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"M4k4v3l1" wrote:
oright so what do i tel her?
i cant be with you coz noor n naz told me lol
now that u said it, it makes me think, theres no real point being with her and how am i going to answer to allah (swt)
but its gnna be hard, 4 both of us
how do i say it 2 her? because it hurts her when i dont talk 2 her 4 a day, how do i tel her something like this?

no doubt it's gona be hard for you but thats why this life is a test, Allah (swt) is testing each and every one of us in different ways, and if we pass that test we'll insha'allah get jannah and if not, we have jahanam awaiting us. so see this as ur test.
i'm assuming she is a muslim so its easy. so say to her that you and her both no this relationship is totally un-halal and isn't gona go anywhere, and if the holy prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) was here he would totally disaprove of this. also say, that you love Allah (swt) and his Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) more than her and dunya, so whatever pleases them you will do and whatever dis-pleases them you will avoid. that way, you wont come across as harsh and she'll understand.

make du'a to Allah (swt) that he makes this easy for you and when u strive in the way of Allah (swt), He will help you no doubt. yes u will find it hard as there is fitna everywhere u look but thats part of life and a part of our test. control your nafs, don't let it control you!

thanks bro's u made me realise some important things
inshallah am gnna have the courage to tel her a.s.a.p.
i cant go up 2 my parents and say i wanna marry her, they would kill me
and she being a girl she cant exactly say it either
i already know her answer to when i tell her aswell. it gnna be something like
"wat made u realise this after soo long
not like your a perfect muslim so what making you do this
if you dnt wana be with me dnt make up excusez just tel me str8"
then she gnna cry 4 a week n send me a txt bout 60 pages long
sayin i luv u n knt i liv like this
i wish she never kame into my life, would have made things alot better

"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."

tell her u had a reality slap. life is to short, we're only here for one purpose and one purpose only, and that’s to obey Allah and his messenger. you may not be the best muslim but who is anyone to judge. forget that girl, she'll only drag you to the fires of hell. and all that lovey dovey stuff, it's a load of cobblers, delete her number or just get a new sim. erase her from your memory!!! i'll be making dua for u bro.

ps: im a SISTER! get it? S I S T E R

"Naz" wrote:
then whats your point in going out with her? If its not written in your kismat to be with her you cant fight destiny.

Thats ridiculous... ofcourse you can fight destiny. the future is not set, there is no fate but what we make.

And Maki... why the hell would your parents kill you? They maybe a little upset, but they would see its the right thing to do. Just talk to them.

And you DONT have to marry her today for god sake. We're not saying marry her now and then go get a job to support her. Just make you're intentions clear to both your parents and hers.

At most you'll get engaged and then you can get married when you ready.

Jeez... kids these days.

Back in BLACK

@ seraphim ok maybe there are some things you can control through duas. But some you have no control over ie death.
This may come to you as a bit of a shock but we dont live in the stone ages anymore. There no such thing as the man providing for the women, well not in this country. Our generation when they marry they BOTH work and they BOTH contribute to the household bills and expenses. On the other hand if a women chooses not to work for whatever reason then it would be ok to say in those circumstances that the husband provides for his wife.

@ M4k4v3l1 - oh little naive one i am going to set you a task. I want you to go to an islamic bookstore and purchase yourself a book on hell. And i dont mean one of those where you can fill in the missing words and colour in. Im talking about a proper book with detailed descriptions of hell. Once you have purchased that book i want you to sit down and read it, cover to cover and do not miss any pages out. Then see if you can pluck up the courage to end your relationship.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

UK's 20 Happiest Jobs
Kate Lorenz, editor

When it comes to happiness at work, hairdressers are a cut above the rest - according to this year's City & Guilds' 'Happiness Index.' On the other hand, secretaries/PAs/admin workers like their jobs the least. And if you live in Newcastle, you're certainly smiling: 19 per cent of people there gave their jobs top marks.

The saying 'Money can't buy you happiness' certainly seems true. Almost a third of people in the £10 - £15k bracket rated their job 10/10, while less than 5 per cent of workers earning £40 - £45k gave their jobs a 10.

Chris Humphries, director general of City & Guilds, comments, "It may come as a surprise to some that financial reward doesn't always mean a happier working environment or employee."

So what factors do make us whistle while we work? 19 per cent of us would like to do something worthwhile and almost 15 per cent just want a more flexible workday. Humphries found, "Some of the happiest workers are those who feel they have a lot of opportunities for professional development."

Here, then, are the UK's 20 happiest jobs to work in, according to City & Guilds:

Average happiness rating: 8.7

Beauty Therapist
Average happiness rating: 8

Early Years/Childcare
Average happiness rating: 7.8

Average happiness rating: 7.5

Average happiness rating: 7.4

Average happiness rating: 7.3

Average happiness rating: 7.2

Average happiness rating: 7.2

Average happiness rating: 7.2

Average happiness rating: 7

Average happiness rating: 6.8

Average happiness rating: 6.8

Average happiness rating: 6.8

Average happiness rating: 6.7

Average happiness rating: 6.6

Human Resources
Average happiness rating: 6.5

Average happiness rating: 6.4

Average happiness rating: 6.3

Secretarial/PA/[b]Admin [/b]
[b]Average happiness rating: 6.1

Does your job rank high in this list? Chris Humphries concludes, "Nowadays true job satisfaction and happiness is about fulfilling your full potential, tapping into your own creativity, and feeling that you can make a difference."

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

What's with the bold text?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"You" wrote:
What's with the bold text?


Don't just do something! Stand there.

"Naz" wrote:
@ seraphim ok maybe there are some things you can control through duas. But some you have no control over ie death.
This may come to you as a bit of a shock but we dont live in the stone ages anymore. There no such thing as the man providing for the women, well not in this country. Our generation when they marry they BOTH work and they BOTH contribute to the household bills and expenses. On the other hand if a women chooses not to work for whatever reason then it would be ok to say in those circumstances that the husband provides for his wife.

islamically speaking the man has to provide for everything, not the woman. even though the woman works, she doesn't have to spend a single penny towards the house/food/clothes/bills etc. if she wants to, then by all means she can. but thats fardh upon the husband to provide.

"Noor" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:
@ seraphim ok maybe there are some things you can control through duas. But some you have no control over ie death.
This may come to you as a bit of a shock but we dont live in the stone ages anymore. There no such thing as the man providing for the women, well not in this country. Our generation when they marry they BOTH work and they BOTH contribute to the household bills and expenses. On the other hand if a women chooses not to work for whatever reason then it would be ok to say in those circumstances that the husband provides for his wife.

islamically speaking the man has to provide for everything, not the woman. even though the woman works, she doesn't have to spend a single penny towards the house/food/clothes/bills etc. if she wants to, then by all means she can. but thats fardh upon the husband to provide.

yes men do have to provide for women but there nothing in the holy Qur'an saying women cant work or contribute to the household bills. If they want to then they can. I think its just a bit tight if a women is capable of working but she rather spend all her hubby money on shoes and handbags. The latter is not an islamic view just my views on the subject.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"Naz" wrote:
yes men do have to provide for women but there nothing in the holy Qur'an saying women cant work or contribute to the household bills. If they want to then they can.

isn't that what i just said?

yeah, it is fairly selfish but each to their own!

"Naz" wrote:

@ M4k4v3l1 - oh little naive one i am going to set you a task. I want you to go to an islamic bookstore and purchase yourself a book on hell. And i dont mean one of those where you can fill in the missing words and colour in. Im talking about a proper book with detailed descriptions of hell. Once you have purchased that book i want you to sit down and read it, cover to cover and do not miss any pages out. Then see if you can pluck up the courage to end your relationship.

how bout i gve u her number and u tel her

"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."

"M4k4v3l1" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:

@ M4k4v3l1 - oh little naive one i am going to set you a task. I want you to go to an islamic bookstore and purchase yourself a book on hell. And i dont mean one of those where you can fill in the missing words and colour in. Im talking about a proper book with detailed descriptions of hell. Once you have purchased that book i want you to sit down and read it, cover to cover and do not miss any pages out. Then see if you can pluck up the courage to end your relationship.

how bout i gve u her number and u tel her

probably not great idea

Don't just do something! Stand there.

HOW WELL ARE YOU DOING?! (don't need to tell everyone your result!)

