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"Bliss" wrote:
does anyone know if there's going to be season 3 of prision break?

i sure hope so. I dont know what im gonna do if it totally finishes im hooked on it. Its gets so excitin each week i cant take it anymore lol

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"Naz" wrote:
"Bliss" wrote:
does anyone know if there's going to be season 3 of prision break?

i sure hope so. I dont know what im gonna do if it totally finishes im hooked on it. Its gets so excitin each week i cant take it anymore lol

lol ditto

just when u think its going to end another twist is unveiled.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

Assalamu alaikum w.w. everyone,

I would just like to wish everybody good for the next week, I will be travelling to Southern Spain to see where the Muslims used to live in one of the most enlightened periods of human history (They later got conquered and thrown out by the Spanish because they did not unite together to fight the enemy). As a traveller, I make du'aa for the Revival to continue to be succesful and follow the correct teachings of Islam in accordance with the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Amin!

wa alaikum salam senors and senoritas!


Don't just do something! Stand there.

[b][color=indigo]Have a great time! Biggrin [/color][/b]

"Bliss" wrote:
does anyone know if there's going to be season 3 of prision break?

Yes, i think its going to be aired in USA (and my pc!) in Autumn

i seriously cant wait, i mean....cmon, that ending left so many questions unanswered!!

where was michael heading? :?

...oh, and im back Biggrin

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.



WOW WELCOME BACK SIRUS[/b][/list:u][/size]
long time no see

hope your exams went good inshaAllah and you come out with the best possible grades.[/color]

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

"Exquisite" wrote:

WOW WELCOME BACK SIRUS[/b][/list:u][/size]
long time no see

hope your exams went good inshaAllah and you come out with the best possible grades.[/color]

Thankyou, nice to know someone noticed Biggrin

It has been a long time, final year was quite tough so i had to, chilling, islam and tym for anything else!

But now Alhamdulillah degree is over, hoping to get a 2:1 Inshallah (Dua's requested).....jus chilling now.

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


[color=magenta]Well ur presence was missed, well ur bantering of LIVERPOOL FC

May Allah SWT grant you every success in ur degree and future! Ameen

Does that mean u can practice as lawyer?or u need to do something else before that?

Back to revision for me[/color] Biggrin

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

"Exquisite" wrote:
[color=magenta]Well ur presence was missed, well ur bantering of LIVERPOOL FC

May Allah SWT grant you every success in ur degree and future! Ameen

Does that mean u can practice as lawyer?or u need to do something else before that?

Back to revision for me[/color] Biggrin

Lol, dont worry - i never stopped cussing scousers....'6 times' ha!

No i cant practice yet, got LPC to do next year, 1 year course then i need to work shadow for 2 years...then....seems long

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.



its a season finale of prison break!


whys everthing finishing...... first desparate housewives, its the final part of ugly betty on friday and now prison break Sad

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy


i love ugly betty too

i too am sad that the series is coming to an end 2moro

plus ugly better hasnt even had a makeover yet!!!

im still waiting for her to strut herself in Mode magazine looking beautiful so that all of the people who've been nasty to her feel gutted

yeh i was waiting for her to have a makeover but i think they myt save it for the next series.
Apparently in real life she suppose to be real pretty

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"Naz" wrote:
yeh i was waiting for her to have a makeover but i think they myt save it for the next series.
Apparently in real life she suppose to be real pretty

i love make overs the"before and after" business. Its amazing what a new dress sense and a new make up look can dramatically change the apperance of one. 10 years younger any of you girlies tune into that?

yeh she not bad in real life at all .
lol I’m sad i know but here's a pic of her.

I know desperate housewives ended that was bad enough and know the only best drama ever prison break has also finish Cray 2 .

I swear their nothing decent to watch anymore on the box apart from the odd episode of corrie.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

TV Addicts :roll:

most programs are crap, or waste of valuable time

however, prison break is an exception. And who says its the finale? apparently they may write another 3....i certainly wouldnt mind!

whos your fav prison break character?

