halaal donuts??

do you know that on the aol message board,,,,,,,someone has started a thread about halaal food?
The stupid woman told the following story.............

a lady in a burqa went in to greggs and asked for minced pies (halaal). After being old that greggs didn't sell halaal mince pies, she apparently went barmy!! and went out in a huff. But thats after she was told she should either leave the country or eat meat killed in british way! The guy at the counter said she originally came in to ask if their donuts were halaal!

It was horrible reading all the coments on there........ :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

[color=indigo][b]Sis many non-muslims critise and make fun out off Islam all the time. We're only a minority here, many do hate us. Don't let it get to you. There going hell so shame on them!!![/b][/color]

i'd believe it coz i have two opp experiences with greggs. In brum greggs no probs they're very very helpful. If i like something i just ask if it's suitable for vegetarians explaining halal to them is too much of a long winded procedure. They normally pull out a list of products listing suitability for various groups.

In my own town when i asked in greggs they weren't very helpful at all. just rude and plain lazy. They weren't busy just couldn't be bothered to check the list instead they told me i duno? Strict vegetarians would go balistic if they received that sort of service, i don't see why muslims should keep quiet. It's reasonable to ask about ingredients without ppl getting offended :roll:

Things would be a lot easier if they put a green v sign next to products on the counter then no need to blimin ask! Supermarkets manage this why can't they?

If that incidenct really occured i hope she took it up with head office i wouldn't let it pass. If ppl can't offer good customer service they shouldn't be in that business.

"yashmaki" wrote:
Strict vegetarians would go balistic if they received that sort of service...

I have also had poor experience with that bakery. I recall asking if the cheese was vegetarian and this simple girl rolls her eyes and says, "cheese is vegetarian". I said, not always, take my word for it and check, please. She put up a hell of a resistance, tried to make out that I was wrong, and ultimately when she went to check reported that the packaging didn't specify. I wouldn't buy from them now.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

"Noor...*" wrote:
[color=indigo][b]Sis many non-muslims critise and make fun out off Islam all the time. We're only a minority here, many do hate us. Don't let it get to you. There going hell so shame on them!!![/b][/color]
That's not making fun of islam it's just that the native brits do something one way and muslims do it a differant way. How is meat made hilal?

by slaughtering it and saying a dua? not sure, but in pakistan i was watching my uncles chop up this goat/sheep and they read a dua before they cut the neck of it.

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

"stmark" wrote:
"Noor...*" wrote:
[color=indigo][b]Sis many non-muslims critise and make fun out off Islam all the time. We're only a minority here, many do hate us. Don't let it get to you. There going hell so shame on them!!![/b][/color]
That's not making fun of islam it's just that the native brits do something one way and muslims do it a differant way. How is meat made hilal?

[b][color=indigo]I never said they were making fun outoff Islam, I meant in general many do.

Well some animals Muslims cannot eat. The way the animal is cut determines whether the meat is Halal or not. The animal is cut from the throat, the reason why it's cut from there is because the animal doesn't suffer as much and is killed fairly quickly. The animal becomes unconscious and doesn’t feel a thing due to the excessive amount of blood gushing out. It is done in this way so that the animal doesn't suffer as much. The name of God is also said before the animal is killed.[/color][/b]

On the topic of halal food and people of other faiths I recently went into a chinese takeaway and asked them if their chicken was halal. Less than two minutes later the cheif brings a box of frozen chicken from the feezer and says "is this symbol halal?". To cut a story short I had a great meal.


"stmark" wrote:
That's not making fun of islam

If she was a Jew the shop assistant would get in trouble for anti-Semitism, what’s with the double standards?

"the idiot Mark" wrote:
it's just that the [b]native brits[/b] do something one way

there is no such thing as "native brits", now are you referring to the white Angelo Saxon White people as "native brits"?

Just because they have been around in this country that long that they cannot retrace their routes (except through genetic tests) does not make them Natives!

Britain is letting in more and more immigrants in every single day, and they have improved our economy greatly, we need them just as much as they need us.

Most people in here are English, we were born in England therefore we are English. Just because many of us don't have white skin it does not make us any less English then the white Angelo Saxon people.

I've also read your racist comments in the thread about the niqab, who the hell do you think you are advocating racist BNP policies in a Muslim forum!?

Any idea what the white man did to native Americans? Any idea what I would do to you if I was native American?

I find many secular people indifferent to the needs of Muslims and Jews, I remember a teacher at school giving a Paki Muslim girl (who was new and did not come from Paki land long ago) haram beef flavor crisps. I told her it was against her religion and she was like "I don't care :roll: "

It is so bloody irritating :x

"peacegirl" wrote:
do you know that on the aol message board,,,,,,,someone has started a thread about halaal food?
The stupid woman told the following story.............

a lady in a burqa went in to greggs and asked for minced pies (halaal). After being old that greggs didn't sell halaal mince pies, she apparently went barmy!! and went out in a huff. But thats after she was told she should either leave the country or eat meat killed in british way! The guy at the counter said she originally came in to ask if their donuts were halaal!

