Published by equanimity on 12 August, 2006 - 03:04
35% (12 votes)
35% (12 votes)
15% (5 votes)
15% (5 votes)
Total votes: 34
Submitted by equanimity on 12 August, 2006 - 03:04 #1
what do you all know about Jinns :shock:
jinn have always fascinated me, yet their is not much i know about them apart from they are Allahs creation as well angels , humankind, animals and plants ect
when were Jinn created :?:
do jinns have bodies :?:
if so what do there bodies look like and why are they invisible and can all animals see them :?:
my dog barks for no reason at night , one time my dog was going mad at like 3 am, so i went in my garden to check it out and he was jus growling at the trees at the back of my garden , as i shined my torch at it , i heard a strange rumbling noise and leaves shook, then 5 minutes later it went quite and my dark stopped barking :? i presumed it was a fox at the time but im not so sure :?
do jinns have children and marry :?:
and if so is it possible for a jinn to marry a human :?:
I know their are muslim jinns so does that mean their are christian jinns or jewish jinns :?:
why do jinns only come out at night , what do they be doing in the day?
do they have their own world, like countries and jobs and Kings , basically how similar is there life to us ?
what do they eat :?:
what language do jinns speak and can we have a conversation with them :?:
why do hollywood films portray dead people as coming back as ghosts, is their any truth to this :?:
a Jinn is another race that man never interacts with, we could be living in the same house with jinns and never talk to em, I wish we could interact with jinns cuz we could learn so much from each other and it would be fascinating
anybody got any ideas of how to interact with jinns?
does anyone know the answers to these questions, also discuss any experiences or stories about jinn, (i got a few more to tell later on :shock: )
From what i heard from a Sheikh on Islam channel, he was saying jinns have a universe of their own.
They also come in 3 diferent forms, human form, snake form and another form in which they can fly and they tend to fly around the outside of the earth, i think.....
o yeah and i think they wer created before us, i maybe wrong..
anyways thats all i know about them, and as for stories where do i start?! you hear so much going on in pakistan about jinn and now here....
Submitted by Exquisite on 12 August, 2006 - 11:35 #3
[color=magenta]OMG i love this topic, i cant get enuf of it,i remember the lst fw days of sixth form,in our free periods all of us friends sat down on the floor in a circle, lights switched off, blinds dwn n it was a rainy day, n sharing jinn stories, teachers got proper freaked.[/color]
ok, let me get my jinn book out, its called [color=red][b]"the jinn in the Quran n Sunnah" by Mustafa AShour[/b][/color]
[b]From what were jinns created?[/b][/color]
Allah informs us in many ayats that He created jinn from fire:
[b]"we created the jinn before from the fire and hot wind"(15:27)
"He Created the jinn from smokeless fire"(55:15)[/b][/color]
[color=darkblue][b]when were the jinn created?[/b][/color]
The jinn wer created bfore man was created, [color=green]Allah SWT says:
"we created man from dried clay from black mud and We creatd the jinn before from the fire of hot wind" (15:26-27)[/b][/color]
[color=darkblue][b]Do they marry and have children?[/b][/color]
yes, th jinn marry and have children:
Allah Says: [b]"what, do you take himand his offspring to be your friends,apart from Me when thy are an enemy to you?(18:50)[/b][/color]
Can jinn and men inter-marry?[/b][/color]
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace said: [b]"when a man has intercourse with his wife and does not say' in the name of Allah'Shaytan folds himself up in his urethra and has intercourse along with him"(Ash Shibli mentions it in Akan al-marjan)[/b][/color]
[b] do jinns have bodies?[/b][/color]
there are two positions about this: group says jinns do not have bodies of their own but inhabit bodies and they exist independently.
2.the other group say that jinn do have bodies, some say they have definate bodies and others say their bodies are so subtle that our eys are too weak to see them.
"surely he (shaytan)sees you, he and his tribe from where you see them not"(7:27)[/b][/color]
[b]Do they marry and have children?[/b][/color]
Marriage between men and jinn can take place for [color=green]Allah says:
"share with them in their wealth and children"(17.64)[/b][/color]
[b]Do animals see shaytan?[/b][/color]
yes. There are animals which see shaytan. [color=indigo]The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace said:[b] "when you hear the cock crowing, then ask Allah For His bounty for it has seen an angel. when you hear the braying of a donkey, then seek refuge from Allah from shaytan for it has seen a shaytan" (Al Bukhari transmits from Abu Hurayrah)[/b][/color]
[color=magenta]i was gna do a thread abt this so ppl could share jinn stories so me n my friends would have more stories to tell, before i used to be so scared of them, but now im like the only person i should fear is Allah SWT[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
Submitted by Seraphim on 12 August, 2006 - 12:49 #4
woh Exquisite... mashallah thats a lot of information. I was gonna post mostly what you've said myself... but now that you've done it there little sense in repeating the same info.
