I was wondering if anybody can answer the following:
1. Where do the 4 sisilahs originate from and how exactly do they lead back to the Prophet saaws? im talking about the sufi orders known as Qadriyah, Naqshbanidiyah etc
2. What is Ijaaza and how is it given? why is it nessessary? How can it be explained from the Qur'aan and the Sunnah? What are the prooves for it?
I should imagine these are simple questions to answer. Please take note i havent asked the question am i a bad person, do i smell etc, so people who post with answers should refrain from attacking me in attempt to answer the questions.
I dont know you or if you have a b.o. problem but answers are given in the form of the question: you reep what you sow... you have heard of this, no?
As far as im aware Ijaaza is kinda the ability to correctly interpretate the Quran and its verses. Im not sure if this is mentioned in the Quran or not but ive always assumed it to be logical that one must have it inorder to correctly interpretate the Quran otherwise any tom, dick and harry would start plucking verses out of the Quran and interpretating them in their own ways... which may not be too Islamic.
Hope that helps... if not... i cant help you.
Back in BLACK
1 Prophet Muhammad ibn Abd Allah, Salla Allahu `alayhi wa alihi wa sallam
2 Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, radiya-l-Lahu`anh
3 Salman al-Farsi, radiya-l-Lahu`anh
4 Qassim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr
5 Jafar as-Sadiq, alayhi-s-salam
6 Tayfur Abu Yazid al-Bistami, radiya-l-Lahu canh
7 Abul Hassan Ali al-Kharqani, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
8 Abu Ali al-Farmadi, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
9 Abu Yaqub Yusuf al-Hamadani, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
10 Abul Abbas, al-Khidr, alayhi-s-salam
11 Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
12 Arif ar-Riwakri, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
13 Khwaja Mahmoud al-Anjir al-Faghnawi, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
14 Ali ar-Ramitani, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
15 Muhammad Baba as-Samasi, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
16 as-Sayyid Amir Kulal, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
17 Muhammad Baha'uddin Shah Naqshband, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
18 Ala'uddin al-Bukhari al-cAttar, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
19 Yaqub al-Charkhi, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
20 Ubaydullah al-Ahrar, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
21 Muhammad az-Zahid, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
22 Darwish Muhammad, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
23 Muhammad Khwaja al-Amkanaki, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
24 Muhammad al-Baqi bi-l-Lah, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
25 Ahmad al-Faruqi as-Sirhindi, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
26 Muhammad al-Masum, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
27 Muhammad Sayfuddin al-Faruqi al-Mujaddidi, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
28 as-Sayyid Nur Muhammad al-Badawani, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
29 Shamsuddin Habib Allah, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
30 Abdullah ad-Dahlawi, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
31 Khalid al-Baghdadi, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
32 Ismail Muhammad ash-Shirwani, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
33 Khas Muhammad Shirwani, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
34 Muhammad Effendi al-Yaraghi, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
35 Jamaluddin al-Ghumuqi al-Husayni, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
36 Abu Ahmad as-Sughuri, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
37 Abu Muhammad al-Madani, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
38 Sharafuddin ad-Daghestani, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
39 Abdullah al-Fa'iz ad-Daghestani, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
40 Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
[color=indigo][b]Chain: From Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu `alayhi wa alihi wa sallam)
Sheik Nazim, Naqshbandi tariqa.[/b][/color]
This is the spiritual chain (silsilah) of the [b]Qadiriyyah:[/b]
The Holy Prophet Muhammad
The Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib
Imam Husayn
Imam Ali Zayn al-Abidin
Imam Muhammad Baqir
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq
Imam Musa al-Kazim
Imam Ali Musa Rida
Ma'ruf Karkhi
Sari Saqati
Junayd al-Baghdadi
Shaikh Abu Bakr Shibli
Shaikh Abdul Aziz al-Tamīmī
Abu al-Fadl Abu al-Wahid al-Tamīmī
Abu al-Farah Tartusi
Abu al-Hasan Farshi
Abu Sa'id al-Mubarak Mukharrami
Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
[b]Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani's silsilah [/b]also goes back to the Prophet (SW) through the following chain (silsila):
The Prophet Muhammad
The Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib
Shaikh Hasan Basri
Shaikh Habib Ajami
Shaikh Dawood Taiee
Shaikh Ma'ruf Karkhi
Shaikh Sari Saqati
Shaikh Junayd al-Baghdadi
Shaikh Sheikh Abu Bakr Shibli
Shaikh Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Tamīmī
Shaikh Abu al-Fadl Abu al-Wahid al-Tamīmī
Shaikh Abu al-Farah Tartusi
Shaikh Abu al-Hasan Farshi
Shaikh Abu Sa'id al-Mubarak Makhzumi
Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
Shaikh Abdirahman Is'mail Al Jaberti
thank you for the replies. If any more replies then i welcome them. I am taught never to belittle the questioner, Islamically and customer service wise, that goes for the person who gives the answers to.
