Muslims already form 8% of the prison population. 73,000 recorded prisoners in 2003 means there are now at least 5840 Muslims in prison and it’s rising . Over 65% of these prisoners are young men between the ages of eighteen and thirty.This huge figure does not include youngsters under the age of 18 who are in custodial care. Over 1000 of the 5840 Muslim inmates have committed crimes relating to drug use or drug pushing. So one in five of British Muslim Prisoners have been convicted for drug related offences) And these are figures of only those that have been caught!
The Revival Magazine, Issue 4: Is there Heaven for a G?
(Figures from the Home Office)
Number of Muslims increasing in prisons is increasing rapidly... including sisters aswell now.
Does anyone know anyone in prison? Or anyone whp has come out?
Whats life like in prison?
Anyone have or know of ppl who's family members in prison?
can and do ppl change for the better in prison?
My uncle is an Imam in prison..and i know several others... they're in almost every prison.... is that a good thing?
Is prison the best place for dawah?
what can WE as a ummah do for Muslim youth in despecially when they come out?
Has anyone ever been to visit a friend or family member in prison?
pls share your thought spls...
[color=indigo][b]Dnt no of anyone whos in a prison and is muslim, ppl hide it when they go down, they cant hak the shame.[/b][/color]
Don't know of anyone in Prison but all I know is when youth come out of prison they always have a good understanding of Islam....In fact most of them come out really practising...Dunno why that is...???
That's a good thing it not???
"Happy are those who find fault with themselves instead of finding fault with others"
[color=indigo][b]Well if it raggs them to the deen then obviously its a good thing. Many do become more practicing and many also convert, so if it means them going down will get them back on tracks, then so be it! We shud send more there![/b][/color]
intresting u have sed that as today my friend was telling me how all the so call bad boys in her area after coming out of prison have come out with long beards and into all 5 prayers. pretty good.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
when one is in the state of Qabd (constriction), [opposite of Bast -expansion] one looks for peace, sakinah, comfort, certainty and one evaluates ones life, looking to the mistakes one has made and turns to Allah.
So as mentioned in a wisdom, 'there are hidden blessings in calamities'.
sorry sister, but i dont think this is a wise statement to make, unless of course youre talking from past experience, of having been in yaself?
..even then, many women who are in jail have many other issues, self harming, and 1 in 2 is on psychiatric medication. Doesnt sound too positive.
May Allah ease our tests and give khayr and affiya. Ameen.
My older brother is an imam in a prison. Hey 'therevivaleditor' [ haha im so lame i dont even know your name, sorry] he probably knows your uncle! So he comes with many interesting viewpoints from what he sees etc.
< You turn to Him with divine obedience
He turns to you with Divine Love >
[color=indigo][b]Naah i mean if it gets them bak on trcks then surely prison aint as bad as it seems right?
Btw ed, does the revival get distributed in prisons?[/b][/color]
Salam, ah right, sorry for attacking. But still, Allah can turn back people in all circumstances, He is All Wise, and knows what works best for some. But prison life is not idealistic. We shouldnt want it on muslim or non muslim!
And as for Revival circulating round, my brother has seen some inmates with issues of it, and i did get sent a load of mags to distribute, so im quite sure they are there.
< You turn to Him with divine obedience
He turns to you with Divine Love >
i heard that in saudi and some other arab countries prisoners are expected to do hifz of the quran.
good idea for rehab.
i know someone who ended up in prison for some sorta scams and dodgy phone business. he was in his early 20s at the time, the sad thing is he'd come from pakistan to earn a bit of money for his family, got in a bad group of 'mates' and got a criminal record for summat petty. after that it became really difficult for him to land any good jobs, so he resorted to dodgy stuff which eventually got him in prison, for around a year i think. while he was in there his mom passed away in pakistan and obviously he couldn't go, his family didn't even know about the trouble he'd gotten himself into. its a really sad state of affairs.
Its the opposite in my area, I actually know quite a few people who have been or are in prison, including my bro who's out now. I also have a friend in my class who's Bangladeshi and he's 2 years older than me and he's been in remand for murder but was never convicted for it. I was surprised when he told me that he was tried in the Old Bailey, which is probably the most famous criminal court in the world.
Alot of the people in my area who are into drugs are poor and not educated and obviously its risky but by doing drugs its easy money, and with money you get status and respect (asian boys with dogs is an obvious example in my area where they keep the dog with them for protection).
I personally don't know but my bro has told me his experiences. Once there was a routine search of his cell for weapons, drugs, ect. and the sniffer dog went onto his bed and peed there, and when my bro told the prison guard he was told to clean it up himself as they're not bothered. He has spent his time in remand in a few different prisons including Feltham & Chelmsford. He told me that when he was in Chelmsford, he made friends with quite a few asian boys and basically asians stayed with asians and whites stayed with whites (I used to think that this happened only in the US). Anyway they (asians) had a fight in the shower area with some white boys and my bro had to jump in and back the asian boys as its an unwritten rule in prison; that you stick with your own colour (might vary prison to prison.)