Tales and stories of Jinns have existed for quite some time even before the rise of Islam. It was once believed that jinn were spirits of vanished ancient people who would only appear at night and disappear at first light. It was also believed that Jinns had the ability to shape-shift (turn from one form to another i.e take the form of an animal).
Im not entirely 100% sure of how true the following is but i heard the Prophet(pbuh) was said to have been sent as a prophet to both humanity and Jinn. Infact I re-call reading somewhere that the great-grandson of Iblis converted to Islam during the time of the Prophet. Which does suggest firstly that Jinns have a much longer life span and have free will of their own to be good or evil.
According to mythology and legend it is possible to control a jinn by magially binding them to objects (as King Solomon was famous for). And as Jinn had the ability to be far more powerful than humans and cause much harm this is possibly why magic was forebidden in Islam. In the case of Aladdin and the lamp, the genie was most likely bound to the oil lamp.
I think that will do for now.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Exquisite on 12 August, 2006 - 13:10 #5
[color=magenta]lolz, its just extracting thngs from books:
iv got more very interesting stuff:[/color]
Existence of jinns!
[color=indigo]Allah says: "[b]I only created the jinn and men to worship me"(51:56)
"There were certain men of mankind "who would take refuge with certain men of the jinn and they increased them in ill nature"(72.6)
"say: It has been revealed to me that a company of jinn listened...."(72:1)[/b][/color]
The types of jinn![/b][/color]
[color=green]Abu'd Darda' said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace said:[b] "Allah created three types of type are snakes and scorpions and the creeping things on earth, one type is like the wind in the air. another type are the subject to reckoning and punishment."[/b][/color]
How does shaytan walk?[/b][/color]
[color=green]The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace said:[b]"none of you should walk with just one sandal, shaytan walks with one sandal"(Muslim)[/b]
He also said: "[b]when one of you breaks his sandal strap, he should not walk in the other one until he mends it"(Muslim)[/b][/color]
[color=red][b]Shaytan binding the head of the sleeper[/b][/color]
[color=green]The Messenger of Allah,may Allah bless him and grant him peace said: [b]"shaytan ties three knots on the neck of one of you when he sleeps.He ties each knot on you in the long night and goes to sleep.If you awaken and remember Allah, the Might and Majestics one knot is undone.If you do wudu, another knot is undone.If you pray, another knot is undone. then you get up active and cheerful.if not you wake up grouchy and lazy" (Al-Bukhari)[/b][/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
Submitted by Medarris on 12 August, 2006 - 13:16 #6
Mawlana Muhammad Sindhi Sahib of leicester has some bayaan about The Jinn on
Would recommend those speeches.
There's also a book I read once called The World of Jinn and Devils - its very interesting.
Some ulama are of the opinion that just as Sayyidina Adam alayhis salaam is the Father of Mankind - so Iblees Mal'oon is the father of the jinnaat.
There are pious jinn and evil jinn and some not so bad jinn.
Tbh doesnt interest me that much but it is widely popular. Thing is I was told that those who are follow dajjal and will be decieved by him are the people who get fascinated with such stories about jinnaat and about the occult etc - since then I kinda backed away from showing much interest in this field.
anybody got any ideas of how to interact with jinns?
does anyone know the answers to these questions, also discuss any experiences or stories about jinn, (i got a few more to tell later on :shock: )
My dads best mate is an exorcist, he started practicing exorcism when he was V young...he interacts talks to jinns all the time, i believe hes also got jinn friends, alot of people come to him who are possessed with jinns but in some cases people have magic done on them and think their possessed.
One of my dads other mates has interacted with jinns who spoke Urdu in Denmark, dunno how though he werent an exorcist.
Many years ago my mums X-mate tried to physically attack my mum, found out she was possessed by a jinni, even her husband couldnt pull her away from my mum she had that much power, she needed 8 policemen to carry her to the ambulance.
Why is it that alot of people in countrys such as Pakistan are possessed with jinns ? i know loads of people in my place who are, its scary to even sit with them.
those who are follow dajjal and will be decieved by him are the people who get fascinated with such stories about jinnaat and about the occult etc -.
