Submitted by Bliss on 8 February, 2007 - 20:23 #31
"Noor" wrote:
"*DUST*" wrote:
"Noor" wrote:
[color=indigo][b]That makes 3 of us then, i’m gona InshaAllah pick completely new a-levels for september and move colleges.[/b][/color]
wow, that bad huh? wot did u pik?
[color=indigo][b]Well.. at first it was Business Studies and IT at sixth form, then i moved to college and chose health and social care like a dafty. Cant stand the course, it's so d.umb!! Hate it!! Half of the people in the class haven't even got any of their gcses. Most of the people in the class have chosen the course cz they're too thick to do anything else. Since i've been at college ive gone soo thick and haven't learnt a thing! At one point i didn't have a lesson in 6 weeks! Cant wait to get of the dump![/b][/color]
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
moan of the year!!! i'v pick the wrong a levels too late to do anything so bloody madddddddddddddddd.
Any one a counsellor on here? I really need to speak to one!!!!!
lol unfortunately i know what that feels like. what (wrong) A-levels did you pick?
sociology , business studies which is worth 2 a levels. and general studies which is pointless and boring. I was force to do it . Like noor don't what to sound arrogant big headed but half my business class is well put it in this way they not academically up to date . Sociology teacher can't teach to save his life but as he too safe and in general a nice human makes the problem worse as I can't grass on him. Know I getting more depressed as my exams not far off I have realised instead of sociology I could have picked art a -level where I would have clocked it and easily passed.
i'm thinking of next year picking up english lit, art, and textile. but the big thing that stopping me doing this is that i will have to start a fresh with the y 12 i wont be in my year. and i'll have to do wait another 2 years to get into uni.
i'm missing english lit so much and artttttttttt
Just a perspective, this, you can take it or leave it. My experience of friends who studied business, especially at uni, is that they say they didn't learn anything useful and their employers jokingly agree but afterwards they were very focused and successful. Sociology is also a useful topic in business, especially when it comes to hiring and firing. General studies is possibly a waste of time but the odd tidbit stays with you and it might balance and enhance the business studies. With exams looming you might be looking for excuses but changing mid-course and with the pressure on is a habit worth breaking.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
Submitted by Snoopz on 9 February, 2007 - 00:50 #33
"Bliss" wrote:
moan of the year!!! i'v pick the wrong a levels too late to do anything so bloody madddddddddddddddd.
Any one a counsellor on here? I really need to speak to one!!!!!
im doin a module on counselling skills its the BEST module ive done all year!! talk to meeeeeeeeeeeeee lol
i hated a levels n i HATE EVENING lectures y cant some lecturers be more reasonable i didnt get home until 8.30pm today my whole day had gone cos of my stupid lecture seminar which had to start at 5 :x
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Submitted by Bliss on 9 February, 2007 - 00:57 #34
"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
"Bliss" wrote:
"*DUST*" wrote:
"Bliss" wrote:
moan of the year!!! i'v pick the wrong a levels too late to do anything so bloody madddddddddddddddd.
Any one a counsellor on here? I really need to speak to one!!!!!
lol unfortunately i know what that feels like. what (wrong) A-levels did you pick?
sociology , business studies which is worth 2 a levels. and general studies which is pointless and boring. I was force to do it . Like noor don't what to sound arrogant big headed but half my business class is well put it in this way they not academically up to date . Sociology teacher can't teach to save his life but as he too safe and in general a nice human makes the problem worse as I can't grass on him. Know I getting more depressed as my exams not far off I have realised instead of sociology I could have picked art a -level where I would have clocked it and easily passed.
i'm thinking of next year picking up english lit, art, and textile. but the big thing that stopping me doing this is that i will have to start a fresh with the y 12 i wont be in my year. and i'll have to do wait another 2 years to get into uni.
i'm missing english lit so much and artttttttttt
Just a perspective, this, you can take it or leave it. My experience of friends who studied business, especially at uni, is that they say they didn't learn anything useful and their employers jokingly agree but afterwards they were very focused and successful. Sociology is also a useful topic in business, especially when it comes to hiring and firing. General studies is possibly a waste of time but the odd tidbit stays with you and it might balance and enhance the business studies. With exams looming you might be looking for excuses but changing mid-course and with the pressure on is a habit worth breaking.
yeh same with me i'm not learning anything new , nothing intresting just plain boring in busines studies. yeh i know its a big habit on mine that needs breaking pretty fast i keep worrying and getting depress over my courses. wow i 'v just thought if i am like this know God knows whats its going to be like choosing a degree .
thanx for your little over view Mr honey .
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
I'm studying at Postgraduate level now and for the first time ever, I've felt that I've made the right decision.
I think we need more guidance counsellors.
But then again they can confuse as much as help.
'Whjat do you want to do?' 'this' 'Oh but have you thought of this niggle? and this one? how about this one?'
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
[color=indigo][b]Careers Advisors are just plain stupid. They leave you more confused, because of my stupid careers advisors im doing the wrong course![/b][/color]
Kids need guidence Admin...esp 16/18. Kids that age are all over the place.
spot on sis. i'm 17 and i'm at the stage where i never been this confused and depress before. confused more then anything.
What career do you see yourself pursuing in the future and what subjects do you enjoy and/or at good at?
Submitted by Bliss on 9 February, 2007 - 23:45 #41
"MuslimSister" wrote:
"Bliss" wrote:
"MuslimSister" wrote:
Kids need guidence Admin...esp 16/18. Kids that age are all over the place.
spot on sis. i'm 17 and i'm at the stage where i never been this confused and depress before. confused more then anything.
What career do you see yourself pursuing in the future and what subjects do you enjoy and/or at good at?
I love English lit , art , r.e and textile which i don' love but find it quite good.
At the start of 6 form I had decided that I will defiantly persue a career in business hence the fact I’m half way through my business course that in which was the biggest mistake ever as the course so boring . Next I decided that I wanted to become a physiatrist as that a field that has always fascinated me. I found out that It takes so long to qualified and it quite hard to get your self a good place of work in it.
Then I thought I do something in art as I love art. Family saying u won’t get much with an art degree pointless. And know I thinking of journalism, but that even slipping my mind as I won’t be always up for writing articles. altho i love to broadcast especially for al jazeera i really love to travel and work in teh muslim world be a face for the muslim media. and plus i love to get to interview famous faces in the muslim world.
Know thinking about it I wouldn’t have mind doing medicine, but even tho it’s a very rewarding job it will take too long to complete. With that I would have needed to get higher marks in science anyway so that a big no no.
i don't mind teaching as i think it be fun , but then again having spent so much of my life in a skool . the idea of having to be in skool distraughts me.
and know i'm thinking about doing law.
Sorry about long essay .
I just really don’t know what I am going to do with my further education life to come.
Every skool should have a least 5 different guidance counsellors I for one can do with as manh as possible.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
Submitted by Snoopz on 10 February, 2007 - 00:29 #42
bliss u smashed it man lolzzzzzzzzzz omdzzz is there anything that you didnt want to do r become n then changed your mind?
i think the best thing for you is to take a gap year sit @ home and decide wat u wna do for real lol
.. school careers guidance r whack they literally told me that i should do this r do that.. i thought there job was to offer support but give little or no direct advice @ the end of the day its what YOU want to do. there job should be tellin you how u go about gettin that etc. when we had guidance interviews they made us go in pairs or threes. which was silly cos its an indivual thing. bliss i suggest u go to connexions in town n arrange to speak to a careers advisor, thats what i did and it helped.
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Submitted by Bliss on 10 February, 2007 - 01:23 #43
"Snoopz" wrote:
bliss u smashed it man lolzzzzzzzzzz omdzzz is there anything that you didnt want to do r become n then changed your mind?
i think the best thing for you is to take a gap year sit @ home and decide wat u wna do for real lol
.. school careers guidance r whack they literally told me that i should do this r do that.. i thought there job was to offer support but give little or no direct advice @ the end of the day its what YOU want to do. there job should be tellin you how u go about gettin that etc. when we had guidance interviews they made us go in pairs or threes. which was silly cos its an indivual thing. bliss i suggest u go to connexions in town n arrange to speak to a careers advisor, thats what i did and it helped.
yeh i seen a connexions adivsior she weren't much help she confused me even more.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
Submitted by yashmaki on 10 February, 2007 - 10:22 #44
that;s bad advice. take a year out yes i wish i had, but don't sit at home. Coz believe me the universities will ask what you were doing during your year out? Be productive, get some experience in the field u think u wana go into. Try out different jobs?
