Published by Sajid Iqbal on 10 February, 2007 - 12:50
43% (6 votes)
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Total votes: 14
Submitted by Sajid Iqbal on 10 February, 2007 - 12:50 #1
So Abu Izaadeen is the latest guy to come out and say alot of violent, nasty things which glorify terrorim, promote suicide bombings, which praise 7/7, bin ladin, which agree with beheading muslims who join the army and so on....
he's the guy who spoke out in front of john reid with the usual anger and rage an dshowing himself up and proving muslims are just mad men who can shout and scream....
he was spokesman of al ghurabaa, ex al muhajiroun... now the right hand man of anjum chaudry, abu Uzair and his cronies.....
Muslims need to speak against the likes of abu izadeen.... this is not about unity.... but making it clear that these guys are crackpots, have nothing to do with 99% of Muslim here... they are the perfect advertisement for the BNP....
obviously some are gonna say : 'but they're muslims, we shud defend them, its media propoganda, blah blah blah... i say RUBBISH!!!!
defend people if they are right and speak out against the wrong/dodgy ones regardless of religion.
izadeen shud be kicked out or locked up and they should throw away the key.... like they have done with omar bakri, abu hamza... then it shud be anjum chaudry.... and at the same time it shud be nick griffin and all his racist and islmaphobic crackpots....
then may be we will have more chance of presenting Islam in a better and more positive way in the UK.
plus more mainstream Muslim need to be seen as representatives of Islam and Muslims in the UK.
I think, and im sure you do too that everyone is innocent until they are proven guilty, right? I know a fair bit about the legal case against abu hamza (and no, i have no association with him/his ideas), it wasnt necessarily what he said or didnt say, but the HUGE media witch-hunt against him from day one.. In the end, the prosecution resorted to even using ayats from the Qur'an and ahadith he quoted as evidence of his intolerance :?: :?: Point is; we need to be FAIR and JUST in everything that we do.. No matter who it is.. When Allah (swt) told Musa/Moses to go speak to Fir'aun/Pharoah, He said to speak to him a [i]gentle word [/i](surah Taha), despite the fact that Fir'aun/Pharoah had transgressed all bounds, even calling himself God AlMighty..
Media is a powerful tool, they can make white look black and the black look white.. Although we have a duty to speak out against what is wrong, we need to be careful so as to avoid any wrongful/unfair smearing/slandering against a person begun by the media - muslim or non-muslim.. It is a worrying sign if we begin confusing what the journalists tell us with what is in fact the truth.. Pinch of salt is good..
In any event, in general, most muslims i know DO speak out against the likes of trevor brooks/abu izzadeen, Anjem Choudary, Omar Bakri Mohammed, abu hamza, etc.. Fact is, this doesnt make good tv :roll:
Nothing is more better than a loud-mouth (like abu izzadeen/trevor brooks) who lacks a bit of ilm, 'aql and adab for the evening news..
(ps. i dont agree with the ideas held by the likes of abu izzadeen, et al. but you need to be fair and just in whatever you do!)
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
If you want us or anyone to judge him, you should actually provide us with what he allegedly said.
I am totally against this witchhunt where we 'remove' elements without proof.
One of the people recently arrested and then released as part of the latest 'terror attempt' said, britain is already ebcoming a police state for Muslims.
We do not need do gooders who just exacerbate the problem by jumping on bandwaggons.
Being an ex member of Al Ghurabaa is not enough of an indictment for me.
So, what did he say?
And why does he in your eyes need to be exiled from the UK? SHould anyone you disagree with be exiled from the uk?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Sajid Iqbal on 12 February, 2007 - 21:25 #4
Submitted by Imaani on 13 February, 2007 - 22:26 #5
Scary man indeed.
If that isn't inciting hatred then I don't know what is.
I agree that they only hinder the efforts of other Muslims, but I also wonder what makes them think the way they do and believe that if they are faced with any kind of opposition this will only make them more angry and determined. If found guilty, I would prefer him be locked up than kicked out to some other country.
Submitted by King-Omair on 14 February, 2007 - 10:50 #6
This man Should not be known as a muslim to us becoz of wot he says and wot he is .....
