Human nature is imitation, we automatically subconsciously copy the actions of those who are around us.
More so, those people whom we admire/think highly of or look up to.
We ALL need a role model in life, someone whom we look up to and aspire to be like.
Of course as Muslims are role model should be the Holy Prophet (saw), simply because he is perfection personified.
Who’s YOUR role model? Is it your parents? Your neighbour? A friend? A teacher?
Who has touched your life? Who has transformed your life/thinking? Who do you wish you were like? Who do you think extremely highly of?
And why? What’s so special about him/her (your role model)? Why do you wish to be like them?
And do we even need role models? Or should WE transform ourselves into individuals whom others wish to be like?
Share your thoughts please.
My best role model is my teacher and sheikh that is Dr. Muhammed Tahir-ul-Qadri
"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim
come to think of it-I have no role model :oops:
i need to find one
same here
shouldn't our role model ONLY be Prophet Muhammad (saw)? Surely they are a role model for all and for all times? Do we NEED any other role model than the Prophet(saw) ?
Of course, but following someone who has implemented the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet
in to their lifestyle is the same as following the Holy Prophet (saw).
It’s a bit easier to follow the example of those whom one associate’s with or personally knows.
As much as i agree the only role model should be the Prophet (pbuh), its far easier to immitate some1 who one associates with as MS said.
I've always prefered to model myself after many people. Trying to take the best qualities out of them.
Back in BLACK
Asalamualaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu!
Alhamdullilah his my best role model too.His my Qaid, my shaykh n my true teacher who has showed me the light to Islam.
Our aim is to work hard for this mission by uniting our muslim ummah n showing them the rite path to Al-Jannah.
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
I’ve had lots of role models over the years.
In my first year in Uni, I associated with this really religious person…it was refreshing to see a young, good-looking, popular, clever, street wise person clued up on Islam. So she was my role model for a bit…I’ve kinda lost touch with her now.
Today, I really look up to this converted mother of two. She’s my best mate and is extremely hardworking, dedicated, committed and sincere, regarding working for Islam….characteristics I really admire in a person.
I’ve always looked up to my mum and have always wished to be like her. She’s the most patient, tolerant, forbearing person I know with an extremely pure and good heart. I think very highly of her.
Sheikh Tahir ul Qadri is my teacher and also my role model. He has given me knowledge and a focus and aim in life. The way he lives his life is superb example for others to follow.
please elaborate Garfield
WHO was ur role model(s) and WHAT were they like
btw is Garfield the cat ur role model?
I want to know who irfan and the omro consider their role models as well
i can see Salman Rushdie being the omro's role model-they share a lot in common
I had purposely avoided posting on this thread.
I feel I can’t say who my role model is without getting too personal and revealing too much about myself.
But if you really want to know, and you can bear me laying my soul open, and if you’ve got the time to read it, I’ll tell you. Lol.
go on then...unless you gona send personal pm's to those who wana know!
^^^ can only mean two things
1-ur role model is someone to be embarrsed of
2-ur role model is an imaginary person
serioulsy tho-there's no need to be so secrative no one knows any one here
we dont want names-only descriptions and details on influence they've had on ur life
best role model for the whole UNIVERSE - is Syedinna Muhammad (salalaahu alayhi wasalam) .. as Allah says "indeed in the messenger, is the best of character" "indeed in him
is the most beautiful code of life (role model)"
Keeping you informed - Making a difference
very true our Beloved Nabi Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon Him and His family) is the best role model for eveybody and for all times
but we can also look towards people who have already attained ishq-e-rasool (peace be upon Him and His family) and piety such as awlia-Allah (friends of Allah) and great scholars of Islam.
and for this reason after our Beloved Nabi (peace be upon Him and His family) my role model is my Qaid shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri because he is the most pious and humble person that i know, his knowledge is great and listening to his lectures/speeches leaves you thirsty for more knowledge and it is through his words that i have strengthened my Imaan and my love for our Beloved Nabi (peace be upon Him and His family)
Yeah Shaykh Tahir-ul-Qadri is amazin, i came to know of him 8 years ago but i would say last year was when i took real interest in his teachings, this was during the camp, Shaykh Tahir-ul-Qadri teaches you the beauty of Islam and like muslim kuri said is a very humble person, may Allah (swt) keep him and his family in the best of health..IMO i dont think there is anyone like Shaykh Tahir-ul-Qadri or can be...
yeh although i had known about him for a long time, the camp was the turning point for me to...subhanAllah it was amazing
definitely agree with ya sis!

Glasgow camp was the second time i sat in one of the lectures, first time was when i was 10 but dont consider that as i didnt listen to the lecture so Glasgow camp was defnitely when i was even more impressed by Dr Tahir-Ul-Qadri..
it was a real its soo much better when all sisters are together for the same purpose, to strengthen our bond with Allah Almighty and His Rasool (peace be upon Him and His family)
i loved the zikr was totally amazing and really effective!!!!
I missed that, one of the big disadvantages of being an organiser but it looked/sounded wow, i came in literally for 30 seconds but had to go back out as the lil brats we causin trouble!
lolzzzzzzzzz....i guess thats one of the many disadvantages of being the organisers
oh well atleast this year you'l be able to enjoy all of it without lil brats getting on your nerves!! InshAllah!!
lol yep, there shouldnt be many kids this yr, i dont mind them as long as their well behaved but i wouldnt take any of my nephs or nieces to the camp as they are nitemares and a handful!
girls do not get sidetracked
consider this ur first warning from the Forum Police
and irfan, Garfield, omro and Mr Admin please describe ur role models
past and present
why do you need role models? do you feel inadequate?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
very interesting Vain Mr Admin
believing in the importance of role models does not suggest inedequacy
I guess u consider urself, worthy enough to be a role model for OTHERS
No I don't consider myself worthy as a role model. It would be rather disturbung if anyone did so.
I can't see any hint of vanity in what I wrote.
So why do you need a role model?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
to follow/look up to/copy/aspire to be like
why do u think a person DONT need one?
Because everyone is different. Be yourself nbot someone else. Aspirations are what you want, not what someone else wants.
look upto someone means you respect them. that does not mean you should be like them.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Whenever I find a role-model I always discover some character flaw after years of looking up them and respecting them. The flaw is almost always related to marital ‘fidelity’. Don’t know why. But it is.
You know the way men walking along the street turn their heads back at a an attractive or scantily-dressed girl whose just walked passed and gawp at her backside, or when their driving along they take their attention completely off the road and watch her walk along the street for as long as possible before they discover that their heads can only turn around so far. That used to really get my goat. I would be really embarrassed if someone I was walking with or sitting in a car with did such a thing. And now I’ve seen so many people do it so many times, I do it myself (sometimes). I know I should lower my gaze and all that but sometimes it can’t be helped. I can see why people who aren’t married might give in to such temptations, but people who are married are bound by a ‘stricter’ set of rules. If I see any married man doing something like this, then any hope of me ever looking up to that person or modelling myself on that person goes out of the window. There have been several people who have lost my admiration this way.
In school when talking about great people we would hear about Mother Theresa, Gandhi and Martin Luther King being all good and worthy of praise. Maybe Mother Theresa and Gandhi were good people. I don’t know. I’ve hardly read anything about them. But I used to lookup to MLK and JFK (US president, got shot). MLK stood up for himself, never gave up, was never quick to resort to violence to get what he wanted. JFK was young, charismatic, led the world to the abyss and back (supposedly). I even did some report thing on JFK. As I started to read more serious books I discovered that both King and Kennedy were unfaithful to their wives, JFK esp. and then some. So that was them over with. Then Istopped reading America-centric and West-centric books.
For a while I was without a role model. And then I began to read more about Gamal Abdel Nasser, president of Egypt during the 50s and 60s. I tried to be purposely critical when reading about him. At first he was just another Arab ruler. But he had overthrown a corrupt and decadent king, he had faced down a Western invasion on his country. After that he was the popular leader of Arabs, Muslims and even the world’s poor. He was the alternative to the squabbling of the USSR and the US. Of course being a politician and being the leader of the most powerful Arab nation meant he had to make ruthless decisions. His ideology ultimately failed, and he was humiliated by Israel who had did all that was in its power to get shot of Nasser. But in his leadership Nasser did not work for personal wealth or for any puppet-masters. He did not give in to the regular cocktail parties and the loose women that other politicians of his day engaged in. He was a good man, a modest man, a family man – the kind of man I want to be. In some circles today Nasser is criticised for his ‘secular’ policies and his ruthless subjugation of the Muslim Brotherhood, but he was doing what any leader should do to protect the stability of his people and his nation.
For a while I saw Nelson Mandela as a role model too. But thinking about it, Mandela didn’t do much. Really. He may have freed his people, but he failed to get them to the promised land. His militancy and his political skill are all well and good but he failed to ensure that once South Africa was free it benefited its people. Today South Africa is worse-off than it was under apartheid.
As you have already worked out by now all these people – MLK, JFK, Nasser, Mandela – are all historical and political figures. The reason for this is that a soon as I began to read good I started reading history books. History and politics are what really started me reading and have kept alive my desire for more and more knowledge. Now that I’ve started to really think about what I’m going to do after university and where my life is heading, I’ve found wisdom and guidance in Malcolm X El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. Malcolm X at age 20 had managed to do many of the most immoral, decadent, and repulsive deeds that anyone could do. The ghettos of Harlem where he lived are comparable to the environments in which many British Muslims live today. The petty crimes and drug abuse he partook in are imitated by many young Muslims. I am glad to say that I have never done any of the things Malcolm X did in his youth. But what I find inspiration in is Malcolm X’s transformation from petty criminal to almost impeccable Muslim. He tried to improve and better not only himself but his whole community. I also find in him that I should not put too much trust into any man. He had to disavow a man he thought was a ‘prophet’ in order to practice real Islam. He stood up for what he believed, stood for his rights, his heritage, he put his life on the line. Not once, but twice his worldview was forced to change. Thankfully for him the last time he discovered the ‘truth’ it really was the truth. I always find myself constantly changing my opinions, views and attitudes. I find in Malcolm X that change is good – it will lead to the truth. I suppose he qualifies as a role-model even more because he wrote an autobiography in which he tells his story and shares his experiences and advice. (Mandela has an autobiography too, but like I said, he failed when it counted the most.)
What has remained constant during my curiosity about history and politics is my interest in learning more and more about Islam. It was in Islam that I found guidance about what I should do during every moment of every day. But where are Nasser and Malcolm X when I have to deal with everything from birth through life through death. Sure I can look to Nasser and Malcolm X when dealing with trials here and there, but I can do better than that. Just like I’ve found flaws in other people I once looked up to, I am certain to find flaws in Nasser and Malcolm X. There is someone who stands above all others, someone who has no flaws, someone who can help me and guide me through all life’s trials. There is one life story, one biography which can help me from birth though life through death. No matter what period of history I read about next, no matter which figure stands out, I will know that my role-model is Prophet Muhammed SAW.
Phew!! Feels good. Feels like a weights been lifted off my shoulders.
Maybe I’ve waited too long to bore someone with that story.
Seems true.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.