Freshi, Islam calls for treating others as one desires to be treated. It urges tolerance and forgiveness, qualities that elevate human life... I do care indeed. Alhamdulilah I'm glad you brothers have resolved your differences
i get ya, but its to an [b]extent. [/b]who we really are...what we are realy we really forgive or hate each we really care if we do....all this is uknown as its a forum and this is the internet
your right tho
and i wouldnt go as far as them hugs.....
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
(to be honest I think Nas meant this as a positive topic. 'despite the hostitlties I like this place' type of message.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
jus re-read the title of the thread, cant say i agree....
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by Medarris on 5 August, 2006 - 12:26 #35
"Odysseus" wrote:
This is melodramatic, We talk about stuff, we get into it and insult each other. Who seriously cares? Are there really people out there walking around all day worrying about how to "get back at user X" for some comment earlier in the day? People tend to forget that they are people, not usernames.
I have to say that sums it up perfectly. Sometimes you get taken up by the moment and perhaps care for a short time what others are saying or whatever but at the end of the day I dont walk around worrying abt what goes on here, and highly doubt that any1 else does either.
No Nas/Raf there is no groupings here - this is a very diverse forum where any1 who disagrees with liberal islam of the magazine is welcome and respected and not ganged up against . . . . so long as he keeps his trap shut :roll:
the forum has jack to do with the magazine - at all.
and the magazine is popular in all quarters.......all those on the forum, probz except u, like the magazine - and its checked out jokers writing anything
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by equanimity on 5 August, 2006 - 15:38 #37
"Sirus" wrote:
jus re-read the title of the thread, cant say i agree....
disagreement is good bruv, if everyone agreed with everyone else the forum would cease to exist
however when people start bringing up past sins, using personal insults and carry grudges agaisnt people that lead into other threads thats when its bad
admin to be honest I think Nas meant this as a positive topic.
this is a very diverse forum where any1 who disagrees with liberal islam of the magazine
Do you actually read the mag? It stays away from sectarian issues as much as possible.
The general message is become a better muslim, give up drugs, have a look around.
If you think that is too liberal message for you, then there are some fundamental questions about you that you need to get to ease with.
There are many diferent people on these forums. Ony a few seem to have issues of getting ganged up against. While that is a fault of the people doing the ganging up, thewre are more questions for the purported victims. such as why? Its not as if everyone else agrees on everything.
As a point, I disagree with a heck of alot of things. People do not gang up on me even if they dusagree. And that uis not out of fear. Its coz I state my position, and if a discussion arises, I treat others with atleast a modicum of respect. I try to avoid personal insults.
And on other discussions with the same individuals make diferent points, sometimes agreeing some times disagreeing.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Medarris on 5 August, 2006 - 15:46 #39
"Sirus" wrote:
the forum has jack to do with the magazine - at all.
and the magazine is popular in all quarters.......all those on the forum, probz except u, like the magazine - and its checked out jokers writing anything
lol. Depends who you show magazine too innit. Im sure if you showed a magazine about Bodybuilding to men coming out the gym they'd love it - whereas showing it to men coming out of a sewing classes wont have the same reception.
The magazine is good for those who have that outlook - for those who dont its been labelled by some with very strong words - lol.
All depends on yr previous uprbinging and your state of mind. If yr into mocking the beard by saying stuff like men having beards "sweeping the floor" etc then you'll love it - if you've got a bit more respect and bit more orthodoxy you probably wont.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Medarris on 5 August, 2006 - 15:50 #40
Admin bruv what comes across as selfrighteous and derogatory is actually just a perception. Our religion has a number of essential principles - one of which is al walaa wal baraa - love and hate for the sake of ALLAH. This is the millah of Sayyidina Ibraheem alayhis salaam and it is for this reason that we have a dividing line - the believer and infidel are not equal.
In this light to say to a non-believer that a muslim is better than you comes across judgmental and arrogant but its a fact. The books of fiqh state things such as a believer should not be meek and humble when walking past a non-believer and he should walk in such a way that the non-believer takes the lesser portion of the road etc.
Such statements made by the ulama are firstly not widely known by the muslim public and if they are are ignored because we think we knw better.
lol. Depends who you show magazine too innit. Im sure if you showed a magazine about Bodybuilding to men coming out the gym they'd love it - whereas showing it to men coming out of a sewing classes wont have the same reception.
The magazine is good for those who have that outlook - for those who dont its been labelled by some with very strong words - lol.
All depends on yr previous uprbinging and your state of mind. If yr into mocking the beard by saying stuff like men having beards "sweeping the floor" etc then you'll love it - if you've got a bit more respect and bit more orthodoxy you probably wont.
We have out corner of the market. No need to encroach on others. We do not want to to be the same as every other magazine out there.
As the saying goes jack of all trades, master of none.
its better to be good at a few things than to be bad at everything.
Once people stop reading The Revival, then we have an issue. Til then let the others cover the rest of the amrket. Plenty of mags out there to cover other segments.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Medarris on 5 August, 2006 - 15:53 #42
Yr missing my point bruv. The magazine does have a lot of good in it - that cant be denied. But at the same time its not necessary that everyone is going to like it or agree with it. Does that make sense?
Take for example some salafi publications magazines - people will say that there is some good in them but naturally those who are inclined against the salafis wont feel at ease with such a magazine. You get me?
Admin bruv what comes across as selfrighteous and derogatory is actually just a perception. Our religion has a number of essential principles - one of which is al walaa wal baraa - love and hate for the sake of ALLAH. This is the millah of Sayyidina Ibraheem alayhis salaam and it is for this reason that we have a dividing line - the believer and infidel are not equal.
In this light to say to a non-believer that a muslim is better than you comes across judgmental and arrogant but its a fact. The books of fiqh state things such as a believer should not be meek and humble when walking past a non-believer and he should walk in such a way that the non-believer takes the lesser portion of the road etc.
Such statements made by the ulama are firstly not widely known by the muslim public and if they are are ignored because we think we knw better.
khayr. ALLAH knows best.
:?: :?: :?:
What has that got to do with anything?
If you are suggesting we are not muslims, then that is pretty arrogant of you considering you do not know what I believe. If you are suggesting something else, then I am confused about the link.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
the forum has jack to do with the magazine - at all.
and the magazine is popular in all quarters.......all those on the forum, probz except u, like the magazine - and its checked out jokers writing anything
lol. Depends who you show magazine too innit. Im sure if you showed a magazine about Bodybuilding to men coming out the gym they'd love it - whereas showing it to men coming out of a sewing classes wont have the same reception.
The magazine is good for those who have that outlook - for those who dont its been labelled by some with very strong words - lol.
All depends on yr previous uprbinging and your state of mind. If yr into mocking the beard by saying stuff like men having beards "sweeping the floor" etc then you'll love it - if you've got a bit more respect and bit more orthodoxy you probably wont.
so what is it exactly in the issues you have read that you don't like or disagree with?
even though i can't stand are still welcome to write an article for the magazine.
The Revival stays away for aqeeda issues.... purpose of the mag is to bring people in to islam, especially the youth... it also tries to get rid of misconceptions, gives practical solutions etc....
To be honest- its not aimed at you...but inshallah you and people like you can still definitely benfit from it.
Yr missing my point bruv. The magazine does have a lot of good in it - that cant be denied. But at the same time its not necessary that everyone is going to like it or agree with it. Does that make sense?
Take for example some salafi publications magazines - people will say that there is some good in them but naturally those who are inclined against the salafis wont feel at ease with such a magazine. You get me?
but the revival is read by all sects, and distributed by all sects, and even the editorial team is made up from different background
magazine has no aqeedah, no aqeedah topics
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
but the revival is read by all sects, and distributed by all sects, and even the editorial team is made up from different background
magazine has no aqeedah, no aqeedah topics
He is talking about aiming at diferent at market segments. Obviously we are not for everyone. We do not cover issues that everyone likes.
And he is right. We have said that from the start. Let Emel, Trends, Qnews and others have their markets. They have their readers, we have ours.
If he wants to write something, as long as its for the right people then its all good.
No need to feel hurt at the truth.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Medarris on 5 August, 2006 - 15:59 #47
"Admin" wrote:
:?: :?: :?:
What has that got to do with anything?
If you are suggesting we are not muslims, then that is pretty arrogant of you considering you do not know what I believe. If you are suggesting something else, then I am confused about the link.
My brother I have not made takhsees of any1 being non-muslim here save dave (and Im sure he wont mind) and the rawaafidh (they probably will mind but I dnt :twisted: )
The link my brother is that you were saying you have disagreements but you dont get ganged up on. My point is that it depends how you say things. Everyone can say we disagree with homosexuality - but if you say it how islaam says it you will be viewd as arrogant and bigotted. Saying such things are abomination and devilish and perverted is absolutely in line with islaam - but too often its said as its wrong in our view, we disagree with it, its unnatural.