What do those clips say? why should he be expelled from the uk? I have not heard them, not planning on it either, but you must have some reason.
And to your highness, has he made any takfeeri comments? Has he said anything that puts him outside the fold of Islam? If not, please be careful.
It is not a good thing to start accusing people over things. sayign a person is not muslim is a MAJOR accusation. Implying one should nto be known as one is just as big.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
lol I like this guy - I checked out the Wikipedia entry, he apparently signed up for one of those online match sites advertising that he wanted three women so that he could have nine children.
Sounds like he's either an attention whore or the guy just cracked somewhere in the not so distant past.
Submitted by Sajid Iqbal on 14 February, 2007 - 21:28 #9
"Admin" wrote:
I will give the same courtesy as everyone else.
What do those clips say? why should he be expelled from the uk? I have not heard them, not planning on it either, but you must have some reason.
And to your highness, has he made any takfeeri comments? Has he said anything that puts him outside the fold of Islam? If not, please be careful.
It is not a good thing to start accusing people over things. sayign a person is not muslim is a MAJOR accusation. Implying one should nto be known as one is just as big.
watch /read/listen to attached links.... if ur too lazy to do that then you shudnt comment
as answers to your questions are all there?
But the point is I should not have to go there and check to be useful to this discussion. A quote or two wopuld help.
I have no idea who he is, what his views are and I want to comment. But I am extremely lazy.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
They Vote To Send Us To War Instantly.....But None Of Their Kids Serve In The Infantry...
Submitted by *DUST* on 18 February, 2007 - 04:01 #12
"Admin" wrote:
The vids have now been removed frm youtube.
is it just me or has youtube got boring since google bought it?
From when I have encountered it my opinion has been low quality low res footage.
Unless something good is linked to, it is just boring.
But it may just be that I am getting too old for these new fandangled gizmos and stuff.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by *DUST* on 18 February, 2007 - 22:52 #14
ok not so much boring, but annoying is what i think i meant. loadsa stuff has been taken off for copyright infringement and other reasons. there were like 10 clips of richard hammond's crash as shown on top gear's first episode of the current series, and they had all been taken off basically coz BBC demanded it. previously this wouldn't have happened, they used to have whole movies on there before! :shock:
Submitted by MuslimBro on 20 February, 2007 - 23:04 #15
Now that google owns youtube, everyone seems to be looking for ways to sue google for copyright infringements as they have lots of money, so to prevent getting sued google has to keep removing videos.
So Abu Izaadeen is the latest guy to come out and say alot of violent, nasty things which glorify terrorim, promote suicide bombings, which praise 7/7, bin ladin, which agree with beheading muslims who join the army and so on....
he's the guy who spoke out in front of john reid with the usual anger and rage an dshowing himself up and proving muslims are just mad men who can shout and scream....
he was spokesman of al ghurabaa, ex al muhajiroun... now the right hand man of anjum chaudry, abu Uzair and his cronies.....
Muslims need to speak against the likes of abu izadeen.... this is not about unity.... but making it clear that these guys are crackpots, have nothing to do with 99% of Muslim here... they are the perfect advertisement for the BNP....
obviously some are gonna say : 'but they're muslims, we shud defend them, its media propoganda, blah blah blah... i say RUBBISH!!!!
defend people if they are right and speak out against the wrong/dodgy ones regardless of religion.
izadeen shud be kicked out or locked up and they should throw away the key.... like they have done with omar bakri, abu hamza... then it shud be anjum chaudry.... and at the same time it shud be nick griffin and all his racist and islmaphobic crackpots....
then may be we will have more chance of presenting Islam in a better and more positive way in the UK.
plus more mainstream Muslim need to be seen as representatives of Islam and Muslims in the UK.
see this for further details:
BBc interview with izadeen:
other stuff:,,1707577,00.html
Assalamu alaykum
I think, and im sure you do too
that everyone is innocent until they are proven guilty, right?