Submitted by equanimity on 12 August, 2006 - 15:28 #9
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"nAS786" wrote:
jinn have always fascinated me, )
"Med" wrote:
those who are follow dajjal and will be decieved by him are the people who get fascinated with such stories about jinnaat and about the occult etc -.
Inshallah may I be of the ones that fights agaisnt the dajjal and his armies in battle
Submitted by equanimity on 12 August, 2006 - 15:44 #10
"naj" wrote:
Many years ago my mums X-mate tried to physically attack my mum, found out she was possessed by a jinni, even her husband couldnt pull her away from my mum she had that much power, she needed 8 policemen to carry her to the ambulance.
Why is it that alot of people in countrys such as Pakistan are possessed with jinns ? i know loads of people in my place who are, its scary to even sit with them.
thats one strong Jinn :shock: , hope everyone was ok
Exquisite thanks for that information, you cured my curiousity some what
I remember we had this trip to london in college to a psychology conference and on the way back we all sat on the back of the coach telling jinn stories, i got them soo scared they wouldnt even sit next to the window and came paranoid to every little noise
I remember someone told me this story about pakistan, he sed one of his cousins were handicapped but her brother told him she was possessed, so he went to see her and she was 22 yrs old but looked like a 12 yr old , all you could she was her bones, as she literally didnt eat or drink anything since she got possessed, she would jus sit in the same place all day rocking and speaking what appears to be fast arabic that no one understands, her brother sed try moving her finger if you can, he tried to move her finger which was unmoveable and suddenly without moving her face her eyes rolled up to the top and looked at him and she let out a grunt , then you could see a strange shaped hand coming out of her back and slowly going up her back into her neck and back down again :shock:
apparently she had a 'DAO' inside her which is the most strongest jinn there is and it only leaves the body once its dead
The only thing I know about jinns is that when one sleep walks…apparently Jinns are taking that person for a walk.
And I don't like talking/listening to "Jinn stories" esp at night cos it creeps me out.
Other then that, I have no interest in Jinn.
p.s I think jinns eat bones..
Submitted by Medarris on 12 August, 2006 - 15:58 #12
"nAS786" wrote:
Inshallah may I be of the ones that fights agaisnt the dajjal and his armies in battle
Aamileen can deal with jinn-possession. I think Imam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah also dealt with exorcism aswell.
Khayr seeing as we're sharing stories about jinnaat - I've got loads but one will be sufficient.
My BabaJi was apparently a very pious man and I've heard from numerous people that he would be carried by jinnaat when he was doing tableegh in the different villages in AK. When he'd get close to the village so he could hear the children reading the kalimah in the maktab he'd say to the jinn that I can hear the childrens kalimah - drop me here and I'll walk the rest of the way.
Allah knows best if it's true or not but thats what I've been told. He had a beautiful name aswell - Shahab-ud-Deen - Defender of the Faith
The jinn are among the creatures that Allah (swt) created. Allah (swt) created angels, jinn, mankind, animals, plants and others. Jinn have some qualities like human beings. These qualities are intellect, discrimination, freedom, and the power to choose between right and wrong, between true and false, as well as between good and bad.
Question 2: When did Allah (swt) create the jinn?
Allah (swt) created the jinn before Adam (pbuh) was created. Both were created in heaven and lived in paradise. One may read in Surah Al-Hijr (The Rocky Tract) [Qur'an, 15:26-27]. However, nothing was mentioned about the duration of time of the jinn's creation before Adam (pbuh).
Question 3: What are jinn created from?
Jinn are created from fire of hot wind [Qur'an, 15:27]; and from smokeless fire [Qur'an, 55:15]. They were originally made from fire and then molded and shaped in the form and shape that Allah (swt) wanted them to be. This means that they do not anymore possess their fiery nature. It is not known therefore, their final shape, form, and chemical composition. Since we cannot see them, therefore, it is not easy to do any analysis of their chemical nature. In contrast, mankind was created from soil, mud, and clay. They were molded as human beings. Our final form is no more mud or clay.
Question 4: Do jinn have bodies?
Yes and no! It depends upon the information that one has. One group of scholars believe that jinn do not have bodies of their own. They also do not inhabit bodies of other creatures. However, they do exist independently by themselves. Therefore, they do not know how they exist without bodies: smoke, flame, fire or what?
The other group of scholars do believe that jinn do have bodies either definite or subtle. If their bodies are definite then they have some density; otherwise, if they are subtle, then they are so fine that our weak eyes cannot see them. One may read Surah Al-A'raf (The Heights) [Qur'an, 7:27]. Even if they are subtle they should have weight and density similar to that of the air itself.
Question 5: Do jinn die?
Yes. Jinn do die. As long as they are creatures created by Allah (swt), they should die. They are creatures that marry, produce children, eat, drink, and die like all other creatures in the universe. One may read Qur'an Surah Al-Rahman (The Most Merciful) [Qur'an, 55:26-28].
Question 6: Do the jinn feel envy of us?
Yes. There are two types of evil eye: human and the jinn. One has to read regularly 'A'oozu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajeem. Also, by reading Ayah Al-Kursi and Al-Mu'awwazatain, one will be protected from the evil eyes of both the jinn and mankind.
Question 7: Are there messengers and prophets from within the community of jinn?
Yes. Allah (swt) has sent prophets and messengers to jinn from within the jinn community. Also, Allah (swt) sent Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to mankind, to jinn, and to other creatures. In Surah Al-An'am (The Cattle), Allah (swt) explains that He sent messengers to men and to jinn. See Qur'an [6:130].
Question 8: Do jinn have different religions, sects and denominations?
In Surah Al-Jinn (Ch. 72), Allah (swt) informs us that some jinn accepted Islam, while others refused. Those who refused have deviated, and developed for themselves different methods, different ways of life, and different religions, sects and denominations.
Question 9: Do jinn marry and have children?
Yes. Jinn do marry and they do have children. The way they marry is not known to us yet. We may be able to know the future if Allah (swt) wants us to know.
People never knew about microbes, viruses, and the unseen micro creatures. Now we are able to know many things about their life cycles, their life duration, their methods of duplication or reproduction: sexually and asexually. The mere fact that we do not know how the jinn marry and reproduce does not negate their being married and reproduced. The Qur'an stipulates in Surah Al-Kahf (18:50) that they have offsprings. Similarly, the Qur'an states in Surah Al-Rahman (55:56) that jinn and human beings never touched (married) the ladies of paradise.
Question 10: Can human beings and jinn inter-marry?
Yes and no. It depends upon how one looks at it. It is a known fact in the Qur'an in Surah Al-Israa' (17:64) that jinn may share with us our wealth and our children. The Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh) reconfirms this concept when he says that when a man has marital relationship with his wife, he should mention the name of Allah (swt). He should seek refuge in Allah (swt) from the outcast shaitan. Otherwise, shaitan folds himself up in the man's urethra and shall have sexual relations along with him.
Moreover, when a man goes to his wife while she is in her menses, shaitan precedes him. She shall conceive and will bring forth a sterile person (Mukhannath). Such a sterile person is considered to be child of the jinn.
Question 11: Do jinn have animals as pets?
Yes. Jinn do have animals or beasts of their own. The Prophet (pbuh) mentioned that every piece of dung is fodder for the beasts of the jinn. However, we do not know what type of beasts the jinn have. The same thing is to be said as to the varieties of beasts, their number, their shape, their size, their weight and so on.
Question 12: Do jinn have homes of their own?
Yes. The jinn do have homes. They live all over the planet earth. However, there are special places that one may find them in abundance and on a regular basis. These are deserts, ruins, places of impurities such as dunghills, bathrooms and graveyards. They live in houses of human beings too. For those who enter their houses mentioning the name of Allah (swt), the jinn cannot have a place to stay overnight in that house. If the people of the house mention the name of Allah (swt) before eating, then the shaitan will not be able to eat with them.
Question 13: Is it true that animals see jinn and angels?
Yes. Animals do see angels and shaitan. When a rooster sees an angel, it starts crowing. However, when a donkey starts braying it is seeing a jinn.
Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
Submitted by MuslimBro on 12 August, 2006 - 23:32 #15
Wow this is fascinating....
Jinns can marry humans. They are living among us, even in our own homes :shock:
huh?! is there some sort of recorded case of that?
And how on earth is that cool with shariah?
Submitted by Medarris on 12 August, 2006 - 23:38 #18
"Odysseus" wrote:
"Muslim Bro" wrote:
Jinns can marry humans.
huh?! is there some sort of recorded case of that?
And how on earth is that cool with shariah?
Its disputed and difference of opinion.
ALLAH states in the Quran to the effect that He has created spouses for men and jinn from their own kind and by some ulama this means that inter-species(?) marriage is not allowed.
Imam Malik was asked about it and he replied that he disliked for a woman to be pregnant and when asked who the father is - it be said he is from the jinn.
Anyways - there is a tribe in Bahrain who claim descent from a woman who was half-jinn - ALLAH knows best if its true.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 12 August, 2006 - 23:41 #19
What three Surah’s should you read to guard yourself from Jinn’s?
Submitted by Medarris on 12 August, 2006 - 23:55 #20
"(*_Shazan" wrote:
What three Surah’s should you read to guard yourself from Jinn’s?
Surah Jinn?
Surah Falaq?
Surah Nas?
guesses :?
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 12 August, 2006 - 23:58 #21
"Med Mian" wrote:
"(*_Shazan" wrote:
What three Surah’s should you read to guard yourself from Jinn’s?
Surah Jinn?
Surah Falaq?
Surah Nas?
guesses :?
Marsh'Allah..... Not Surah Jinn, a hint this Surah if recited as if you have read 1/3 of the Quran?
Submitted by Medarris on 13 August, 2006 - 00:01 #22
what do you all know about Jinns :shock:
jinn have always fascinated me, yet their is not much i know about them apart from they are Allahs creation as well angels , humankind, animals and plants ect
when were Jinn created :?:
do jinns have bodies :?:
if so what do there bodies look like and why are they invisible and can all animals see them :?:
my dog barks for no reason at night , one time my dog was going mad at like 3 am, so i went in my garden to check it out and he was jus growling at the trees at the back of my garden , as i shined my torch at it , i heard a strange rumbling noise and leaves shook, then 5 minutes later it went quite and my dark stopped barking :? i presumed it was a fox at the time but im not so sure :?
do jinns have children and marry :?:
and if so is it possible for a jinn to marry a human :?:
I know their are muslim jinns so does that mean their are christian jinns or jewish jinns :?:
why do jinns only come out at night , what do they be doing in the day?
do they have their own world, like countries and jobs and Kings , basically how similar is there life to us ?
what do they eat :?:
what language do jinns speak and can we have a conversation with them :?:
why do hollywood films portray dead people as coming back as ghosts, is their any truth to this :?:
a Jinn is another race that man never interacts with, we could be living in the same house with jinns and never talk to em, I wish we could interact with jinns cuz we could learn so much from each other and it would be fascinating
anybody got any ideas of how to interact with jinns?
does anyone know the answers to these questions, also discuss any experiences or stories about jinn, (i got a few more to tell later on :shock: )
From what i heard from a Sheikh on Islam channel, he was saying jinns have a universe of their own.
They also come in 3 diferent forms, human form, snake form and another form in which they can fly and they tend to fly around the outside of the earth, i think.....
o yeah and i think they wer created before us, i maybe wrong..
anyways thats all i know about them, and as for stories where do i start?! you hear so much going on in pakistan about jinn and now here....
[color=magenta]OMG i love this topic, i cant get enuf of it,i remember the lst fw days of sixth form,in our free periods all of us friends sat down on the floor in a circle, lights switched off, blinds dwn n it was a rainy day, n sharing jinn stories, teachers got proper freaked.[/color]
ok, let me get my jinn book out, its called [color=red][b]"the jinn in the Quran n Sunnah" by Mustafa AShour[/b][/color]
[b]From what were jinns created?[/b][/color]
Allah informs us in many ayats that He created jinn from fire:
[b]"we created the jinn before from the fire and hot wind"(15:27)
"He Created the jinn from smokeless fire"(55:15)[/b][/color]
[color=darkblue][b]when were the jinn created?[/b][/color]
The jinn wer created bfore man was created, [color=green]Allah SWT says:
"we created man from dried clay from black mud and We creatd the jinn before from the fire of hot wind" (15:26-27)[/b][/color]
[color=darkblue][b]Do they marry and have children?[/b][/color]
yes, th jinn marry and have children:
Allah Says: [b]"what, do you take himand his offspring to be your friends,apart from Me when thy are an enemy to you?(18:50)[/b][/color]
Can jinn and men inter-marry?[/b][/color]
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace said: [b]"when a man has intercourse with his wife and does not say' in the name of Allah'Shaytan folds himself up in his urethra and has intercourse along with him"(Ash Shibli mentions it in Akan al-marjan)[/b][/color]
do jinns have bodies?[/b][/color]
there are two positions about this: group says jinns do not have bodies of their own but inhabit bodies and they exist independently.
2.the other group say that jinn do have bodies, some say they have definate bodies and others say their bodies are so subtle that our eys are too weak to see them.
