Phew!! Feels good. Feels like a weights been lifted off my shoulders.
Maybe I’ve waited too long to bore someone with that story.
wow, irfan that was a really deep post... gives one a lot to think about...
no surprise re: history and politics but i dunno wot kind of men u associate with lol, i know plenty of men (in my family!:roll:) who lower their gaze, or atleast definitely do not stare the way u described (ugh!:?) .
and to those of u who said u dont have a role model, thats not true coz following the sunnah, no matter how little u do, at the end of the day makes Muhammad (s.a.w) a role model!
i guess my role models are similar to those who muslimsis mentioned - a close friend, my mom, and definitely the Prophets (a.s), Muhammed (s.a.w) and sahabah.
there's a sister who has taught me so much islamically, i have a lot of respect for this girl. my faith was so... i dunno how to explain it, but... mechanical(?) - i think we all go through this stage where we know right from wrong and we appreciate our religion, but our salaah; the one thing that connects us to Allah (s.w.t), is still robotic. my friend used to tease me, saying that i had a 'heart of stone' because she'd never seen me cry, not even in salaah - which was a regular occurrence for her. but on the 27th night of Ramadhan, as my friend stood sniffling next to me, i too experienced such closeness to Allah during taraweeh... there are no words to describe it really. but basically to cut this short, my sister opened my eyes to simple things which i should really appreciate.
obviously all muslims should respect their moms for simply bringing them into this world. but u know wen u have a special bond with ur mom. mine has the most amazing level of patience, no matter what the situation. and i owe that much more respect to her, due to the tarbiyyah and upbringing she has given my siblings and i.
with regards to the Prophets (a.s.), Muhammad (s.a.w) and the sahabah - where do i start? there are so many lessons we can learn from each and every individual, the list is endless.... so i'll leave it to u guys to carry on.
too bad I'm not into politics or history so I dont really know these guys
dont u have a any real life role models? (people who happen to who lowers his gaze?)
and Aaasiyah its so cool to have ur mum as ur role model
if my mum understood me better-she'd be my role model too
to a lesser extent my older sister is kinda like my role model-mainly because she has a very pure/good heart
but i dont really have a tendency to look up to people-prob cos I'm vain like Mr I Don't Need A Role Model Admin
Submitted by Mujahidah on 30 June, 2005 - 09:43 #33
"angel" wrote:
Glasgow camp was the second time i sat in one of the lectures, first time was when i was 10 but dont consider that as i didnt listen to the lecture so Glasgow camp was defnitely when i was even more impressed by Dr Tahir-Ul-Qadri..
Yes indeed sis the Glasgow camp was amazing and also it was the 1st time i had ever seen Qaid in my life.
I spiritualy knew a lot about him, i had seen his pics, read articles basically i knew most things bout his mission but had never seen him, but when i saw him it was like a dream came true.
It was really sad leaving the camp but insh'Allah no worries the next one is in 4 weeks time
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
My role model is also my qaid, sheikh-ul-islam, Prof. Dr Muhammad Tahir-Ul-Qadri....he is an inspiration for evryone, he is the most pious and spiritually enhanced person i know of, who is living today, and Insha'Allah i pray that Almighty Allah grants him a healthy and long life!
He has the true ishq-e-rasool in his heart and by preaching what he teaches us, we are also preaching what our Beloved Nabi (pbuh) taught us.
P.S. yes, the Glasgow camp last yr was totally amazin, Insha'Allah dis yrs will be even betta!! CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL :!:
"nafrath gunaho sey karo, gunagaro sey nehi"- (Professor Dr Muhammad Tahir-Ul-Qadri)
Submitted by muslimah on 30 June, 2005 - 11:14 #35
hi sunni sis b4 the rivival forum broke down i sent a message to kuri-mariam, how are u all, i only realised then that your on this forum aswell, i found out when one of the members posted syaing i u mariam then i checked on your profile and your from west yorkshire. this is ........
hi sunni sis b4 the rivival forum broke down i sent a message to kuri-mariam, how are u all, i only realised then that your on this forum aswell, i found out when one of the members posted syaing i u mariam then i checked on your profile and your from west yorkshire. this is ........
anyway hows tira
and what has this waffle got anything to do with role models? :roll:
(welcome to the forum)
Submitted by muslimah on 30 June, 2005 - 11:21 #37
lol, muslimah ur not likely to know everyone on this forum personally...
if u wud like to let any particular members know that you're also here, u can send them a private message by clicking on the one-liner up there on the top-right-hand corner which says "You have no new messages" or something to that effect.
