how many of u are in situations when mum or dad goes away for a bit and ur left to manage the house on ur own?
how gud are u at this role?
if ur rubbish at it-what does this say about u?
my mum has gone away loadsa times-but I've always had older sis at home so even tho i have to do a lot more cleaning-i've never had the cooking responsibility on my head
COULD u totally manage a house all by urself?
if i was ever in such a situation i'd make myself fat living on take aways :?
Yeah, loadz of time.
I love it when my parents go away, get the house all to ourselvs!
My parents leave us a load of cash and we get in takeaways, my older sis does the cleaning in the morning, so we dont have to do anything. As therz 6 girlz in da the house, itz easy to maintain.
And my gran just lives down the road and cuzins close by, and really nice neighbours, so if we need anything, we just give them a buzz.
Managed my house for about 4 months this year.
about 6 last year.
Of course it's easier as it's only me I have to manage in such circumstances.
However I have noticed that it makes me lazy um... lazier.
But since tiz only me, I guess I am playing me. In all my glory. No one to disturb me and pretend I aint no loner. :twisted:
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
i've done it a few times, but never for more than a week. it wasn't that bad. probably because my mom always cooked a week's worth of food before leaving... :oops: lol.
lol tut tut dust! (joke)
My parents left us home for a whole month when they were away for hajj, I used to do most work during day and skip classes in the process (
) and sis used to come home and help out in the evening when she got back from work, she did all the cooking.
However sis is now married and mum went to england for the weekend I did all the housework and the cleanin but sis did come over to see if I needed help but I told her I was fine coz she had just got back from work and looked shattered. I missed my sis loads coz my bro's were arguing and fighting loads and I was tellin them to stop it, that was the first time I realised I was the only girl in the house!
I hate it when mum and dad go
You moving from home or summat?
Dust, the wee one was screaming my name out as the other two were gangin up on him so I had to help him, I was soo close to tears that day and I said to mum when she got back that I was never staying home ever again if she was to go down south! When my older sis was here she could keep everyone under control as she is the eldest out of all us siblings.
thats the biggest promblem in my home my big sis is a control freak! i cnt wait for that day come wen i wave good bye to her .
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
u lot are luky i got 2 older brothers and step outta of line and there sitting in headteachers office asking u where u got ur bruises from.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
I'm in a slightly different situation but the idea of managing a family is a little foreign to me. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing and pretty soon I'm going to have two little people staring at me with big curious eyes and the intent impression I know exactly what I'm doing.
Oh boy... that's pressure.
I think the key to playing house and winning is to do it week by week - that way you've got just enough planning to work out what you will be eating that week, and not enough planning to cripple you in the even of short term glitches
all i can say 2 dat is gud luk
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
I'd love to live in a massive mansion on my own.
Just forget about it.
Week to week? I do not even plan for the next day! (mostly not even the same day).
Planning means you will put yourself under pressure.
I assume not much will change after you got a pair of twins. (Well I can already call that assumption as erm... false.)
Or if you are really nifty, I remember you saying your parents are trying to get into your good books. I will let you scheme at this thought.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
yea they are... but they live in south carolina and i live pretty much everywhere else not to mention I wouldn't trust my mother to raise weeds - let alone children.
Therz 2 sets of twins in our family, im a twin and dont i hate it!
Good luck, u'll need it!
Just a personal question... Is your twin on here aswell? (I doubt it, but it's a curiosity.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Not telling you!
Yeah she is..
but you'll never find her.
wow, TWO sets of twins in one family?? mashaAllah, that must be so much fun!
Non identical
Me and my sis wer when we wer small but not anymore,
..and the other set is a girl and boy.
so therz 6 girlz and 1 boy!
and trust me its no FUN!
Wel actually it was, when we wer kidz, we used to all team up and have fights!
i used to love them dayz, wish i cud go back!
2 sets of twins woah da other 2 must of felt left out
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
No, not at all.
The other 2 are the older set and wer the younger set, so wer all equal, well actually, wer the favourites cz wer the youngest!
So itz extra treats for us
so its all good
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
hi Dave were have you been? mate didn't really notice you were around!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
Noor has a secret twin on the forum!!! this is the biggest news since we found out Seraph has a mystery sister!
In a completely unconnected thought, Hi Mez - law school just started and i've been registering for classes and meeting my [url=]e... arrogant professors[/url], it's been a barrell of fun. The only real break i've had is that the Air Force officially recognized my status as student so no more irritating paperwork and incompetent academy grads to deal with.
Ive never been so busy in my whole freaking life.
So Noor!!! this secret twin of yours... can you give us a hint or clue or something? And can you give me any twin advice? I dont know anything about raising children and even less about raising twins. Is it better to treat them fairly but differently or should everything be done in tandem for the cuteness of it?
What about birthdays? Shared or seperate?
Dave your funny!
so looking forward to being a daddy!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
I'll let u guyz work out huz my twin on the forum (but i dnt think u'll ever figure it out!).
A lil clue, were nothing like each other. My teachers only found out that we wer sisters after 5 years of teaching and when they found out wer twins, they wer like :shock: :shock: :shock:
Thats the reaction of most ppl when they find out wer twins, they cant believe wer sisters so its hard for them to believe wer twins.
Half of my frendz didnt no wer twins, so they used to quiz us and ask us questions and stuff about our b-dayz etc etc.
As for twin advice..
Well, when we were lil we used to dress the same and everything. Same b-dayz, we still share them now. Get more prezzies!
I think when ur young it dsnt matta, how u treat the kidz as they dont no anything. I cnt remmber anything about me when i was a kid, so cnt say much. But defntly treat them fairly and equally cz u dnt wnt one twin being left out.
But when they becum 3/4 it will becum apparent, if they like dressing the same etc etc.
Dress the twins same, get them the same prezzie etc etc. Its cute! and then one twin cant say i wnt what shes got. Its easy and simple that way!
Everything will fall into place once ther born and you'll know whats right for your lilttlns. Just do what u think is best and u'll make a great daddy and the twins will love you!
Good luck!
However if you dress them the same you would not tell who is who! and can get confusing! :roll:
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
But its cute!
aww i wish my little sis was a twin i wud have love to dressed them up togther. twins look wicked togther when they are dressed in teh same outfits.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil