1-u get ur 7year old sister to make u tea
2-dad/mum tells u to do sumin-which u tell ur baby sis to do instead
3-When you pretend you don't hear someone so u dont have to do what they are asking u to do
4-u dont hoover ur car but instead hide the mess by placing car rugs over the floor
5-you pretend that you didn't hear the phone ring/door bell so that you wouldn't have to get it.
add ur own
When you can't be asked to change the TV channel.
(thought justr add it. DOn;t think it has happened to me though.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
[color=red]when the tap dripping and u cnt be bothered to closed it even tho u mst as ur wasting water [/color]
[color=magenta]when you sleep with lights switched on when you are the sort of person who cant stand a ray of light entering the room or else you cant sleep
when you leave ur tea cup for the next morning to wash[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
-When you buy expensive, ready washed and cut Salad cos your too lazy to cut and wash Salad.
-when you dont answer your phone cos you feel too lazy to talk.
-when you take your car to the corner shop cos you're too lazy to walk :oops:
I cant think of anything and i'm the laziest person ever!
My love of eating out in nice restaurants shows how lazy I am...
If I wasnt lazy, I'd experiment in the kitchen.
[color=magenta]lolz i get a disability in the kitchen, you knw when ur lazy
when u get your brothers to go the local chippie when it is 2 mins walk away from ur hse[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
a man who lives down my rd never had a remote control (dunno why)
he had this huge long stick which he'd prod into the telly when he wanted to change the channel
when u read this topic but cant be bothered to reply!!!
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
lol that's bad, having sed that if i cud drive i wud do that too!
You're lazy when you;
stay in all day just coz you can't be bothered getting ready even though you're desperate to get out the house for some fresh air.
your lazy when you can't be bothered to walk down the stairs so you slide down the banister.
Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
[color=magenta]lolz zara u can slide down the banister???
ur lazy when u use the lift instead of the stairs when u need to go one floor up[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
why wouldn't i be able to slide down the banister? i always do. saves a lot of energy which i have to use to get back upstairs.
i try every year asking my school to get lifts, instead of stairs, but they never do.
Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
Thats me! But sumtymz i still walk out the house with a creasy jilbab and hijaab cz im too lazy to iron them!
u dont go out/pick ur sister up from school cant u CANT BE BOTHERED to iron ur hijaab and change ur clothes
Today I have sat here starving for ages coz I cant be bothered to make myself anything to eat.......I'm waiting for mum to make roti for my Dad so I can ask her to make me some too.
When u cant be bthrd to do ur work even thou its in for tommrw.
when u get ur poor mom to get up from her bed to come and turn ur light off.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
best one so far!! hahaha
when you cant be asked to take the clothes out from the drying rack before maghrib...so you leave em out all night with the excuse that 'jinns come out at night'.
when you cant be asked to wash the dishes so you start a tantrum on how ur brothers never do no work.
when you sit and stare at the comp screen for two hours writing an essay and only manage to write the first line << has sooo hapened to me!!!
< You turn to Him with divine obedience
He turns to you with Divine Love >
ur lazy when your computer jams, but instead of letting it unjam itself, you shut the whole thing down
Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
I just hit the restart button!
faster than letting it shut down, and then restart.
Today I have been on the internet for almost the whole day. I have been logged in on the forums aswell. I have probably read about 2 posts. I have been really busy, but I no longer have the motivation to come here. If it were not for the fact that I am using these forums to test something (making a theme for someone else), I would probably not have logged in for about a week or so now.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
i have this image of you in my head now, fat little thing staring at the computer screen, hitting the 'restart' button.
Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
allow me to modify ur post zara :twisted:
[color=red]"The best of people are those who live longest and excel in their deeds, whereas the worst of people are those who live longest and corrupt their deeds." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh] [/color]
I’m very lazy when it comes to chasing up people.
It’s my laziness that stops me from chasing up my local bank when they charge me for overdrafts.
It’s my laziness that stops me from writing letters complaining about unfair parking tickets (my dad has wrote a letter against every unfair parking ticket he’s received)
And it’s my laziness that stops me from chasing up people to get the right documentation to apply for a health exemption Certificate.
Dad just reminded me five minutes ago that its time for me to claim back my mobile phone "cash-back"...which he's right now filling out the form for.
I strongly hate kicking up a fuss/complaining and chasing up people…I can never be bothered.
Im so lazy that im willing to fail my course! I cant be asd to call up sum local nuseryz or sumthing and ask if i can work ther..!
O2cute4u you seem to have a lot of free time. Who are you depending on? And forget your previous username, do you want to explain this one?!
i work for the MI5
i am keeping an eye on the forum
[color=red]"The best of people are those who live longest and excel in their deeds, whereas the worst of people are those who live longest and corrupt their deeds." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh] [/color]
Impossible, u simply dont have the brains.
oh yeah?
wanna check how good my education is?
check the 9/11 anaversiry thread
read the bit in navy writing
[color=red]"The best of people are those who live longest and excel in their deeds, whereas the worst of people are those who live longest and corrupt their deeds." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh] [/color]