"surely he (shaytan)sees you, he and his tribe from where you see them not"(7:27)[/b][/color]
[b]Do they marry and have children?[/b][/color]
Marriage between men and jinn can take place for [color=green]Allah says:
"share with them in their wealth and children"(17.64)[/b][/color]
[b]Do animals see shaytan?[/b][/color]
yes. There are animals which see shaytan. [color=indigo]The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace said:[b] "when you hear the cock crowing, then ask Allah For His bounty for it has seen an angel. when you hear the braying of a donkey, then seek refuge from Allah from shaytan for it has seen a shaytan" (Al Bukhari transmits from Abu Hurayrah)[/b][/color]
[color=magenta]i was gna do a thread abt this so ppl could share jinn stories so me n my friends would have more stories to tell, before i used to be so scared of them, but now im like the only person i should fear is Allah SWT[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
woh Exquisite... mashallah thats a lot of information. I was gonna post mostly what you've said myself... but now that you've done it there little sense in repeating the same info.
Tales and stories of Jinns have existed for quite some time even before the rise of Islam. It was once believed that jinn were spirits of vanished ancient people who would only appear at night and disappear at first light. It was also believed that Jinns had the ability to shape-shift (turn from one form to another i.e take the form of an animal).
Im not entirely 100% sure of how true the following is but i heard the Prophet(pbuh) was said to have been sent as a prophet to both humanity and Jinn. Infact I re-call reading somewhere that the great-grandson of Iblis converted to Islam during the time of the Prophet. Which does suggest firstly that Jinns have a much longer life span and have free will of their own to be good or evil.
According to mythology and legend it is possible to control a jinn by magially binding them to objects (as King Solomon was famous for). And as Jinn had the ability to be far more powerful than humans and cause much harm this is possibly why magic was forebidden in Islam. In the case of Aladdin and the lamp, the genie was most likely bound to the oil lamp.
I think that will do for now.
Back in BLACK
[color=magenta]lolz, its just extracting thngs from books:
iv got more very interesting stuff:[/color]
Existence of jinns!
[color=indigo]Allah says: "[b]I only created the jinn and men to worship me"(51:56)
"There were certain men of mankind "who would take refuge with certain men of the jinn and they increased them in ill nature"(72.6)
"say: It has been revealed to me that a company of jinn listened...."(72:1)[/b][/color]
The types of jinn![/b][/color]
[color=green]Abu'd Darda' said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace said:[b] "Allah created three types of type are snakes and scorpions and the creeping things on earth, one type is like the wind in the air. another type are the subject to reckoning and punishment."[/b][/color]
How does shaytan walk?[/b][/color]
[color=green]The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace said:[b]"none of you should walk with just one sandal, shaytan walks with one sandal"(Muslim)[/b]
He also said: "[b]when one of you breaks his sandal strap, he should not walk in the other one until he mends it"(Muslim)[/b][/color]
[color=red][b]Shaytan binding the head of the sleeper[/b][/color]
[color=green]The Messenger of Allah,may Allah bless him and grant him peace said: [b]"shaytan ties three knots on the neck of one of you when he sleeps.He ties each knot on you in the long night and goes to sleep.If you awaken and remember Allah, the Might and Majestics one knot is undone.If you do wudu, another knot is undone.If you pray, another knot is undone. then you get up active and cheerful.if not you wake up grouchy and lazy" (Al-Bukhari)[/b][/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
Mawlana Muhammad Sindhi Sahib of leicester has some bayaan about The Jinn on
Would recommend those speeches.
There's also a book I read once called The World of Jinn and Devils - its very interesting.
Some ulama are of the opinion that just as Sayyidina Adam alayhis salaam is the Father of Mankind - so Iblees Mal'oon is the father of the jinnaat.
There are pious jinn and evil jinn and some not so bad jinn.
Tbh doesnt interest me that much but it is widely popular. Thing is I was told that those who are follow dajjal and will be decieved by him are the people who get fascinated with such stories about jinnaat and about the occult etc - since then I kinda backed away from showing much interest in this field.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
My dads best mate is an exorcist, he started practicing exorcism when he was V young...he interacts talks to jinns all the time, i believe hes also got jinn friends, alot of people come to him who are possessed with jinns but in some cases people have magic done on them and think their possessed.
One of my dads other mates has interacted with jinns who spoke Urdu in Denmark, dunno how though he werent an exorcist.
Many years ago my mums X-mate tried to physically attack my mum, found out she was possessed by a jinni, even her husband couldnt pull her away from my mum she had that much power, she needed 8 policemen to carry her to the ambulance.
Why is it that alot of people in countrys such as Pakistan are possessed with jinns ? i know loads of people in my place who are, its scary to even sit with them.