I dont have a b.o problem and yes we do reap what we sow, so we have to becareful what we sow. That means not hating a people just because our teachers teach us to hate them i.e. the wahaabiyah, salafiyah, deobandiyah. Arguing without knowledge etc because when we do that sooner or later we will get a strings pulled. Rather face the reality and be fair sooner than than to feel embarrased later.
The verse in 49:6 says it all in so many words "lest we should hurt people in ignorance." Therefore its best to know and not accuse, slander, backbite and all the other evils that associate with unfair sterotypical behaviour. The way we can be fair to a people is to ask questions, of course, with good intent, as those who learn knowledge to argue with fools or the scholars are in the fire.
The purpose of asking questions shouldnt be to attack, however always be alert for those who get defensive when you ask them a simple question. Why? a 100 maybes as to why, but, overall they dont want to answer the question as its too hard for them to grapple as they are the ones that argue without knowledge and slander shuyukh because they follow blindly the speculation of other people, and dont even know the evidences themself.
Which brings me to Hazrat Abu Bakr radiyaallahanhu, as i am probaly going to get accused of slandering him and disrespecting him from the following question:
Which Islamic sciences did the Prophet saaws give 'Ijaaza to Hazrat Abu Bakr to teach?
[color=indigo][b]He was a Sahaba RadiAllahu Ta'alla anhu, why would he need ijaaza to teach? Your probally thinking if the prophet PBUH didn't give any ijaazas to any of the Sahabas RA to teach then why should we. The thing is, we cannot compare ourselves to the companions, they were the best of people with the best of knowledge, their teachings came directly from the prophet PBUH and therefore their knowledge was 100% correct. It was their job to go out and propagate the deen of Allah in order for Islam to spread. The Prophet PBUH himself told the Sahabas RA to teach people about Islam, so wasn't that ijaaza itself??[/b][/color]
I think you misunderstood my question, theres no problem with the ijaaza thats not the issue but which sciences was Abu Bakr given permission to teach? Ibn Abbas raa was handpicked by the Prophet saaws for Qur'aan, Abu Hurayrah was picked for ahaadith, Aishaa was picked for Fiqh. These are simple facts. Abu Bakr was picked for leadership and to be the Imaam of the people but still had authority to give fatawaa.
As far as i know, Abu Bakr radiAllahanhu was too busy to teach or write books as he spent his time participating in jihaad. If nobody can account for the biography of the greatest of Khulafaa in regards to teaching classes of tassawuf to Salman al Farsi, the Naqshbandi claim ends right there. However if somebody can kindly educate me, then let us continue in the chain and find out how this whole ijaaza issue arrived.
No-one here is a scholar so my only advice to you is to go and speak to a Naqshbandi Sheikh and ask them yourself or anyone else who is educated enough for that matter, it's obvious no1 here is so theres no point of you asking us.[/b][/color]
Lets cut to the chase and get to the final question.
You have some agenda you want to get to.
besides you are not asking the questions to learn, but rather to test. That is a different thing. You should not belittle a questioner who is trying to learn.
So let's cut the fei hua and get to the point. Dongma?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Wow great wali-ulah whos been given the ability to see my niyah. I am so impressed, by the way you should work for telepathic communications. If you intend to insult me with your poor remarks and win some type of debate then to your own sad satisfaction consider yourself the winner.