I have visited my bro once in prison and the security was very tight, don't know how people can smuggle drugs and stuff into prison, that makes you think what some prison guards do. I have also visited a prison (Wellingborough I think it was called which is the only prison in the UK that lets members of the public in although you have to book in advance) when I was doing A-level Sociology (Crime and Deviance). They had alot of people in there for drug offences and two guys I think who were in for murder and they looked really normal if you know what I mean coz you would expect a murderer to have bushy hair, tattoos all over the body and scary looking eyes but basically the guy stabbed someone when he was like 17 and he now regrets it. The prison was category D so he must be serving the last few years of his sentence before he's realised on licence.
[color=indigo][b]Stop being nosy.[/b][/color]
[b][color=indigo]It's a public forum duh-brain :roll:
And speaking in bengi won't help either, i'll just ask Exquisite.[/color][/b]
i can think of two ppl in prison from my community. One bengali dude was done for drugs, a big stash found in his house. He both sells and takes them himself. Ruined his family, destroyed his marriage doesn't seem like he's learned anything though, he's out and still at it. That's addiction for you, he needs rehab but no one can force him there, i think the gov should have authority to force ppl into rehab, but once again it's all about the $$$.
I know another pakistani dude who is still in prison for murdering his sister coz he found out she was having an affair, whilst married to a guy of her own choice.
i know a handful of bengali brothers who are cocaine and alcohol addicts, and are blowing away their wages and the family biz feeding their habits.
I wish it surprised me that they're muslims but unfortunately it doesn't. Why should it muslims aren't immune to the ills of society, they're not angels and we shouldn't pretend they are. They have problems like anyone else. As long as the muslim community continue to live in denial of problems like this, they won't go away just get worse.
Assalamu alaykum,
from what i have understood, in general, the muslim (specifically pakistani/bengali) population is more concerned about making money and bringing in an income (hence becoming drug dealers, etc), rather than pursuing education.. unlike the Indian/Hindu population, where the opposite is true..
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
What have I missed huh huh
Salaam MuslimBro - Ignore it, you haven't missed anything. Where have you been? Hows uni going?
I'll answer your question in the no topic post.
i know bare ppl in prison
for crimes they've deserved
IMO prisons these days are more like a holiday resort then a prison
no wonder the number of reoffenders is high
There are 3 things which the UK should do:
1) Put more people in solitary, that should teach them a thing or two.
2) Build more prisons, even if it means that 40% of Britain's population are behind bars.
3) Get the death penalty back.
In a more general context, (rather than specifically related to muslims) I think it goes a lot deeper than the 3 points made above - education, giving people a stake in society and, for those who have offended, rehabilitation. These are just parts of the solution - and you could do everything possible - some people will still offend - some due to their personality (greed, selfish etc) and some due to circumstance (crimes of passion etc).
I dont think i could support the death penalty - despite some compelling advantages it would bring - on a matter of principle
I have mentioned the 3 points ^above^ only to be used against criminals, this country is too lenient when it comes to punishment.
Yeah educating has its benefits but some people are highly educated and still commit crime; white collar crime to mention one.
Rehabilitation doesn't work for some people, such as psychopaths and serial sex offenders bcoz they don't think what their doing is wrong.
So the people who keep re-offending, do you lock them up and spend the taxpayers money on them. Nope, for the serious criminals I say they should be punished, executed, eliminated, destroyed, put down.
One way of reducing overcrowding in prisons would be to execute all the serial killers/rapists/paedophiles, now there's a thought.
What you say makes financial sense, and i generally agree with the reasoning - but thats why i said that, for me, its a point of principle - nothing to do with money. If you say murder is one of the most serious crimes in society, i couldnt then turn around and condone it's use by the state.
Drugs are the cause of a lot of crime which is where the education part comes in - but i agree you have to have a multi-strategy approach as there are so many reasons serious crimes are commited
Never been to prison per se, but I got stockaded during my first run in the airforce. It's boring.
You think prison is boring, I actually think it's quite fun.
Not that I would like to be locked up in one ofcourse.
It's just interesting to see all the criminals bunched up together, how they interact with others, what they do, what they are thinking (of escaping from prison or who to beat up next), what they say, ect.
It's abit like watching big brother but way more interesting. It's even more interesting if you get the opportunity to interact with them, I remember a girl who got freaked out when an inmate came out from nowhere and walked past her.
I wouldn't mind being a prison officer, or a correctional officer (CO) as they are known in the US. Or even better, a prison govenor