Point is our Islaam DOES have strong views on issues - the curses of Sayyidatuna Fatimah on the Day of the Amniotic Sac, the cursing of Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam in Makkah Mukarramah saying to the effect that know Oh Quraysh I have not come but to slaughter you, the curses made in Qunuut on the tribe which killed 70 Qurrah Sahaabah Karaam, the eye-4-eye cursing of Sayyidina Nuh alayhis salaam to his ppl as described by ALLAH in His Quran - ALL these are also a part of our Islam. Sure they come across as arrogant but thats the problem for the reciever the donor can rest easy.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by equanimity on 5 August, 2006 - 16:01 #48
the revival magazine is free
aimed at youth
gives no sectarian inclination
always gives good messages like how drugs are bad and the negatives of thug culture
spreads knowledge about islam
where are the nagatives :? :?:
Submitted by Medarris on 5 August, 2006 - 16:03 #49
Yr missing my point bruv. The magazine does have a lot of good in it - that cant be denied. But at the same time its not necessary that everyone is going to like it or agree with it. Does that make sense?
Take for example some salafi publications magazines - people will say that there is some good in them but naturally those who are inclined against the salafis wont feel at ease with such a magazine. You get me?
thats a fair point but as Sirus says the magazine is produced by people of all groups and sects and school of thoughts, it is distribute dby them all an drea dby all.
Obviously i dont expect everyone to like it- and some dont. Some may think its childish, some may think its too liberal, some may think its too chilled out, some dont the pictures in it, some wont read it if they see someone from the opposite group or sect distributing it.
I would say most people will agree on 80 to 90% of it ..... which is fine. As long as most of the youth benefit from it and it makes a difference then that is all I am concerened about.
Submitted by equanimity on 5 August, 2006 - 16:05 #51
Submitted by Medarris on 5 August, 2006 - 16:16 #53
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
"Med" wrote:
"nAS786" wrote:
where are the nagatives :? :?:
am I allowed to respond?
by all means....
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
thats a fair point but as Sirus says the magazine is produced by people of all groups and sects and school of thoughts, it is distribute dby them all an drea dby all.
Obviously i dont expect everyone to like it- and some dont. Some may think its childish, some may think its too liberal, some may think its too chilled out, some dont the pictures in it, some wont read it if they see someone from the opposite group or sect distributing it.
I would say most people will agree on 80 to 90% of it ..... which is fine. As long as most of the youth benefit from it and it makes a difference then that is all I am concerened about.
For once we may be on the same wavelength :twisted: .
The [b]message[/b] of the magazine [b]is[/b] overall good - thats indisputable in my view however:
Some of the things which you (Ed) mention perhaps in favour of the magazine could be taken against it by others. For example the fact that you have all different "sect members" involved in it. From one perspective its good - from the other perspective its not because it will be viewed as polluted and unreliable. We know from ahadeeth that this religion of ours is knowledge, so beware from whom you take your knowledge. The fact that all types of people are involved could go against it - and is one of my reasons against the magazine.
Secondly some might say the image of islaam it portrays is not entirely accurate. Islaam contains peace and it contains violence - both need to be accepted and addressed but sometimes it appers the magazine is liberal, apologetic and more sufi-istic as opposed to grounded in the realities.
Thirdly according to some it lacks the correct reverence for deen and in its attempts at humour perhaps oversteps the mark - at the very least some will view it as a piece of be-adabi and that can be disasterous - particularly if adab is one the things you believe in strongly.
Fourthly - the use of pictures. Some will disagree with.
Fifthly - the collaboration between men and women and their lack of shari' hijaab - this will grind on some people.
Sixthly - I believe the magazine has denounced or rejected Jenab Usama Bin Ladin? I cant recall but I thin it does? Even if it doesnt - some of the "scholars" it promotes - perhaps this is the BIGGEST ISSUE - some of these people are not accepted as muslims - hence the magazine will be rejected despite its good message.
The link my brother is that you were saying you have disagreements but you dont get ganged up on. My point is that it depends how you say things. Everyone can say we disagree with homosexuality - but if you say it how islaam says it you will be viewd as arrogant and bigotted. Saying such things are abomination and devilish and perverted is absolutely in line with islaam - but too often its said as its wrong in our view, we disagree with it, its unnatural.
Point is our Islaam DOES have strong views on issues - the curses of Sayyidatuna Fatimah on the Day of the Amniotic Sac, the cursing of Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam in Makkah Mukarramah saying to the effect that know Oh Quraysh I have not come but to slaughter you, the curses made in Qunuut on the tribe which killed 70 Qurrah Sahaabah Karaam, the eye-4-eye cursing of Sayyidina Nuh alayhis salaam to his ppl as described by ALLAH in His Quran - ALL these are also a part of our Islam. Sure they come across as arrogant but thats the problem for the reciever the donor can rest easy.
