MUSICAL Nasheeds, a tool of the devil? you decide.

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"peacegirl" wrote:
i havn't heard a nasheed in bhangra style!!! what is the fuss?? light music is fine.

[color=indigo][b]You haven't? I have, i've got one album called Bollywood vs Islam and the tracks are almost identical to hindi songs apart from the few odd lyrics and the latest album by Furqan Qadri is pure bhangra style, you can actually dance to the tracks :? and there are many arabic nasheeds similar to hip hop.

Yeah kids defo sound cute when they recite quran or nasheeds, at the concert today a lil kid was singing a nasheed and she sounded so sweet! My lil nephew jumps up when the adhaan comes on and he dances to nasheeds!
Has anyone been watching the national qiraat competition?[/b][/color]

"Noor...*" wrote:
My lil nephew jumps up when the adhaan comes on and he dances to nasheeds! [/b][/color]

das my lil nephew too Wink Wink

tis true everytime he cries r we cant get him settled we put the adhaan on and he stops what he is doing and jus listens (hes 11months old)

lol yup he dances to a few nasheeds too.. bt id rather him grow listenin to nasheeds then all the other stuff that we listened to as we grew up..

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

[color=indigo][b]Ps: Snoops! You have time for this and not the website!!!! Get doing your bit now! I want the intro done my tmz accha?[/b][/color]

:oops: go away noori lol

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

[b][color=indigo]Oii, remember this is for Zaqi accha? Do it for him not me. [/color][/b]

Music was banned by the prophet pbuh thats the fuss if people say that music is ok for nasheeds where then do you draw the line.

From struggle comes reward

hip hop style nasheed is were I draw the line!!! But the kind my kids listen to have light music in the background. My 5 year old know all the words and we talk about what he's listening too!! we have it on in the car too!!! THATS WHAT MATTERS!!!
As long as he don't know wot bollywood is!!! it's good!

live and let live!!!!!!!

Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani an-Naqshbandi wrote that? or Shaykh Nazim Mangera from SunniForum?


"Abdullah Ibn Adam" wrote:
or Shaykh Nazim Mangera from SunniForum?

who's that?

"1" wrote:
"Noor...*" wrote:
[color=indigo][b]No Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani didn't write that. Shaykh Nazim permits the use of instruments in Nasheeds [url=]link.[/...

not a trustworthy site seems to me... :?

[color=indigo][b]Ok. Don't trust it then.

Ps: Where did you get that article from which was supposedly written by Shaykh Nazim? [/b][/color]


i hope i am not intruding upon this conversation... if i may ask, why is music so looked down upon within the muslim religion? is all music considered bad? and is it so even if music is used for worshiping God?

muchos gracias, Dios te bendiga

“Singing is like praying twice.”

Dominus vobiscum to Catholics
may God guide you non Catholics

"Jaybunny" wrote:

i hope i am not intruding upon this conversation... if i may ask, why is music so looked down upon within the muslim religion? is all music considered bad? and is it so even if music is used for worshiping God?

muchos gracias, Dios te bendiga

Yes Music is bad. btw I follow the ulema not a scholar.

And we worship our creator not by Music or other act's, simply by praying 5 times a day Smile

Music of a suggestive type is defo not allowed.

Music used to preach is a bit of a grey area depending on instruments etc.

Some say it is allowed, so say it is not.

Then supporters of both positions fight each other.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"1" wrote:
"Abdullah Ibn Adam" wrote:
or Shaykh Nazim Mangera from SunniForum?

who's that?

He's not very famous, but he visits

