Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani has referred to those who KNOW yet do not apply their knowledge no better then donkeys carrying heavy books.
The Holy Qur’an in reference to the Torah likened those who possessed the divine commandments yet did not understand or apply their knowledge as donkeys.
Don't we act like donkeys? We carry so much knowledge on our backs, but don't understand it.
And what exactly does it mean to be a donkey?
Are those people who spend their lives memorising of the Qur’an in a parrot like fashion without understanding it Donkeys?
Does purposely missing your salaah make you a donkey?
Does knowing that the beard is Fard/wajib yet failing to keep one make you a donkey?
Does knowing that the Hijaab is a divine commandment from God and failing to wear one make one a she-donkey?
Is the one who does not practise what he/she preaches a donkey?
It’s interesting to note that man is considered more superior then an animal because man has been blessed with the ability to think and reason. Therefore by comparing a man to an animal shows that those who KNOW and yet don't act upon their knowledge are no better then a low life animal....
Wouldnt it be correct to say that we're donkeys? And what exactly does it mean to be a donkey?
Share your thoughts.
we are ALL donkeys-
except for the omro of course-
he's a mouse
Shame have to agree with those above statments but its true most of us have become like that, if one has knowledge they should share it with everyone but we are all to stuck in this world to realise that we are bein sucked in2 this world..
IMO not acting on the knowldge u have makes a person the BIGGEST donkey in the world
I dont think thats what it means.
Theres a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. IMO knowledge is not sufficient on its own, you also require faith in that knowledge. You must believe it beyond doubt inorder to apply.
Those who dont apply must have some doubt remaining and no matter how much knowledge they aquire it will never be enough until they believe fully in their hearts.
Back in BLACK
those who KNOW and yet dont apply their knowledge does=not pracsting what u preach
and also means not acting on the knowldege u know
it got nothing to do with doubt
I understand its meaning thank you.
What i was saying was you can not preach something if you dont believe in it(or you shouldnt Preach if you dont believe in it) and inorder for you to believe you must have removed any doubts you had.
So to summerise people who dont apply must therefore have doubts... even if they're small.
Back in BLACK
which dumbo would preach sumin if they didnt believe in it?
and if they did this would make them a dumbo not a donkey
Aint these people known as hypocrites, preaching somethin they dont believe in but just doin it to make others think somethin else of them..
Yes ur right!
good one angel
Hypocrites (also refered to here as 'Donkeys') preach something that they dont believe in. They dont believe because they have doubts.
I rest my case.
Back in BLACK
STOP gettin ur terms mixed up :evil:
hyporite=someone who preaches sumin that he/she dont believes in or only worships so that others big him up
Donkey= someone who dont APPLY the knowldge he/she has
and Dumbo=someone who gets the above terms mixed up
yeh thats correct, they dont actually believe in it, its not doubt thats causin this but lookin good in others eyes and that is who the Holy Prophet
has warned the ummah of, those who pretend to follow Islam and look as though they are following Islam but in actual fact in their hearts doin the opposite!
Okay firstly its 'Hypocrit' not hyporite.
Secondly we're using the word 'Donkey' as a metaphor to describe people who have knowledge but dont apply it.
By saying that we're also assuming that they obviously dont believe in the knowledge they preaching because as you so kindly pointed out they're only doing it so that others with big him up.
So therefore by my logic that makes them hypocrites doesn't it?
Back in BLACK
look Grafield there are some things I DONT do in Islam even though I knowI should
not cos I doubt that I should do it-but cos I'm a bad Muslim
this makes me a donkey NOT a hypocrite
ok i know readin fajars namaz is farz on me, i dont deny that but i do get lazy occasionally and dont get up for it, does that make me a hypocrite? I know i should read it and i belive in prayin to Allah (swt)..
thats clear enough
Soo what your saying is we should invent a third term known as a 'Bad Muslim' to avoid being classed in the other terms?
Back in BLACK
Bad Muslim AKA Donkey
Garfield did u eat ur weetabx this morning? how come the girls can understand this easy peasy concept and u cant?
being a bad Muslim is when you know something is wrong but you still do it or you know you should be doing something but you a bad Muslim is the same as a donkey!
It just seems like an excuse.
Back in BLACK
acknowledging that if you are a bad Muslim then you might aswell be a donkey is not an a big WAKE UP CALL!
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Back in BLACK
So seraph what makes someone a hypocrite?
il check what your answer is later as i have a drivin lesson in a bit, i hate learnin to drive!!!!!!
Hypocrite: a person who pretends to be more vituous than he or she really is. Pretending to be something your not. Preaching one thing and acting in another.
Back in BLACK
No. You are not a donkey. You're just an ass. A furry one.
Donkeys are those who are incapable of seeing the Truth right in front of them.
They have problem distinguishing between things.
They may have much academic learning but they lack understanding of deeper spiritual matters.
They have no intellect. God says they are worse than cattle.
And we know there are so many stupid people on God's good Earth.
And Muslim Sister. Do you realise that you becomming angrier by the day.
Calm it now. Its not nice, and its no good.
You're questions will, no doubt, hurt a lot of people.
By the way, You are higher than an Angel. You are ceertainly not a donkey. Neither is Seraph, Morpheous, Mediya, Latifa and Asiya. Good people.
Its an honour to for a low-life like me to come to this forum.
I'm sorry, I didnt think.
By the way, I dont think I'm getting angrier by the day? Moodier maybe more so these days, but certainly not angrier.
I think that hypocrits are the worst.
"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim
yeah they are the worst
but Donkeys are pretty bad as well
I know
"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim