Britain - Home Sweet Home?

Yup, i'm a Brit and proud of it!
8% (1 vote)
Yup, i'm a Brit and proud of it!
8% (1 vote)
No way, can't wait to get out of this place!
0% (0 votes)
No way, can't wait to get out of this place!
0% (0 votes)
Used to love it, but it's getting scarier by the day...
42% (5 votes)
Used to love it, but it's getting scarier by the day...
42% (5 votes)
Total votes: 12

Salaam people,

Couple of recent events instigated an interesting conversation at dinner today:

- The story behind the raids in b'ham. If it turns out to be true its pretty scary, especially considering a family member applied for a job in the army.

- My friend's fiance got detained for 14 hours in heathrow and then sent straight back to canada, they also banned him from travelling to the UK for the next two years. his crime seems to be 'travelling a suspiciously frequent amount of times to and from the UK'. the guy just got engaged a month ago, he's clearly lovesick for pete's sake! :roll: Now they're gonna have to cancel all the preps for a wedding in the UK, and get married in Dubai instead.

So my parents had a new question for us at the dining table today: would myself or my siblings ever consider leaving Britain for good? will it get so bad that we [b]have[/b] to leave? My parent's fave place is Sharjah, it has a vibrant Islamic culture plus all the luxuries of a 'Western' lifestyle. i don't think my bro's would mind so much, but for some reason i can't quite imagine leaving England, let alone the UK. i love travelling, but not LIVING in a whole new place.

what do you guys think?

are you a patriotic Brit? or not so much 'patriotic', but just not as accepting of change? or are you looking forward to moving some place else?

will it ever get SO bad that we have no other choice but to leave?


Couple of years ago when I was a lot more zealous and a LOT more naïve, I really, really wanted to live in an Islamic country and just study/work for Islam….now I’m not sure if I ever want to leave this country.

My sister is in Pakistan at the moment…and she’s hating it, she can’t stand the backwards mentality, sexist culture, being double faced, corruption, bribery, snobbery and so forth….And that’s from the “modern community”.

It’s very difficult to uproot yourself from the place that you were born and brought up…especially if your friends and family are here…but having said that, I know of people who HAVE left this country, got married and started a new life in Dubai and they’re very happy.

I suppose it differs in every situation. I’d like to spend some time abroad…but not indefinitely.

I was listening to a talk by Imam Zaid Shakir the other day. He said how some Muslims left New York after 9/11 thinking that the politcal, social and security situation was getting too bad. They went to Canada. But even in sleepy plain old Canada they couldn't get away from the things that made them leave America. Muslims are "extremists" who "plot terror" and get arrested and totured in Canada too.

Point being: the grass is not always greener on the side. I voted 'Used to love it, but it's getting scarier by the day...' However, I don't think we should run away from our problems.

The sense of helplessness and despair comes and goes. But the sense of appreciation and contentment for this country also comes and goes. It's just a matter of waiting to see which one wins out.

But then, what's the worst that can happen? Everything that happens, whether good or bad, is from Allah (swt). And all that is from Allah (swt) is ultimately good.

Cast down your bucket where you are...

its ironic in the media u hear so many british muslims saying they don't feel like they're british feel more pakistani, bengali or whatever. i don;'t understand this how can they feel more in tune with their cultural roots when most of them haven't even seen their native homelands?

Also many always come out with the negative aspects about the uk never anything positive. if it really were that bad why do so many choose to get married here and settle down here? or if they get married back home they bring their wives here rather than living over there? I think they're in denial or something. There are many good things about this country, not everything is bad.

Granted things aren't great for muslims at the moment but like Beast said it's a test from God. What makes us think we won't be tested if we lived in a muslim country?

Despite the hatred against muslims i still see britain as my home. i was born and raised here. I've never really been abroad apart from 2 weeks exchange trip to America so i don't know if i could leave britain for good. never say never. I have always wanted to settle in Malaysia or Canada. |t one point i wanted to settle in an arab country but i think ive prefer a long term visit rather than permanent stay, because i know asians are treated as inferior by many arabs. Why would i want to be subjected to that sort of treatment?

I too can't think of leaving UK however coz I have lived here all my life and enjoy the luxuries and the normal rountine,even got used to the weather. Having said that, had I NEED to move then I would get used to it but I wouldnt move to a hot country.

Just depends let's see what is in store for the future

Frankly as long as you don't want to blow anything up or institute some kind of religious theocracy I don't think it's incumbant upon anybody to be Patriotic.

The British do things differently though. Like driving on the other side of the street, insisting on Chocolate Chip Cookies coming from "Maryland," and marching like sissies.

Now given if you hate Britain so much that you have to lament your existance in "kuffarland" incessantly, than you are an annoying SOB and nobody will like you.

But hey, maybe you can find company with the anime geeks, obsessed military whackjobs, wiggers (chavs on your side of the pond), and depressed Goth teens, nobody likes them because they talk too much also.

"Ø" wrote:
Frankly as long as you don't want to blow anything up or institute some kind of religious theocracy I don't think it's incumbant upon anybody to be Patriotic.

The British to things differently though. Like driving on the other side of the street, insisting on Chocolate Chip Cookies coming from "Maryland," and marching like sissies.

Now given if you hate Britain so much that you have to lament your existance in "kuffarland" incessantly, than you are an annoying SOB and nobody will like you.

But hey, maybe you can find company with the anime geeks, obsessed military whackjobs, wiggers (chavs on your side of the pond), and depressed Goth teens, nobody likes them because they talk too much also.

I couldnt have said it better ... even with a thesaurus

Back in BLACK

ive been away from my beloved country for two weeks

it was living hell

i missed EVERYTHING about this country

the abscence of backwards culture

the CLEAN food

the CLEAN streets

the way everyone is treated with respect-the dustbin men and the doctors

the loverly polite ENGLISH old ladies u meet on the bus

the way give way to the right actually means something on the roads

the way u dont have to pay anyone anything extra to get u ahead in lines

the way everything is a FIXED rate in shops-no special allowances are made if ur a richer person

being away from home just made me realise that i can NEVER EVER EVER live any where other then england