today i realised that many girls spend almost as much time on their hijaabs as they do with their hair
went to Green Street with my sister today and we went to POSHAK MAHAL the most famous hijaab shop in whole of UK
spend ages checking out the scarfs-prices started at £2 and went up to £50
the amount of choice was phenominal-
after woulds we got some pretty hijaab pins-only a few years ago pretty hijaab pins didnt even exist
my sister stood in front of at least 4 mirrors today-trying to fix her hijaab up
sumtims in a rush when the hijaab is not put on properly-they whole day feels awkward and messy-sort of like a bad hijaab day
also-under five years ago-it was rare to see a hijaabi-its a lot more common now
almost ALL of the Muslim "pretty fashionable" girls from my year 11 cover their hair now which they didnt when we were in school :shock:
girls dont even see an issue with dating with their hijaab
is the hijaab losing its impact? is it all about "doing ur hijaab" now instead of "doing ur hair"
wouldn't know.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
well feel free to discuss bad beard days :twisted:
but serioulsy-dicuss the implications of the hijaab losing its value
Hijab is a compulsory item of clothing for muslim women. How they wear it is their choice as long as it meets a minimum criteria. It does NOT mean people wearing it will act in a certain way. All it means is they are meeting one of the obligation on them.
A bad beard day? that would be almost every day! Seriously To get it right I need to allow it to 'mess up' for a couple of weeks or so, then I can get it shaped (almost) properly. (I hate things to look too good. Not me. so if I comb my hair too well, I need to mess it up slightly. Same with clothing, beard etc.)
Having a bad day becasue of it is all about being conscious of others perceptions. I rarely am, so I do not get the bad beard days! (unless I totally mess it up. But even then I don't really bother with the caring bit...)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Admin ur a weirdo
keep ur freakiness outta my thread
my only point was that the booming hijaab buisness has led to more and more ppl adopting the hijaab and reducing it as a fashion asscessory
p.s how can u mess up a beard?
Well, you did ask!
It reduces the stigma for those who wear it for the right reasons, but have a vanity streak. It lowers the barrier to change.
Surprisingly easy.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
hijab is like hair, ur always gonna have a bad hijab day. i found it easiest to wear to the al-amira style hijabs, no mess, no fuss and u dont even need 2 iron it. (and it's the only thing that actually suits lazy me)
some ppl wear hijab for the sake of wearing it. gals get up 2 no good with it, same as some bearded guys that get up2 no good. ppl need to realise that hijab has different meanings to different ppl n not all hijabis r in the same boat. like when i went to the carribean n ppl thought i was a rasta coz i had my hijab tied back.
as for the booming hijab business, in a way it's good, y cant young muslim gals b trandy? but 50 quid for a pin is way over the top.
Though they may not act in that certain way...that too is part of hijab and is obligatory. Modesty. Not only in dress but in ACTION too.
And when hijab starts attracting the opposite gender and brothers start eyeing sisters who try to over beautify themselves through wearing a tight hijab and masses of make up, then no, you aint fulfilling nothing coz your basicly contradticting the point of hijab. Nice hijabs are good, colours her and there are a change, hijab pins look gangsta [ btw Crescent Collections has some gangsta hijab pins me for more info
] ..but what i mean is, if in the end the sister tries so hard to do her hijab up to make herself look just as good with it on ... then whats the point? Hijab is mento hide ones beauty, not make one find other ways of getting folk to stare at you ... you know what i mean?
[ sorry if the tone is mainly speaking to myself as a reminder ]
< You turn to Him with divine obedience
He turns to you with Divine Love > that near zamzam....or is it at the other end?
I think that's a good thing, as long as she doesn't spend too much time doing it. I think fixing your hijab properly is important before you go out because I see some girls and women who don't wear their headscarf properly so it 'comes off' and then they spend some time fixing it and a few minutes later, it comes off's almost like they're doing it on purpose.
It's completely the opposite for the girls who went to my school, and for some reason the girls in my college take their headscarf off in summer.....may be the weather :?
Haven't you got accessories for men?
in the process akhi...headgear and palestine scarves inshallah...Tell me what specifically you are after though and i'll try and get it made.
< You turn to Him with divine obedience
He turns to you with Divine Love >
I don't want no home-made stuff lol
You know boys stuff....I like nice-smelling atthars (perfumes). The shops around here sell a small bottle quite 'expensively'.
I'll buy in bulk if you can get it 'cheaply'.
I literaly take 2-3 mins to do my hijab if its one of those square type ones however if its a shawl or stole then it takes about 10mins to get it to sit right.
If my hijab aint done right I get so annoyed and feel rubbish all day!