Its hard to choose, but i think T-Bag is the best (unpredictable and interesting)

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


Top 3 TV shows ever:

1. Firefly
2. House MD

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I haven't got a fav prison break character coz there's a few I really like. Yeah T-bag's really good, hope he dies a horrible death at the end coz of the people he's killed!

"Admin" wrote:
Top 3 TV shows ever:

Where's the 3rd one?

1. Lost
2. House
3. Heroes

Back in BLACK

"Bliss" wrote:

i love make overs the"before and after" business. Its amazing what a new dress sense and a new make up look can dramatically change the apperance of one. 10 years younger any of you girlies tune into that?

yeh she not bad in real life at all .
lol I’m sad i know but here's a pic of her.

I know desperate housewives ended that was bad enough and know the only best drama ever prison break has also finish Cray 2 .

I swear their nothing decent to watch anymore on the box apart from the odd episode of corrie.

10 yrs younger i love that program lol. I too am sad i actually googled it last nyt to see if i cud find a pic but cudnt find one lol. Wow she looks so different in real life. I actually missed the last epsiode of desparate housewives, for some odd reason i thought it came on thurs (i think i must have been getin confused with hotel babylon also another very good program which came to an end a while ago Sad )

"Sirus" wrote:
whos your fav prison break character?

T bag is a really good actor but my fav is defo gonna av to be without a doubt Wentworth Miller (Michael) (he sooooo cute lol)

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

ive never seen prison break Sad lol

does anyone watch the apprentice??

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

"Snoopz" wrote:
ive never seen prison break Sad lol

does anyone watch the apprentice??

sis u dont know what your missin out on lol. You can rent the first series from blockbuster for about a fiver. Series 2 shud b out soon. I only started watchin half way through series 1. I demand you go down blockbusters and rent it out lol.

The apprentice watched the first 2 series, not watching the one currently showing, its jus gotten borin. But everybody else on this forum seems to enjoy it.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

i watched the first 5 minutes of prison break the other day and i didnt have a clue what was going on so i turned it off. n my sister was way to into it to explain what was going on Cray 2

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

don't worry. It's not as good as these lot are making it out to be.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

[color=indigo][b]naz i think ur getting confused, this was the 2nd series of prison break, 3rd 1 should be on nxt year i think. as for apprentice, where do i start? it's too good, cnt w8 for the final![/b][/color]

"Admin" wrote:
don't worry. It's not as good as these lot are making it out to be.

[color=indigo][b]come again? it's the [u]best[/u] drama on the box.[/b][/color]

"Noor" wrote:
[color=indigo][b]naz i think ur getting confused, this was the 2nd series of prison break, 3rd 1 should be on nxt year i think. as for apprentice, where do i start? it's too good, cnt w8 for the final![/b][/color]

yeh i know i meant series 2 shud be out on dvd soon.

ignore Admin he doesnt know what he is on about lol. Defo make sure you see it. Even ma mum is hooked on it lol.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

[quote="Admin"]Top 3 TV shows ever:

1. Prision break
2. desperate housewives altho it's finished know.
3. Afterlife ( altho it was on aches ago)

As for favourite charater in prison break I’m with naz it has to be the main man himself scofield, t bag coming closely behind .

As for apprentice i was a bit gutted tre went but he did needed to go as he has got too much of a attiude promblem. I guess i only wanted him to win as he will be the first asian to win it.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

2)Coronation Street
3)Where The Heart Is

o yeah...

Don't just do something! Stand there.

noor can i just remind u the owais evnt is gna clash with the apprentice final :shock:

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

"Snoopz" wrote:
noor can i just remind u the owais evnt is gna clash with the apprentice final :shock:

[color=indigo][b]omg u wot?!!! :shock: shoot, is der gona be a repeat of the final? man i cnt miss the final but i cant miss da awais qadri event either! hang on a min, it says the events gona finish for 8 :? but knwing pakiz ther gona finish for like 10. hmmm, gona tell sum1 to tape it for me if der isnt a repeat.[/b][/color]


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