If your parents will allow you do work experience abroad, get a job abroad. i wish i had done voluntary/charity work or something abroad. i duno i could have been an au pair. Back then i was fascinated with America, all the different cultures and cuisines etc etc. Thgt living with a family in the host country would be the best way to discover it. I'll definately encourage my kids to do this...
Important save money, if u can save as much as possible then it'll mean no loan or a reduced loan on ur head. Plus ull have a little for independence. But don't be like these silly girls and boys who waste it all on buying new clothes every week, later ull regret it.
Don't sit at home!
I just noticed u said ur 17, does that mean ur talking about going into uni or your a-level/other options? Have u done ur A-levels already, if so why'd u wana re do them? bad grades or something else?
just do a degree in it-and u can take it any where u want
i.e. children, adults, health, jail etc etc
Submitted by Bliss on 11 February, 2007 - 01:37 #46
"yashmaki" wrote:
that;s bad advice. take a year out yes i wish i had, but don't sit at home. Coz believe me the universities will ask what you were doing during your year out? Be productive, get some experience in the field u think u wana go into. Try out different jobs?
to be honest i don't think i will be taking a year out i rather still be in full time education. My sis was planning to take a year out and do nothing but my uncle wouldn't let her. As he was also stressing how universities will what to know what kind of productive work u have done during ur year out.
"yashmaki" wrote:
If your parents will allow you do work experience abroad, get a job abroad. i wish i had done voluntary/charity work or something abroad. i duno i could have been an au pair. Back then i was fascinated with America, all the different cultures and cuisines etc etc. Thgt living with a family in the host country would be the best way to discover it. I'll definately encourage my kids to do this...?
i love to do aid work and work closely with charities abroad . Inshallah that something i will defiently look forward to after uni.
"yashmaki" wrote:
Important save money, if u can save as much as possible then it'll mean no loan or a reduced loan on ur head. Plus ull have a little for independence. But don't be like these silly girls and boys who waste it all on buying new clothes every week, later ull regret it.?
"yashmaki" wrote:
Don't sit at home!
I just noticed u said ur 17, does that mean ur talking about going into uni or your a-level/other options? Have u done ur A-levels already, if so why'd u wana re do them? bad grades or something else?
i'm in my first year of A levels, it's just the A levels i'm doing are so boring . i regreting the fact that i didn't pick good A levels . I really don't know what i was thinking when i chose them. must have been very drugged up.
never mind (secretly moan) i'll just have to put up a brave face and get through them.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
Submitted by Bliss on 11 February, 2007 - 01:52 #47
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
bliss stick with psychology degree
just do a degree in it-and u can take it any where u want
i.e. children, adults, health, jail etc etc
Jail, know that somewhere I’ll defiantly don't mind working at.
Psychology, I think I will be able to relate with my patients quite well. As I already had quite a bit of experience with people who have been quite close to the brink of insanity.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
Just a perspective, this, you can take it or leave it. My experience of friends who studied business, especially at uni, is that they say they didn't learn anything useful and their employers jokingly agree but afterwards they were very focused and successful. Sociology is also a useful topic in business, especially when it comes to hiring and firing. General studies is possibly a waste of time but the odd tidbit stays with you and it might balance and enhance the business studies. With exams looming you might be looking for excuses but changing mid-course and with the pressure on is a habit worth breaking.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
im doin a module on counselling skills its the BEST module ive done all year!!
talk to meeeeeeeeeeeeee lol
i hated a levels n i HATE EVENING lectures y cant some lecturers be more reasonable i didnt get home until 8.30pm today my whole day had gone cos of my stupid lecture seminar which had to start at 5 :x
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
yeh same with me i'm not learning anything new , nothing intresting just plain boring in busines studies.
yeh i know its a big habit on mine that needs breaking pretty fast i keep worrying and getting depress over my courses.
wow i 'v just thought if i am like this know God knows whats its going to be like choosing a degree .
thanx for your little over view Mr honey .
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
I chose the wrong A levels AND the wrong degree.
I'm studying at Postgraduate level now and for the first time ever, I've felt that I've made the right decision.
I think we need more guidance counsellors.
But then again they can confuse as much as help.
'Whjat do you want to do?' 'this' 'Oh but have you thought of this niggle? and this one? how about this one?'
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Kids need guidence Admin...esp 16/18. Kids that age are all over the place.