I know a fair bit about the legal case against abu hamza (and no, i have no association with him/his ideas), it wasnt necessarily what he said or didnt say, but the HUGE media witch-hunt against him from day one.. In the end, the prosecution resorted to even using ayats from the Qur'an and ahadith he quoted as evidence of his intolerance :?: :?: Point is; we need to be FAIR and JUST in everything that we do.. No matter who it is.. When Allah (swt) told Musa/Moses to go speak to Fir'aun/Pharoah, He said to speak to him a [i]gentle word [/i](surah Taha), despite the fact that Fir'aun/Pharoah had transgressed all bounds, even calling himself God AlMighty..
Media is a powerful tool, they can make white look black and the black look white.. Although we have a duty to speak out against what is wrong, we need to be careful so as to avoid any wrongful/unfair smearing/slandering against a person begun by the media - muslim or non-muslim.. It is a worrying sign if we begin confusing what the journalists tell us with what is in fact the truth.. Pinch of salt is good..
In any event, in general, most muslims i know DO speak out against the likes of trevor brooks/abu izzadeen, Anjem Choudary, Omar Bakri Mohammed, abu hamza, etc.. Fact is, this doesnt make good tv :roll:
Nothing is more better than a loud-mouth (like abu izzadeen/trevor brooks) who lacks a bit of ilm, 'aql and adab for the evening news..
(ps. i dont agree with the ideas held by the likes of abu izzadeen, et al. but you need to be fair and just in whatever you do!)
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
What exactly did he say?
If you want us or anyone to judge him, you should actually provide us with what he allegedly said.
I am totally against this witchhunt where we 'remove' elements without proof.
One of the people recently arrested and then released as part of the latest 'terror attempt' said, britain is already ebcoming a police state for Muslims.
We do not need do gooders who just exacerbate the problem by jumping on bandwaggons.
Being an ex member of Al Ghurabaa is not enough of an indictment for me.
So, what did he say?
And why does he in your eyes need to be exiled from the UK? SHould anyone you disagree with be exiled from the uk?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
more of abu izzadeens sickening comments:
and this:
another nutter who continues to embarass Muslims every time he opens his mouth:
Scary man indeed.
If that isn't inciting hatred then I don't know what is.
I agree that they only hinder the efforts of other Muslims, but I also wonder what makes them think the way they do and believe that if they are faced with any kind of opposition this will only make them more angry and determined. If found guilty, I would prefer him be locked up than kicked out to some other country.
This man Should not be known as a muslim to us becoz of wot he says and wot he is .....
I will give the same courtesy as everyone else.
What do those clips say? why should he be expelled from the uk? I have not heard them, not planning on it either, but you must have some reason.
And to your highness, has he made any takfeeri comments? Has he said anything that puts him outside the fold of Islam? If not, please be careful.
It is not a good thing to start accusing people over things. sayign a person is not muslim is a MAJOR accusation. Implying one should nto be known as one is just as big.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
lol I like this guy - I checked out the Wikipedia entry, he apparently signed up for one of those online match sites advertising that he wanted three women so that he could have nine children.
Sounds like he's either an attention whore or the guy just cracked somewhere in the not so distant past.
watch /read/listen to attached links.... if ur too lazy to do that then you shudnt comment
as answers to your questions are all there?
The vids have now been removed frm youtube.
I win.
But the point is I should not have to go there and check to be useful to this discussion. A quote or two wopuld help.
I have no idea who he is, what his views are and I want to comment. But I am extremely lazy.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
geeza is a thug...
i seen him at speakers corner a few times...
always angry...
prime enemy for the talk radio fans...
and the BNP.......
They Vote To Send Us To War Instantly.....But None Of Their Kids Serve In The Infantry...
Was it ever interesting?
From when I have encountered it my opinion has been low quality low res footage.
Unless something good is linked to, it is just boring.
But it may just be that I am getting too old for these new fandangled gizmos and stuff.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
ok not so much boring, but annoying is what i think i meant. loadsa stuff has been taken off for copyright infringement and other reasons. there were like 10 clips of richard hammond's crash as shown on top gear's first episode of the current series, and they had all been taken off basically coz BBC demanded it. previously this wouldn't have happened, they used to have whole movies on there before! :shock:
Now that google owns youtube, everyone seems to be looking for ways to sue google for copyright infringements as they have lots of money, so to prevent getting sued google has to keep removing videos.