[b]AOA Brothers & Sisters [/b]
I hope all of you are waiting for the blessed month of RAMADAN UL MIBARAK. I thought I should start spread our message across from this forum.
Various Adverts and documentries will be played on QTV, DM ISLAM and PRIME TV.
INFORM as much friends, families and members as you can and create awareness between them for the ZAKAT in this month and introduce MWF to them.
May Allah accept our efforts and keep on bless for the sake of our RASOOL (SAW) and guidence of our Shaykh ul Islam. Ameen
MWF Foundation UK.
DM islam Channel?
The owner of DM Islam is a character I don’t trust giving his pervious past, that is enough to deter me away in giving Zakat to someone who I don’t trust.
Allahu Al'Alm..
Allah is the only judge.
We speak of seeking justice and holding people to account, particularly MPAC and it's campaign to hold to account Muslim committee members, yet we have people making excuses for DM owner, if in doubt I’ll leave it out.
There are plenty of places you can give your zaka'ah.
If one gives you doubts, find another one.
Or, since charity begins at home, if you have poor relatives, or just poor people near where your family in Bangladesh lives, send it there through your family.
Since there will be ni middle man, 100% will go there.
MuslimCharity Also give 100% of what you send through them, as all their people are volunteers. (they are part of an islamic school, so the staff do the charity stuff out of their spare time or summat).
Apart from that there is Islamic relief, Muslim Hands, Muslim Aid, InterPal and about a thousand others.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Good post Admin, donate to sincere organisation not the dubious ones owned by crooks.
DM is a TV channel.
It does not own charities. However charities can use it to raise funds.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I'm aware of that........... and 419 is a code name used by Nigerian fraudsters, I would be just as cautious if someone appeared on a channel owned by a convicted fraudster and trying to raise money
that is very narrow minded im afraid...
DM islam is a tv channel.. like all other channels, majority of charities use that platform to raise money for the poor
there is absolutely nothing wrong with coming on a tv channel even though u dont like the owners....
we need to snap out of this....
ive been invited to come on DM islam to take part in a talk show.... i couldnt give a monkey about the owner...i will use the platform to talk about islam....
today muslims are too rigid, judgementsl and black and white...
Very well Ed appear on platform handed to you by a criminal, DM should also host you on the music show, you like singing don you ?
how pathetic....
so muslims should not come on bbc, sky, cnn...as they are owned by non muslims, rupert murdoch etc?????
what mentality!!!!
alot of asian sky channels are owned by secular or not very islamic ppl...
the wisdom is to use the platform to talk about islam to ppl who would just otherwise watch asian dramas...
and about me taking part on the music shows.... i suggest you grow up a bit, use wisdom for once and face the real world and smell the coffee....
Temper ed…..
That makes perfect sense and if Sky news were holding a segment to raise Zakat then I for one wouldn’t trust them
Since you like to raise your voice, shout- Music might be therapeutic for you.
Anyone origination endorsing the idea to appear on crooked channels to raise money lacks any real creditability.....
brother shazan states in the Quran
"Inamal Amaalo Bin Niyyat"
ur deeds are rewarded in accordance with ur intention, no one is forcing u its there for ur info, u shud have trust in ur intention that u are giving it to charity May Allah accept all ur actions and hard work in his way!!
its like buying meat from the butcher!! he says its halal we take his word for it and buy it!! if its not then its his grave!!
May Allah give us Taufeeq to follow Sirat-ul-mustaqqem
It would be more beneficial if no one donated to these crooks in the first place and seek more trustworthy people, so we know our Zakat is valid and will reach the those who are in need of it.
Noone is donating to DM Digital.
Or are you using that as a cover to attack MWF?
can I have a straight answer please, as I have previously steared the meaning towards the TV channel when I was 51% certain that was not your meaning.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
You're wrong
, call this 0900 number calls charge at extortionate rupees per minute. Clever scam, only crooks could chart such plots.
Good thing I avoid all asian channels like the plague!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Shazan no1 is forcing you to give money to any organization you dont want to give it to.
Keep your opinions to yourself. Your just provkin every1 here.
Do you get sum kindoff buzz out of this?
Your the biggest Hypocrite i've ever come across.
And who is forcing you to promote sincere needs on a doggy channels ? I should speak out and be objective and make sure conmen or brewvi business men doesn’t bring another mosque or origination into disrepute
Be careful with your words, hypocrites have the lowest place in hell, and more women then men in hell.
Doggy channels?
Let Allah be the judge of that.
No1 is forcing me, i do everything according to my own free will.
No1 is going to listen to a rude, angry, immature lil kid.
So i dont see any point of you provoking otherz, when you are fully aware of how they will react.
Few brothers have already exposed the owner of DM Islam, it’s time muslim be more aware of Mushrikin in our mist.
Yeah you have said before. No need to repeat yourself.
If you hide a fault of a brother/sister in Islam, Allah will hide one of your faults on the day of resurrection.
We are taught not to expose ones fault in Islam.
Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said:
[b]"This is why those who are in authority are of two groups:
the scholars and the rulers. If they are upright, the people
will be upright; if they are corrupt, the people will be corrupt."[/b]
I know youy have gone so cannot reply, but I must lol @ that as it says alot about you. Would you consider yourself upright?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.