Sunni Publications - A New Traditional Publishing House

Dear brothers and sisters,

[i]assalamu `alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuhu[/i]

Most of u may not have heard of me for a long time. That is because I have been heavily occupied with several projects, of which there is one in particular that I would like to call to your attention in this topic. This project which I am very happy and excited to announce is the beginning of a traditional publishing house and the upcoming release of several outstanding books that will be translated into English the coming year, insha'allah.

[b]Sunni Publications[/b] is the international department of the first Dutch Traditional Sunni publishing house, which is located in the Netherlands, Europe and part of, a Dutch-English portal to Islam according to the Sunnah of the Prophet `alayhi salatu wa-salam, his Companions radiallahu `anhum, and all those great scholars that followed in their footsteps during the era of the Salaf and the Khalaf. Our publishing house has a clear aim, which is to release high-quality English translations of Arabic works that are written by leading contemporary and historical scholars which affirm the traditional approach, clarify misconceptions and offer practical solutions to contemporary problems. Our philosophy is to provide the best of that what is most needed in literature to practising Muslims and beginning students of Islam. Our philosophy is to provide the best of that what is most needed in literature to practising Muslims and beginning students of Islam. Our aim is to offer quality translations of traditional works that are written by leading contemporary scholars which clarify misconceptions and offer practical solutions to contemporary problems. Please visit our website for more information and upcoming releases, and our section at Ahadun Ahad Forums for any further questions:

[b][url=]Sunni Publications Website[/url][/b] & [b][url=]Sunni Publications Forum[/url][/b]

Our Program for 2007, insha'allah.

[b]1) [url=]Al-la Madhhabiyyah[/url][/b]
[i]Shaykh Muhammad Sa`id Ramadan al-Bouti[/i]
[b][url=]Questions and Answers[/url][/b]

[b]2) [url=]Al-Salafiyyah[/url][/b]
[i]Shaykh Muhammad Sa`id Ramadan al-Bouti[/i]
[b][url=]Questions and Answers[/url][/b]

[b]3) [url=]Mafahim (Info & Q/A)[/url][/b]
[i]al-Sayyid Shaykh Muhammad Ibn `Alawi al-Makki[/i]

[b]4) [url=]Haqa'iq `an al-Tasawwuf (Info & Q/A)[/url][/b]
[i]al-Sayyid Shaykh `Abdul Qadir `Isa al-Halabi[/i]

In order to make this project successful we need as much help as we can get from our brothers and sisters. We hope that you all realize the importance of this project, and that you are willing to stand by us for in the best ways that you can. Insha'allah, we can achieve much together. This project as an initiative of the people, brothers and sisters that share our concerns and ideals, instead of depending on anyone that may have their own agenda. Unlike many other publishing houses, profit is fortunately not our primary concern.

If you can help us out financially or in any other way, please do not hesitate to contact me by sending me an email through [b][][/email][/b]. If you know others that can help, inform them of our project by linking them to us, to this post or discussing our project with them. Please spread the word to anyone you know, so that we may be better known and can improve the fundament for achieving our goals, insha'allah. If you would like to help us financially, help in any of the other mentioned ways or have tips for us on how to improve, or on books that you find important to be translated, or have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. We are counting on you brothers and sisters, and to Allah subhanahu wa-ta`ala belongs all success.

Finally: I would like to ask all the brothers and sisters that are active on this forum and have offered their support for this project, to respond in this topic so that you may inspire others to do the same, insha'allah. I would also like to ask the moderators to pin this topic or help us out in any other possible way insha'allah.

Jazak'Allah Khair for that!!!!! Will definately check out the links


"Happy are those who find fault with themselves instead of finding fault with others"


Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Hamoudeh" wrote:

[b]Sunni Publications[/b] is the international department of the first
Dutch Traditional Sunni publishing house,
which is located in the Netherlands

Before I commend you, I would you to tell us
what exactly are you printing in Netherlands.

You can't be too careful in that area.

We are Ahlus Sunnah, not salafi jihadis :roll:


We are based in the Netherlands, but we do our printing in Syria. What we are printing are the mentioned books, translated into English. For more information, please visit: [b][url=]Sunni Publications at AAF[/url][/b]

We need your help brothers and sisters. If you would like to help us out financially, we have a paypal account through Afterwards contact me for access to our protected contributors section at [b][url=]AAF[/url][/b].

[i]Jazzakumallah kullu khayran wa-barakallah feekum.[/i]


Dear brothers and sisters,

[i]assalamu `alaykum wa-rahmatullah[/i]

Some of you may wonder how this project developed further. A lot has happened since the time I posted this thread, wal hamdulillah. First of all, we have managed to finally launch [b][url=][/url][/b], the official website of Sunni Publications which includes our online-shop and forum. Secondly, with your help we have raised enough money to finance our first translation, [i]Al-La Madhhabiyya[/i] by Shaykh Bouti which we hope to release at the end of next month insha’allah, and more wal hamdulillah.

However, still more is needed to continue our growth in this project, and not stagnate. Therefore, I would like to once more call upon our brothers and sisters to donate for this valuable and worthwhile project. No personal profit shall be made from any donations, they and the profit made off of them will remain in the publishing house for reinvestments for as long as Allah wills. You can donate through PayPal at our website, on the left side at the bottom there is a special module for this.

Another way we have found to finance our translations with, is distributing books by other publishers. We are the official distributor of Dar al-Fikr in the Netherlands, and offer several of their English and Arabic releases as well as releases of other Arab publishers which can be purchased from our website [b][url=]website[/url][/b]. Many of these books are rare or not available at all in the West; we ship them worldwide.

Finally, we hope that you like the website and can benefit from it and from the products we are offering and will be offering in the near future insha’allah. Please register for ordering any of our products. While you're there, please vote in the poll. And while you’re at it, check out the affiliated [b][url=][/url][/b] which will publish exclusive excerpts of our books online before they hit the stores insha’allah.

In addition, please make use of our [b][url=]forum[/url][/b] for any questions, suggestions, ideas and so on. We have a suggestions thread: [b][url=]Suggestions for 2008[/url][/b]. Everyone who was registered at AAF, is already registered here as I imported the member-database.

[i]Jazzakumallah kullu khayran wa-barakallah feekum.[/i]
