Saddam Hussein's Great Escape!!

"BBC NEWS" wrote:
Strong reports coming out of Iraq today claiming Saddam Hussein has escaped from jail mere days after his death sentencing. It is believed that during a routine guard change the former dictator made his move and escaped his cell it is believed he may have had outside help.

Other reports state that the current Iraqi government installed by US forces seem to be in a mass exodus from the country with their families and all the loot they can carry. The atmosphere seems one of unorganized panic. Prime Minister Minister Jawad al-Maliki was identified in a convoy of 15 trucks and other vehicles crossing the border into Syria later this morning. Members of the Iraqi National Assembly departed en mass from Baghdad airport in several chartered jets, apparently headed for Paris along with their families and many supporters.

The US military itself appears to have ceased all patrols and pulled back into defensive enclaves in a 'wait and see' attitude. There is no official word as yet from US officials regarding the current Iraqi state of affairs.

Related reports indicate that throughout Iraq Al Qaeda components of the Iraqi insurgency are gathering their forces along with Saddams remaining supporters in an attempt to possibly re-take the country from coalition forces.


Seraphim, please provide the link. I cannot find an article like this. (Additionally it is poorly worded but that is not so unusual.)

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

Looks like that is rubbish, or some kind of joke, or an interesting fiction.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

or it could be true. if he has escaped, then i'm sooooo happy!!!

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

He hasn't escaped, and the article above is full of grammatical errors, typos and misspellings that even the BBC wouldn't commit. And your reaction is pitiful.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]


I actually believed that was true for a second!

Zara why would you be so happy if he did ever manage to escape??[/color][/b]

lol Saddam didn't escape it's a joke article, lighten up 100. Zara, sorry you think that Saddam has tried to repaint himself as some kind of vilified but noble islamic warrior after he was caught. He was an athiest thug who killed many people to consolidate power for his own benefit.

In a somewhat related matter the Secretary of Defense just stepped down, assuming Bob Gates is sworn in I have to go to Washington for a week or so - take care everyone.

Zara why would you be so happy if he did ever manage to escape??

i just feel sorry for him, NO WAY DO I AGREE WITH WHAT HE DONE!!!

Zara, sorry you think that Saddam has tried to repaint himself as some kind of vilified but noble islamic warrior after he was caught. He was an athiest thug who killed many people to consolidate power for his own benefit.

you could talk :roll: how many innocent people has america killed for it's own benefit.

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.


Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

"zara" wrote:
Zara why would you be so happy if he did ever manage to escape??

i just feel sorry for him

[color=indigo][b]Dont you feel sorry for all those people who he killed and made suffer?[/b][/color]

Zara, sorry you think that Saddam has tried to repaint himself as some kind of vilified but noble islamic warrior after he was caught. He was an athiest thug who killed many people to consolidate power for his own benefit.

"zara" wrote:
you could talk :roll: how many innocent people has america killed for it's own benefit.

[b][color=indigo]And in who's control was that in? The people of America or the goverment? You cant go blaming the people when its not their fault, blame the leader! and who said everyone in America agrees with bush?[/color][/b]

Dont you feel sorry for all those people who he killed and made suffer?

they shouldn't have tried to assasinate him, then! in history, we read about how queen mary burnt rebels and people who tried to kill her, every king, queen president or primeminister kills the people who try to kill them.
but i think saddam hussain was WRONG to kill lots of innocent people too. he should only have killed those who were guilty.


And in who's control was that in? The people of America or the goverment? You cant go blaming the people when its not their fault, blame the leader! and who said everyone in America agrees with bush?

the people of america choose the goverment. most people agree with bush, that's why he's still president.
in britain, most people disagreed with blair, so he wanted to resign. i don't think bush intends to resign yet, not when he has so much supporters.

these are just my veiws on the subject, i hope this doen't turn into another arguement, there's enough of them already.

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

As it happens Bush's party just got trounced in the mid-term elections but he will be in power until 2008 sometime.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

"zara" wrote:
or it could be true. if he has escaped, then i'm sooooo happy!!!


live and let live!!!!!!!

"zara" wrote:
Zara why would you be so happy if he did ever manage to escape??

i just feel sorry for him, NO WAY DO I AGREE WITH WHAT HE DONE!!!

you could talk :roll: how many innocent people has america killed for it's own benefit.

YOU FEEL SORRY FOR A MURDERER??? OH FOR GOODNESS need to feel sorry for his victims.

live and let live!!!!!!!

lol, what are you people like.

Ofcourse its a spoof article. Biggrin

I just wanted to see what peoples reaction would be to it :twisted:


To all those who figoured it out... my congrats seems ive tought you something after all.... CONSTANT VIGILANCE!

To those who did believe it.... can you say Gullible?


hahahahahahahahahaha (that is all for now)

Back in BLACK

Well that was a short trip... I seriously can't believe the arrogance of the Pentagon sometimes, there is absolutely no reason for us to have gone to that and I'd hardly call that a "week" - the hotel didnt even give me a refund!

Speaking of the hotel - screw them, as much as I love contributing to the Paris Hilton cocaine fund I at least mean to accept services for my money and if I don't get them I damn well don't intend on making a donation. I got the pretentious punks back though - I gave my key to a homeless guy, i hope he enjoys the stay and visits the restaurant often, I'm sure all their snobby guests will love that.

Holiday Inn henceforth.


What exactly are you saying... "I think America did bad stuff so let's let what Saddam did slide" ? I'm not sure I understand your point.

"Odysseus" wrote:
I gave my key to a homeless guy


[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

"Odysseus" wrote:
Well that was a short trip... I seriously can't believe the arrogance of the Pentagon sometimes, there is absolutely no reason for us to have gone to that and I'd hardly call that a "week" - the hotel didnt even give me a refund!

Speaking of the hotel - screw them, as much as I love contributing to the Paris Hilton cocaine fund I at least mean to accept services for my money and if I don't get them I damn well don't intend on making a donation. I got the pretentious punks back though - I gave my key to a homeless guy, i hope he enjoys the stay and visits the restaurant often, I'm sure all their snobby guests will love that.

Holiday Inn henceforth.


What exactly are you saying... "I think America did bad stuff so let's let what Saddam did slide" ? I'm not sure I understand your point.

lol what exactly was ur purpose of going? are you part of the government or something? are you spying on us? :shock:

btw - no offence intended to anyone, but zara's comments shouldnt be taken too seriously - she's 13. where she gets her views from, i wonder :?

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Sirus" wrote:

lol what exactly was ur purpose of going? are you part of the government or something? are you spying on us? :shock:

Yes, I am a government spy :twisted:

lol no, I am in this AF program that only accepts a certain number of officers per year, it's rather important so we usually are required to show up to important ceremonial events like the inauguration of a new President or Secy Defense. I was directed to Washington for what I thought was the beginning of the Senate confirmation (which I thought was a little premature), but actually was nothing more than a press conference and quick introduction to the person replacing the person I am under. It was a waste of freaking time, I could EASILY have skipped this and I'm so busy at school right now it was just a waste of my time.

I'm not amused.

Skipping school today though, once Annette feels a little better I was going to make her breakfast and take her to MV for the day.

I'm going to be a daddy soon Biggrin

btw - no offence intended to anyone, but zara's comments shouldnt be taken too seriously - she's 13. where she gets her views from, i wonder :?

I really just wanted to know what her opinion was - some people here seem to persecute her every word. Leave the kid alone folks.

Objecting isn't persecuting. Even you did it.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

Woah man, WHAT is your problem? We had couple of petty disagreements. You gonna put it behind us or what?

I would much rather be talking on a friendly level where I can congratulate you and whatnot. Let it lie?

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

btw - no offence intended to anyone, but zara's comments shouldnt be taken too seriously - she's 13. where she gets her views from, i wonder

i disagree :twisted:
being 13 makes no difference.

YOU FEEL SORRY FOR A MURDERER??? OH FOR GOODNESS need to feel sorry for his victims.

but i think saddam hussain was WRONG to kill lots of innocent people too. he should only have killed those who were guilty.


Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

"zara" wrote:
btw - no offence intended to anyone, but zara's comments shouldnt be taken too seriously - she's 13. where she gets her views from, i wonder

i disagree :twisted:
being 13 makes no difference.

but i think saddam hussain was WRONG to kill lots of innocent people too. he should only have killed those who were guilty.


helllllooooooooooooo !!!!!!!

live and let live!!!!!!!


Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

Can everyone stop saying hello?


Back in BLACK

what's dmy?
i HAVE to have the last say, so if saima doesn't say hello again, then i won't either.

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

"zara" wrote:
what's dmy?
i HAVE to have the last say, so if saima doesn't say hello again, then i won't either.

I'm only replying to your hellos! Smile

live and let live!!!!!!!