It’s the month of Rajab atm….the month in which The Holy Prophet was blessed with a visit to the heavens…He saw the wonders of His Lord and met Allah (swt)…
If a man has wings of love, he becomes lofty in a way that he can never imagine….In the night of Mira’j, the Holy Prophet and Angel Gabriel were ascending through the levels of sky , Angel Gabriel stopped suddenly when they arrived in Sidrat al Munteha (the highest place in Paradise) and said , ' I will burn up if I go a step further' .
But the Holy Prophet passed this point and came closer to God…so close now he was at a point of " aw adna" (Until He became as close as possible- Al Najm: 9)
….love transcends the restricted limits of human intellect…
It is the sunnah of our Beloved Prophet to become pleased when recalling a joyous event of history and to become sad when recalling a sorrowful event….
The Holy Prophet said “Rajab is the month of Allah. Shaban is my month. Ramadan is the month of my ummah (followers).”
In the month of Raja, Israa’ and Mi`raj took place….also it was during this month that the Battle of Tabuk took place and the liberation of Masjid ul Aqsa…
This month is known is also known Al-Asab which means “Poured in” because this is the month in which Mercy of Allah (swt) is poured on people during it….
This month is one of the four holy months….the Holy Prophet (saw), “Observe fasting for some days in the sacred months and leave fasting for other days.”
So generally doing good deeds (extra prayers, charity, gatherings of dhikr etc) and fasting in the holy month of Rajab is considered praiseworthy…
Jazakallah for that brief insight.
yes jazakallah for the info it has definetly increase my hikma of what happen on that blessed night
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
When I remember Miraj Sharif I remember the gift that our Beloved Prophet
brought to us, I feel guily when I neglect namaz...
Did anyone watch the Miraj Un Nabi programme last night on QTV?
I watched it till 12.00am…(I heard it finished around 2.00pm) it was fantastic.
(My Urdu is poor so bear with me)
Shaykh Tahir ul Qadri spoke about the three dimensions/aspects of the Holy Prophet (saw)….He(saw) is bashr so that humans can relate to Him…He
is Noor so that that He
could be the Prophet of the angels and He
had this third dimension…this unique attribute that enabled Him
to cross Siddar tun Muntaha (highest place in Paradise) that even Angel Gabriel (who is made out off Noor) was unable to cross.
The Shaykh also spoke about His
route…how He
stopped at Mount Tur and the Birth place of Hadrat Isa (AS) to perform two nafl prayer…so that visiting such blessed places can become the Sunnah.
He also spoke about how when the Holy Prophet
returned from the Miraj…He
didn’t tell everyone everything…just like if we were to visit some important King or president…obviously the narration of the events would differ from person to person…we’d omit details when narrating the account to kids and would give more details when talking to more intellectual people.
When the Holy Prophet
returned from Miraj….He
narrated the event to people according to their Iman (faith) and intellect…that’s why the likes of Abu Lahab and Abu Jahal were only told about His
visit to Masjid Aqsa…and the the Great Abu Bakr (ra) was told about the meeting with Allah (swt)…others were only told about the meeting up to Siddra tun Muntaha.
He said that we need to get all hadiths on this topic and place them in front of them to fully understand what actually happened….
That’s all I can remember…there was a LOT more.
p.s anyone fasting today...?
is the fast today? :oops:
got it recorded for me, gona inshallah watch it soon.
I'm currently reading about the Miraj in quite a bit of depth from [url=]this book[/url]
it has a lot of fantastic detail, of which i would have posted some up here. but theres too much and im on the part of the Meeting with Allah (swt)....and that takes a long time getting too. Subhanallah!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I watched a bit of it last night but then i was off, Allahmdulliah we had a good night last night, did a beautiful gathering of Dhikr and manage to finish the book about Miraj-e-Mustafa.
Yeah, im fasting.
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
All praise is for Allah; and salah and salaam upon the Messenger of Allah, his followers and his companions.