Inshallah may I be of the ones that fights agaisnt the dajjal and his armies in battle
thats one strong Jinn :shock: , hope everyone was ok
Exquisite thanks for that information, you cured my curiousity some what
I remember we had this trip to london in college to a psychology conference and on the way back we all sat on the back of the coach telling jinn stories, i got them soo scared they wouldnt even sit next to the window and came paranoid to every little noise
I remember someone told me this story about pakistan, he sed one of his cousins were handicapped but her brother told him she was possessed, so he went to see her and she was 22 yrs old but looked like a 12 yr old , all you could she was her bones, as she literally didnt eat or drink anything since she got possessed, she would jus sit in the same place all day rocking and speaking what appears to be fast arabic that no one understands, her brother sed try moving her finger if you can, he tried to move her finger which was unmoveable and suddenly without moving her face her eyes rolled up to the top and looked at him and she let out a grunt , then you could see a strange shaped hand coming out of her back and slowly going up her back into her neck and back down again :shock:
apparently she had a 'DAO' inside her which is the most strongest jinn there is and it only leaves the body once its dead
The only thing I know about jinns is that when one sleep walks…apparently Jinns are taking that person for a walk.
And I don't like talking/listening to "Jinn stories" esp at night cos it creeps me out.
Other then that, I have no interest in Jinn.
p.s I think jinns eat bones..
Aamileen can deal with jinn-possession. I think Imam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah also dealt with exorcism aswell.
Khayr seeing as we're sharing stories about jinnaat - I've got loads but one will be sufficient.
My BabaJi was apparently a very pious man and I've heard from numerous people that he would be carried by jinnaat when he was doing tableegh in the different villages in AK. When he'd get close to the village so he could hear the children reading the kalimah in the maktab he'd say to the jinn that I can hear the childrens kalimah - drop me here and I'll walk the rest of the way.
Allah knows best if it's true or not but thats what I've been told. He had a beautiful name aswell - Shahab-ud-Deen - Defender of the Faith![Biggrin](
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
They sound so scary..
Does any1 know why Jinns actually come inside people...
found this on a website.
Question 1: Who are the jinn?
The jinn are among the creatures that Allah (swt) created. Allah (swt) created angels, jinn, mankind, animals, plants and others. Jinn have some qualities like human beings. These qualities are intellect, discrimination, freedom, and the power to choose between right and wrong, between true and false, as well as between good and bad.
Question 2: When did Allah (swt) create the jinn?
Allah (swt) created the jinn before Adam (pbuh) was created. Both were created in heaven and lived in paradise. One may read in Surah Al-Hijr (The Rocky Tract) [Qur'an, 15:26-27]. However, nothing was mentioned about the duration of time of the jinn's creation before Adam (pbuh).
Question 3: What are jinn created from?
Jinn are created from fire of hot wind [Qur'an, 15:27]; and from smokeless fire [Qur'an, 55:15]. They were originally made from fire and then molded and shaped in the form and shape that Allah (swt) wanted them to be. This means that they do not anymore possess their fiery nature. It is not known therefore, their final shape, form, and chemical composition. Since we cannot see them, therefore, it is not easy to do any analysis of their chemical nature. In contrast, mankind was created from soil, mud, and clay. They were molded as human beings. Our final form is no more mud or clay.
Question 4: Do jinn have bodies?
Yes and no! It depends upon the information that one has. One group of scholars believe that jinn do not have bodies of their own. They also do not inhabit bodies of other creatures. However, they do exist independently by themselves. Therefore, they do not know how they exist without bodies: smoke, flame, fire or what?
The other group of scholars do believe that jinn do have bodies either definite or subtle. If their bodies are definite then they have some density; otherwise, if they are subtle, then they are so fine that our weak eyes cannot see them. One may read Surah Al-A'raf (The Heights) [Qur'an, 7:27]. Even if they are subtle they should have weight and density similar to that of the air itself.
Question 5: Do jinn die?
Yes. Jinn do die. As long as they are creatures created by Allah (swt), they should die. They are creatures that marry, produce children, eat, drink, and die like all other creatures in the universe. One may read Qur'an Surah Al-Rahman (The Most Merciful) [Qur'an, 55:26-28].
Question 6: Do the jinn feel envy of us?
Yes. There are two types of evil eye: human and the jinn. One has to read regularly 'A'oozu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajeem. Also, by reading Ayah Al-Kursi and Al-Mu'awwazatain, one will be protected from the evil eyes of both the jinn and mankind.
