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me either.. i got maths coursework 2 do which i havnt dun yet.. so im literallyy dyyying lol

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

How many more lessons of coursework have you got?

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

well we were supposed 2 have 2 more.. 1 tomoz, thu, but the lesson 2moz were missing coz were getting our results that period.. so only 1 lesson.. and ive only just done my intro.. :S so u know lol.. akward position haha

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

:shock: I feel sorry for you 1 lesson to do all your c.w are you doing statistics? averages etc

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

yep.. data handling coursework.. u know all that cumulative frequency thing.. i dont get itt lol
im sitting here staring at the book thinking :?: lol

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

Yeah im pretty good at that where you stuck on?

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

i got loads of data ryt.. im comparing IQ and KS2 results for Y7 girls and boys.. ive put it into a table.. how am i supposed 2 get it to a cumulative frequency curve thing? lol.. :S :?:

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

You GCSE kids really shouldnt be spending so much time on here

focus on ya work and when ur free only, pop on here and chill

im being serious

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


have you got your table?
if so all you have to do is plot the iq against the frequency on a graph and then ks2 results against the frequency.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Sirus" wrote:
You GCSE kids really shouldnt be spending so much time on here

focus on ya work and when ur free only, pop on here and chill

im being serious

I am this is my sleeping time lol, but i can balance it out inshallah this wont damage my results.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Bliss" wrote:

I need help, can't decide which phone to buy,

At the moment I've got a Samsung U600 pink

Although it can get annoying recharging the battery every few hours, I do like Samsungs phones they look nice and feel nice to have.

However I don't mind changing to a different brand taking the phone's has got a good battery life and looks decent.

My budgets £100,

Can anyone recommend a phone?

heloooo, don't all rush at once! :roll:

my 777 post Biggrin

my favourite number in being 7 an all.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"Bliss" wrote:
"Bliss" wrote:

I need help, can't decide which phone to buy,

At the moment I've got a Samsung U600 pink

Although it can get annoying recharging the battery every few hours, I do like Samsungs phones they look nice and feel nice to have.

However I don't mind changing to a different brand taking the phone's has got a good battery life and looks decent.

My budgets £100,

Can anyone recommend a phone?

heloooo, don't all rush at once! :roll:

my 777 post Biggrin

my favourite number in being 7 an all.

7 is also one of my faborite numbers, it hold a very cool sentimental value for me.

Sony Ericsson's hav a long battery life, thas one of the reasons I usually stick to them.

No1 can actually recommend a fone for u, only u know exactly wat u want, so be blissful ( Biggrin pun intended) n hav a look at some comparison sites or summin, n go into a shop


_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

"Seraphim" wrote:
"Sirus" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:
"Seraphim" wrote:
"Sirus" wrote:
you type Oldham in youtube and look what you [url=]get[/url]


some people :roll:

No wonder they have a terrible rep.

... and whats with the growling at the start?

Amir Khans from Bolton not Glodwick... so why do they have pictures of him?

[b]No wonder Pakis from Oldham have a bad rep[/b].

I agree i always associate all Oldhamers with Glodwick scum.

Nice to know you think of Me, Admin, Ed, Seraphim, iRazor, and a few others as glodwick scum :roll:

Its a compliment sirus.

Cant you tell? She's surprised at how great guys like us can live in such a place.

Truely she is a woman of character.


Your a funny one really you are

"Sirus" wrote:
Nice to know you think of Me, Admin, Ed, Seraphim, iRazor, and a few others as glodwick scum :roll:

Firstly my path has crossed many times with Glodwick ppl and lets just say they werent pleasant experiences. So can you blame a girl for thinking like that? I think you will find the answer is NO.

Secondly you forgot lil Makaveli off your list. How could you forget him of all ppl lol.

and thirdly dont you roll your eyes at me Mr.

ps yeah just use your tutor from your undergrad as your reference i did. 7 pages aint that long most of its just personal details.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"Sirus" wrote:
You GCSE kids really shouldnt be spending so much time on here

focus on ya work and when ur free only, pop on here and chill

im being serious

yeh your right u know.. im quick at getting distracted.. i will but the forums soo kooll.. lol

oh btw, i got my results 2daii.. alhamdulillah did well.. got 1 C.. can u guess what that was in? yehh MATHS..! so im abit annoyed about that, but i got 3 A* and the rest A's and B's so im chuffed Biggrin hehe.. just need 2 work hard for maths and all my B subjects and try and pull them up 2 an A.. inshallah..

