When Two Plus Two Equals Five


Assuming stuff, making stuff up, not being clear on the facts, listening to hearsay and reaching incorrect conclusions is something that many of us are guilty off…

Nothing is more annoying then when some people put two and two together and get five.

For example, sometimes a concerned aunty may see someone’s daughter talking to some guy in public, and it doesn’t take long for her to inform everyone that so and so’s daughter is dating….

Maybe the girl knew the guy from college/work, maybe he was asking her the time, maybe he was asking directions, maybe he was trying it- or whatever……But why jump the gun?

If the information that is spread is incorrect then this is known as slander and slander in Islam is considered worse then adultery.

This is because God may forgive the adulterer if he/she repents. However He will never forgive the slanderer until he/she is forgiven by the person whom they slandered.

Another example is when people ASSUME that they know how miserable, unhappy or oppressed someone else is.

Some non Muslims assume they know how oppressed Muslim women are….how unhappy they are in their unfilled lives where they are chained to the sink and regularly beaten by their husbands and forced to cover up….

More annoyingly even some Muslims seem to assume they know how unhappy a practising sister/brother must be in their lives cos they can’t do anything…..

Maybe if they just ASKED the person how they feel…they’d be closer to the truth.

Sometimes you get young single girls pitying housewives feeling sorry for them in their restrictive life tied down with responsibilities….yet mother’s of children couldn’t be more happier or more complete.

The other day someone asked me something about the “grave worshipping Brewli’s” I asked the questioner if they had ever actually SEEN or KNOW of any Brewli who actually worships graves…..

The point of my little rant is that it is WRONG to assume and jump to conclusions. It’s WRONG listen to hearsay….it really doesn’t take much time, energy or effort to ask someone how they really feel or what’s really going on.

Anyway my question is why DO people get their kicks out of making stuff up/assuming stuff and spreading false information?

Why must some always try to find the bad in others? What happened to covering up the faults of others and making 70 excuses?

Why is our thinking so critical and negative?

And how can we assess the credibility of the news bearer?

And when WE are informed about so and so, are we the types of people who go out of our way to find out whether the information is true?

Are we guilty of wrongly ascribing incorrect practices to certain groups of Muslims, without being totally clued up on the facts?

Share your thoughts.


"MuslimSister" wrote:

For example, sometimes a concerned aunty may see someone’s daughter talking to some guy in public, and it doesn’t take long for her to inform everyone that so and so’s daughter is dating….

if that girls was REALLY dating that guy

she woudnt be stupid enough to link him in public where nosy aunties could see them

silly women should think about this

people just love to assume stuff

someone i know broke her leg-she tripped on something that was on the stairs

the ambulence guy had the NERVE to say its cos of the long dress she had on :evil:

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"MuslimSister" wrote:

For example, sometimes a concerned aunty may see someone’s daughter talking to some guy in public, and it doesn’t take long for her to inform everyone that so and so’s daughter is dating….

if that girls was REALLY dating that guy

she woudnt be stupid enough to link him in public where nosy aunties could see them

thats soo true but unfortunately the oldies dont think like that...they're quick to jump the gun and start spreading stupid rumours

the elders cant get all the blame, i mean most people just assume things when they see something that they 'think' doesnt look right and they add on a bit more when telling someone alse about it and it spreads from there! and oh yea this is all done undercover so you dont actually find out about it....until maybe someone 'accidently' slips it out to you lolz

its just the way people think...they always have negavtive vibes towards others. even if someone is religious there are always people assuming the worst about that person!


"MuslimSister" wrote:
Assuming stuff, making stuff up, not being clear on the facts, listening to hearsay and reaching incorrect conclusions is something that many of us are guilty off…

Nothing is more annoying then when some people put two and two together and get five.

For example, sometimes a concerned aunty may see someone’s daughter talking to some guy in public, and it doesn’t take long for her to inform everyone that so and so’s daughter is dating….

Maybe the girl knew the guy from college/work, maybe he was asking her the time, maybe he was asking directions, maybe he was trying it- or whatever……But why jump the gun?

If the information that is spread is incorrect then this is known as slander and slander in Islam is considered worse then adultery.

This is because God may forgive the adulterer if he/she repents. However He will never forgive the slanderer until he/she is forgiven by the person whom they slandered.

Another example is when people ASSUME that they know how miserable, unhappy or oppressed someone else is.

Some non Muslims assume they know how oppressed Muslim women are….how unhappy they are in their unfilled lives where they are chained to the sink and regularly beaten by their husbands and forced to cover up….

More annoyingly even some Muslims seem to assume they know how unhappy a practising sister/brother must be in their lives cos they can’t do anything…..

Maybe if they just ASKED the person how they feel…they’d be closer to the truth.

Sometimes you get young single girls pitying housewives feeling sorry for them in their restrictive life tied down with responsibilities….yet mother’s of children couldn’t be more happier or more complete.

The other day someone asked me something about the “grave worshipping Brewli’s” I asked the questioner if they had ever actually SEEN or KNOW of any Brewli who actually worships graves…..