Question 7: Are there messengers and prophets from within the community of jinn?
Yes. Allah (swt) has sent prophets and messengers to jinn from within the jinn community. Also, Allah (swt) sent Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to mankind, to jinn, and to other creatures. In Surah Al-An'am (The Cattle), Allah (swt) explains that He sent messengers to men and to jinn. See Qur'an [6:130].
Question 8: Do jinn have different religions, sects and denominations?
In Surah Al-Jinn (Ch. 72), Allah (swt) informs us that some jinn accepted Islam, while others refused. Those who refused have deviated, and developed for themselves different methods, different ways of life, and different religions, sects and denominations.
Question 9: Do jinn marry and have children?
Yes. Jinn do marry and they do have children. The way they marry is not known to us yet. We may be able to know the future if Allah (swt) wants us to know.
People never knew about microbes, viruses, and the unseen micro creatures. Now we are able to know many things about their life cycles, their life duration, their methods of duplication or reproduction: sexually and asexually. The mere fact that we do not know how the jinn marry and reproduce does not negate their being married and reproduced. The Qur'an stipulates in Surah Al-Kahf (18:50) that they have offsprings. Similarly, the Qur'an states in Surah Al-Rahman (55:56) that jinn and human beings never touched (married) the ladies of paradise.
Question 10: Can human beings and jinn inter-marry?
Yes and no. It depends upon how one looks at it. It is a known fact in the Qur'an in Surah Al-Israa' (17:64) that jinn may share with us our wealth and our children. The Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh) reconfirms this concept when he says that when a man has marital relationship with his wife, he should mention the name of Allah (swt). He should seek refuge in Allah (swt) from the outcast shaitan. Otherwise, shaitan folds himself up in the man's urethra and shall have sexual relations along with him.
Moreover, when a man goes to his wife while she is in her menses, shaitan precedes him. She shall conceive and will bring forth a sterile person (Mukhannath). Such a sterile person is considered to be child of the jinn.
Question 11: Do jinn have animals as pets?
Yes. Jinn do have animals or beasts of their own. The Prophet (pbuh) mentioned that every piece of dung is fodder for the beasts of the jinn. However, we do not know what type of beasts the jinn have. The same thing is to be said as to the varieties of beasts, their number, their shape, their size, their weight and so on.
Question 12: Do jinn have homes of their own?
Yes. The jinn do have homes. They live all over the planet earth. However, there are special places that one may find them in abundance and on a regular basis. These are deserts, ruins, places of impurities such as dunghills, bathrooms and graveyards. They live in houses of human beings too. For those who enter their houses mentioning the name of Allah (swt), the jinn cannot have a place to stay overnight in that house. If the people of the house mention the name of Allah (swt) before eating, then the shaitan will not be able to eat with them.
Question 13: Is it true that animals see jinn and angels?
Yes. Animals do see angels and shaitan. When a rooster sees an angel, it starts crowing. However, when a donkey starts braying it is seeing a jinn.
Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
Wow this is fascinating....
Jinns can marry humans. They are living among us, even in our own homes :shock:
I heard somewhere that they tend to stick on your bathroom walls above the bath/shower basin
huh?! is there some sort of recorded case of that?
And how on earth is that cool with shariah?
Its disputed and difference of opinion.
ALLAH states in the Quran to the effect that He has created spouses for men and jinn from their own kind and by some ulama this means that inter-species(?) marriage is not allowed.
Imam Malik was asked about it and he replied that he disliked for a woman to be pregnant and when asked who the father is - it be said he is from the jinn.
Anyways - there is a tribe in Bahrain who claim descent from a woman who was half-jinn - ALLAH knows best if its true.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
What three Surah’s should you read to guard yourself from Jinn’s?
Surah Jinn?
Surah Falaq?
Surah Nas?
guesses :?
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Marsh'Allah..... Not Surah Jinn, a hint this Surah if recited as if you have read 1/3 of the Quran?
Surah Ikhlaas?
Surah Jinn can be read to get a jinn.![Dirol](
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
who would want a Jinn? :?
Marsh'Allah once again Shaykh![Dirol](
salaam noor, well jinn what a topic dnt u agreee
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
Shaykh? where? what? when?
If Im a shaykh bruv that makes you Shaykh ul Mashaaikh![Blum 3](
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
looool. May Allah mak you smile all the way to Jannah.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
what does it mean by the 'evil eyes of jinn?'
Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
It means they shoot fire from their eyes
aswell as eat lightening and cr@p thunder
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