Most kids might have a vague idea of what they want from life...but they may not neccessarily know whats the best way to go about it.
Who'd have thought that a teacher wannabe would be bored to death studying a degree in Education?
spot on sis. i'm 17 and i'm at the stage where i never been this confused and depress before. confused more then anything.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
[color=indigo][b]Careers Advisors are just plain stupid. They leave you more confused, because of my stupid careers advisors im doing the wrong course![/b][/color]
What career do you see yourself pursuing in the future and what subjects do you enjoy and/or at good at?
I love English lit , art , r.e and textile which i don' love but find it quite good.
At the start of 6 form I had decided that I will defiantly persue a career in business hence the fact I’m half way through my business course that in which was the biggest mistake ever as the course so boring . Next I decided that I wanted to become a physiatrist as that a field that has always fascinated me. I found out that It takes so long to qualified and it quite hard to get your self a good place of work in it.
Then I thought I do something in art as I love art. Family saying u won’t get much with an art degree pointless. And know I thinking of journalism, but that even slipping my mind as I won’t be always up for writing articles. altho i love to broadcast especially for al jazeera
i really love to travel and work in teh muslim world be a face for the muslim media. and plus i love to get to interview famous faces in the muslim world.
Know thinking about it I wouldn’t have mind doing medicine, but even tho it’s a very rewarding job it will take too long to complete. With that I would have needed to get higher marks in science anyway so that a big no no.
i don't mind teaching as i think it be fun , but then again having spent so much of my life in a skool . the idea of having to be in skool distraughts me.
and know i'm thinking about doing law.
Sorry about long essay .
I just really don’t know what I am going to do with my further education life to come.
Every skool should have a least 5 different guidance counsellors I for one can do with as manh as possible.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
bliss u smashed it man lolzzzzzzzzzz omdzzz is there anything that you didnt want to do r become n then changed your mind?
i think the best thing for you is to take a gap year sit @ home and decide wat u wna do for real lol
.. school careers guidance r whack they literally told me that i should do this r do that.. i thought there job was to offer support but give little or no direct advice @ the end of the day its what YOU want to do. there job should be tellin you how u go about gettin that etc. when we had guidance interviews they made us go in pairs or threes. which was silly cos its an indivual thing. bliss i suggest u go to connexions in town n arrange to speak to a careers advisor, thats what i did and it helped.
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
yeh i seen a connexions adivsior she weren't much help she confused me even more.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
that;s bad advice. take a year out yes i wish i had, but don't sit at home. Coz believe me the universities will ask what you were doing during your year out? Be productive, get some experience in the field u think u wana go into. Try out different jobs?
If your parents will allow you do work experience abroad, get a job abroad. i wish i had done voluntary/charity work or something abroad. i duno i could have been an au pair. Back then i was fascinated with America, all the different cultures and cuisines etc etc. Thgt living with a family in the host country would be the best way to discover it. I'll definately encourage my kids to do this...
Important save money, if u can save as much as possible then it'll mean no loan or a reduced loan on ur head. Plus ull have a little for independence. But don't be like these silly girls and boys who waste it all on buying new clothes every week, later ull regret it.
Don't sit at home!
I just noticed u said ur 17, does that mean ur talking about going into uni or your a-level/other options? Have u done ur A-levels already, if so why'd u wana re do them? bad grades or something else?
bliss stick with psychology degree
just do a degree in it-and u can take it any where u want
i.e. children, adults, health, jail etc etc
to be honest i don't think i will be taking a year out i rather still be in full time education. My sis was planning to take a year out and do nothing but my uncle wouldn't let her. As he was also stressing how universities will what to know what kind of productive work u have done during ur year out.
i love to do aid work and work closely with charities abroad . Inshallah that something i will defiently look forward to after uni.
i'm in my first year of A levels, it's just the A levels i'm doing are so boring . i regreting the fact that i didn't pick good A levels . I really don't know what i was thinking when i chose them. must have been very drugged up.
never mind (secretly moan) i'll just have to put up a brave face and get through them.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
Jail, know that somewhere I’ll defiantly don't mind working at.
Psychology, I think I will be able to relate with my patients quite well. As I already had quite a bit of experience with people who have been quite close to the brink of insanity.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
-big puddles
-exam revision during holidays :evil:
are my moans of the day
new points
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.