whats your understanding of shariah law?
a political system or rules and regulations to live your every day life?
so who would prefer to live under shariah law rather than non islamic law?
who agrees with implementing shariah law in the UK like the al muhajiroun /anjum choudry gang?
why are non Muslims scared of shariah law?
is it due to the punishment system? dress code? its too strict?
does shariah law remind you of the taliban, burkas, executions, chaos, rigid islam?
what are the rights of non Muslims under shariah law? any?
what are benefits of living under shariah law as compared to non shariah law countries?
do you get freedom of opinion, expression, religion et cunder sharia law?
has anyone lived under shariah law?
pls share your views?
Shariah Law as far I know treats everyone equal regardless of how rich one is or how poor, gives fair treatment to those of different colour, faith etc.
I would like to live in a country which has Shariah implemented in it because it's what Allah (swt) has commanded and it would take you back to the time of the Prophet (saw). However at present there is no country which abides by Shariah Law in the correct manner.
In regards to implementing it here in UK, I don't think so, we are a minority as long as we are able to live in UK without compromising our faith then we are fine here. The majority are non-Muslims so it doesnt even seem realistic!
Shariah law does not treat everyone as equal.
Equality is not an islamic concept. Fairness is. Properly implemented, it would treat everyone fairly.
big difference
oh, and there is no such thing as 'Shariah Law'.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
admins had too much Red Bull
made me laugh.
Glad to be of service.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
you know according to the Quran those who rule by a law other than what Allah has set forth in the Quran "believing" it is "superior" to the rules Allah has given us to live by become sinful and in some cases disbelievers. If for example we think the man made laws of democracy are better than what Allah has told us to live by then what do you think that makes us :? I wont go around saying ppl are disbelievers but i would certainly question my sense of faith if i ever felt that way.
So on that note i believe it's a part of my faith when i accepted the shahadah that i accepted my faith in it's entirety even that which i find hard to swallow. So yes i believe its the best system because its a set of rules that Allah the almighty has given us to live by not mr blair, not mr bush.
However i am wary and even scared of living under muslim leaders who are claiming to implement "shariah law" but are actually abusing their power, oppressing and torturing ppl. There are no muslim states just muslim countries where they are partially implemented sometimes with disastrous effects.
I duno if there ever will be a leader who will fairly implement shariah law...
BRitian is not the place for shariah law, it's a Christian country no matter what certain wackos might say. I don't think we should be trying to apply shariah law here or impose it on others.
If we look back to how our prophet
applied shariah law there was freedom to express your feelings and opinions. However there were limits you couldn't blashpeme the religion as you can in the UK or USA for example regarding any faith. I think that's the problem with these countries in their bid to implement freedom of speech they have lost a sense of certain morals and boundaries. im not saying its an utterly immoral society coz muslim countries have their vices too, but there seem to be no limits set on what u can do and say. Apparently its the beauty of this country u can abuse and offend ppl. i don't see that as a shining asset of this country nor something to be proud of. There needs to be limits, that's my personal opinion anyway.
Ironically those countries which are "supposedly" applying shariah law silence public opinion, they will even resort to torturing ppl who speak up against the government. This isn't shariah law in my mind just some dictator using Islam to justify his evil intentions.
That's one of the reasons non muslims have a bad perception of shariah law they see how it is implemented in muslim countries and think omg these ppl are barbaric they don't allow freedom of speech, they torture anyone who speaks against them, they oppress their women etc etc.
The other reason is our religion is viewed as far too draconian, and impossible to live up to. Laws on homosexuality, polygamy, and the death penatly are seen as barbaric. There is definately an element of fear.
P.S i agree with admin shariah law is not about "equality". Gender differences are clearly outlined there are different rules for men and women coz they have inherently different traits this is celebrated and embraced rather than seen as a negative thing as it often is by non muslims hence they say women are oppressed for example. Shariah law is more about "equity".