Will you be my valentine:-)


Valentine Day is approaching....

so do people take part or not?

do you see it as haram and evil?

or do you thinks its of no harm?

Should married couples take part?

isn't it good for married couples to use this day as an excuse to be nicer and closer to each other?

Is it just a waste of time....

have your say...


Well Ed that depends,

are you asking because your generally if a typically concerned about the young impressionable very stupid kids out there....


you just haven't decided if should get your wife something???

Back in BLACK

I don't think there is anything wrong with enjoying valentines day (for married couples!). I've sort of hinted to my hubby how convinient it is to order flowers over the net!!!

live and let live!!!!!!!

i have issues with valentines day with regards to single muslims. If we as married muslims say it's ok to celebrate it how can we turn around and tell our unmarried children they can't. kids are quick to notice hypocrisy. If they turn around and go on a date or buy a valentines card for someone they have a crush on nothing you can say or do is there?

i wouldn't say its evil but yes there are things which i think are sinful about it such as encouraging relationships outside marriage, encouraging youth to have a partner at least for that night, if they don't they're "losers". Things like that.

its another commercial venture if ur game for this get ready for saint patricks day and easter. u can always send me a choc easter egg i wouldn't be against that lol.

having said that im a hypocrite i cant resist food like choc, biscuits etc with romantic messages on them. bought hubby a cookie in the shape of a heart last yr whilst shopping. He didnt even see me put it in the cart..i'm so sly. It tasted good too..hey half was meant to be for me anyways, it tastes better when u share stuff. I like the stuff thornton does if hubby doesnt get me a choc from there with a message ill buy one for myself looool.

This Valentines Day is going to be spectacular, we are going to Mexico for our girls' baptisms then onward to Disney World for a week or so. Hows that for a family eh? I'm doing okay I think! I'm taking my wife and kids to Disney World, that's like the all-American thing to do.

Damn I'm good.

I should write a book on how it's done.

so u muslims girls and guys ever been given valentines cards before marriage i mean, did u find out who gave u it. u been asked out, howd u deal with it tactfully or not?

ed ur wifes cards dont count ok..lol

i remember making valentines card in primary school for my mum, they made us do it lol. i think that was sweet. i wasnt bright enuff to ask my mum what valentines day was for but other kids are lol.

"yashmaki" wrote:
so u muslims girls and guys ever been given valentines cards before marriage i mean, did u find out who gave u it. u been asked out, howd u deal with it tactfully or not?

yes to the first part and not very well to the second.

Back in BLACK

My valentines experience turned into a case obsession.. i gave the flowers to my manager she thght i was sweet, not that i bought them Wink

"yashmaki" wrote:
My valentines experience turned into a case obsession.. i gave the flowers to my manager she thght i was sweet, not that i bought them Wink

funny i never took you for the stalker type

Back in BLACK

"yashmaki" wrote:
If we as married muslims say it's ok to celebrate it how can we turn around and tell our unmarried children they can't.

Bcoz you're married :roll:

If you're married then you're allowed to be romantic/intimate with your partner but if you're not married you're not allowed, as simple as that. Just bcoz married couples are allowed to do something doesn't mean children should be allowed aswell. If you can wait until you're married why can't "unmarried children" do that aswell.

I don't think couples should be romantic/kind on just valentines. Instead of being nice on that day, can't they just do that the whole year round. That doesn't include giving presents every week as it would be expensive lol but just being nice and considerate, buying flowers/chocolates and doing whatever the other partner likes.

it's ok for married couples to take part, altho as Muslim bro has said they should be nice to each other everyday not only on that certain day,

as for me i will be giving certain girles of mine a little something to mark the occassion .

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

from where the hell this day come from? I mean hello, muslims awake up a little. For a muslim couple everyday is Valentine. Why waste money on cards when you can give that money to some poor people who don't have food to survive. Think about those hungry muslim brothers and sisters.

Stop celebrating kafirs' day, Muslims have only two days to celebrate and those are Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha

"momin" wrote:
from where the hell this day come from? I mean hello, muslims awake up a little. For a muslim couple everyday is Valentine. Why waste money on cards when you can give that money to some poor people who don't have food to survive. Think about those hungry muslim brothers and sisters.

Stop celebrating kafirs' day, Muslims have only two days to celebrate and those are Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha

ooops.... your post reminds me of a few ppl Smile
muslims dont have just two days to celebrate....
2 eids, mawlid, every jumma, your birthday etc...
celebrating something which makes it obvious you are following a religion other than Islam is what is wrong and is called 'tashabbuh'... imitating the non Muslims. eg wearing a christian cross, a hindu dot on your forehead, a sikh turban, a jewish skull cap etc.... especially where kufr or shirk takes place.

so the idea of celebrating 'kafir's day'...is a bit OTT and not exactly correct.

