[b]Alternative Christmas Message
In a year in which issues of religious and racial identity and freedom of expression have dominated the news agenda, Channel 4's alternative Christmas message is delivered by a veiled Muslim woman.
Did anyone watch it?
I thought it was excellent.
Pls share your views
[color=magenta]Shoot i missed it, any chance of it being shown again?
Probably show on the news maybe, please fill me in, what happened?what was said?[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
the sister was a last minute replacement.
It was a Khatija Atkinson from London. I know the sister, not a great fan of The Revival:-)
but her message was spot on an dshe deserves some reward and my congratulations to her.
[b]Veil liberates me, says alternative Christmas message woman[/b]
A veil-wearing Muslim convert today claimed the way she chooses to dress makes her feel "liberated" as she delivered an alternative Christmas message.
Khadija, the great-granddaughter of a suffragette, rejected claims that the niqab that covers her face is a mark of separation.
She said that remarks by Leader of the Commons Jack Straw about the veil earlier this year were not helpful to Muslims "trying to live quite peacefully in this society".
But she also said that Britain is the best country to live in for people who want to practise their religion freely.
Mr Straw said in a newspaper article that he asked Muslim women visiting him at his constituency surgery to remove their veils.
Later, Prime Minister Tony Blair described the veil as a "mark of separation".
Khadija, a British woman, today told how she converted to Islam 10 or 11 years ago.
"To look at me you would never guess that my great-grandmother was actually a suffragette," she said.
"One of the great things about Britain is that it is very, very tolerant and I believe it's the best country to live in if you want to be able to freely practise your religion."
Two years after converting, Khadija decided to wear a niqab.
"We are seen as oppressed," she said. "Since I've started covering I feel much more liberated, which I know a lot of people possibly won't be able to understand.
"I don't wear the niqab to separate myself from society. I want to be part of this society - this is where I choose to live. I hope that the society is more accepting of my personal choice. It's not about separation.
"It's like asking a person who's covered in facial pins 'are you doing this because you don't want to be part of society?'
"It's their personal choice and as a society we need to be more tolerant of people's personal choices."
She added: "Jack Straw's comments this year weren't particularly helpful to Muslims trying to live quite peacefully in this society.
"I wonder if Jack Straw would have the same difficulty communicating with a woman who wore revealing clothes as he clearly does with a woman who wears a veil."
Khadija, who has not been identified after another woman who was going to deliver the televised message had to withdraw, said she enjoys spending Christmas with her large, extended family.
She also says the controversy over Danish cartoons satirising the prophet Mohammed showed the need for tolerance of others' religions, and that the media gives too much attention to a "radical extremist" minority of Muslims. Khadija told of her worries about a relative in the Army about to go to Afghanistan.
"I don't want anything to happen to him," she said. "I also don't want him to be killing any people either in Afghanistan, ie the Muslims in Afghanistan as well. So it's a very difficult position to be in."
She added Christmas must be an "awful, very awful situation" for the families of soldiers who have been killed.
But the festive season is an "interesting time" for Muslims, who also believe in Jesus, or Esa, as a prophet.
"It's really important to encourage our children to realise they have quite a bit in common in fact.
"That they believe in one God, that they believe in Jesus and it's a good opportunity to create bonds between our children.
"So on Christmas Day - we do like to try to keep it because it's once a year, so why not? And I do make a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings and mince pies for afterwards - my alternative Christmas message this year is peace on earth and goodwill to all humankind, regardless of race, colour or creed."
[color=magenta]Wow, that was a really powerful message, good on the sister for setting the record straight, this delicate issue was approached really well, and the sister deserves a lot of credit for it
JazakAllah Khair for posting it up brother :D[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
I think Sister Khadijah did a really good job Mash'Allah. I work alongside with her and she is a very spiritual and content woman alhamdulilah. She definately deserves a reward for her efforts.
"Happy are those who find fault with themselves instead of finding fault with others"
Even though she was on for 10 mins she delivered a good hard hitting message and the end bit about jack straw and mince pies was funny
I didnt watch it but what a brilliant idea.
watched it, it was great and concise
well done to sister Khadija Atkinson - she really does work hard for the Deen and todays speech was a big achievment
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
If anyone missed it, you can catch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IunpHe1qG4
I agree with many points esp. teaching the younger generation about Hazrat Isa (as) and to create a link with him as he is our Prophet (as).
You did great Sis x
Its defntly got me wanting to do sum research so that i can tell my non muslim friends why i dont celebrate christmas and how Jesus- Isa (sa) fits in with islam and more about his life..