[b]1. Thank Allah EVERYDAY SINCERELY[/b]

[b]2. SALAH[/b] (prayer)


* 5x a day without fail


* a. Tahajjud and Witr (once a week at least)
* b. Tahiyyatul Masjid (all the time)
* c. Duha Prayer/Ishraq/Awwabin (once a week at least)
* d. 12-raka’at sunnah muakkadah (once a week at least)




* a. Ayat Al Kursi (2: 255)
* b. Last 2 Verses of Al Baqarah (2: 285-286)
* c. Al Ikhlas (112)
* d. Al Falaq (113)
* e. An Nas (114)


* a. Surah Al Mulk (67)
* b. First 10 verses of Surah Al Kahf (18 )


* Surah Al Kahf (18 )

[b]4. DUA[/b] (supplications)

* Memorised many Dua

[b]5. HADEETH[/b]

* Recall THIS hadith everday:
"Verily actions are (judged) by intentions, and for every person is what
he intended. So the one whose hijra was to Allaah and His Messenger,
then his hijrah was to Allaah and His Messenger. And the one whose
hijrah was for the world to gain from it, or a woman to marry her, then
his hijrah was to what he made hijrah for." (Bukhari and Muslim)

[b]6. MUHASABAH[/b] (Taking yourself into account; analysing your own good and bad deeds)

* performed EVERY WEEK

[b]7. MURAQABAH[/b] (Living with constant conciousness of Allah, so everything is done with sincerity)

* performed EVERY WEEK

[b]8. DHIKRULLAH[/b] (Remembrance of Allah)

* a. Able to do EVERYDAY
* b. Memorised at least 3 TYPES of dhikr in Arabic

[b]10. ISTIGHFAR[/b] (Asking Allah for forgiveness)

* at least 15 times a day

[b]11. GOOD MANNERS[/b]

* a. Managed to smile at Muslims (strangers) more than 3x/week
* b. Did not lose temper/get angry everyday
* c. Did not lie everyday
* d. Did not utter bad languages everyday
* e. Did not back-bite everyday
* f. Told your brother/sister you love him/her once a week
* g. Reminded your brothers/sister to pray on time
* h. Gave naseehah (sincere advice)


* when you meet him you should say salaam,
* when he invites you, you should accept his invitation,
* when he advises you should also advise him,
* when he sneezes and says 'Alhamdulillah', you should reply
* When he is sick you should visit him and,
* when he passes away you should accompany his dead body to the

[b]13. SADAQAH[/b]

* given at least once a week


Don't just do something! Stand there.

"M4k4v3l1" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:

@ M4k4v3l1 - oh little naive one i am going to set you a task. I want you to go to an islamic bookstore and purchase yourself a book on hell. And i dont mean one of those where you can fill in the missing words and colour in. Im talking about a proper book with detailed descriptions of hell. Once you have purchased that book i want you to sit down and read it, cover to cover and do not miss any pages out. Then see if you can pluck up the courage to end your relationship.

how bout i gve u her number and u tel her

Not a chance. You got yourself into this mess now get yourself out.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"Naz" wrote:
"M4k4v3l1" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:

@ M4k4v3l1 - oh little naive one i am going to set you a task. I want you to go to an islamic bookstore and purchase yourself a book on hell. And i dont mean one of those where you can fill in the missing words and colour in. Im talking about a proper book with detailed descriptions of hell. Once you have purchased that book i want you to sit down and read it, cover to cover and do not miss any pages out. Then see if you can pluck up the courage to end your relationship.

how bout i gve u her number and u tel her

Not a chance. You got yourself into this mess now get yourself out.

Damn straight... whats the world coming to if guys cant even do the simpliest things.

Such weakness is off putting.

Back in BLACK

I’m of to Al-Hidayah camp tomorrow, can’t wait! So excited Biggrin

Remember me in you du’as and don’t miss me to much!



Looks like i will be seeing you their then noori Wink

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

Have a great time... I'm sure you will.

Shalom Joie de Vivre

I was just wondering how is food made kosher in Judaism?

Lehitraot (i think thats right)

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"Naz" wrote:
Shalom Joie de Vivre

I was just wondering how is food made kosher in Judaism?

Lehitraot (i think thats right)

1. buy halal meat
2. stick 'kosher' label on packaging
3. or, atleast, thats how we used to do it when I worked in Golders Green.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

"Ya'qub" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:
Shalom Joie de Vivre

I was just wondering how is food made kosher in Judaism?

Lehitraot (i think thats right)

1. buy halal meat
2. stick 'kosher' label on packaging
3. or, atleast, thats how we used to do it when I worked in Golders Green.

Halal and Kosher is not the same thing.

Back in BLACK

"Seraphim" wrote:
"Ya'qub" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:
Shalom Joie de Vivre

I was just wondering how is food made kosher in Judaism?

Lehitraot (i think thats right)

1. buy halal meat
2. stick 'kosher' label on packaging
3. or, atleast, thats how we used to do it when I worked in Golders Green.

Halal and Kosher is not the same thing.

not with THAT attitude, anyway

Don't just do something! Stand there.

There is nothing kosher in Jerusalem. It is occupied city.
Everything that Israelis do there is Haraam. They eat unclean food.
We all believe that God hates oppression.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

"malik" wrote:
There is nothing kosher in Jerusalem. It is occupied city.
Everything that Israelis do there is Haraam. They eat unclean food.
We all believe that God hates oppression.

we're not talking about jerusalem, we're talking about Finchley and Edgeware!

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Kudos Naz!

Ya'qub, I trust you're kidding about the labelling. In honesty, such things are not unknown, although not, to my awareness, in the strict matter of kosher meat.

Kashrut can get complicated but the basic principles are:

Only meat that has cloven (split) hooves and can chew the cud (generally herbivorous) is kosher, and birds that are not birds of prey. Kosher meat is killed with an extremely sharp knife in a single upward stroke to the throat. It has to be specially drained and salted - the blood isn't kosher - and only certain parts of the body can be eaten. Fish must have fins and scales - so no shellfish or shark, for example, and caviare isn't kosher either for some reason - and must also be properly drained. None of this appeals to me but as you know I'm vegetarian.

Meat and dairy cannot be served together and one has to wait several hours after a meat meal before consuming any dairy. An advantage of being vegetarian is I can have better deserts and milk with my after dinner coffee. A kosher kitchen maintains strict separation between surfaces and items used for preparing or eating meat and those for dairy, requiring more storage than most kitchens.

There are other rules as well, such as not collecting eggs in the presence of the hen and not serving meat and fish in the same course, and wine and bread (which should be blessed and prepared in a particular manner) and cheese, to be kosher, generally require a knowledgeable Jew to assist.

Given these rules and other intricacies a longstanding tradition some hold is that wherever possible all food preparation must be personally observed, or else carefully supervised and approved by a trained rabbinate (hence the stylised Hebrew labelling on some foods and certificates in some shop windows). This has its roots in times that trading standards were non-existent and it was necessary, for instance, to establish that no pigs' milk had been blended with other dairy produce.

Some of these laws are directly from the Torah, while others are deduced in Talmud as safeguarding the laws.

(Personally I am not extremely fussy in the matter of rabbinic supervision but I am extremely fussy on vegetarian standards, and I think that left to their own devices not all suppliers can be presumed reliable based on listed ingredients and stated practise - which I can also understand. Who except Jews, after all, thinks it a big deal if meat has been prepared using the same machine?)

Some Jews are so fussy as to trust only certain supervising authorities. I can understand this as well - what Ya'qub suggested is not impossible, and I myself sometimes question the validity of a standard given out by a body that relies for it's income on the manufacturer. Colour me unconvinced.

Then again, Greggs is no match for the better bakeries in Golders Green (which, having dairy kitchens, do not serve any meat).

The rules of Passover are even more stringent, since we cannot eat any leaven, including most flour products. That is the kind of issue on which I relate to what Ya'qub is saying, where people have been known to stick labels on such innocuous items as apple juice for an extra buck.

The opposite of kosher ("kasher" is the proper Hebrew pronunciation), is "treife", and items that contain neither meat nor dairy are "parev" or "parve", labelled as such because they can be served with either.

I hope that's a good answer.


Given your general attitudes I could not respect your view on what is halal, let alone what is kosher. I don't see why you introduce such a divisive topic into this conversation, but I don't find you so introspective and considerate as to inspire any discussion on my part.)[/size]

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Joie de Vivre, I dont care if a Kaafir does not respect my views. Yet I respect his.

That is what Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) teaches me.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

Maybe you do. One concession you might make would be to stop referring to non-Muslims as kafirs and to stop personifying America or Israel as "Satan".

Perhaps you are unaware of this, but throughout the 19th century Jerusalem was majority Jewish, at the turn of the 20th century there were more than twice as many Jews as Muslims living there, and on Israel's independence in 1948 there were 100,000 Jews and 40,000 Muslims. This despite a mosque occupying the holy site of the Jewish temple.[url=][si...

Since 1948 there has been near-universal Arab hostility to Israel (though not always from Tehran). I do not support everything that Israel has done in its defence, but I do not understand the rejection of Israel's legitimacy, and advocate that Israel should defend its borders and outmanoeuvre its enemies unless those nations and groups can agree to recognise Israel as a legitimate entity like Pakistan or any other.

The claim that Israel's defence is terrorist rings hollow. Just for you I will suggest that Iran's attempts to fight the PKK, for example, are more severe than anything that Israel is doing. I say just for you because the comparison is odious - I don't expect Israel to shell Palestinian villages indiscriminately or to engage in the vicious warfare of mujahideen and certain middle eastern rulers.

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

"Joie de Vivre" wrote:
Kudos Naz!

Ya'qub, I trust you're kidding about the labelling. In honesty, such things are not unknown, although not, to my awareness, in the strict matter of kosher meat.

Kashrut can get complicated but the basic principles are:

Only meat that has cloven (split) hooves and can chew the cud (generally herbivorous) is kosher, and birds that are not birds of prey. Kosher meat is killed with an extremely sharp knife in a single upward stroke to the throat. It has to be specially drained and salted - the blood isn't kosher - and only certain parts of the body can be eaten. Fish must have fins and scales - so no shellfish or shark, for example, and caviare isn't kosher either for some reason - and must also be properly drained. None of this appeals to me but as you know I'm vegetarian.

Meat and dairy cannot be served together and one has to wait several hours after a meat meal before consuming any dairy. An advantage of being vegetarian is I can have better deserts and milk with my after dinner coffee. A kosher kitchen maintains strict separation between surfaces and items used for preparing or eating meat and those for dairy, requiring more storage than most kitchens.

There are other rules as well, such as not collecting eggs in the presence of the hen and not serving meat and fish in the same course, and wine and bread (which should be blessed and prepared in a particular manner) and cheese, to be kosher, generally require a knowledgeable Jew to assist.

Given these rules and other intricacies a longstanding tradition some hold is that wherever possible all food preparation must be personally observed, or else carefully supervised and approved by a trained rabbinate (hence the stylised Hebrew labelling on some foods and certificates in some shop windows). This has its roots in times that trading standards were non-existent and it was necessary, for instance, to establish that no pigs' milk had been blended with other dairy produce.

Some of these laws are directly from the Torah, while others are deduced in Talmud as safeguarding the laws.

(Personally I am not extremely fussy in the matter of rabbinic supervision but I am extremely fussy on vegetarian standards, and I think that left to their own devices not all suppliers can be presumed reliable based on listed ingredients and stated practise - which I can also understand. Who except Jews, after all, thinks it a big deal if meat has been prepared using the same machine?)

Some Jews are so fussy as to trust only certain supervising authorities. I can understand this as well - what Ya'qub suggested is not impossible, and I myself sometimes question the validity of a standard given out by a body that relies for it's income on the manufacturer. Colour me unconvinced.

Then again, Greggs is no match for the better bakeries in Golders Green (which, having dairy kitchens, do not serve any meat).

The rules of Passover are even more stringent, since we cannot eat any leaven, including most flour products. That is the kind of issue on which I relate to what Ya'qub is saying, where people have been known to stick labels on such innocuous items as apple juice for an extra buck.

The opposite of kosher ("kasher" is the proper Hebrew pronunciation), is "treife", and items that contain neither meat nor dairy are "parev" or "parve", labelled as such because they can be served with either.

I hope that's a good answer.

Thank you that was very interesting.

Got some questions for you if you don’t mind.

1) Can any ordinary Jewish person kill the animal or does it have to be a rabbi?

2) Also when the animal is killed is anything recited such as a prayer?

3) In your personal option would you say that kosher meat is a big part of the Jewish faith? For example in Islam during Hajj ppl sacrifice animals and the meat is distributed amongst the poor. Is there anything like this in Judaism?

4) You also mention that one must wait several hours before a diary product can be consumed? Is there any specific reason for this?

5) What does kudos?

"Malik" wrote:
There is nothing kosher in Jerusalem. It is occupied city.
Everything that Israelis do there is Haraam. They eat unclean food.
We all believe that God hates oppression.

Oh Malik Malik Malik all this hatred its not good. The question was solely on kosher, not Israel, not Jerusalem or about non Muslims.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy


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