Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu,
I'm new here. Insha'Allah I'll post an introduction-post.
I feel often very bored. It's like Islam makes your life (especially when you're in puberty) very boring. Sometimes I'm thinking about dating with girls and having fun etc.
Please help me. How should I be a practising Muslim? How should I solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Wa Salaam Alaikum,
Mohammed Azam
boring!! Islam when ur a teenager , wen ur in ur Youth its the most excitable time evevr!!!!!!!! and i not Exaggerating
go and find a muslim and ask him is ur life boring
.not only are u genreally very active at this time ur always up and about.
in how u sud become a praticing muslim brother my advice to u is
bt inshallah one day with the mercy of Allah swt i get their .
start by inshallah comming to all the 5 daily prayers. the basics. ur day will never become boring with that .
boring ! sorry i cnt stil belive u even mention that word . all teh talks the charitable event the zikhar teh gatherings the nasheeds concerts the lectures being in the company of teh pious shaykes and endless more all theses are on all teh time . in theses Halah and most funn enviroments u getting to meet new muslims brothers and sisters . by the grace of Allah swt i am tyring my best to be teh best practising muslim one coud be..... altho i gt to say i stil got a lonnnnnnng way yet
i have the most fun ever the biggest laugh evryone in skool knows me i their friend i still have fun. know u callling me boring :?:
i wish i nver get pas my youth not only is its very Blessed by Allah swt as ur young u choose to travel in teh way of ALLAH swt who made u in the first place and not fall in Shatyans path dating girls etc wat fun , fun that will only drag u closer to hell . ok u opt to date girls wat u na gain fun in ringing thm..oooo thats fun touching them!!! Asterfuallah sorry brother but i feel like hitting u!!!!!!!!! dnt dnt get trick into fallling in the path of the devil always remember he is an open enemy to man :!:
another thing dnt wat to get too perosnal bt ur company. its always handy to sit in teh company of the good that start will be a good boost to get u gng. go and find practising mulism brothers be their budddy.. lol if ur lucky thy might just help u find a praticing wify. aswell . of course all in a HAlah way. thier wll be no need of runing after school girls.
. that buddy will help u travel to jannah or if its a very guuud budddy they will help u fly to jannah
its too late to be wasting ur time as thye say u never knw wat around teh corner u get knock dwn by a buss next ur in ur grave the angels come to u they ask u the qestions wat ur is ur answer u have no answet bt er help! help it bee too late u had ur time on earth
it be too lateeeeeeeeeeeeeee and then u regret ittt !!!!!!
i can be here all day giving u my advice so i call it a day. again i am not perfect my self.. i cnt even spell propery!
i hate it wen peopel say to me oh thats gud ur a young practising muslim .. never i still tryign to live up to the name :!:
anything i have sed that may have upseted u or affended u in any way plez forgive me. At the end of teh day Allah swt knows best and his Prophet saw.
u gt a beautiful name brother dont take the beauty out of it
Isn't it interesting that a young man got
his first reply from a woman named Khadija.
A blessing of Ramadan perhaps?
[color=indigo][b]Is it?[/b][/color]
Firstly.. Welcome to the revival!
Hope you enjoy your stay here!
Bro, firstly i would recommend you to check out this article from the following site:
There are a few other excellant ones too. Check them out and im sure they'll help you loads Insha'allah.
Allah (swt) has promised seven people His shade on the Day of Judgment, as a mark of distinction and honour. Youth who spend their years as devout and conscious Muslims in the face of overwhelming temptations and seductions are one of the seven people.
Bro, don't you want to be under that shade? Surely this shade is what we should be working for, is any girl/drugs/clubbing all worth the blazing hell fire?
How long wil that buzz last you? A couple days/weeks/nights? The buzz of Islam will be enternal! Both in this dunya and the ahirah.
It's not like your going to get married to the girls or sumthing.. or they really worth making Allah and his rasul unhappy? Is she really worth it?
I'm 17 in my youth and im a practicing sister and Allahmdulilah im loving it! I have soo much fun you wouldnt believe! But all in a halal way.
Get yourself involved in islamic events/study circles/nasheed shows etc etc. Islam doesnt limit us too having fun, you can still go out with your friends, go bowling, cinemas, theme parks you can do so Much! Another thing.. look carefull at who your friends are, if you've got a bad compnay leave them and find other brothers who are praticing. Your freinds are a massive influence. If all your friends are praticing, thoughts like going out with girls wont cross your mind as you'll be busy with other stuff.
You say you wana have some fun now.. then you'll start praticing Islam when your a lil older, but who is to say you wont die during your youth? What if your in a club and you die? Allah can take us away any time any second. Do you really want your mum finding out that her son died in a club? Think about what that will do to her.. bro i know ther is alot of temptation around everywhere, but think is going into all the haraam worth it? When you grow older you will look back and regret it soo much if you ever go into that haraam stuff.
Anyhow! I'll stop there cz im blabbing on.. Insha'allah bro just try to stick on the straight path and don't fall into the trap of shaytan.
Noor......mashallah!! I'm so impressed by your post. You don't get many people of your age thinking like that. wow! Your thought are so positive and all at this age!!
live and let live!!!!!!!
Then comes along light.
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
You don't have to apologise, you have ijazah to hit me. And you didn't offend me, you're right.
I really am confused. I think I have these thoughts because I have no pious friends. It's just that sometimes I'm being oppressed by my family. For example, I don't watch Bollywood movies anymore. And my family was like: you're a extremist!!
So that's why I've been thinking about that Islam is boring. I don't feel like being supported from someone.
Masha'Allah.. Great post. Your post really got an impact on me. May Allah grant you all (the ones who posted in this topic) with all the good in this world and the Hereafter.
Wa Salaam Alaikum,
[URL=http//][img]http//[/img][/URL]'ve come the right place!!
live and let live!!!!!!!
Lol, you're quite funny
[b][color=indigo]Bro, get down to your local Mosque! Find a practicing brother and tell him your situtation and im sure he'll help you out.
You said yourself you have no praticing friends, well thats probally why you feel as if you need to go into all that haraam because of your non practicing friends. Leave them and move on.
It must be hard for you as you don't come from a practicing family and i do understand you may feel low at times. But turn to Allah and he'll help you. Explain to your family why you do things, tell them why you have stopped watching bollywood films. After your explanation im sure they'll understand. After seeing your good behaviour your family will realise and see that by practicing Islam has made you a better person and then maybe they may change too Insha'allah. [/color][/b]