The point of my little rant is that it is WRONG to assume and jump to conclusions. It’s WRONG listen to hearsay….it really doesn’t take much time, energy or effort to ask someone how they really feel or what’s really going on.

Anyway my question is why DO people get their kicks out of making stuff up/assuming stuff and spreading false information?

Why must some always try to find the bad in others? What happened to covering up the faults of others and making 70 excuses?

Why is our thinking so critical and negative?

And how can we assess the credibility of the news bearer?

And when WE are informed about so and so, are we the types of people who go out of our way to find out whether the information is true?

Are we guilty of wrongly ascribing incorrect practices to certain groups of Muslims, without being totally clued up on the facts?

That is probably the most beautiful piece of thinking so far on this forum.

I feel compelled to take off my hat to the noble lady.

I didnt know a woman could be capable of such analytical power.



"Omrow" wrote:
I didnt know a woman could be capable of such analytical power.

get a life omrow Blum 3

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]


Do I smell something beginning with J ?


"Omrow" wrote:

Do I smell something beginning with J ?

as if! this is my muslim sista ur chatting about, hel-lo.... :roll:

i've edited my original message to indicate exactly wot u sed tht was dumb.

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]


Ok. I'll let you go this time.

Just dont do it again.


"Omrow" wrote:
Ok. I'll let you go this time.

Just dont do it again.

lol. is that omrow accepting defeat?! Blum 3 Dirol

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

"Omrow" wrote:

That is probably the most beautiful piece of thinking so far on this forum.

I feel compelled to take off my hat to the noble lady.

I didnt know a woman could be capable of such analytical power.




if u dont calm it down omro-people may put two and two together and get five

p.s I never knew mousy men wore Hats

"muslim_kuri" wrote:

thats soo true but unfortunately the oldies dont think like that...they're quick to jump the gun and start spreading stupid rumours

the elders cant get all the blame, i mean most people just assume things when they see something that they 'think' doesnt look right and they add on a bit more when telling someone alse about it and it spreads from there! and oh yea this is all done undercover so you dont actually find out about it....until maybe someone 'accidently' slips it out to you lolz

v tru

if i see a girl i know with a boy and it doesnt "look right"

i ask her later on what she's on

if i dont know the girl i couldnt care less

i never jump to false conlusions without proof

once someone had the NERVE to come to my house and say sumin to my dad about his daughters-which wasnt even tru

my dad didnt even ask us about it but just yelled at the guy and told him to NEVER come to our house again

I HATE slanderers

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

once someone had the NERVE to come to my house and say sumin to my dad about his daughters-which wasnt even tru

my dad didnt even ask us about it but just yelled at the guy and told him to NEVER come to our house again

I HATE slanderers

Its always those people who dont have a clue whats goin on in their own house, whether their daughters/sons are being lead astray their interest is on slanderin other families, shame that cuz they should sort out their own family first!

"angel" wrote:

Its always those people who dont have a clue whats goin on in their own house, whether their daughters/sons are being lead astray their interest is on slanderin other families, shame that cuz they should sort out their own family first!

btw this guy's wife was having an affair

she got clocked and everyone was talking about it

so that the spotlight comes of her-she decided to get her husband to slander some other families

shame on her that it didnt work-my dad would NEVER let anyone get away with making stuff up about his family

i didnt even know about this-my mum mentioned it to me a while ago

its sooo shocking when people do that

As Muslims we shouldnt even be exposing our brother/sisters bad deeds never mind making stuff up about them...May Allah Almighty give us all hidayat Ameen

"MuslimSister" wrote:
The other day someone asked me something about the “grave worshipping Brewli’s” I asked the questioner if they had ever actually SEEN or KNOW of any Brewli who actually worships graves…..

I saw a pic of grave worshipper doing sajda on a grave… btw how do u pronounce that weird, sect is it;
1. Brewli
2. Brelvi
3. Brelwi

I am getting mixed answers….

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

Treat other sons and daughters how you want your son or daughter to be treated...after all they are entitled to the same justice your kids desire.

Many make mistakes that they later regret, it is a disgrace for another to make things worsER by adding mirch masala to the already embarassing and regretful mistake.

If a sin is committed then the sinnER will be punished (allah swt is all-knowing), why can people not just leave it to that. Instead they have to rant and rave about all the details... :roll:

what is even more ridiculous is the fact that individuals can hold long discussions about 'so and so's daughter dating, or so and so's son taking drugs' yet when there own daughter or son is at the centre of the discussions then it HURTS...

cant people treat other sons and daughters with a little decency and not make a mountain out of a molehill or make summat outa nothing :evil:

I received nothing I wanted
I received everything I needed.
My Prayer has been answered.

"Judda" wrote:
"MuslimSister" wrote:
The other day someone asked me something about the “grave worshipping Brewli’s” I asked the questioner if they had ever actually SEEN or KNOW of any Brewli who actually worships graves…..

I saw a pic of grave worshipper doing sajda on a grave… btw how do u pronounce that weird, sect is it;
1. Brewli
2. Brelvi
3. Brelwi

I am getting mixed answers….

its number #3

And just so you know Following Imam Raza Khan RA is incompatible with shirk. But I get I get the feeling you don't care all that much, oh well. Wink

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes