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You're first point isnt that stated in Quran/Ahadith when in the night of Shabay-Qadir, that Allah (swt) decides fate, it may have something to do with a leaf fallin off a tree with a specific person's name on it.

As for knowing, my grandfather knew too, he was asking for his watch and said whats the time and he was told the time and then someone said put your watch on, and he replied "there is no point of putting it on now" and he was reciting something and someone put their ears to his lips and he was reciting the kalma, moments later he passed away. I do believe people do know, how earlier before their death? Aint sure of that...I always think its those close to Allah (swt) that are told beforehand I dont knw why, maybe the yearning for the meeting with their Lord, who knows.

"MuslimSister" wrote:
Does everyone believe in the fact that when a person's day of death approaches, a leaf with the person's name on it falls from the tree beneath God's throne…..and then after forty days have passed, the angel of death comes to claim that persons soul?

Does the person “know” that that their time is near…? The only reason why I’m asking is cos my Nan really ‘really’ wanted her family to visit this Summer….she didn’t take into consideration our school/uni/work commitments….she also distributed her gold to family a few weeks prior to her death-or maybe I’m reading too much into stuff?

[b][color=indigo]Yes i believe that. Sis u aint reading too much into it. My cuzin had so many signs and alot of other people who i know who passed away also gave signs. This one woman gave herself ghousl and she also had a coffin in her attic ready.

I was at the mosque and a brother was doing a talk on death and Allahmdulilah it made everything SO clear. After that my heart was in peace as i was fully aware of why my cousin went and where he is now. In a sense i am kindoff happy for him. He was suffering so much, you wouldnt believe. Now he's in peace Insha'allah with the pious ones. Sinners are only left on the earth to repent.

Before the dead are going to die they recieve signs that they are going to go from Allah. Thats one thing the brother touched upon. Also if the person who was pious the Angel of death would appear to them it the most beautiful form ever and then take away their soul and it would be as if they ahd seen jannah and if they were bad then the Angel would appear to them in a form which would be dreadful and would be like as they just seen hell. Also if the person is sweating from the forehead at the time of death, that is a good sign.

The way in which the prophets were taken away was beautiful, they were either given a flower or a speacial garment to them and at the very second they would return to Allah. When Allah decided to bring back Muhammad s.a.w to him, he s.a.w asked a question why am i going to go now or cant i stay for a bit longer or something (not to sure but i think that was the question) then the Angel said Allah wants to meet with his beloved. SubhanAllah.[/color][/b]

sometimes people just know. Especially if it is age related or health related.

Apart from that, I would say that mostly no, the person does not know their time is almost up.

It is almost universal for people to read more into it. ('Person looks so peaceful')

Or maybe I am just a cynic.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعون


sorry to here about ur nan MS Sad

its only at times like these that we realise how much the person we lose means to us Cray 2

it makes us appreciate the miracle of being alive

you never realise what u have until u lose it Cray 2

take it easy sis,

.... time is a great healer ....

[color=red]"The best of people are those who live longest and excel in their deeds, whereas the worst of people are those who live longest and corrupt their deeds." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh] [/color]

My gran died a few months back - we were extremely close, she lived with us. My mother is a working mum so my gran was more of a mother figure to myself and my brothers, when she passed away it came as a blow to all of us. People say time heals pain yet i still find it hard to accept that she's not with us any longer.

I heard as well that righteous, pious souls can roam the earth as they wish and it was upon hearing this that i started reflecting upon my actions.

I'm not perfect, i commit many sins that i know i shouldn't but ever since my gran passed away, i became paranoid that my gran could see what i was doing and upon seeing my actions, her soul would be in anguish and i could bear to cause any pain to my gran. At times i do stray and commit sins that i know my nan would hate to see me do so i really want a clear answer to if the deceased know whats happening to those who they have left.

As admin said sometimes with age or with an illness one can sense the end is near. Otherwise a person is usually unaware his death is near... i say usually as there are exceptions to the rule.

'Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji'oon' (To Allah we belong and to Him we are to return)
May Allah(Swt) forgive our loved ones whom have passed away and have mercy on them and have them join the higher companions. Ameen.

Back in BLACK

"shahid1" wrote:
People say time heals pain yet i still find it hard to accept that she's not with us any longer.


I agree with you. I also don’t believe that it’s possible for some people to ever get over death….a cousin of mine can’t mention her Nan’s name without bursting into tears…and her Nan passed away five years ago.

When I was a young child, my mum worked full time when dad struggled to find work...during that time my Nan was also a mother figure to me.

I pray that it gets easier for you.

Welcome to the forum brother.

Although we are doing Eid tomorrow it will not be much of a celebration as a sister of a close friend of mine has passed away this morning in a car accident.

Im due to go over there in an hour to see him.... i have no idea what im going to say or do... just feel like he should have my support if he needs me.

Back in BLACK

"Seraphim" wrote:
'Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji'oon' (To Allah we belong and to Him we are to return)
May Allah(Swt) forgive our loved ones whom have passed away and have mercy on them and have them join the higher companions. Ameen.

[b][color=indigo]Ameen thum'ameen [/color][/b]

"Seraphim" wrote:
Although we are doing Eid tomorrow it will not be much of a celebration as a sister of a close friend of mine has passed away this morning in a car accident.

Im due to go over there in an hour to see him.... i have no idea what im going to say or do... just feel like he should have my support if he needs me.

Chayim Aruchim. You can just let him do the talking or just be with him. That is very sad news. Strength to your friend, and to you.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

I couldn't agree more with you Noor. People view death as a bad thing, but what we need to realise thats death means it's time for us to meet our Creator, what could be a better thing for a believing Muslim?

In this day and age we are surrounded by many luxuries that have been provided for by Allah (swt) but instead of being grateful for these blessing we get caught up in worldy affairs (which are only temporary) which leads to us becoming complacent and forgetting Akhira (which is our true home)

May Allah bless us with knowledge in this life and Jannah in the next. And Allah knows best.

I want to become a better Muslim by following the Prophet's (pbuh) sunna. I wish to further my knowledge on Islam and put it into practice in my daily life. And if I can be of any help/guidence then always willing to oblige.

"WaddyHussain" wrote:
I couldn't agree more with you Noor. People view death as a bad thing, but what we need to realise thats death means it's time for us to meet our Creator, what could be a better thing for a believing Muslim?

In this day and age we are surrounded by many luxuries that have been provided for by Allah (swt) but instead of being grateful for these blessing we get caught up in worldy affairs (which are only temporary) which leads to us becoming complacent and forgetting Akhira (which is our true home)

May Allah bless us with knowledge in this life and Jannah in the next. And Allah knows best.

Once dead a person can do no more in this world. That is sad. Of course we take solace in the beautifying of our own existence and the world around us and in our prayers for the departed to have a place in heaven.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

Tym is a gr8 healer

only at the tym u feel as tho u will never get over it

anywayz look at the bright side, atleast u is not in sumwhere like iraq, then half ur bloody family will be dead, entire communities wiped out, the death toll is well over half a million


ppl please make dua for dem


[color=red]"The best of people are those who live longest and excel in their deeds, whereas the worst of people are those who live longest and corrupt their deeds." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh] [/color]

"TEX" wrote:
Tym is a gr8 healer

only at the tym u feel as tho u will never get over it

tyme is a great healer but u neva truly get ova loosing sum1 you love

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

"Snoopz" wrote:
"TEX" wrote:
Tym is a gr8 healer

only at the tym u feel as tho u will never get over it

tyme is a great healer but u neva truly get ova loosing sum1 you love

Thats true... you only learn to live with it.

Back in BLACK

death is just the final stage of life

"Odysseus" wrote:
death is just the final stage of life

[color=indigo][b]It's only the beginning of something new. [/b][/color]

"Noor...*" wrote:
"Odysseus" wrote:
death is just the final stage of life

[color=indigo][b]It's only the beginning of something new. [/b][/color]

the reality of our real life just begins.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"Odysseus" wrote:
death is just the final stage of life

thanks to ur wonderful country over half a million ppl have reached that final stage in Iraq, and over 500 in lebonon

May god bless u all - and thank you very much for turning Iraq into a recruiting ground for al-qaeeda, u have made binladins job much easier,


[color=red]"The best of people are those who live longest and excel in their deeds, whereas the worst of people are those who live longest and corrupt their deeds." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh] [/color]

[color=magenta]wow, mashaAllah sis that article is breath taking, it really hits home, especially when you lose someone clos to you, keep writing these fab articles and May Allah SWT reward you abunduntly for all your hard work[/color]

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

prolly the only decent article there is on the site Blum 3

[color=red]"The best of people are those who live longest and excel in their deeds, whereas the worst of people are those who live longest and corrupt their deeds." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh] [/color]

"MuslimSister" wrote:
I wrote an article after my Nan passed away.

[url=]Life's too short[/url]

I also just learnt what 'introspection' means...which apparently is what this article is all about.

gud article sis mashallah

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

It's a lovely article.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

really good article. makes you think. but i don't know what ego ment. anyone know?

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

"zara" wrote:
really good article. makes you think. but i don't know what ego ment. anyone know?

In the popular sense that MuslimSister used it, which is quite acceptable, ego means the tendency to be focused only on oneself and one's supposed merits, often considered material and shallow.

In psychodynamic theory, ego is the element of mind that controls conscious expression. According to Freud the human psyche is composed of a largely conscious ego, an unconscious id, which exists to attempt satisfaction of needs and base desires, and an unconscious or semi-conscious superego which juggles moral concerns and manners and is broadly at odds with the id. The ego mediates between the two and gives conscious identity. There are many Freudian, Jungian and post-Freudian theories about how they interact. More recent exploration of the concept considers the genesis of this structure and the components of the ego itself, while Kleinian theory is about the effect on the ego of nurture, reassurance and denial. It is high theory and one can be forgiven for thinking it is bull. The clearest message from Freud is that behaviour is not entirely dominated by conscious processes and that unfettered discussion of one's past is a route to understanding behaviour and states of mind and moving on. Most current psychology is a mixture of psychodynamic and behavioural theories, directed at identifying and relinquishing undesirable thoughts and behaviours that have been learned in the past and generating a proactive frame of mind and positive, self-reinforcing habits. ftr.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

[b][color=indigo]All articles by MS are TOP! Try reading them, they are wickd![/color][/b]


Its a nice article. But dont worry, she will soon grow out of it.

She will get back into all those things that she is against at the moment.

When tragedy strikes, most of us tend to
remember the good things. The important issues.
Things that really matter in life: All of a sudden we become
aware of trivial issue that occupied us for so long.

Thats one of the mysteries of human nature.

However, no sooner than a few months that pass by,
people get back to our "normal" silly little routines.

I pray that she is an exception.


"Omrow" wrote:

Its a nice article. But dont worry, she will soon grow out of it.

She will get back into all those things that she is against at the moment.

When tragedy strikes, most of us tend to
remember the good things. The important issues.
Things that really matter in life: All of a sudden we become
aware of trivial issue that occupied us for so long.

Thats one of the mysteries of human nature.

However, no sooner than a few months that pass by,
people get back to our "normal" silly routines.

I pray that she is an exception.


ive lost someone close to me (and not recently) and things since still have never been "normal" and i dont think they ever will

you get on cos you have to and you cant put your life on hold bt it does change your whole thinking well it did with me in everything that i do for the better

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

Thank you for your kind comments guys…I’m just SO grateful that I have a platform where I can view my thoughts.

And Omrow - you underestimate me. As Snoopz rightly pointed out, life does go on, however ones perception of the world changes forever.