I rarely wear accessories unless its a special occasion or I feel in the mood of adding accessories.
well............sumtymz it takez me 2 minitz 2 do ma hijab n sumtymz it takes me 30 minitz. if i dnt iron it the nyt b4,it getz 2 creased in the day so i hav 2 iron it b4 i go 2 bed. i wear pashminas all the tym n i love them but wen they dnt go on proper i feel irritable especially at skool. ppl alwayz ask me how i do it n i show them n wen i do it getz mashed up agen. 1nce this lady on the bus asked me 2 show her how i did it,she wasnt evn a muslim! but yeh das my story lol salamz xx
'A book holds a house of gold'
I dont think i've ever had a bad hijaab day. I stick my hijaab on any how regardless if it looks funny. Aslong as my hair is coverd and my hijaab is secure i dont mind how it looks.
It wont be homemade, unless you want food lol. So you want some Ittars eh...inshallah i'll look into that.
Yeh, we are planning into going into wholesale..inshallah email me if you are interested about that yeh...much cheper prices at wholesale than at retail btw.
< You turn to Him with divine obedience
He turns to you with Divine Love >
I wear a pashmina daily and it takes up to 5-10 min to get it right as well...also throughout the day I have to adjust it at least twice in front of a mirror.
I often have bad hijaab days...somtimes its too tight and I cant open my mouth wide enough to eat and it leaves a mark on my neck. :?
oh yeah i remember them days MSloooll. when i was a new hijabi did it too tight left marks on my neck, couldn't breath properly, would take ages putting it on, would need an underscarf coz my hijab wouldn't stay put without one, hence i was often overheated.
That was until i discovered khimars, no pins required, no underscarf, quick and easy to wear, rarely need ironing. Feel much cooler and free, could things get any better?
I sometimes wear square scarves and wrap it into a niqab,on the advice of Lilsis i tried it and use that style occasionally

But most of the time it's khimars for me, on in a minute. But i can still pin scarves in under 5 mins just like angel, us sisters are so versatile and clever
P.S i agree with Cricketgal's comments!
[color=magenta]lolz this is funny, n ur so right POSHAK MAHAL is my favourite hijab shop by miles,some of the scravs there are so exquisite.did you see the new £8 scarvs with loads of sequins n that roundish design,i got one in brown the other day i love that scarf.
OMG, iv had bad hijab days bare times, in secondary school especailly, i used to wear them three cornered scarves n i was trying to fix it without a mirror,n thats when it went all wrong, i coudnt sit still in my maths class i couldnt concerntrate at alll n it was really peeving me off so i excused myself from the lesson went to the toilet n fixed it,n i was all better.
but its wors when im on my free lessons in sixth from if my scarf annoys me i go out of school come home chang my scarf n off to school i go.
nw im all for pashminas there ar so many different sorts mum has wicked style n i could pass some of the scarves she buys as my own,i cant wear three cornered scarves anymor
muslim bro poshak mahal is on the other side way past zamzam there is one in bethnal green but that one is rubbish
i forget whtz the big deal with netted hijab it doesnt cover your hair?[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
i get vey happy when i see sisters trying to fix thier hijabs it make me smile
when i see them in front of teh mirror as to seeing some sisters combing their hair endlessly trying to get it straight and slim doesn't thier hand ever get tired !!!
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
them scarfs are OK with a bandanna under them
a guji mate of mine used to wear them and looked so pretty in them
i wouldnt wear them thou
i stick to one black hijaab with sequinns which i wear every day
no colour for me
Im all for colour, i wear the rainbow
When I ask people their views, I find that even non-muslims
are now beginning to admit that girls who are covered up
appear so respectful in their beautiful veils.
They are so much better looking than those who are all flesh.
I mean, no one in their right mind would buy a peeled banana would they ?
nicely put bro
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
Thanks Jinn.
Kadija !!!!!!!!!!
I never thot about it like that,if i wear i dont think it will cover me properly so i stick to my beaded ones,i realised i cant wear plain scarves it has to have some designs on it, one my fave scarves is one i got from dubai[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
Jinn lol dat was funi n da banana fing was so true,good 4 dawah 2!
'A book holds a house of gold'
true, and rather unfortunate. hijaab is losing its true purpose. we need to stop seeing it as a political statement or just a piece of cloth. it's a whole lot more than that.
exactly i think tht by wearing a hijab a few sisters think they done their bit no one can think bad of them and start to indulge into other matters.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
I do like the fact that hijab is seen as more common and that more people are open to wearing it but like it has been pointed out its rather unfortunate that ppl are wearing it for the wrong reasons or don't have a true understanding of what hijab entails.
My sis saw a niqaabi wid a boy outside cinemas and they wer kissing and not just a quick peck on da cheek..
Another girl, MashAllah jilbab/hijaab but when it cumz to going out, mini skirt, clubs, drinkin, the lot. and the parents dont no anything.
sum pretend to pray on the pray mat infrnt of ther parents but dnt really pray.
:shock: i know
These dayz girlz only wear the hijaab so guyz think ther "shareef"
Last year this girl i knew never came to skool on the last day cz her dad sed to her u have to wear the hijaab and she didnt want to, so she stayed at home.
Its so sad, to see sisters using and abusing the hijaab to get away wid things.
We need to make duA for these sisters.