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

"Irfan and or Funzo" wrote:
have you got your table?
if so all you have to do is plot the iq against the frequency on a graph and then ks2 results against the frequency.

yep yep Biggrin dun that.. thnxx
and my teacher sed hed extend the coursework lessons so we got another 2 lessons now.. lol
thnx 4 all ur help funzo .. jazakallah, much appriciated

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

Well done Smurfy! MaashaAllah, now work hard for your GCSEs and make sure you get them As AND spend less time of the forum!

looool true say noor.. Biggrin ur fault got me into it haha
but i love u for it..
but i know ur all right haha
u shud tell funzo 2 hes also doing his gcses and he spends his time on here too
lol.. Biggrin love uu nooorr xxxxx

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

"xSmurfy786x" wrote:
"Sirus" wrote:
You GCSE kids really shouldnt be spending so much time on here

focus on ya work and when ur free only, pop on here and chill

im being serious

yeh your right u know.. im quick at getting distracted.. i will but the forums soo kooll.. lol

oh btw, i got my results 2daii.. alhamdulillah did well.. got 1 C.. can u guess what that was in? yehh MATHS..! so im abit annoyed about that, but i got 3 A* and the rest A's and B's so im chuffed Biggrin hehe.. just need 2 work hard for maths and all my B subjects and try and pull them up 2 an A.. inshallah..

I didnt know people actually took them seriously Lol did you revise?
Well done though!

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"xSmurfy786x" wrote:
"Irfan and or Funzo" wrote:
have you got your table?
if so all you have to do is plot the iq against the frequency on a graph and then ks2 results against the frequency.

yep yep Biggrin dun that.. thnxx
and my teacher sed hed extend the coursework lessons so we got another 2 lessons now.. lol
thnx 4 all ur help funzo .. jazakallah, much appriciated

Dont worry it about it, that happened with us we got two extra lessons which reminds me to get data for my maths lesson.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"xSmurfy786x" wrote:
u shud tell funzo 2 hes also doing his gcses and he spends his time on here too

Yeah i might take a break from this i need 2 revise i have module sciences, people do dua for me and smurf to do excellent in our gcse's, ameen thum'ameen

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Irfan and or Funzo" wrote:
"xSmurfy786x" wrote:
u shud tell funzo 2 hes also doing his gcses and he spends his time on here too

Yeah i might take a break from this i need 2 revise i have module sciences, people do dua for me and smurf to do excellent in our gcse's, ameen thum'ameen

Well they say GCSE's are getting easier so you shouldnt really have any problems.

Go gett'um tiger

Back in BLACK

Well "they" say of lot of things most of which is rubbish for e.g if a class of history students do well in there gcse's they will bump the grade boundary up. I asked a examiner whos been doing it for years that the gcse's arent getting easier rather theres more preparation.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

admin, can you change the title of the topics to 'Goodbye hello new members' ??

if not, why not?!

Don't just do something! Stand there.

"Ya'qub" wrote:
admin, can you change the title of the topics to 'Goodbye hello new members' ??

if not, why not?!

That would just be confusing

Back in BLACK

Trust yaqub to come up with rubbish.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

Cray 2

Don't just do something! Stand there.

"Ya'qub" wrote:
admin, can you change the title of the topics to 'Goodbye hello new members' ??

if not, why not?!

that is sooooo mean!! :(:(
and 2 think ur geting most of the votes for personality of 2007 Sad

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

"Irfan and or Funzo" wrote:
"xSmurfy786x" wrote:
u shud tell funzo 2 hes also doing his gcses and he spends his time on here too

Yeah i might take a break from this i need 2 revise i have module sciences, people do dua for me and smurf to do excellent in our gcse's, ameen thum'ameen

yep!! thnx funzo.. ameen, thumma ameen ..
me 2.. ima cum on this alot less when my exams get close..
funzo.. u doing edexcel 360 modular science?

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

"Irfan and or Funzo" wrote:
"xSmurfy786x" wrote:
"Irfan and or Funzo" wrote:
have you got your table?
if so all you have to do is plot the iq against the frequency on a graph and then ks2 results against the frequency.

yep yep Biggrin dun that.. thnxx
and my teacher sed hed extend the coursework lessons so we got another 2 lessons now.. lol
thnx 4 all ur help funzo .. jazakallah, much appriciated

Dont worry it about it, that happened with us we got two extra lessons which reminds me to get data for my maths lesson.

lol.. remember 2 get it thenn lol

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

"xSmurfy786x" wrote:
"Ya'qub" wrote:
admin, can you change the title of the topics to 'Goodbye hello new members' ??

if not, why not?!

that is sooooo mean!! :(:(
and 2 think ur geting most of the votes for personality of 2007 Sad

why exactly is that mean?

i didn't lock the thread

Don't just do something! Stand there.


Topic locked