It is Makrooh (disliked) to participate in festivals where there is no benefit to an individual and money is wasted.

It is permissible for a person to take part in an event which does not entail Haram activities and enables unity and love amongst each other.

Valentines for single people is clearly haram as it will be promoting and participating in zina. but for married people it is an excuse to be more nicer, romantic and spend quality time. its probably the only time husband will ever get flowers for her wife:-)
and all this can be done not for the sake of valentines day but for each other... just like xmas is an excuse to build bridges with Christians and take part in inter faith dialogues etc... valentines can be an excuse for husband and wife to make their relationship stronger.


cheeky seraphim i never stalked no one loooooooool

mm Ed are there any scholars u follow or do you prefer to use ur own judgement, just interested not a criticism as such. I ask coz according to sunnipath which in my mind is quite liberal in its rulings states it wouldn't encourage married folks to exchange gifts on this day because of the reprehensible connotations linked with the festival. I agree with him. Even tho we may have good intentions the association isn't good is it?

"momin" wrote:
from where the hell this day come from? I mean hello, muslims awake up a little. For a muslim couple everyday is Valentine.

Isn't that what I was saying....

"MuslimBro" wrote:
I don't think couples should be romantic/kind on just valentines. Instead of being nice on that day, can't they just do that the whole year round.

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
ooops.... your post reminds me of a few ppl Smile
and who are they?

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
muslims dont have just two days to celebrate....
2 eids, mawlid, every jumma, your birthday
if you want to go for general convention thing then for a momin everyday is celebration day for him because Allah Ta'ala gives him another chance to please Allah and repent for his sins. Jumma'h is indeed is one of those days. Mawlid, hmmm...... it's all thanks to Rada Khan and his company who introduced it in late 1880s. How about you prove it with authentic sources that Shaba and the other great Imaams of Islam celebrated mawlid?? Celebrating birthdays, i wouldn't ask you if it's allowed in Islam or not but i want to know how would you celebrate your birthday? Till what extent its allowed?

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
Valentines for single people is clearly haram as it will be promoting and participating in zina. but for married people it is an excuse to be more nicer, romantic and spend quality time. its probably the only time husband will ever get flowers for her wife:-)
and all this can be done not for the sake of valentines day but for each other... just like xmas is an excuse to build bridges with Christians and take part in inter faith dialogues etc... valentines can be an excuse for husband and wife to make their relationship stronger.
and i thought i made myself clear on this that for a momin couple everyday is valentine!! Our modern era muslims always come up with excuses and that's why i want to know did Prophet(SAW) or any of the sahab who were married celebrated this day? There were the greatest people ever and loved their wives more than anyone else!! If they didn't do it then why should we, low class muslims?

"momin" wrote:
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
ooops.... your post reminds me of a few ppl Smile
and who are they?

if you want to go for general convention thing then for a momin everyday is celebration day for him because Allah Ta'ala gives him another chance to please Allah and repent for his sins. Jumma'h is indeed is one of those days. Mawlid, hmmm...... it's all thanks to Rada Khan and his company who introduced it in late 1880s. How about you prove it with authentic sources that Shaba and the other great Imaams of Islam celebrated mawlid?? Celebrating birthdays, i wouldn't ask you if it's allowed in Islam or not but i want to know how would you celebrate your birthday? Till what extent its allowed?

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
Valentines for single people is clearly haram as it will be promoting and participating in zina. but for married people it is an excuse to be more nicer, romantic and spend quality time. its probably the only time husband will ever get flowers for her wife:-)
and all this can be done not for the sake of valentines day but for each other... just like xmas is an excuse to build bridges with Christians and take part in inter faith dialogues etc... valentines can be an excuse for husband and wife to make their relationship stronger.
and i thought i made myself clear on this that for a momin couple everyday is valentine!! Our modern era muslims always come up with excuses and that's why i want to know did Prophet(SAW) or any of the sahab who were married celebrated this day? There were the greatest people ever and loved their wives more than anyone else!! If they didn't do it then why should we, low class muslims?

celebrating mawlid has got nothing to do with rada khan....
classical scholars from the last 1000 years have celebrated it and gave their rulings as permissible...
you need to do research on this...
did the prophet or sahaba celebrate valentines:-) you serious.... lol.... if you are then we shouldnt be having this discussion...

you need to do research on what bid'ah is, what categories they are and what the ulema have said regarding them.... because without this info no discussion can take place...

back to valentines...
ur argument: dont celebrate it as its not from islamic history
io would say fair enough.... but is it haram...bidah...if so what type...
etc u need to be clear on the ruling....
which at the moment you arent...


have u found any scholars that say its ok to celebrate valentines day coz ive not ed, id be quite surprised if there were any.

i agree the mawlid is a different issue although u know i dont celebrate it either.

but each to their own u can't force ur views and values on others, so if ed or any other muslims wana celebrate it nowt we can do. they know the pros and cons and the origins up to them to decide isn't it? ill leave it at that.

one thing i dont agree with is this everydy is valentines day for muslims lol. Actually most muslim men like men in general forget all about pampering their wives or buying special gifts as a surprise. Not all of course there are the one or two gems about who bring shame on the rest of the male species, like my dear husband lol, and by the sounds of it Dave.

Perhaps if muslim men paid more attention to this they nor their wives would feel a need to celebrate valentines day. If i get gifts all thruout the year not necessarily material ones, then why would i care for one day of the year, it would go unnoticed.

Why do I get the feeling that you're trying to say that men should only buy gifts for their partner and pay more attention to them, women should do it too.

Men expect more from their wife than just cooking and cleaning :twisted:

"MuslimBro" wrote:
Men expect more from their wife than just cooking and cleaning :twisted:

... we need the ironing to be done too!

"ßeast" wrote:
"MuslimBro" wrote:
Men expect more from their wife than just cooking and cleaning :twisted:

... we need the ironing to be done too!


Back in BLACK

Lol! It's all about give and take though.

It's when you expect it, that we develop the attitude. If you ask nicely and/or actually appreciate it, then it's all good.

About Valentines Day, I think it's sweet if someone was to recognise the day, not go over the top and actually anticipate it but just recognise that in this country it is a big thing. I think it would be a bit weird if a married couple were to pretend and not aknowledge Valentines Day just coz it's a day the kafir celebrate. What, do you refrain from compliments just coz on this day it's associated with the kafir? You don't have to wish your husband/wife 'Happy Valentines Day', but you can still take the positive aspect from it, without buying into the whole thing, ie use it as an excuse to show affection to each other, and that's definitely a good thing - amongst most of our people this is so rare and almost taboo. Now that I really don't get. And I doubt any girl would disapprove of any effort made by her husband on Valentines Day.

I think valentines day is brilliant if used in the correct manner. It can be a way of a husband/wife expressing how much they love each other and not taking each other for granted and working further with this and being nice to each other every day.

It's just nice even if a guy comes home and tells his wife how much he loves her etc and nicking flowers from the garden is a brilliant idea Blum 3

I aint ever received a valentine card/gift

"Angel" wrote:

I aint ever received a valentine card/gift

Dont worry about it you're not missing anything... its a highly over-rated experience

Back in BLACK

some wives might feel left out if all their mates got summin on V day and they didnt

and its not nice to hurt someones feeling

thats why huby's must spend on their wives on V day

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
some wives might feel left out if all their mates got summin on V day and they didnt

and its not nice to hurt someones feeling

thats why huby's must spend on their wives on V day

oh no.... if u buy them something your setting a precedent and then next yr your gonna have to top it and the year after that and the year after that... best not to try. :twisted:

Back in BLACK

this aint sumin that is set in stone

no one had to do anything if they dont want to do it

but common sense dicates that-if u want UR life to be happy and stress free

make sure ur keep ur partner sweet

and that aint just sumin that is exclusive to V day

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:

celebrating mawlid has got nothing to do with rada khan....
classical scholars from the last 1000 years have celebrated it and gave their rulings as permissible...
you need to do research on this...
ok, how about some proof for your claim. And why 1000 years back why not 1400 years back huh?

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
did the prophet or sahaba celebrate valentines:-) you serious.... lol.... if you are then we shouldnt be having this discussion...
i didn't find it funny, did someone else? What's wrong with that, after all Prophet(SAW) said that the one who is like me and my sahaba will be the only person who will go the jannah. If they didn't do that then who are you and someone else to say that it's ok to celebrate.

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
you need to do research on what bid'ah is, what categories they are and what the ulema have said regarding them.... because without this info no discussion can take place...

back to valentines...
ur argument: dont celebrate it as its not from islamic history
io would say fair enough.... but is it haram...bidah...if so what type...
etc u need to be clear on the ruling....
which at the moment you arent...

Subhaanh Allah, and alhamdulillah, so you've accepted that Valentine isn't muslim celebration day or part of Islamic history. So from this we can conclude that it's day which kafir people celebrate. I don't have to put it in some sort of bida'h. This hadith is enough for you, Prophet(SAW) said that whoever imitate kafirs [b]he is one of them[/b][u]. In conclusion, Valentine can never be found in Islamic history as a celebration day thus it's a kafir's celebration day and whoever does celebrate this day is one of them!!![/u]

So who ever celebrate's valentines is a kafir, wow....I wonder why all these Muslims who think it's nice to give presents to hubby/wifey on valentines been thinking they are Muslims. Absolutely shocking! :shock:
