i was beaten for years at the mosque during my hifz... and so did many othesr at my local mosque.... as a result many left mosque and till this day have not gone back....
'teachers' who do this should be ashamed...
NO beating, even light punishment shud be allowed...
Islam shud be taught with love, wisdom and in a chilled out way... so young ppl enjoy it and look forward to it....
alot of these 'teachers' bang on about sunnah and sunni and ahlus sunnah but tell me DID THE PROPHET (SAW) EVER USE ANY KIND OF PUNISHMNET TO CHILDREN OR TO HIS STUDENTS? NO!
he taught with love, wisdom and understanding.
someone mentioned 'MURGI' is OK! NO ITS NOT! STUDENTS SHOULD BE TREATED WITH RESPECT AND NOT LIKE ANIMALS!!!! i did 'murgi' many times and it put me off mosque and ulema for a long time...
teachers at mosque should go through Child Behaviour training and some kind of teacher training aswell.... not let any 'molbi', 'hafiz' or a 'eligious' person teach...he should have knowledge, wisdom, properly trained and in touch with the youngsters....
I totally agree with you.
My brother was also beaten up in Mosque and till this day he hasn’t returned. What can be worse than driving young kids out of Mosque and making them think negatively about Islam?
The Holy Prophet said “One who does not have mercy on our young ones and does not respect our elders is not from amongst us."
The Holy Prophet never even raised his voice to a child….Hadrat Anas (ra) served Him for ten years and one once did He reprimand him for doing something or for not doing something.
I also agree with the point raised that we have to obey the law of the land.
So, those who choose to ignore this point have to suffer the consequences….only a short which back I said my Salaam to a well known and well liked Imam who was being deported back home for raising his hand to a kid.
It may be hard to believe but simple things are more then enough when it comes to discipling kids....I'm teaching in an Islamic Summer School atm and the only form of discipline we use is "cleaning up/sorting the shoes out or in extreme cases cancel trips/call parents". And it works.
What about beating a 10yr old wen he refuses to pray. People should take their blinkers off and realise the religion for what it is - a middle path. Not some hippy free-love and free-morality that sufi-istic deviants espouse. :roll:
accusing again... touchy touchy... talking about me like that is bad for a so called student of islam....
'BEATING' as u refer is not what the hadith or how the classical scholars mean... when child doesnt pray it menas a clip round the ear...not like the beatings the dodgy teachers at some mosques do with sticks, whips..... that is sick, cruel and HARAAM
and likes of med support this... what do you expect from supportes of the taliban....ASK HIM WHEN THE PROPHET (SAW) BEAT UP ANY CHILD.... COME ON TELL ME!
Thing is those beats are not the same as using a wire.
The allowed beats have some rules. as you mentioned, no anger. They are also to be light and be a form of chastisement, not as a form to relieve anger.
exactly. So there [b]is[/b] room for physical chastisement. To make a blanket statement banning it cos of ones own sad childhood experiences is nothing but ignorance. The religion isnt subject to our dictates - we are to be subject to it.
Those who promote beatings at the slightest excuse are very wrong, those who make a blanket statement against beatings are also very wrong.
The true stance is that it should be allowed for punishment/recitificaition when it is warranted and not as a means of channelling ones anger.
Med chatting rubbish again....
punishment is not allowed in a mosque... at home, what parent does if child doesnt pray is different to when a kid comes to the mosque to learn about Islam..
so med get out of your cave, put your sticks and whips away... try following the sunnah for once...and teach kids with love, wisdom and logic...not with a 'danda' ...
Submitted by Medarris on 18 August, 2006 - 00:05 #34
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
"Med" wrote:
What about beating a 10yr old wen he refuses to pray. People should take their blinkers off and realise the religion for what it is - a middle path. Not some hippy free-love and free-morality that sufi-istic deviants espouse. :roll:
accusing again... touchy touchy... talking about me like that is bad for a so called student of islam....
'BEATING' as u refer is not what the hadith or how the classical scholars mean... when child doesnt pray it menas a clip round the ear...not like the beatings the dodgy teachers at some mosques do with sticks, whips..... that is sick, cruel and HARAAM
and likes of med support this... what do you expect from supportes of the taliban....ASK HIM WHEN THE PROPHET (SAW) BEAT UP ANY CHILD.... COME ON TELL ME!
kindly provide quotes where I support beating with cables/sticks, bruising, striking the face or striking in anger.
most defiently :!:
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
Submitted by Imaani on 18 August, 2006 - 20:04 #37
I had only been at my first mosque a few months when it was closed after the authorities found out our teacher was hitting us. I dont remember too much as I was only 6 at the time, but I clearly remember standing in front of her, holding out my hand, and being hit 3 times with a stick. This was for making the odd mistake while reading to her.