It was horrible reading all the coments on there........ :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Probably the AOLers were plain idiots but it is worth remembering that this is a second-hand story. [i]Did the woman ask for mince pies or donuts? Did she only lose her rag after the hateful (unquestionably despicable) comment or before? Was the comment the first answer to her question or did she complain? What were the exact words of the offensive comment?[/i] We don't know this stuff. It is possible that the lady asked about a mince pie or a donut and was told they were not halal, she began to get upset and asked why they don't sell halal mince pies and only then did someone say, look, in this country this is what we do, you don't like it you don't have to live here. This is pure speculation on my part and in any event that would be offensive but I am pointing out that the whole thing is unclear. As for "double standards", poster, if she wants to take legal action she can do so. If she was badly treated she should do so. If she doesn't take civil action there is no issue of double standards.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

"Noor...*" wrote:
"stmark" wrote:
That's not making fun of islam it's just that the native brits do something one way and muslims do it a differant way. How is meat made hilal?

[b][color=indigo]I never said they were making fun outoff Islam, I meant in general many do.

Well some animals Muslims cannot eat. The way the animal is cut determines whether the meat is Halal or not. The animal is cut from the throat, the reason why it's cut from there is because the animal doesn't suffer as much and is killed fairly quickly. The animal becomes unconscious and doesn’t feel a thing due to the excessive amount of blood gushing out. It is done in this way so that the animal doesn't suffer as much. The name of God is also said before the animal is killed.[/color][/b]

Isn't it tru that when an animal is slaughtered the islamic way, it loses almost all the blood. Therefore making it a lot more safer than the haraam way? someone mentioned this just the other day. not sure if this is true.

live and let live!!!!!!!

[color=indigo][b]Yeah it is. All the blood is drained out in that way whereas if you just killed it from any part of that body the blood doesn't all drain out and the animal is in more pain then.[/b][/color]

"Noor...*" wrote:
[color=indigo][b]Yeah it is. All the blood is drained out in that way whereas if you just killed it from any part of that body the blood doesn't all drain out and the animal is in more pain then.[/b][/color]

yeah...........but does it make the meat more safer to eat?? coz the blood has been drained out??

live and let live!!!!!!!

[b][color=indigo]Well the blood will get cleaned anyway once its being prepared to eat.[/color][/b]

"poster" wrote:
I remember a teacher at school giving a Paki Muslim girl (who was new and did not come from Paki land long ago) haram beef flavor crisps. I told her it was against her religion and she was like "I don't care :roll: "

Can I just ask you something, I don't have beef flavoured crisps or anything but have seen people eating them. So how is beef flavoured crisps haram, they don't have the actual 'beef' in them?

"MuslimBro" wrote:

Can I just ask you something, I don't have beef flavoured crisps or anything but have seen people eating them. So how is beef flavoured crisps haram, they don't have the actual 'beef' in them?

other flavors of the same brand had the "suitable for vegetarian" sign on, some of them did not, the beef flavor did not have the sign on, i am not saying they had beef in them but the point still stands, they has something haram in them, hence the suitable for vegetarian sign was not on them.

I know a lot of meat flavored crisps are actually suitable for vegetarians, but I don’t find them particularly appealing.

evn if they said suitable for vegetarians on the packet it would stil put me offf simple cos they're called "beef flavour"

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

If they did have the suitable for vegetarian sign on I would never have said anything, it was not the flavor I had a problem with anywayz.

Meat flavor crisps stink. the barbecued flavor was so strong it stunk the whole class room. :?

suitable for vegetarians doesn't always = halal

checked out some mince pies yesterday which had suitable for vegetraians sign on them.

a closer look at the ingredients showed they had 2.0% brandy.

[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]

"khan" wrote:
suitable for vegetarians doesn't always = halal

I know.

The same applies to most things we eat, sometimes it is in the flavorings of many food and by law they don't have to tell us that the flavoring contains alcohol. It used to drive me crazy at one point, but I don’t care anymore, Allah judges you on your intention, and there is nothing we can do about it.

As for mince pies, we used to buy them all the time, until we found out

is geletine haraam? because zap had geletine in it, and i haven't had one for weeks, and i need to know asap!

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

"zara" wrote:
is geletine haraam? because zap had geletine in it, and i haven't had one for weeks, and i need to know asap!

Gelatine is derived from boiled bones and other animal parts.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

I thought it was from the fat of animals.

No. Bones, tendons and skin all go into gelatine.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

ewwww, i'm never having zap again!

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

"zara" wrote:
ewwww, i'm never having zap again!
Lol Lol zara!!

live and let live!!!!!!!

speaking of donuts

sainsbury had the nerve to sell me uncooked jam donuts

u cud still feel the uncooked dough in the middle

it made me sick :evil:

i do love my choc donuts

lol, at break i always used to have blue panda pop and a chocolate donut! but then they stopped selling them! :evil:

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.