Do you believe in the "official version" of 9/11?

31% (5 votes)
31% (5 votes)
6% (1 vote)
6% (1 vote)
Not sure
13% (2 votes)
Not sure
13% (2 votes)
I don't care
0% (0 votes)
I don't care
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 16

There was a time when I thought that 9/11 being an inside job was inconcievable, but I am not so sure any more.

I have never seen my self as a paranoid person but perhaps somebody could explain to me why terrorists "who hate `our` freedom" would want to crash into WTC? especially when these men also were clubbing with half-naked women? what freedom is left after that?

or hows about Bushes reaction when he found out? [reading a school book as if nothing happened, and acting as someone told him something he expected :evil: ]

or perhaps why the anti-semitic Binladin chose to target on Rosh Hashana when the number of Jewish deaths would be minimum (less then a dozen), and killing an excess of 400 Muslims?, why didn't he target on Eid when the number of Muslim deaths will be zero/low?

Does Binladin not realise the consequence for killing [i]just one[/i] believer?

4:92 [color=blue]Never should a believer kill a believer;[/color] but (If it so happens) by mistake, (Compensation is due): [color=red]If one (so) kills a believer, it is ordained that he should free a believing slave, and pay compensation to the deceased's family, unless they remit it freely.[/color] If the deceased belonged to a people at war with you, and he was a believer, the freeing of a believing slave (Is enough). If he belonged to a people with whom ye have treaty of Mutual alliance, [color=red]compensation should be paid to his family, and a believing slave be freed.[/color] [color=green]For those who find this beyond their means, (is prescribed) a fast for two months running:[/color] [b]by way of repentance to God[/b]: for God hath all knowledge and all wisdom.

The only one Binladin can carry out is the fasting, now is he gonna fast for 800 months?

If Muslim fanatics wanted to take over the world why kill an excess amount of Muslims?


LOOSE CHANGE edition 2.1 hour 29 mins.very good video about 911 truth.if u don't get on by the link,google video search for the title of the video.

TERROR Alex Jones,1 hour 52 mins.about government sponsored terrorism.shows you how they create "false flag" operations.

- 43k
- 9k


The conspiracies never seem to end......

Like the official version they have thier flaws.

There appears to be two versions of the conspiracies;

1. The gov knew about it and allowed it to happen (they deffo were warned about it but "incompetently" ignored it due to "lack of communication.")

2. That it was a controlled demolition

Did anyone see William R. speech at GPU? it was not shown on TV, what did he say?

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

Gee if it got [i]you[/i] to reconsider then maybe there is something to this Judeo-Masonic CIA backed martian conspiracy theory.

Seriously, I thought you people were extinct. Go outside - find hobbies, do something more constructive with your time. There is life beyond Youtube and I'm sure of it.

less of the cheek bro

"if you be a sheep the wolves will eat you"

you are right, the "911 conspiracy theories" are pretty silly. Especially the one about 19 arabs hijacking 4 airliners almost simultaneously while outsmarting the FBI, CIA, military, and FAA; crashing into the most heavily guarded building in the world (the Pentagon) which is surrounded by batteries of anti-aircraft missiles; leaving bags full of Qurans, wills, hijacking plans, 757 flight manuals, and passports etc... at the airport; having a passport miraculously escape the airplane crash into the twin tower and the subsequent collapse to land unharmed on the pavement below; having three steel-framed high-rise buildings collapse due to fire (first time ever in history, and has not occurred since); ...

people are quick to dismiss the conspiracy theories (boy do i hate that word) but happyly accept the contradictions / errors / mistakes in the official version of 9/11.

The symptoms of the total nazification of the western world, through putting terror into the hearts of the people to support killing of other countrys populations is now so blatantly obvious. There's big money to be made from this, and the very people that are supposed to be protecting us are the ones that are destroying us.

Timbo, are you smart enuff [size=9]*ahem*[/size] to see the connection linking saddam and osama?

care to enlighten me. I know your a convert but by now i'm sure you have worked out how muslims work.

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

"Timbo" wrote:
Hi Yaars!

Im Tim Muhammad a recent revert to Islam and i want to learn more about islam

are you claiming to be sum1 you aint?

you sure don't sound like a muslim

i can sniff one a mile a way (metophorically Wink )

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

"Mystic" wrote:
less of the cheek bro

"if you be a sheep the wolves will eat you"

you are right, the "911 conspiracy theories" are pretty silly. Especially the one about 19 arabs hijacking 4 airliners almost simultaneously while outsmarting the FBI, CIA, military, and FAA; crashing into the most heavily guarded building in the world (the Pentagon) which is surrounded by batteries of anti-aircraft missiles; leaving bags full of Qurans, wills, hijacking plans, 757 flight manuals, and passports etc... at the airport; having a passport miraculously escape the airplane crash into the twin tower and the subsequent collapse to land unharmed on the pavement below; having three steel-framed high-rise buildings collapse due to fire (first time ever in history, and has not occurred since); ...

people are quick to dismiss the conspiracy theories (boy do i hate that word) but happyly accept the contradictions / errors / mistakes in the official version of 9/11.

