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sister, i aint a shy person, i'm very, very loud and i tend to click with more a less everyone but as bliss said, no-one is on the same wave length as me. since coming back from camp, my perspective of life has changed a hell of a lot.

"Naz" wrote:
"Bliss" wrote:
Believe me, in my skool u wud be depressed ,everyone on such a different wavelength.

thast the whole point when you move your meet all different kinds of ppl, its interesting to know other ppl view instead of ppl always agreeing. If your struggle now you aint gonna like uni.

Naz if only u knew half of it, when I say they on a different wavelength to me and I mean completely different. I mean that they just the total opposite of me. Without going into too much detail lets just say they do not opt to engage into halah actions and talk as much as I want them to.

After this Al-Hidayh the emphasis of suhbah (company) has made me realise just how important company is . This year I just realise like their convos, their talk just how different it is to mine. How they just don't interest me at all even tho I might nod to them in agreement. Even tho alhamduallah they don't influence me in any way is just being their while they talking about x y z I be like thinking about other things like my Shaykh and etc.

Not wanting to sound holy moly but like I would love it if they would sit down tell me stories about our beloved prophet saw about the blessed companions stories about deen.

Sorry about long essay. Lol I am pouring my heart out to you sis.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

Then you must choose the lesser of the two evils.

Back in BLACK

The problem that I had in college was exactly the opposite. My friends were SERIOUSLY bad influences on me, and I ended up studying much less than I should of. Tee worst thing is deep down I wanted to work hard!

In second year, I got moved into different classes because one of the lessons clashed - now I hardly knew anyone in my classes. At first I didn't like it, cos I felt left out etc, but ALHAMDULILLAH it turned out being a blessing in disguise: because of this I worked MUCH harder and came out with results that were TWO GRADES above what I'd got in AS!

but just because this was my experience doesn't mean its the same for you: deep-down u know what is best for you, so ask Allah (swt) for guidance.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

I have to say I am very bad company. It's not that do much wrong, but that I don't do much right.

I am certain that people messed up at college and Uni because of me.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

looks like i'll be spending the next two years like a loner Cray 2

"Bliss" wrote:

Naz if only u knew half of it, when I say they on a different wavelength to me and I mean completely different. I mean that they just the total opposite of me. Without going into too much detail lets just say they do not opt to engage into halah actions and talk as much as I want them to.

After this Al-Hidayh the emphasis of suhbah (company) has made me realise just how important company is . This year I just realise like their convos, their talk just how different it is to mine. How they just don't interest me at all even tho I might nod to them in agreement. Even tho alhamduallah they don't influence me in any way is just being their while they talking about x y z I be like thinking about other things like my Shaykh and etc.

Not wanting to sound holy moly but like I would love it if they would sit down tell me stories about our beloved prophet saw about the blessed companions stories about deen.

Sorry about long essay. Lol I am pouring my heart out to you sis.

oh but i do i have been college. ok so its been like 3 years but still not much has changed. I understand where you are coming from, there are ppl who will be totally the opposite to you and you find as times the conversation can get really dry and boring. Unless you go to an Islamic school your gonna find it difficult to find ppl in college who are devoted to Islam as much as you are. College is a big change from high school where you have form every morning and having to wear a uniform. With college its like the shackles have been broken you get a bit more independence. Trust me uni it gets better, well the social side anyway. You got your religious groups and religious ppl (does depend on the uni you go to i suppose).

"You" wrote:

I am certain that people messed up at college and Uni because of me.
im sure thats not true. Ppl have a brain and if they chose not to use it then its their own fault.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"Naz" wrote:
Im sure thats not true. Ppl have a brain and if they chose not to use it then its their own fault.

You have person A. He works hard. Does his coursework on time. Reads around the subject. Spares time for working outside college/uni . Attends all the lectures, paying attention and taking good notes. Revises hard for the exams.

Person A has friend Person B. B does not work hard. Does not do coursework on time. Does not read around the subject. Does not attend most lectures. Does not pay attention in those that B does attend (just scribbling and drawing triangles. squares, curves on a piece of paper til it is full, and then starting again on a new paper). Does not revise. At all.