It was when a teacher at school noticed a child (who also went to the same mosque), was struggling holding her pencil, that this all came to light. The girl was a year older than me, so aged 7, and she confessed all to the teacher. That very same day the mosque was closed. My mum remembers taking me to mosque that day. She says our teacher was crying, and said how the children and parents didnt appreciate all she had done for them.
Although the parents were aware of her hitting us, and agreed that she did overdo it, none of them said anything against it. Instead, like my mum, they were all just thinking of sending us elsewhere.
Submitted by Exquisite on 19 August, 2006 - 11:15 #38
[color=magenta]i loved my mosque i used to go between the ages of 6-8 n it was wicked, i loved the atmosphere there, it was a weekend thng, n it was me n my older bros n sis,i loved evry moment of it.it usd to start at 10 and finish at one n we studied Quran, islamic history (stories of the Prophets) and like the baasics of th books of Allah the Angels of Allah some hadith n we used to do calligraphy i fink that wht was so fun, that there was that mixture of recitig the Quran n then we had the afternoon where we covered just basics of islam like the five pillars etc.my fave bok at the time was ISlam beliefs and teachings, you knw the red one with the kabbah at the front. my "masab"was so safe i love that man,he is like my own father he used to trea each one of us like individuals n if one was struggling he would gv them that extra special much needed attention n he was very patient with all of us.i rate this man.but after that he had to leave so dad startd teaching us at home along with other neighbours n that ws good too.[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
I had only been at my first mosque a few months when it was closed after the authorities found out our teacher was hitting us. I dont remember too much as I was only 6 at the time, but I clearly remember standing in front of her, holding out my hand, and being hit 3 times with a stick. .
cant say I'm surprised Sis
those who beat kids-be it minor/major beating-usually get clocked sooner or later anyway
From past experiences and from what i've seen its usually the pakistani teachers who teach at the local Mosques who hit the kids.
Well thats the case in sheffield. I havnt heard of any of the Arab, Bengali or Somali tecahers ever hitting the kids.
I'm not saying its only the pakistani tecahers who hit them, but thats the case here i sheffield.
Sumthing shud defently be done about these teachers hu do stuff like tht and hu get away with it cz its very of putting for the lilttle ones hu are trying to learn. And a mosque is a place where a child shud feel safe and no threatened.
From past experiences and from what i've seen its usually the pakistani teachers who teach at the local Mosques who hit the kids.
Well thats the case in sheffield. I havnt heard of any of the Arab, Bengali or Somali tecahers ever hitting the kids.
I'm not saying its only the pakistani tecahers who hit them, but thats the case here i sheffield.
Sumthing shud defently be done about these teachers hu do stuff like tht and hu get away with it cz its very of putting for the lilttle ones hu are trying to learn. And a mosque is a place where a child shud feel safe and no threatened.
I dunno about the Arab countries but its true what you say about Pakistani teacher....in Pakistan hitting kids who misbehave still goes on…
So does the demeaning practice of the “murgi” and other immoral forms of discipline…(I heard of a teacher who used to stick strong cello tape on the mouths of chatty kids).
And in some cases when the teachers who’ve had their teachers training from the Indian subcontinent come here…they implement practices that are cruel or illegal here.
And regarding Mosques…Mum taught us a lot. I started to go mosque when I was in primary school (before that we lived in an English area and mum used to teach us at home)…the teacher would sleep most of the time we were there.
When I was in high school I went to mosque for 6 years to a lady down the road…I learnt nothing, it wasn’t so much the teachers fault but mine…(it was partly her fault as the class size was huge, that lady would take anyone on and wouldn’t have time for everyone)…I only went Mosque so I could chat to my mates who went school with me.
Now, I go to programmes/classes on a reg basis but I have still haven’t leant my Tajweed rules.
I totally agree with you.
My brother was also beaten up in Mosque and till this day he hasn’t returned. What can be worse than driving young kids out of Mosque and making them think negatively about Islam?
The Holy Prophet
said “One who does not have mercy on our young ones and does not respect our elders is not from amongst us."
The Holy Prophet
never even raised his voice to a child….Hadrat Anas (ra) served Him
for ten years and one once did He
reprimand him for doing something or for not doing something.
I also agree with the point raised that we have to obey the law of the land.