aanyway, back to the topic at hand.
thanks lilsis for ur comment, and y do u feel ur mom doesnt understand u well enough? how often do u actually pour ur heart out to her, if the answer is never, u cant really blame her for not understanding u right. on the other hand, its likely she understands u as its just a natural insinct for mothers to know when their kids are feeling low or happy, or are lying to them, etc.
hi sunni sis b4 the rivival forum broke down i sent a message to kuri-mariam, how are u all, i only realised then that your on this forum aswell, i found out when one of the members posted syaing i u mariam then i checked on your profile and your from west yorkshire. this is ........
anyway hows tira
:? Lyk who are you???? :?: do i kno u?
"nafrath gunaho sey karo, gunagaro sey nehi"- (Professor Dr Muhammad Tahir-Ul-Qadri)
consider this ur first warning from the Forum Police
and irfan, Garfield, omro and Mr Admin please describe ur role models
past and present
yep my fault and others, must not waffle!!
neway a role model is always important, isnt that what Islam teaches us, to follow the sunnah of the Holy Prophet (saw), the wives and daughters (may Allah grant them peace) of the Holy Prophet (saw) it is important to have role models..
thanks lilsis for ur comment, and y do u feel ur mom doesnt understand u well enough? how often do u actually pour ur heart out to her, if the answer is never, u cant really blame her for not understanding u right. on the other hand, its likely she understands u as its just a natural insinct for mothers to know when their kids are feeling low or happy, or are lying to them, etc
mums a top lady-very religious
but she's never understood me for some reason
my sister is in tune with my feelings/emotions if sumin is bothering me/if I'm up to something etc
but mum isnt
i never pour my heart out to her-but she never really asks either
I think extremly highly of her-But I've just never been close to her-I'm closer to dad
At the UN in 2003, while many muslim nations voted FOR the invasion of Iraq, the gentleman in question voted AGAINST the invasion, and in the process managed to disgrace and humiliate, on television, both the British Foreign Secretary and the America Secretary of State. You have to watch that showdown.
As many of you were asking(mainly LilSis:) ), who is my role model?
My role model is Dr Zakir Naik... whom is a fantastic speaker, and very knowledgable man regarding Islam. I first saw him on TV giving a speech and he just blew me away.
Fantastic man.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 6 July, 2005 - 17:23 #52
Out of my family my uncle is my role model. He's my mum's brother and was born and bought up here. He's only 24 and got into the wrong crowd from a very young age-he did all sorts including drugs and even did time inside.
But now he's changed his life around... he gives a talk every week to the youth, he's done Hajj around 3 times I think. Does Umrah every year and always pays for a member of out family to accompany him. He's getting married to a really religious convert in a few months time-he converted her himself. It just goes to show that if you have the intention anything is possible.
My role model is Dr Zakir Naik... whom is a fantastic speaker, and very knowledgable man regarding Islam. I first saw him on TV giving a speech and he just blew me away.
Fantastic man.
Yes he is very knoledgeable, I like him aswell.
He is very good at the qur'an he can quote ayah's really well.
I've heard that he is a bit of a salafi because he doesn't agree with madhabs but I still think we should just take the good things from him.
"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim
It’s true that one shouldn’t totally melt into the personality of others.
One of Allah’s (swt) signs is that diverse characteristics of people.
Hadrat Abu Bakr (ra) through his gentleness, patient and forbearing attitude greatly benefited Islam….
However, Hadrat Umar (ra) helped Islam through his stern demeanour.
Hadrat Awais Karni (ra) did not have a voice suited to the call to prayer because he was not Hadrat Bilal (ra)….Hadrat Khatijah (ra) did not lead an army to war because she was not Hadrat Fatima (ra)…..
We are all unique with different characters.
I’m still all for role models but to a certain extent it’s important to be true to yourself and nurture your own good points.
Sayyida Fatimah radhiyallahu anha did not lead any armies to war!
I dont knw who my role model is. I have great respect and admiration for my Teachers and for a great many ulama but I think my greatest affinity has to be to Sahabah Karam.
I love Sayyidina Abu Bakrs truthfulness, his obedience to the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and His complete and utter loyalty.
I love Sayyidina Umar radhiyallahu anh for His sterness and harshness towards the violaters of law.
I love Sayyidina Uthman with a particular affection. I think His perfection in haya, his humility at his martyrdom, his relationships with the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, his gathering of Quran, his manner of protecting and guarding the Noble Wives after Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. Yes I think Sayyidina Uthman radhiyallahu anh has a particulalryl special place in my heart but this isnt at the expense of other Sahabah Karam.
