on my mind, yet it didn’t bother me that Allah is watching.
i used 2 do dat as well den i went 4 unmrah den i started wearin it all da tym nw i h8 takin it off