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
mince pies is keema is it not? if its halal....whats wrong with it? :?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Mince meat pies have minced meat.
Mince pies are fruit.
Turkey needs to be slaughtered to be halaal.
But either way eating haraam does not make you a non-muslim. Just a major sinner.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Have seen the message on the link Angel posted and thought it was great - good on you Sis Khadijah for doing it, it takes guts.
Loads of Muslims I know have halal turkey at this time of year, but only because it's more easily available at this time, than the rest of the year.
Regarding mince pies, I had one at work - can't see what the big deal is, it was ok. Because they are made of fruit, most are vegetarian, but a LOT of them aren't halal because they have alcohol in them.
That was the most articulate, moderate, well-balanced and thoughtful response of the Niqab issue I’ve ever seen on TV.
It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to sit in front of the TV and not cringe when Muslims speak about Islamic issue.
Instead of highlighting the good…namely that of coming on TV at a prime time and giving an accurate representation of the Niqab…you get some people getting all hot and bothered of the issue of eating Turkey etc
No wonder, accurate representations of Muslims on TV are few and far between.
Apparently we can't take anything the sister said seriously. During the broadcast she failed to tell us the following:
1. She is a mother.
2. Her husband is a doctor.
3. She has a big house.
4. She has a very English background.
5. Minhaj ul Quran is in cahoots with Al Qaeda.
[url=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article... of Sanity[/url]
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[color=indigo][b]Thats crazy! Arghhhh, they flippin twist everything! :evil: [/b][/color]
what a load of BS
the message of the programme was "alternative xmas msg"
not the personal life story of the convert
SO WHAT if she failed to mention the above?
and MQ a "radical muslim group"-PUH-LEASE :roll:
I swear they make me so mad
no wonder its a trashy newspaper with no credibility-they're famous for twisting stuff
[color=indigo][b]No point, it's not like there gona look at it or something. I wrote atleast 2 comments or so but they didn't put them up.. stupid clowns[/b][/color]
i know me too the artical has peed me off big time ,
they should get their facts straight before they utter such outrage :evil:
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
the thing thats so dum is the fact that the stuff they 'uncovered' AINT EVEN A BIG THING :roll:
SO WHAT if her hubby's a doctor, she's orginally from a contryside blah blah blah
the fact is
they CANT STAND the fact that a well spoken-educated niqaabi spoke so well at prime time
so they are tryin to discredit her :evil:
i hear the dumbo's aint been posting people's comments up?
i know wat is she playing at, if only i could see her :evil:
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
Well it is the (...checks quickly...) Daily Mail. What did you expect? journalism?
But then again all that 'post' does is give the info, but in a negative/harsh manner.
All judgemental like. But it is the daily mail. What did anyone expect?
It's almost like asking Fox News to be unbiased!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Did anyone else who contacted the Daily Mail get this exact reply:
Dear Irfan ____,
Thank you for your e-mail. We appreciate your interest and we surely
would not claim to be right in our decisions to publish all the time.
However the move to deliver a message at Christmas Time from someone
dressed in a veil was a controversial one. However one views this
initiative it combined the private and reserved habit of the veil with a
very public and open medium of Television. A curious and unusual contra
positioning of influences which was of considerable public interest.
The Daily Mail decided that the "face behind the veil" should be
If had been a private individual these details would have been of no
interest. However as the plan was to show this person on Television to
audience of millions we took the view that that the audience should have
the advantage of knowing who was reading them a message.
Obviously some people believe we made the wrong decision but, equally,
many thought we had public interest on our side.
Robin Esser, Executive Managing Editor
Daily Mail
Lucy McGirr
PA to Managing Editor, Daily Mail
i read snippets of wht she said here but i duno am i the only one who thinks it was in bad taste to give such a message on xmas day>? i was thinking in Ksa for example if a christian nun went on tv on eid day to give her alternative message for eid they'd kick her out the country for trying to give dawah or convert muslims??? wht u think?
any other time of the yr wud have been ok but xmas their religious festival however commercial it may be is still regarded as sacred to many christians, theyd be insulted innit? wonder wht dave thinks....?
[color=indigo][b]Not really, on Islam Channel non-muslims each Eid give out a speacial Eid messages.[/b][/color]
This wouldn't be allowed in KSA. But what if Saudi was a democracy, had several commercial channels and had very low censorship?
KSA standards are different to the standards in this country. Judging right and wrong about this case with comparison to Saudi Arabia is just not right.
Their lack of research on MQI was shocking.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes