Young children are with their teacher from 9.00am to 3.30pm. If their teacher is passionate about his/her work, enthusiastic and makes learning fun, then children would think the world of her/him… and as a result the teacher would reg receive cards, presents, poems etc
And if the children are really young then they’d believe absolutely everything the teacher tells them…and if they’re a tad bit older and think highly of their teacher then they are more likely to copy their teachers dress, way of talking and general mannerism to the T.
In Uni, trainee teachers are regularly told to keep their personal beliefs to themselves…they are also told to be conscious about how they dress and act because children are like sponges.
I have a guy in my class…IMO he’s a pretty good teacher because he has no inhibitions, in PE he’s more likely demonstrate dance moves (whilst I never would), when teaching children how to dance….at playtime, he’s more likely to go out and play/climb trees etc with the children whilst I’m more likely to be in the staffroom or preparing for next lesson…he has a great sense of humour and kids love to be around him.
However, some parents can’t stand him and believe that he shouldn’t be allowed to teach…cos he’s gay.
This issue could have been kept quiet…but with this guy, it’s kinda hard to miss. The way he talks and walks is incredibly feminine and his gestures are exaggerated...…every sentence of his ends with an exaggerated “Faaaabulous” or “Darhling”.
There’s a possibility that he could get kicked off the course…and if one fails the PGCE, they can’t ever apply to another teachers training institute in UK ever again.
IMO he’s a very good teacher… and I’ve never been one of those who believes in the whole hating/burning and abusing gay people…. however, if I was a mother would I want my little boy to pick up a feminine way of talking and acting? No way.
So…my question to you guys is, if you are/were a parent would you kick up a fuss about your little boy’s gay classroom teacher?
He could be whatever he likes in his private life.
I would not mind as long as he keeps his preferences to himself.
This is a tough one, if it would make my boy/s more feminine like then I would have a problem, if it made them gay, hell lets not go there.
At that age children do tend to pick up a lot of things and gay people "naturally" act in that manner so you can't tel them to stop that in class :? I would prefer my child not to be taught by someone gay, it may seem harsh but I certainly wouldnt want my boy growing up and becoming more feminine...
However nowadays that is not an option especially since the above example shows he's an excellant teacher and ruling him out due to him being homosexual is discrimination and that is not acceptable in our society. I am not sure what would be the stance if majority of parents spoke up against the gay teacher, hmmm
yeah omro the weirdo, el dungon master, got it about right 4 a change…
but da shirtlifter should at least make the effort to conceal his gayness…
no need to flaunt it in ppls faces…
so long as he doesn’t go around telling kids about adam and steve then it aint a big deal…
young kids don’t need to know about sexual deviancy…
They Vote To Send Us To War Instantly.....But None Of Their Kids Serve In The Infantry...
[b][color=indigo]I would only kick up a fuss if he was acting all gay infront of the kids. Aslong as he's doing his job well and keeping his personal life out, then it's all good![/color][/b]
I don't know if gay people "act gay" on purpose...but from what I've come across during my time at school/uni...its very hard to miss them cos of the way they act.
I personally have an issue with young kids being taught by "feminine men".
i have no issue with this. i would explain to my child and have done that all people are different and we must never make fun of anyone. we are all God's children.
the issue arose when he said 'that man's like a girl' to one of the kids tv presenters and i said thats just the way he is and we are all different and behave differently
this is not to say that i dont understand what you are all saying but i do believe peers influence children more and even then if the child is instilled with a good sense of identity and confidence in him/herself he will be less likely to emulate- so i would not mind at all if my child was taught by a gay person or had a gay friend
maybe how i feel is Islamically wrong but i cant help the way i feel something inside me thinks its very wrong if this gay man was kicked off the teaching course and i'm afraid if i was there i'd be protesting very strongly if this happened
i cant stand ppl who flaunt their buisness in front of others
if a teacher was a "private gay" I couldnt care less
but if he was acting like a OTT feminine weirdo and my lil boy was with him 9-3.30pm - 9 months in the year
then I'd DEF kick up a fuss :evil:
he can be as gay as he likes. out of school hours!! not in front of my kid!!
live and let live!!!!!!!
i used to have a gayish english teacher
i always felt uncomfortable during lessons and ended up skipping classes!!!!!!!!!!! stil passed tho alhmadullilah
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
never had a guy teacher , altho curious to knwo hw it like to have one.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
[color=red][b]yep thats true wat has his teaching got to do wid his private life [/b][/color]
the only the only nisha not Nasha
I bet your kiddy would laugh at him as opposed to becoming gay him self.
I can assure you homosexuality is not contagious
I remember someone saying "if my kiddy was tought by a hijabi I would kick a fuss, how dare she put that thing on her head and teach MY kiddo, why should I believe she won't preach Islam to my kiddo, why should i believe she won't turn the lil brat into a suacide bomber!?"
I was shocked at what he said.
"but thier is nothing wrong with a hijab, so don't be so steriotypical"
"but there's nothing wrong with being gay"
its a silly argument that can go on forever.
Muslimsislilsis I am sure he is not delibrately acting girly, why would he? esp. in front of kids?
and kicking up a fuss will just make you sound homophobic, we live in tolerant society, and you should come to terms with that.
unless he's one of those rare freaky homo's that says "sex before 8 before its too late" i can assure you have nothing to worry about.
lol I don't believe that ANYONE would want to imitate their teachers.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.
[color=indigo][b]Reaally? You would be surprized. The School which i work at, all the children look upto their teachers and copy almost everything they say and do but if your talking about secondary schools then i agree with you but as for primary schools then no.
Yes homosexuality is not contagious but it can influence a kid a great deal. Im sure no mother would wana see their child into the same sex as them at the ages of 8-12!
How will kicking up a fuss make you sound homophobic? You just want whats best for your kid. Simple as that and if that makes you sound homophobic then so be it.[/b][/color]
lol no sane person would wanna imitate the avarage teacher
unless the teacher is extremely cool, then *perhaps* s/he will be imitated, but then again that is still unlikely, esp since most teachers are the most uncoolest people you can ever meet.
As for gay teachers, all kids just laugh and take the mick out of them `n` pull funny expressions of them behind thier back. But behave like them? no sane kid would do that.
There's nothing wrong with a gay teacher, besides people need to be more tolerant of homo's.
Homo PE teachers should not be allowed in the PE changing rooms (but have been allowed in the past :? ) but other then that things are fine.
What is so bad with a homo teacher?
this kind of reminds of the time when people were making a fuss over that niqabi teacher, condoning the niqabi teacher but not gay teacher is odd to say the least.
Many islamophobes don't want thier kiddo to be tought by a Muslim teacher, do they have a right to complain? of course they don't, some applies for homo teachers.
don't get me wrong homosexuality is disgusting, but many people feel that way about Islam too.
And how will the homo teacher have adverse affects on your kiddo?
Besides how do you know this teacher is even gay Muslim sister? did he say so? he might be an intersex or transexual, he might have too much estrogen in him. Or he's probably in touch with his feminine side.
I would like Muslimsislilsis to list at least 5 adverse affects of having a homo teacher. Pretend I am the head teacher and you are complaining to me
, what exactly would you say?
I would be very disapointed if you could not list 5 adverse affects since Islamophobes can list more then 5. :? Then i would just dismiss you as homophobic.
Just because homosexuality is forbidden in Islam does not give muslims the green light to be homophobic.
We live in a non-muslim country and must conform to ethical British values (i.e. tolarence - something some muslims are haveing problems with) but the solution is - go to a country where sharia is implemented then you would never have to face such problems ever again :o .
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.