Person B always ALWAYS gets better grades.

At what point do you think person A will become demoralised? Or start picking up the same habits? (If they work for B...)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

^^^^^ Some ppl are just naturally brainy. Some ppl can read something for the first time and absorb it straight away while others have to read it ten times (me) before it gets into our thick skulls. I think it depends on the person. If you are person A and you know if you start copying person B and that you will fail but you do it anyway, then its your own faul.. Most ppl know there own limits deep down just that someone choose to ignore it. I am person A and i can say i have never ever contemplated of copying person B coz i know the day i do is the day i will fail.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

In Saudi, we’d take up to one hour minimum (sometimes more) reading Salah. Which is the time it took for 6 people to do wudu, walk to the Mosque, find a place to sit and read Salaah in Jamaat five times a day. Sometimes we’d even sit for two salaahs together.

So that’s a minimum of five hours a day in Salaah.

Some of our Umrah that we did took up to 3hours day cos of the rush.

Daily tawaafs used to take about an hour a day.

We’d also sleep up to 10-12 hours a day cos of the heat…we’d sleep at night. Wake up for Fajr. Sleep after Fajr until Dhur.

We also ate out three times a day. We also often went for Ziyarat which would take three hours a day.

AND we had time to twiddle our thumbs during the day doing nothing. Cos we had so much time on our hands.

What I find weird back here is that the alarm rings for me at 7am daily….by 8am I’am out the house..before I know it, I’m greeting my class….and then I’m sending them home….I’m get home and its time for shopping/some class or tea…then dinner and then bed again….and before I know it my alarm is ringing at 7am again the next morning. I barely manage to get five minutes out of my day for Salaah.

It’s amazing how much barkat (blessings) there’s present in blessed places. And it’s depressing how spiritually dead this place is.

I feel so restless and caught up in the unproductive rat race again...

"MuslimSister" wrote:
It’s amazing how much barkat (blessings) there’s present in blessed places. And it’s depressing how spiritually dead this place is.

I feel so restless and caught up in the unproductive rat race again...

your damn right there sis, since coming back from camp, i'm really hating this place, it is spiritually so, so dead, it’s making me depressed. the feeling which is present when sitting in the company of one of the greatest personalities living at this time is amazing, words cannot describe that feeling, and then being departed from them is the worse feeling ever. it’s like you’re in two total different worlds.

"Noor" wrote:
looks like i'll be spending the next two years like a loner Cray 2

I started my new job this week.

I'am the only Hijaabi Muslim teacher in a white working class school.

I met the parents of my class today. I dont think they've ever saw a Hijaabi teacher before.

I dont think they were impressed either.

Im hoping that they'l warm to me in a few months time.

But its like what someone pointed out , you need to be confident enough within yourself to not let it phase you. But this only comes with time.

woo hoo! i got in, this college is much, much better than the other stinky one. nice new building and they have a pray room! i just pray that i get a nice class!


"Noor" wrote:
woo hoo! i got in, this college is much, much better than the other stinky one. nice new building and they have a pray room! i just pray that i get a nice class!




Don't just do something! Stand there.

"Noor" wrote:

since coming back from camp, i'm really hating this place, it is spiritually so, so dead, it’s making me depressed.

while the camp might have been a very good experience for you its not gonna put food on the table. Your just gonna have to put up with "this place" a little longer until you get an education, a decent job and some money put aside. Then you can get out of this place and perhaps move to an Islamic country.

"Noor" wrote:
the feeling which is present when sitting in the company of one of the greatest personalities living at this time is amazing, words cannot describe that feeling, and then being [b]departed from them[/b] is the worse feeling ever. it’s like you’re in two total different worlds.

Correct me if i am wrong but it feels like to me if you are idolising the scholar/scholars that were present at the camp. Lets not forget they are just human beings like me and you except they have far greater knowledge of Islam because they have taken out the time to acquire it. Also all they are doing is educating ppl about Islam which has been sent down by Allah (swt). Only Allah (swt) should be idolised. I apologise in advance if i am mistaken.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Ya ukhti you are totally wrong and yes i forgive you.