Thankyou for the compliments.
I have this thing called foresight.
I am pretty certain this is not the place you would come to to learn such things. And after some people gave you the lineage, you still asked for further comments.
I am not delusional enough to think these forums are serving the purpose they were created for. Gain knowledge and discuss everything. Only the latter happens.
A few people have joined in the past and asked leading questions. the leading questions always lead somewhere a few days, a week or two down the line. You know, just laying the groundwork for a siege.
I am just asking for the courtesy of getting to the point. I have no idea what point you are trying to get to, as frankly I have not been keeping too much of an eye on here recently.
Now humour me? am I wrong? a simple word would suffice. If I am not, lets cut to the chase.
PS I am not trying to be aggressive or anything. Nor am I insulting you in any manner. Just being realistic. and wanting to know your motivation.
There is no spoon.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
It only goes to show that the whole argument cooked up against Ahmad Dabbagh was false and without knowledge. As the people who argue such cant even prove ijaaza at the very beginning of the chain. Feel free to put a lock on the subject, point proven and case closed. Only fools argue without knowledge.
Noori you was not involved, this thread was somewhat intelligable to you since the threads Tareeqah Muhammadiyah and My Answer To The Editors Insults mysteriously dissappeared. Maybe their was something to hide.
I havent won any debate here, however, the truth has had its way with falsity and indeed falsitys never stand under the spotlight of investigation.
This was never a attack, nor an argument, it was a defence, and i got my result.
How does saying Abu Bakr (RA) did not recieve ijaza exonerate Ahmad Dabbagh?
[u][b]The Significance of Chain of Authority[/b][/u]
Imam Muslim in the preface (Muqadimma) of his as-Sahih has
except the reliable
through Sayyidena Ali
are always contained
that is why the Holy Prophet
declared them
entitled a chapter, “Narration from a Reliable Authority is Mandatory
in Shariah and Science of Hadith in Order to Eliminate Any Doubt of
Perjury in Narrating Knowledge from the Holy Prophet (saw)”. Following
this, Imam Muslim entitled another chapter, “Declaration of the
Fact that the Chain of Authority is Part of the Deen and there should be
no Narration Except from a Reliable Chain of Authority”.
Imam Muslim also reports from Imam Muhammad bin Sireen
(through his own chain), who states, “The science of chain of authority
and narration of Hadith is deen itself. You should check whom you are
receiving your deen from” (Sahih Muslim Muqaddimah:26). He (Imam
Ibn Sireen) again states, “Before the Fitnah of fabrication of Hadith
(and innovation) we never felt any necessity to ask about the chain because
all authorities before the period of Fitnah were undoubtedly reliable. After
this Fitnah of fabrication had occurred we started asking the narrator to
mention their chain of authority before us; and if the knowledge of deen
was narrated from an authority belonging to ahl-us-sunnah we used to accept
his transmission; and if he belonged to ahl-ul-bid’a we rejected it” (Sahih
Muslim Muqaddimah: 27).
Sa’d bin Ibrahim narrates through Sufyan bin Uyaynah, “Nobody
should narrate the knowledge of Rasul Allah
authorities”. Furthermore, Imam Muslim quotes from Amir ul
Mu’mineen fil Hadith Abdullah bin Mubarak, who states, “Al-
Isnaad (quoting the chain of authority) is a necessary part of deen. If there
was no chain of authority then everyone would have said whatever he wanted
to say” (Sahih Muslim Muqaddimah: 31).
Imam Muslim elaborated further from Imam Abdullah bin
Mubarak, who says, “Between us and between the people who receive from
us there are pillars of reliance and these are the chains of authority” (Sahih
Muslim Muqaddimah:32).