There is no doubt that the incident of Isra' and Mi`raj is (from) among the great signs of Allah, indicates the truthfulness of His Messenger, Muhammad (S), and the greatness of his (S) position with Allah. It is also among the evidences showing the ability of Allah (T) and it is proof that Allah is above all His creation. Allah has said: Glorified (and exalted) be He (Allah) Who took His slave (Muhammad) for a Journey by night from al-Masjid al-Haram (at Makkah) to the Farthest Mosque (in Jerusalem), the neighborhood whereof We have blessed, in order that We might show him (Muhammad) of Our Ayaat (proofs, evidences, lessons, sigs, etc.) Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer. [17:1]
It has been narrated from the Messenger (S) of Allah (T) that Allah (T) ascended him to the heavens through the seventh heaven. Therein His Lord spoke to him what He intended and obligated upon him from the five prayers. Allah (T) initially obligated fifty prayers, however our Prophet (S) did not cease to demand and ask ease from Him, until Allah (T) made it five (in number). Hence there are five prayers obligated, but fifty in (number) reward; for every good action is equivalent to ten of its like. For Allah (T) is all praise and thanks for all His blessings.
This date on ISRA' and MI`RAJ occurred was not established in the authentic narrations [of the Prophet Muhammad (S)], neither during the month of Rajab nor in any other month. All that has been mentioned concerning the date of occurence of al-Isra wal-Mi'raj is deemed among the scholars of hadith to be _unauthentic_. Belonging to Allah is a great Wisdom in causing the people to forget the date of its occurrence. However, even if its date was confirmed, it would nonetheless be _impermissible_ for the Muslims to distinguish that night from other nights by doing anything from among the acts of worship. Neither it would be permissible for them to celebrate it, as the Prophet (S) and his companions neither celebrated it nor did they distinguish it with any special acts of worship.
Should such a celebration of that Night be lawful, the Messenger (S) would have clarified it to the people either by word or deed. And had such a thing occurred, it would have become known and common, and the companions would have transmitted it to us. The companions passed on from their Prophet (S) everything which Muslims are in need of. Never were they remiss or negligent with regard to religion. Indeed, they were the first to lead the way to every good. If the celebration of this night had been lawful, they would have been first to do it. The Prophet (S) also is the most sincere in guiding people. He most truly fulfilled his mission, and performed his noble duty. If the glorification and celebration of that night had something to do with Islam, the Prophet (S) would never have neglected it nor concealed it. Since nothing about this was narrated from the Messenger (S) and his companions, therefore glorification and celebration of that night was absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Islam, as Allah has perfected for this nation its religion, completed His favor upon it and rebuked and refuted the innovators who introduce into the religion that which Allah has not allowed.
And Allah (T), said: This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. [5:3]
And Allah (T), has also said: Or have they partners with Allah who have made laws for them in religion that which Allah allowed not? And had it not been for a decisive word (gone forth already), the matter would have been judged between them. And verily for wrongdoers is a painful torment. [al-Shura, 21]
The Prophet (S) said: He who innovates something in this matter of ours that is not of it will have it rejected. [al-Bukhari, Muslim]
In another wording reported by Muslim: He who does an act which our matter is not (in agreement) with will have it rejected.
It is reported in the Sunan of Abu Dawud and al-Tirmidhi that al-`Irbad ibn Sariyah said, "The Messenger of Allah (S) gave us a sermon by which our hearts were filled with fear and tears came to our eyes. We said, "O Messenger of Allah, it is as though this is a farewell sermon, so counsel us." He (S) said: "I counsel you to fear Allah and to give absolute obedience even if a slave becomes your leader. Verily, he among you who lives (long) will see great controversy, so you must keep to my Sunnah and that to the rightly guided (in beliefs and actions) Caliphs after me; cling to them stubbornly. Beware of newly invented matters, for every invented matter is an innovation and every innovation is going astray and every going astray is in hte Hell-Fire."
The narrations of such meaning are numerous. And indeed it has been confirmed that the Companions of the Messenger (S) as well as the early generations of pious scholars who followed, cautioned and warned against heresies and innovations. These warnings were not mentioned by them except for hte fact that innnovations are unnecessary additions to the religion. Innovations are something new to Islam which Allah has not given permission for. Also in performing these affairs, a resemblance of the enemies of Allah (from the Jews and Christians) occurs; in that, they added and innovated in hteir religions something that they had no permission from Allah. In addition, any innovation in the religion is implied by the person performing it that Islam is incomplete and has faults because by innovating and adding to Islam one accuses Islam of not being complete. This, of course, is well known to contain a great deal of gross corruption, vile actions, and a contradiction to the saying of Allah: This day, I have perfected your religion for you... as it is also an obvious contrast to the traditions of the Messenger (S) that caution and warn against innovations.
I hope that what was mentioned from the evidences is sufficient and convincing enough for the seeker of the truth in rejecting this innovation (bid`ah) of celebrating the night of Isra' wal Mi`raj and warning against it because it has nothing to do in anyway with the religion of Islam
Since Allah has obligated to give Muslims sincere advice, to elucidate the Divine laws for them, and has forbidden concealing knowledge, I felt it necessary to call to attention my Muslim brothers against this innovation (bid`ah) which has spread throughout many cities so much so taht the people thought it to be part of Islam.
Allah is responsible to correct the affairs of all the Muslims and grant them success in comprehending the religion and to give us, along with them, success in holding firm to the truth, ascertaining it, and leaving what opposes it; for Allah is Capable over all. May Allah bless and be merciful upon His Slave and Worshipper and Messenger (S), his followers, and his companions.
Shaykh Ibn Baaz rahimahullah
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
You see if he has clarified it, it would be sunnah(or greater), not nafl.
And since you cannot find anything banning, where is the problem?
On the contrary, we have been told to celebrate the fvours of our lord. Why are people intent on stopping others from doing this?
It is madness. Surely noone is allowed another to permit one from worshipping god?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
some have an issue with ppl doing extra worship
maybe its jealousy
i think we have his book at home-
broken link or sumin like that
Great scholar of Ahle sunna wal-jama' Al Suyuti in Haqiqat al Sunna wal-Bida' a aw al-Amir bil Ittiba Wal Nahy an al-Ibtida' (p58):
'As for the night of mid-Shaban it has great merit and it is desirable (mustahabb) to spend part of it in (supererogatory) worship..'
those who are not of ahle sunna wal Jama' would disagree - they would not be of the 4 madhabs and therefore out of the fold of ahle sunna
We worship ALLAH how He commands and as shown by the Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
You cant worship ALLAH how u want - you worship Him how he wants.
Simple point - complicated by peoples addiction to innovated matters and its very sad.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
lol Med you realy are a joke!
If one wants to worship Allah (swt) more in the months that have been declared blessed by Him and the Holy Prophet
then they can do so and will be rewarded greatly in doing so.
People like you are what make Deen seem confusing, like Admin said Allah (swt) tells us to celebrate the favours which have been bestowed upon us, Miraj Sharif is a huge blessing and the time where we were blessed with the gift of namaz! So how can you not pray more in this month than others? Also I gave you the definition of "innovation" given by none other than Imam Ibn Taymiyyah who said if something isn't going against the Quran and Sunnah then it cant be classified as Bidah (innovation).
I don't know why the likes of you can't understand the meaning of innovation, since when did worshiping Allah (swt) more in this month become innovation? Worshipping Allah (swt) is fard and doing voluntary prayer is Sunnah and this month is blessed so its common sense to know that Allah (swt) will reward a person greatly for worhsipping Him on this month.
Whats wrong with extra ibadah, extra naawafil acts?
and how is that sad?
