Are you a scaredy cat?

28% (5 votes)
28% (5 votes)
22% (4 votes)
22% (4 votes)
Total votes: 18

One thing that has been on my mind lately is fear, normally walking down the street at 9pm wouldn’t be scary for me but now walking at 5pm in the dark is too much and I find myself really freaked out by anyone esp. men.

I think this is mainly due to what is happening with attacks on Muslims (or maybe I am just getting carried away) but my cousin was telling me that she heard a woman who was wearing the niqab or hijab was shot in the head in front of her young baby! Today I was walking near my workplace, it’s a deserted place and a girl was murdered near there, neway I was walking and this man was coming from the car park instead of taking a normal pathway he decided to jump over the fence, I don’t know what happened but I totally freaked out coz I thought he can just walk past me and stab me….Am I just paranoid? Do u feel safe when walking alone or with little company?

I am not just saying this is coz of Islam but generally there is a lot of violence in Glasgow, you always hear of murders, the world is becoming a more crueller and inhumane place:( (I need to move somewhere safer, any recommendations?)

[b][color=indigo]Yes i am a scaredy cat!!! My nani only lives like 4 doors down the road or sumthing and at night when im over at hers and when i want to go home which is usually @ 11/12ish at night, sum1 has too always wait for me!! lol, my mum or sisters either cumz out and wait for me to run up or my nani stands outside untill she knwz i've gone in lol. Our road is kindoff spooky, we've got trees everywhere and a huge church at the bottom of the road! and the street lights hardly ever work so its pitch black.

Apart from that, i aint really scared. We've had alot of shootings and stabbings but they usually tend to happen at night and to the dodjy ones, so im alright. I usually walk it everywhere buts its always daylight and therz always people. I enevr go to dodjy ends were i no thrz gona be dodjy people and stuff. Its best to stay away from them routes even though if it means you'll be walking for longer. Better safe than sorry!

If you wana move to sumwhere safer cum to Sheffield! Biggrin [/color][/b]

Angel it is understandable that you are scared as you live in Glasgow, coz that city is known for it's high rate of violent crimes and murders. I live in east London and I'm not scared walking around at night, actually I'm one of these weird people who like being out at night :?. If something was to happen to me then I might be more aware when I go out at night but it won't stop me.

I think people nowadays are too scared that something might happen to them, it might be that less people are out at night. I heard that some pensioners are literally prisoners in their own homes because they are so scared that they might get mugged or something. Statistically more crimes happen in the day then at night so people should be more scared when they are out during the the day.

If you were to move out then London would be a good place, east London to be more specific. I disagree with Noori, Sheffield is a place where you don't wanna be as it's one of the places in the UK where vehicle crime is very high, Rotherham to be specific, so you don't know if you'll wake up in the morning and see your car missing.

"MuslimBro" wrote:
I disagree with Noori, Sheffield is a place where you don't wanna be as it's one of the places in the UK where vehicle crime is very high, Rotherham to be specific, so you don't know if you'll wake up in the morning and see your car missing.

[b][color=indigo]Rotherham is on the outskirts of Sheffield not IN!!! and i've only ever heard of one car getting nickd but that was then found again..Sheffield has a very tite communtiy, everyones always looking out for each other, so all is good! Biggrin [/color][/b]

Im not afraid to go out and about at night where i live and i live in Oldham. But it might be bcoz when i do go out at night im in the car soo... I have to walk Mez home after Uni as she gets well afraid... of everything (bit like my mom). Coz she finishes at 5ish and its dark around that time i usually have to wait for her @ uni then walk her home.

Rowdy people at night tend to scare people. We got on a bus home once and these 8 lads jumped onto the bus (so it was packed) and they were well rowdy... but they didnt do anything... i wasnt really afraid as we were on a bus possibly apprehensive but not afraid.

I recon people need to make more of an effort to get to know the people that live in their neighbourhood that way theres less likely to be afraid of you and you of them.

Back in BLACK

which part of sheffield u living in Nooriya??

My eldests sisters first car got broken into 3 times in the same week then eventually they took it n were gna set it on fire bt they got caught.

We've had a strange man who tried breaking into our house on eid day.. he actually managed to get into the house saw a room full of people then legged it.

and my next door neigbours car has been knicked a few times...and a couple of other people on our street have had their cars knicked r smashed. other than that its a jolly place to be Biggrin

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

"Noor...*" wrote:
We've had alot of shootings and stabbings but they usually tend to happen at night and to the dodjy ones, so im alright. [/color][/b]

yup we hav indeed

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

"Snoopz" wrote:
[b]which part of sheffield u living in Nooriya?? [/b]

My eldests sisters first car got broken into 3 times in the same week then eventually they took it n were gna set it on fire bt they got caught.

We've had a strange man who tried breaking into our house on eid day.. he actually managed to get into the house saw a room full of people then legged it.

and my next door neigbours car has been knicked a few times...and a couple of other people on our street have had their cars knicked r smashed. other than that its a jolly place to be Biggrin

[color=indigo][b]Lol. Im only up the road from you!!!!

I actually forgot about them events! Remmber that other one who leggd it up gmas house and then nana caught him as he was getting out?! :shock:

I never heard about the fire one.. :? Remmber that dodjy private looking guy in the wheelchair?[/b][/color]

And Nooriya you were saying bout vehicle crime......... Blum 3

"MuslimBro" wrote:
And Nooriya you were saying bout vehicle crime......... Blum 3

[color=indigo][b]Well i kindoff forgot about them incidents... my mistake.[/b][/color]

I would never travel on public transport late night - way too many dodgy people are on public transport at that time...however, driving my car in the middle of the night doesnt bother me.

I never walk in the dark on my own...even if its dark at 4.00pm.

i tend 2 avoid walkin alone innthe dark but im not afraid u shudnt be afraid how old r u guyz tut tut im probably decades younga and i am not afraid so why shud u be Dirol :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"MuslimSister" wrote:
I would never travel on public transport late night - way too many dodgy people are on public transport at that time...however, driving my car in the middle of the night doesnt bother me.

I never walk in the dark on my own...even if its dark at 4.00pm.

[b][color=indigo]I too wouldnt ever catch a bus late at night. Well today i almost had no choice! My only opitions were to catch a bus, taxi or walk it home from 10pm and from the city center!!!!!! But luckly i managed to get a lift![/color][/b]