The significance of the chain of transmitters and authorities
can be further illustrated through the statement of Imam Ibn
Maajah (one of the six great Imams of Sihah Sittah). He has reported
a Hadith on the reality of Iman in the preface of his Sunan
Ibn Maajah (the same has been reported by Imam Tabarani and Imam Bayhaqi), whereby he narrates from Abus-Sultan al-Harawi
continuously up to the Holy Prophet
bin Abi Talib. At the end of the text of Hadith he quotes, “If
this isnad (chain of transmitters and authorities) is read upon a person who
is insane (majnun) he will certainly be cured.” Here lie the blessings
(barakah) of the names of the blessed persons who belong to
ahl-ul-bayt-an-nabawi and all of them are the Imams of wilayah
Although the words of the Holy Prophet
in the text of Hadith and not in the chain of authorities,
the chain of authorities only consists of the names of reliable
persons who are the blessed transmitters. Imam Ibn Maajah has
not directed towards reading the text of the Hadith upon an
insane person, but has rather emphasized reading the names of
the transmitters, which is the chain of authorities; just invoking
the names on a patient has become a spiritual treatment. This is
the aqeeda of Imam Ibn Maajah, Imam Tabarani and Imam Bayhaqi;
the same has been mentioned by Imam Suyuti, as well as by
Imam Ibn-ul-Qayyum, the great and famous student of Allama
Ibn Taymiyyah. According to all of these authoritative statements
of the Imams, who are the real transmitters of the deen
and knowledge of Hadith to us, it is clear and evident that before
the substance and content one is inevitably supposed to rely on
the chain and authority - these are the people who narrated the
knowledge of the deen. If they are proven to be reliable it is only
then one would have access to the acceptance of substance and
contents of the Hadith. Rather than place emphasis on the text,
they have given all the importance to the chain. In any Hadith the
text is known as the matan and the chain of authority is known
as the sanad or isnaad.
The text contains the message of Islam and the teachings of
the Holy Prophet (saw), the substance of the Shariah and the
Sunnah, whereas the chain consists of personalities. Reliance has
been placed on the personalities over the actual content. The
Imams have declared the chain of these reliable personalities as a part of deen. Here lies the significance of personalities in Islam
- they are the real transmitters of the deen from the Holy Prophet
to be his khulafaa. The companions asked, “Who are the khulafaa?”
He replied, “Those who revive my sunnah and are the transmitters of
my knowledge to the Ummah” (Ibn Asakir, reported by Imam Hassan
bin Ali). That is why the Holy Qur’an in Surah Fatiha has
commanded us to follow the footsteps of the blessed personalities
in order to achieve al-Hidayah (guidance) and to beseech,
“Lead us to the straight path, the path of those (personalities) whom you
blessed”. Reliable and blessed personalities have been declared to
be symbols of al-Hidayah and it has been made compulsory to
identify and follow them. On the other hand some people have
been made symbols of misguidance and the wrath of Allah (saw).
The Qur’an has commanded us neither to follow them nor to be
in their company. As stated in Surah Fatiha, “Not those who gained
your wrath, and not those who stood misguided.” The Holy Qur’an has
defined the “blessed people” in Surah an-Nisa: “The blessed people are
the Prophets (an-nabiyyeen), the Truthful (as-Siddiqeen), and the Witnesses
(of Truth) (as-Shuhadaa), and the Pious ones (possessing Allah’s nearness
- as-Saliheen).”
Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri[/i]
Beast brother, im not saying the following:
People here argue for ijaaza but dont know where ijaaza was first established. A certificate was not issued by the Prophet saaws to say Abu Bakr was qualified in this this and this, because there was not a need for that. The point i was straching at is when did the system of ijaaza, given permission to a student arrise and how was ijaaza given. Since the attackers of Ahmad Dabbagh cant answer that, then its totally hypocritical of them of attacking Ahmad Dabbagh on the false premise of not having an Ijaaza. Lately i was shown an ijaaza, however they would probaly take the next step in their attack and call it a fake.
I feel noori has took the best step here, im reading right now, i read about 9 lines and felt a sense of satisfaction. let me read more.
Who is Ahmad Dabbagh and what has that got to do with this topic?
Who is he and why should I care?
So I was 100% right in my assumption that you were trying to get to a point?
Do I get an apology for your slander?
PS I do not consider being called a Wali Ullah as a bad thing, but you meant it as a curse.