I love Sayyidina Ali for his strength and his relationship with the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Another Sahabi I love with a deepness is Sayyidina Muawiyah radhiyallahu anh, for his participation in the jihads, for his seeking the revenge on the killers of Sayyidina Uthman, for his relationship to Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, for he being that Sahabi through whom we recognise the enemy, for his being a scribe of Quran, for his obedience to Sayyida Aisha radhiyallahu anha.
Basically ALL Sahabah Karam are my role models, but recently I think Sayyidina Uthman has occupied a special niche but then when i think so does Sayyidina Umar and Sayydina Abu Bakr. Fact is each has set up camp in a seperate quarter in my heart and whichever way i turn one or the other will be there!
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
in this day and age our first role models should be our parents...and then our bros and sisters..outside our family it should be our imams/ scholars....
people we can look up to, respect, want to be like, get motivation and inspiration for, people who make our lives easier to live, people who answer to our problems, needs, situations....
and these people can only be our role models if they implement the teachings of Islam and follow the sunnah of our beloved prophet
...littlesis- its great that you see your sis as a role model mashallah...
Only a woman can manage to contradict herself with such clarity.
HOW did I contrdict myself?
cant u look up to a person-love them-consider them ur role model-be impressed with the way they live their life...think that they're are the best
and yet not want to be like them?
Submitted by yuit on 28 December, 2005 - 11:22 #60
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
in this day and age our first role models should be our parents...and then our bros and sisters..outside our family it should be our imams/ scholars....
people we can look up to, respect, want to be like, get motivation and inspiration for, people who make our lives easier to live, people who answer to our problems, needs, situations....
and these people can only be our role models if they implement the teachings of Islam and follow the sunnah of our beloved prophet
That is so tru, that how it should be, but let face it, it ain't.
I think everyone should have a role model, and nearly everyone does, but in most cases it the wrong person. Because let face it the people who should be role model are busy working 9-5 or whatever shift and are providing for their family and taking responsibility for themselves and people around them. The sad thing they are so busy in surviving that it leave room for people who have more time on their hands and are not earning money the illegal way. These people galmourise their life and it appeal too the youngster. It a cycle i see many fall into every year.
Anyway who is my role models, too be honest i always did look up too the like of Malcolm X, but lately i started to see things differently. The people who have my respect are the people we see everyday but never really notice them, who are consitent with their prayer, work really hard for the little they have and who never complain about what they got. It very very rare quality in a person and IMO they have alot of diginity about them, I wish i could be like them in the future as well.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
wow, irfan that was a really deep post... gives one a lot to think about...
but i dunno wot kind of men u associate with lol, i know plenty of men (in my family!:roll:) who lower their gaze, or atleast definitely do not stare the way u described (ugh!:?) .
no surprise re: history and politics
and to those of u who said u dont have a role model, thats not true coz following the sunnah, no matter how little u do, at the end of the day makes Muhammad (s.a.w) a role model!
i guess my role models are similar to those who muslimsis mentioned - a close friend, my mom, and definitely the Prophets (a.s), Muhammed (s.a.w) and sahabah.
there's a sister who has taught me so much islamically, i have a lot of respect for this girl. my faith was so... i dunno how to explain it, but... mechanical(?) - i think we all go through this stage where we know right from wrong and we appreciate our religion, but our salaah; the one thing that connects us to Allah (s.w.t), is still robotic. my friend used to tease me, saying that i had a 'heart of stone' because she'd never seen me cry, not even in salaah - which was a regular occurrence for her. but on the 27th night of Ramadhan, as my friend stood sniffling next to me, i too experienced such closeness to Allah during taraweeh... there are no words to describe it really. but basically to cut this short, my sister opened my eyes to simple things which i should really appreciate.
obviously all muslims should respect their moms for simply bringing them into this world. but u know wen u have a special bond with ur mom. mine has the most amazing level of patience, no matter what the situation. and i owe that much more respect to her, due to the tarbiyyah and upbringing she has given my siblings and i.
with regards to the Prophets (a.s.), Muhammad (s.a.w) and the sahabah - where do i start? there are so many lessons we can learn from each and every individual, the list is endless.... so i'll leave it to u guys to carry on.
irfan that was so interesting-and VERY deep
too bad I'm not into politics or history so I dont really know these guys
dont u have a any real life role models? (people who happen to who lowers his gaze?)
and Aaasiyah its so cool to have ur mum as ur role model
if my mum understood me better-she'd be my role model too
to a lesser extent my older sister is kinda like my role model-mainly because she has a very pure/good heart
but i dont really have a tendency to look up to people-prob cos I'm vain like Mr I Don't Need A Role Model Admin
Yes indeed sis the Glasgow camp was amazing and also it was the 1st time i had ever seen Qaid in my life.
I spiritualy knew a lot about him, i had seen his pics, read articles basically i knew most things bout his mission but had never seen him, but when i saw him it was like a dream came true.
It was really sad leaving the camp but insh'Allah no worries the next one is in 4 weeks time![Biggrin](
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
My role model is also my qaid, sheikh-ul-islam, Prof. Dr Muhammad Tahir-Ul-Qadri....he is an inspiration for evryone, he is the most pious and spiritually enhanced person i know of, who is living today, and Insha'Allah i pray that Almighty Allah grants him a healthy and long life!
He has the true ishq-e-rasool in his heart and by preaching what he teaches us, we are also preaching what our Beloved Nabi (pbuh) taught us.
P.S. yes, the Glasgow camp last yr was totally amazin, Insha'Allah dis yrs will be even betta!! CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL :!:
"nafrath gunaho sey karo, gunagaro sey nehi"- (Professor Dr Muhammad Tahir-Ul-Qadri)
hi sunni sis b4 the rivival forum broke down i sent a message to kuri-mariam, how are u all, i only realised then that your on this forum aswell, i found out when one of the members posted syaing i u mariam then i checked on your profile and your from west yorkshire. this is ........
anyway hows tira
and what has this waffle got anything to do with role models? :roll:
(welcome to the forum)
who are u
lol, muslimah ur not likely to know everyone on this forum personally...
if u wud like to let any particular members know that you're also here, u can send them a private message by clicking on the one-liner up there on the top-right-hand corner which says "You have no new messages" or something to that effect.
aanyway, back to the topic at hand.
thanks lilsis for ur comment, and y do u feel ur mom doesnt understand u well enough? how often do u actually pour ur heart out to her, if the answer is never, u cant really blame her for not understanding u right. on the other hand, its likely she understands u as its just a natural insinct for mothers to know when their kids are feeling low or happy, or are lying to them, etc.
:? Lyk who are you???? :?: do i kno u?
"nafrath gunaho sey karo, gunagaro sey nehi"- (Professor Dr Muhammad Tahir-Ul-Qadri)
yep my fault and others, must not waffle!!
neway a role model is always important, isnt that what Islam teaches us, to follow the sunnah of the Holy Prophet (saw), the wives and daughters (may Allah grant them peace) of the Holy Prophet (saw) it is important to have role models..
sorry sis!
p.s. next time we'l start a seperate thread bout our Qaid!
mums a top lady-very religious
but she's never understood me for some reason
my sister is in tune with my feelings/emotions if sumin is bothering me/if I'm up to something etc
but mum isnt
i never pour my heart out to her-but she never really asks either
I think extremly highly of her-But I've just never been close to her-I'm closer to dad
I dont know why
Past: Abu Zar
Present: Dominique de Villepin - [ pronounced: dom-neek-de-villpaan ]
I'm disappointed
I expected someone evil, literate and well known to be ur role model
Dominique de Villepin - current French prime minister. Used to be interior minister and foreign minister.
It'll be interesting to hear why Omrow sees him as a role model.
It seems quite appropriate for Omrow to choose a French aristocrat as his role model.
M. de Villepin is a charismatic politician, well known for his arrogance and for his other career as a poet.
He is noted for his strong stance against Muslim extremists in France.
He was very much against the Iraq war though, one of Bush’s most vocal critics.
I remember trying to read one of his accounts of the French surrender against Hitler, but it was too high brow for me to understand.
arrogant and a poet?
ur right it aint surpirisng
I bet the French PM is a mouse too
He is no mouse.
At the UN in 2003, while many muslim nations voted FOR the invasion of Iraq, the gentleman in question voted AGAINST the invasion, and in the process managed to disgrace and humiliate, on television, both the British Foreign Secretary and the America Secretary of State. You have to watch that showdown.
how can a English speaking Paki mouse take a french geezer to be his role model :roll:
my role model probably b my m8
Almost forgot about this thread.
As many of you were asking(mainly LilSis:) ), who is my role model?
My role model is Dr Zakir Naik... whom is a fantastic speaker, and very knowledgable man regarding Islam. I first saw him on TV giving a speech and he just blew me away.