So, those who choose to ignore this point have to suffer the consequences….only a short which back I said my Salaam to a well known and well liked Imam who was being deported back home for raising his hand to a kid.
It may be hard to believe but simple things are more then enough when it comes to discipling kids....I'm teaching in an Islamic Summer School atm and the only form of discipline we use is "cleaning up/sorting the shoes out or in extreme cases cancel trips/call parents". And it works.
accusing again... touchy touchy... talking about me like that is bad for a so called student of islam....
'BEATING' as u refer is not what the hadith or how the classical scholars mean... when child doesnt pray it menas a clip round the ear...not like the beatings the dodgy teachers at some mosques do with sticks, whips..... that is sick, cruel and HARAAM
and likes of med support this... what do you expect from supportes of the taliban....ASK HIM WHEN THE PROPHET (SAW) BEAT UP ANY CHILD.... COME ON TELL ME!
Med chatting rubbish again....
punishment is not allowed in a mosque... at home, what parent does if child doesnt pray is different to when a kid comes to the mosque to learn about Islam..
so med get out of your cave, put your sticks and whips away... try following the sunnah for once...and teach kids with love, wisdom and logic...not with a 'danda' ...
kindly provide quotes where I support beating with cables/sticks, bruising, striking the face or striking in anger.
Thank you in advance.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
I concur
most defiently :!:
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
I had only been at my first mosque a few months when it was closed after the authorities found out our teacher was hitting us. I dont remember too much as I was only 6 at the time, but I clearly remember standing in front of her, holding out my hand, and being hit 3 times with a stick. This was for making the odd mistake while reading to her.
It was when a teacher at school noticed a child (who also went to the same mosque), was struggling holding her pencil, that this all came to light. The girl was a year older than me, so aged 7, and she confessed all to the teacher. That very same day the mosque was closed. My mum remembers taking me to mosque that day. She says our teacher was crying, and said how the children and parents didnt appreciate all she had done for them.
Although the parents were aware of her hitting us, and agreed that she did overdo it, none of them said anything against it. Instead, like my mum, they were all just thinking of sending us elsewhere.
[color=magenta]i loved my mosque i used to go between the ages of 6-8 n it was wicked, i loved the atmosphere there, it was a weekend thng, n it was me n my older bros n sis,i loved evry moment of it.it usd to start at 10 and finish at one n we studied Quran, islamic history (stories of the Prophets) and like the baasics of th books of Allah the Angels of Allah some hadith n we used to do calligraphy i fink that wht was so fun, that there was that mixture of recitig the Quran n then we had the afternoon where we covered just basics of islam like the five pillars etc.my fave bok at the time was ISlam beliefs and teachings, you knw the red one with the kabbah at the front. my "masab"was so safe i love that man,he is like my own father he used to trea each one of us like individuals n if one was struggling he would gv them that extra special much needed attention n he was very patient with all of us.i rate this man.but after that he had to leave so dad startd teaching us at home along with other neighbours n that ws good too.[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
cant say I'm surprised Sis
those who beat kids-be it minor/major beating-usually get clocked sooner or later anyway
its not an unsual thing here at my end
child beaters shud take heed
From past experiences and from what i've seen its usually the pakistani teachers who teach at the local Mosques who hit the kids.
Well thats the case in sheffield. I havnt heard of any of the Arab, Bengali or Somali tecahers ever hitting the kids.
I'm not saying its only the pakistani tecahers who hit them, but thats the case here i sheffield.
Sumthing shud defently be done about these teachers hu do stuff like tht and hu get away with it cz its very of putting for the lilttle ones hu are trying to learn. And a mosque is a place where a child shud feel safe and no threatened.
I dunno about the Arab countries but its true what you say about Pakistani teacher....in Pakistan hitting kids who misbehave still goes on…
So does the demeaning practice of the “murgi” and other immoral forms of discipline…(I heard of a teacher who used to stick strong cello tape on the mouths of chatty kids).
And in some cases when the teachers who’ve had their teachers training from the Indian subcontinent come here…they implement practices that are cruel or illegal here.
And regarding Mosques…Mum taught us a lot. I started to go mosque when I was in primary school (before that we lived in an English area and mum used to teach us at home)…the teacher would sleep most of the time we were there.
When I was in high school I went to mosque for 6 years to a lady down the road…I learnt nothing, it wasn’t so much the teachers fault but mine…(it was partly her fault as the class size was huge, that lady would take anyone on and wouldn’t have time for everyone)…I only went Mosque so I could chat to my mates who went school with me.
Now, I go to programmes/classes on a reg basis but I have still haven’t leant my Tajweed rules.