This should be encouraged more as it brings one closer to Allah, the prophet pbuh and to the deen of Allah.
Well duh, of course we do what Allah wants and what he pleases. Why wud any muslim want to do the opposite?
If u wana throw remarks, insults, saying this is bid'ah thats bid'ah, this is shirk thats shirk, in a rude, unpolite, humanly way, then keep ur opnions n thoughts to urself. Im pretty sure that most of us on here know why they do certain stuff, they dont need any1s preaching.
I dnt think the prophet pbuh went around saying this is bid'ah, what ur doing is wrong and that ur a sinner. Therz hikmah behind everything and therz a way of doing everything.
Try to use the sunnah when u come to talking to people. cz i dnt think the prophet pbuh spoke and talked to people in the way some people are doing here.
Fantastic point angel.
Rajab, Shabaan and Muhurrum are the "holy months", and we are blessed with an increase in the Mercy and Blessings of Allah (swt) it makes sense to take advantage of them.
Allah (swt) Himself has said "When a friend of Mine comes closer to Me, with prayers (nawafil) I start loving him and when I love him, I become his ear with which he hears and his eyes with which he sees and his hands with which he grasps and his foot with which he walks, and when he requests Me for anything I grant him and when he seek protection I give him protection".
Extra worship can never be a negative thing, if it was we'd be forbidden from doing so.
subhanallah excellant quote above.
inshallah this month especially i going to try and offer as many extra prayers as i can.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
well thats the whole point of sects isnt it they can all disagree and do so on most issues that is why there are so many sects
can u not just accept that and make peace with it that there are many viewpoints and ways of worship and that your view point is just one among many
the view point of the ahle as sunna wal jamma' is highligted by Al Suyuti upon this matter if u are of another persuasion and not of the 4 madhabs then of course u will disagree and u are free to disagree but presenting shady quotes from your own sect and expecting everyone to follow blindly is rather naive if not pointless
very amusing.
Some people continue to mention ALLAH commanding us to rejoice in the favours of our Lord. Infact this is one of the big things that TuQ goes on about.
Thing is thats mentioned in the Quran. And I for one would prefer the explanation of the Ahadeeth and of the Seerah, and of the Actions of Sahaabah Karaam alayhim ridhwaan in regards to what the relevant verses mean rather than silly people today.
Simple question - if the celebrating of ALLAH's ni'maat is what celebrating mi'raaj is about then why didnt the Sahaabah understand that verse as the silly people today do?
The Mawqif of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah has alhamdulillah been presented - those who wish to follow it may do so, those who wish to revel in innovation can likewise do so.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
You see the Asahaab did not need 'special' nights to pray. They used to pray every night.
But for lesser humans, there are occasions that are used as excuses to get in extra prayer.
I still do not understand why people are hell bent on stopping others from praying.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
The likes of Hadrat Aisha (ra) would spend her long winter nights prostrating on the prayer mat, she'd often complaint that the nights were not long enough for her why would she need to assign "extra" nights for worship.
When was the last time any of us stood in Qiyam?
Like Admin pointed out, its sinners like us who need to take advantage of the nights/months which are considered holy and we are blessed with an increase of the Mercy and Blessings of Allah (swt).
Look its simple- we dont make up our special nights of worship - we follow what the Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us.
Dont people realise why the Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent? He salallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent to teach the humanity HOW to worship ALLAH - and everything in this deen is prescribed. If anyone thinks that it wasnt needed in that era but we need it today then explicityl such a person is denying that ALLAH perfected the deen.
ALLAH declares in the Book that this deen had been perfected - if anyone isnt happy with following teh way of the Elders and makes up new rituals then ALLAH save the Ummah from such dajjals because they bring in acts of ibaadah which were not taught by the Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam nor by His Sahaabah.
Dont people understand? If we are weak in imaan then the way to strengthen it is to follow in the ways of the Sahaabah - NOT to make up our own concoction and think we gonna reach ALLAH because the way to reach ALLAH is by doing ittibaa of Sahaabah Karaam - their way is the way for the Ummah to follow. If a fool tries to implement his own demented logic and come out with his own method of reaching ALLAH then He might reach Shaytaan but wont ever reach Rahmaan because the way to Rahmaan is the way shown in Quran and implemented practically by the Sahaabah.
People have admitted that the Sahaabah Karaam alayhim ridhwaan did not do takhsees of this night and then make excuses for us to do takhsees of it?
Whoever wants to establish an ibaadah in the religion needs to provide the proof. Bring the proof that it is prescribed - and if it is not then admit that it is an innovated matter.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Nice article by Shaykh Nuh on the subject of innovation:
Do you know why in the time of the Prophet (saw), the taravih was neither by jama'ah, nor done everynight?
If you do, that will answer your question. If nit, I will try to enlighten you.
It was so that it would not become compulsory.
So why was the religion 'completed' afterwards by having ti prayed through jama'ah?
Does not compute. Flawed logic.
Adding to that further, the salaah WAS taught to us through the Prophet (saw). Are you denying that? Are you denying the people the right to offer nafl salaah?
What fitnah are you peddling?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
You have not understood the taraweeh issue at all.
The taraweeh as we read it today is established from the sunnah. The reading in jama'ah with one imam, in the masjid and completing one full khatm. ALL this is established from the sunnah and is not a new thing at all.
You are working on the basis that the taraweeh today is innovated or a new thing but actually thats a misunderstanding as the taraweeh was established in time of Nubuwwat - the celebration of Laylatul Mi'raaj was not.
It ALL goes back to one point - follow the Nabi and the Sahaabah because the way they behaved is the correct way.
Fitnah - its funny how if I bring in a hadeeth and what the commentary from the TuQ brigade, or if I mention that Imam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah is a Sunni or if I say that Laylatul Mi'raaj was not celebrated by the Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam its construed as fitnah.
The problem with the revival lot - and yeh you can act as non-sectarian as you like but its all superficial - because anyone who doesnt draw the party line of liberal sufi deviation for all is branded as a taliban and caveman etc. So your peoples double standards make me sick.
I cant believe that people who have polluted their deen so much can even exist like this.
And yeh - high horse? Why shouldnt I be on a high horse? I've got tawheed ALHAMDULILLAH, I believe the SUNNAH is better than any of your peoples innovatoins ALHAMDULILLAH. WHY SHOULDNT I BE ON A HIGH HORSE when the reason for it is the tawheed of ALLAH and SUNNAH of the NABI salallahu alayhi wa sallam?
A people stooped in shirk and bid'aat may see my approach as arrogance and of pride - and I'll say it is - it is the fakhr that a person experiences when he knows the TAWHEED AND SUNNAH are more beloved and more pure than any of dhulumaat preached and propogated by others.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
The Jama'ah for taravih established from the sunnah of the Sahaanah, after the passing of the Prophet (saw).
The prophet
prayed the taravih, so it is sunnah. But it was not prayed by Jama'ah and nights were missed aswell.
Even the sahaabah referred to it as a bid'ah, so you cannot deny it came afterwards. However they called it a good innovation. A concept that is alien to you. Do you deny the Sahabi's were correct?
Also, Mi'raj is celebrated every day of the year. Preferrably 5 times a day. You forget about that?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
The Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "Verily, I fear about a man from you who will read the Quran so much that his face will become enlightened and he will come to personify Islam. This will continue until Allah desires. Then these things will be taken away from him when he will disregard them by putting them all behind him and will attack his neighbour with the sword accusing him of Shirk. The Prophet was asked - which of the two was committing Shirk - the attacker or the attacked. The prophet replied - the attacker (the one accusing the other of Shirk). The classification of this Hadith is Jayyid. (Tafseer ibn Kathir; Vol. 2 p265, Amjid Academy, Lahore Pakistan).