Fantastic man.
Back in BLACK
Out of my family my uncle is my role model. He's my mum's brother and was born and bought up here. He's only 24 and got into the wrong crowd from a very young age-he did all sorts including drugs and even did time inside.
But now he's changed his life around... he gives a talk every week to the youth, he's done Hajj around 3 times I think. Does Umrah every year and always pays for a member of out family to accompany him. He's getting married to a really religious convert in a few months time-he converted her himself. It just goes to show that if you have the intention anything is possible.
Yes he is very knoledgeable, I like him aswell.
He is very good at the qur'an he can quote ayah's really well.
I've heard that he is a bit of a salafi because he doesn't agree with madhabs but I still think we should just take the good things from him.
"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim
It’s true that one shouldn’t totally melt into the personality of others.
One of Allah’s (swt) signs is that diverse characteristics of people.
Hadrat Abu Bakr (ra) through his gentleness, patient and forbearing attitude greatly benefited Islam….
However, Hadrat Umar (ra) helped Islam through his stern demeanour.
Hadrat Awais Karni (ra) did not have a voice suited to the call to prayer because he was not Hadrat Bilal (ra)….Hadrat Khatijah (ra) did not lead an army to war because she was not Hadrat Fatima (ra)…..
We are all unique with different characters.
I’m still all for role models but to a certain extent it’s important to be true to yourself and nurture your own good points.
Sayyida Fatimah radhiyallahu anha did not lead any armies to war!
I dont knw who my role model is. I have great respect and admiration for my Teachers and for a great many ulama but I think my greatest affinity has to be to Sahabah Karam.
I love Sayyidina Abu Bakrs truthfulness, his obedience to the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and His complete and utter loyalty.
I love Sayyidina Umar radhiyallahu anh for His sterness and harshness towards the violaters of law.
I love Sayyidina Uthman with a particular affection. I think His perfection in haya, his humility at his martyrdom, his relationships with the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, his gathering of Quran, his manner of protecting and guarding the Noble Wives after Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. Yes I think Sayyidina Uthman radhiyallahu anh has a particulalryl special place in my heart but this isnt at the expense of other Sahabah Karam.
I love Sayyidina Ali for his strength and his relationship with the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Another Sahabi I love with a deepness is Sayyidina Muawiyah radhiyallahu anh, for his participation in the jihads, for his seeking the revenge on the killers of Sayyidina Uthman, for his relationship to Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, for he being that Sahabi through whom we recognise the enemy, for his being a scribe of Quran, for his obedience to Sayyida Aisha radhiyallahu anha.
Basically ALL Sahabah Karam are my role models, but recently I think Sayyidina Uthman has occupied a special niche but then when i think so does Sayyidina Umar and Sayydina Abu Bakr. Fact is each has set up camp in a seperate quarter in my heart and whichever way i turn one or the other will be there!
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
Madam-my sister my best mate is my role model
But I dont want to be like her-I used to when I was younger
we're too diff-but I love the way she IS
a decent role model for many
and no I'm not trying to get into her good books :roll:
I'm just in a very appreciative good mood
Jesus H. Christ !!
Only a woman can manage to contradict herself with such clarity.
in this day and age our first role models should be our parents...and then our bros and sisters..outside our family it should be our imams/ scholars....
people we can look up to, respect, want to be like, get motivation and inspiration for, people who make our lives easier to live, people who answer to our problems, needs, situations....
and these people can only be our role models if they implement the teachings of Islam and follow the sunnah of our beloved prophet![Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him)](
...littlesis- its great that you see your sis as a role model mashallah...
HOW did I contrdict myself?
cant u look up to a person-love them-consider them ur role model-be impressed with the way they live their life...think that they're are the best
and yet not want to be like them?
That is so tru, that how it should be, but let face it, it ain't.
I think everyone should have a role model, and nearly everyone does, but in most cases it the wrong person. Because let face it the people who should be role model are busy working 9-5 or whatever shift and are providing for their family and taking responsibility for themselves and people around them. The sad thing they are so busy in surviving that it leave room for people who have more time on their hands and are not earning money the illegal way. These people galmourise their life and it appeal too the youngster. It a cycle i see many fall into every year.
Anyway who is my role models, too be honest i always did look up too the like of Malcolm X, but lately i started to see things differently. The people who have my respect are the people we see everyday but never really notice them, who are consitent with their prayer, work really hard for the little they have and who never complain about what they got. It very very rare quality in a person and IMO they have alot of diginity about them, I wish i could be like them in the future as well.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."