Thank you for getting to the point. Eventually.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
If we could answer and agree on this important point of Ijaaza, the mSUslims would be in all there glory once again. a
pored the ilm (knowledge) into the heart of Abu Bakr Siddiq. Abu bakr did not go to school and sit and memorize the knowledge he was given from prophet Muhammad (saw). Real knowledge is not coming from your brain, it is contained in a pure heart. Only those who achieve levels of purity can develop the connection that Abu Bakr had (to varying lesser degrees) with Prophet Muhammad. A full Ijaaza is actually a heart connection back to Prophet Muhammad
through the current authorized teacher who has that connection no matter if the student realizes it or not. The goal is that they will come to know this. Only those with that connection have certain knowledge, no one else. Every other kind of knowledge is conjecture, fales. guess work, piles of elephant dung. Today we run a search on the Internet and suddenly we are all experts - www reported saying that . . . . . It is ammuzing if it were not so destructive.
More information on this connection can be found in the teacher student relationship that Musa (as) had with his teacher. You can read more about it in I believe Sura Al-Khaf (I should clearly go back and read myself again scince I cannot remember where it is). Gues I do not have a good connection, I digress. This tacher relationship required Musa (as) to remain quiet, saying he did not have the patience for such knowledge - that was Musa, what about us?
Its called RABITA and even the Illuniati claims to offer it to there followers. There RABITA is with Shaiton, it connects their brotherhood and servants to the devil. It is a sort of ESP connection that empowers real followers (those aware) od Shaiton and his deputies. The same holds true on the good side of the equation. Those who are truly on a straight path who have taken proper biat with a real authorized Sheikh with that connection back to Prophet Muhammad
have that connection to varting degrees and understanding.
Kids, the rabbit hole goes much deeper than any of us can possibly imagine. The power of one of these real human beings if they wished could easily kick the world out of its orbit. We have no idea what it means to be a real human being, but we try and hopefully Allah (swt) will accept our pathetic attempts.
I do not know this information from books, I know it from direct experience. A real Sheikh is with you at all times. Nothing you do he is not aware, but only by permission of Allah does this khalifa of Allah see. Beware of the believer for he sees with the light of Allah.
Many of you. like Musa, will say not possble, no, can't be true. Fine, we are not speaking to you. But those who wish to understand ijaaza, who seek certain knowledge without doubt, msut move in this direction.
Today there is one man you need to align yourself with f you hoep to even begin to achieve these understandings, teachings, realities, and that teacher is the proof of fgenerosity, the pole of creation, I will not spell ceehck becasue I do not wish my brain to interfere, so please ignore the many mistakes.
I'm not sure what to make of your post, I don't disagree with everything but I can't agree with it all either.
Yes, it is Surah Kahf.
Allah wants us to use our brain, to think, ponder, ask questions, and spell check!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
If the message rings true, accept it or investigate further, if not toss it in the trash even if only one thing is incorrect, its all the same to me. Wonder what you might have to say to an unletterd Prophet of God? Think about that. While we are required to perect what we do it says a lot about people who feel the need to chastise others for spelling errors that are mostly from typing so fast and being far to busy to sweat the details. As stated I want to follow my heart, not second guess what I wrote. The message is what is importnat. I am guessing only one in a thousand will even begin to understand what is really being said as it must be experienced to be understood. Musa thought too much and never achieved the levels available to him from such a high teacher - again, that was Musa, what about us.
The Muslim World is fast asleep and have no idea what Islam really is all about. To them it is an identity, a way they were born into, a set of do's and don't. I never would have become Muslims based only on what I see practiced by the Muslims today. Sad, but very true.
Insha'a Allah, we will both increase our levels of understanding and stations.
No one chastised your spelling, but the point is you made a concious effort not to check it, which is silly. Can you say peace be upon him/as after Musa (as) please
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Were done . . .
Saltanat TV Broadcast - Monday 4th March 2013
10:00 pm - Under the Banner
On Friday after Fajr prayer, Mawlana reminded us
of the honor bestowed on Mankind by their Lord Almighty. Man has to know
this and keep the honor and the way of the Awliya Allah. People believe
in the magnetic power of metal but not in the spiritual power of the
Awliya. Each Wali has a banner and whoever walks "Under The Banner"
receives Divine protection and support.
Enough said . . . . Time to get under a banner!!!!!!!!!