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"Irfan and or Funzo" wrote:
Well "they" say of lot of things most of which is rubbish for e.g if a class of history students do well in there gcse's they will bump the grade boundary up. I asked a examiner whos been doing it for years that the gcse's arent getting easier rather theres more preparation.

exactly..!! i asked my form tutor, whos a senior examiner for english for 26 years.. she sed exact same.. that more preparation.. infact some of the papers are getting more difficult.. they bought out a new sylabus 4 maths u know.. were doing the old 1 but the new year 10s are doing this new 1.. just like science.. we are the 1st year 2 do the modular 360 sciences..

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

"Ya'qub" wrote:
"xSmurfy786x" wrote:
"Ya'qub" wrote:
admin, can you change the title of the topics to 'Goodbye hello new members' ??

that is sooooo mean!! :(:(
and 2 think ur geting most of the votes for personality of 2007 Sad

why exactly is that mean?

what i mean is that why u want admin 2 change the name 2 goodbye hello new members? doesnt make no sense.. comes accross like as if ur not happy bwt new members joining the forum

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

"Ya'qub" wrote:
"xSmurfy786x" wrote:
"Ya'qub" wrote:
admin, can you change the title of the topics to 'Goodbye hello new members' ??

that is sooooo mean!! :(:(
and 2 think ur geting most of the votes for personality of 2007 Sad

why exactly is that mean?

what i mean is that why u want admin 2 change the name 2 goodbye hello new members? doesnt make no sense.. comes accross like as if ur not happy bwt new members joining the forum

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)


and god knows how alot of people are confused already.

this will just add to the problem.

Back in BLACK


seraphim is right...

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

"xSmurfy786x" wrote:
"Irfan and or Funzo" wrote:
"xSmurfy786x" wrote:
u shud tell funzo 2 hes also doing his gcses and he spends his time on here too

Yeah i might take a break from this i need 2 revise i have module sciences, people do dua for me and smurf to do excellent in our gcse's, ameen thum'ameen

yep!! thnx funzo.. ameen, thumma ameen ..
me 2.. ima cum on this alot less when my exams get close..
funzo.. u doing edexcel 360 modular science?

Nah mines waay harder 3 indivdual grades plus its aqa and our revision books are full of useless information, i think im going to invest in a cgp book

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

ive handed the part time application yesterday, been withdrawn from full time

so this means.....

ur gona help me pass next year naz Biggrin please.............. Dirol

new episode of prison break is of THE HOOK!

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


What is the hook? lol
and no i am not slow!

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

when something is off the hook.........its amazing

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


you said of the hook
you missed out an F

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Sirus" wrote:

WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

channel 4?

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"Irfan and or Funzo" wrote:
you said of the hook
you missed out an F

big whoopdy doo

do u just post for the sake of posting?

i knw why they call u annoying now

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.



Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Sirus" wrote:
"Irfan and or Funzo" wrote:
you said of the hook
you missed out an F

big whoopdy doo

do u just post for the sake of posting?

i knw why they call u annoying now

datz sooo tru

"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."

"Sirus" wrote:
"Irfan and or Funzo" wrote:
you said of the hook
you missed out an F

big whoopdy doo

do u just post for the sake of posting?

i knw why they call u annoying now

I did it so you would patronize me, but then i would get the last laugh.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Sirus" wrote:
ive handed the part time application yesterday, been withdrawn from full time

so this means.....

ur gona help me pass next year naz Biggrin please.............. Dirol

new episode of prison break is of THE HOOK!

why would i want to do that? hehehe
What do i get in return for helping you out? :twisted:

what as in season 4 is out? Ive still not seen season 3 Cray 2

@ lil funzi i think most of saw the typo error and worked out what he meant. Why do you have to be so annoying? :twisted:

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

I have posted my reasons scroll up

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Naz" wrote:
"Sirus" wrote:
ive handed the part time application yesterday, been withdrawn from full time

so this means.....

ur gona help me pass next year naz Biggrin please.............. Dirol

new episode of prison break is of THE HOOK!

why would i want to do that? hehehe
What do i get in return for helping you out? :twisted:

what as in season 4 is out? Ive still not seen season 3 Cray 2

@ lil funzi i think most of saw the typo error and worked out what he meant. Why do you have to be so annoying? :twisted:

people were queing up for my help at uni, and ur askin why u wanna work as a team? i' was thinking in your interests here! i did do better on the degree Blum 3 but you have some experience of the course....

no season 4 isnt out

season 3 tuk a MASSIVE break, returned on monday (well, on FOX tv anyway)

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


Oh and im sorry sirus, it shouldnt have been so annoying.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

when is it to return on channel 5?

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"Bliss" wrote:
when is it to return on channel 4?

sorry, missed your earlier post

i dont know about channel 4

UK is always behind US in screening, and the anticipation is too much.......once it shows in america on monday evening, its on the internet to download tuesday early hours of the morning

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


:(:(:(:(:(:(:( im soo upsett :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
my threads been locked
soo mean!!

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

I thought it was harsh seeing as admin created it.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...


If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

they are all..... lol

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

It was pointless tho

Back in BLACK

you cant blame the mods/admin...........jus like the hello new members thread, it was jus getting silly

a lot of threads are now

people arent debating and dicussing, its stupid aint ur msn u knw!

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


True to a certain extent.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Irfan and or Funzo" wrote:
True to a certain extent.

and to a large extent, your responsible!

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Sirus" wrote:
you cant blame the mods/admin...........jus like the hello new members thread, it was jus getting silly

a lot of threads are now

people arent debating and dicussing, its stupid aint ur msn u knw!

That what the revival is about, not philisophical debates but just laid back talk, forgive me for speaking but thats the revivals appeal the laid back attitude not the strict no nonsense one.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...


Topic locked