How do you define idolising? My definition of an idol worshiper is someone who bows down and prays to an idol, a man made statue and I certainly don’t do that. I only bow down to my creator, Allah (swt).

The shayukhs aint only educating us with ilm they are bringing you closer to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) and Allah (swt). Through their linage they are taking you back to the Holy Prophet (saw). I love my shaykh, more than anything in this world, my family, education, life, the lot and if people think I praise,“idolise” my shaykh to much then that’s their problem. Allah (swt) will question me on yomal qiyamah and I alone will answer him. Once you understand the importance of a shaykh and how much adab one should have when sitting with the pious you will totally understand why these so called “idolisers” do what they do. Subhaan’Allah, if you heard some of the stories about the early scholars of islam you would be amazed at the level of adab and love they had for their teachers. May Allah (swt) grant us all with the ability to be just like them. Ameen suma’ameen!

And why would I wana move to an Islamic country? By moving there I aint gona get away from this dunya, this world is full of fitna, the only place I would ever move to is either some village in Yemen/Syria or some deserted land.

to me idolising doesn’t necessarily mean literally get down on the floor and bowing it could mean praising that person constantly. Anyway no offence intended dont pay much attention to what scholars say anyway. I always seem to find a fault. A went to a Nasheed festival bout a month ago an there was this one scholar i think he was from London. Anyway he was telling this story about a wall and what the moral of the story was. In the middle on this story he asked for some water. He stood up and drank the water!

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

and what's wrong with standing up and drinking water?! if a guy needs to drink water, he needs to drink water! btw, how did the nasheed show go? one of our local naat khawans from sheffield did some nasheeds, brother Wajid.

nah ukhti, no offence taken. allahamdulilah, if Allah (swt) didn't guide me towards my shaykh, only He would have known where i would have been now and in what state. shukrillah.

coz its haraam to stand up and drink water. Well thats what i was told anyway. But he remembered to crouch down the second time to drink the water so its all good.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

lol. naah ukhti you've got it wrong. it's sunnah to sit down and drink water AND it is also sunnah to stand up and drink water! Subhaan'Allah.

"Ali (ra) said: I swear, i saw the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) drink water whilst standing up, and whoever says this is not true he is lying."

astagfirullah if i have said this hadeeth incorrectly but i'm narrating it at the top of my head. i will have to look for the reference inshaa'Allah but i'm 100% certain this is also the sunnah of nabi (saw).

for the record i don't think u worship any sheikhs.....

BUT, i'm curious about this thing about people being related to the Prophet (saw).

I thought that Shia said that this made people higher spiritually, or more blessed, or something. I didn't know it had any particular weight in Sunni Islam, although I've heard frequently Sunnis saying someone or other is descended from the Prophet (saw).

The son of Prophet Musa (as) was a denier who went to hell,

One of the sons of Prophet Adam (as) murdered the other!

Am I missing something?

Don't just do something! Stand there.

they are called "syeds", like Shaykh Muhammad Al Yaqoobi. They are the desendents of the Holy Prophet (saw). this does not make them superior than other Muslims but obviously they are going to be blessed as they have the blood of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) running through their bodies.

"Noor" wrote:
they are called "syeds", like Shaykh Muhammad Al Yaqoobi. They are the desendents of the Holy Prophet (saw). this does not make them superior than other Muslims but obviously they are going to be blessed as they have the blood of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) running through their bodies.

red blood cells are replaced in the human body every 4-6 weeks, so we don't even have our parents blood in our veins, let alone our great great great grandparents.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

allah wa rasoolihi Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) alam.

"Noor" wrote:
allah wa rasoolihi Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) wa alam.

fair enough

Don't just do something! Stand there.


my wisdom tooth is coming out and the pain is unbearable Cray 2

"Noor" wrote:
my wisdom tooth is coming out and the pain is unbearable Cray 2

you too will learn, with time, that the acquisition of all wisdom is not possible without facing hardship and pain.

Don't just do something! Stand there.


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