The symptoms of the total nazification of the western world, through putting terror into the hearts of the people to support killing of other countrys populations is now so blatantly obvious. There's big money to be made from this, and the very people that are supposed to be protecting us are the ones that are destroying us.

Timbo, are you smart enuff [size=9]*ahem*[/size] to see the connection linking saddam and osama?

care to enlighten me. I know your a convert but by now i'm sure you have worked out how muslims work.

I'm not your bro, I'm not a convert, I'm not going to explain 9.11 to yet another brit-something Muslim that thinks Jews did it, I'm too frickin busy right now.

I'm just going to laugh at you and belittle your thoughts, (zero in on this next part, it's quite important) [i]when I have the time and inclination[/i].

So yall take care then

who's claiming it was the Jews?

how many of your gov are jews?

Americans are ALWAYS the last to know what thier gov does.

the world knows it was an inside job.

pick any country and i'll tell you what its people think

(please don't say Holland, i don't wanna get too excited :!: )

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

"Mystic" wrote:
"Timbo" wrote:
Hi Yaars!

Im Tim Muhammad a recent revert to Islam and i want to learn more about islam

are you claiming to be sum1 you aint?

you sure don't sound like a muslim

i can sniff one a mile a way (metophorically Wink )

I'm Dave.

Kind of a forum Lokhi.

Here is some biography:

Hi, I'm Dave. I'm from Charleston South Carolina, I'm an Air Force JAG officer presently on reserve while in LS in Boston. Recently married and now a father with my lovely wife Annette who I've been with since we were little kids. In my free time I fly, sail and (used to) race. Roughly 10-15% of what I say should be taken seriously at any given moment and MOST IMPORTANTLY OF ALL (you really need to zero in on this part)

Angel is a snob, and I am not.

"Mystic" wrote:
who's claiming it was the Jews?

how many of your gov are jews?

Americans are ALWAYS the last to know what thier gov does.

the world knows it was an inside job.

pick any country and i'll tell you what its people think

(please don't say Holland, i don't wanna get too excited :!: )


"Timbo" wrote:

Angel is a snob, and I am not.

[b][color=indigo]Now now dave, that isn't very nice to say about your dear friend is it? tutut[/color][/b]

"Timbo" wrote:


is that spelt correctly?

dave you can't be serios when you see you beleive your gov? the oficial version is so bad that i wanna bite my arm off!

i forgot to add

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

"Mystic" wrote:
is that spelt correctly?

No, it's "liechtenstein" apparently. how terribly disappointing.

dave you can't be serios

you really need to watch that phrase around me, its entirely possible that i am not being serious at any given moment - or not being serious about not being serious, or not being serious about PRETENDING to not be serious about not being serious.

when you see you beleive your gov?

oh! there was more to that.

Now if I told you I was serious, do you think I would be telling you the truth?

the oficial version is so bad that [b]i wanna bite my arm off![/b]

Why would you want to do a thing like that?!

i forgot to add


"Timbo" wrote:

the oficial version is so bad that [b]i wanna bite my arm off![/b]

Why would you want to do a thing like that?!

i meant metophorically

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

"Mystic" wrote:
"Timbo" wrote:

the oficial version is so bad that [b]i wanna bite my arm off![/b]

Why would you want to do a thing like that?!

i meant metophorically

So basically what you are saying is that metaphorically speaking you are into cannibalism...


come off it!

I'll give you an explanation to that idiom since you have not heard it before

but tommow, it is ridiculously late,


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

same topic again?

I think I should have left the search function in!

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:

I think I should have left the search function in!

what function?

i've been looking for it but can't find it. Other forums have one.

"Timbo" wrote:
"Mystic" wrote:
"Timbo" wrote:

the oficial version is so bad that [b]i wanna bite my arm off![/b]

Why would you want to do a thing like that?!

i meant metophorically

So basically what you are saying is that metaphorically speaking you are into cannibalism...


my dad's in the dog house, no really he is, even though we don't have a dog....

it's raining cats and dogs, but I can't see animals any where

my sister and my cousin get on like a house of fire, i better not leave them on their own next time, i don't want the whole house to burn down, but i can't smell the smoke or see the damage caused by the fire

the headteacher in the local school is a scape goat for the communities problems, but she's not a gaot, she's a person

polygamy is alien to the west, but muslim men don't marry women from out of space

my mate said her maths teacher used to bore her to death, but the strange thing is that she is still alive

my mate said his boss is driving him crazy, i told him to see a phyciatrist before he really does go crazy, i got a slap, i don't understand why i was only trying to be helpful

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

"Mystic" wrote:

my dad's in the dog house, no really he is, even though we don't have a dog....

it's raining cats and dogs, but I can't see animals any where

my sister and my cousin get on like a house of fire, i better not leave them on their own next time, i don't want the whole house to burn down, but i can't smell the smoke or see the damage caused by the fire

the headteacher in the local school is a scape goat for the communities problems, but she's not a gaot, she's a person

polygamy is alien to the west, but muslim men don't marry women from out of space

my mate said her maths teacher used to bore her to death, but the strange thing is that she is still alive

my mate said his boss is driving him crazy, i told him to see a phyciatrist before he really does go crazy, i got a slap, i don't understand why i was only trying to be helpful

Are these jokes from Jimmy Carr’s repertoire?

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