And where do I have a problem with any of them. I remember making final statements abou homosexuality. In that it leads to kufr.
And there are other strong issues aswell. But that does mean we should all go in strong handed in everysingle scenario, especially if there is division over the issue.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by equanimity on 5 August, 2006 - 16:30 #56
i dont think people should go into to much detail into who writes a particular magazine , what sect they represent ect ect
as long as the magazine promotes good and has good messages is entertaining and gives knowledge about islam i welcome it
be it salafi, waahbi, deobandi, braveli , sufi - it doesnt matter who writes the magazine as long as what is written in it is good and promotes good messages and people can benefit from it
i dont think people should go into to much detail into who writes a particular magazine , what sect they represent ect ect
as long as the magazine promotes good and has good messages is entertaining and gives knowledge about islam i welcome it
be it salafi, waahbi, deobandi, braveli , sufi - it doesnt matter who writes the magazine as long as what is written in it is good and promotes good messages and people can benefit from it
It does matter if its discussing aqeedah.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
thats a fair point but as Sirus says the magazine is produced by people of all groups and sects and school of thoughts, it is distribute dby them all an drea dby all.
Obviously i dont expect everyone to like it- and some dont. Some may think its childish, some may think its too liberal, some may think its too chilled out, some dont the pictures in it, some wont read it if they see someone from the opposite group or sect distributing it.
I would say most people will agree on 80 to 90% of it ..... which is fine. As long as most of the youth benefit from it and it makes a difference then that is all I am concerened about.
For once we may be on the same wavelength :twisted: .
The [b]message[/b] of the magazine [b]is[/b] overall good - thats indisputable in my view however:
Some of the things which you (Ed) mention perhaps in favour of the magazine could be taken against it by others. For example the fact that you have all different "sect members" involved in it. From one perspective its good - from the other perspective its not because it will be viewed as polluted and unreliable. We know from ahadeeth that this religion of ours is knowledge, so beware from whom you take your knowledge. The fact that all types of people are involved could go against it - and is one of my reasons against the magazine.
Secondly some might say the image of islaam it portrays is not entirely accurate. Islaam contains peace and it contains violence - both need to be accepted and addressed but sometimes it appers the magazine is liberal, apologetic and more sufi-istic as opposed to grounded in the realities.
Thirdly according to some it lacks the correct reverence for deen and in its attempts at humour perhaps oversteps the mark - at the very least some will view it as a piece of be-adabi and that can be disasterous - particularly if adab is one the things you believe in strongly.
Fourthly - the use of pictures. Some will disagree with.
Fifthly - the collaboration between men and women and their lack of shari' hijaab - this will grind on some people.
Sixthly - I believe the magazine has denounced or rejected Jenab Usama Bin Ladin? I cant recall but I thin it does? Even if it doesnt - some of the "scholars" it promotes - perhaps this is the BIGGEST ISSUE - some of these people are not accepted as muslims - hence the magazine will be rejected despite its good message.
hope no1s offended
1. we have brelwi, deobandi, wahabi, hanafi, shafi etc working with the revival. Now if we were dealing with doctrine then i will agree with you....but we are dealing with drugs, alcohol, zina, culture, materialism, misconceptions......... which all groups agree with. so that argument doesnt stand. we are an ummah bro, we have differences, take what you like and agree. And if this is your MAIN reason for beings against the mag...then that is sad.
2. the magazine is in no way apologetic , we slate blair, bush, olemt etc..... we answer misconceptions....
'sufi-istic'- again....wrong.... we dont just say purify your heart we say be active, speak out against munkar....
liberal- Islam is only one.... the ummah has difference of opinion on certain issues.... thats no big deal.... everyone is not going to agree with every single issue.
3. the issue of be-adbi, lacks respect....etc yes, some do accuse us of that....but only those people who the magazine is really not aiming at. we have a specific taget audience....
4. collaboration of men and women- bro what are you on about. most dialogues between brothers and sisters is done via email/forum/PM's...never face to face. so please be careful what you say....
5. bin ladin- yes i will always speak against him...if people dont like that...thast tough...i dont aim to please everyone. plus we dont promote any scholar....we may give quote a scholar here and there, eg hamza yusuf.... but if people dont like that.... again its tough, people need to be open minded. For you to say the scholars we 'promote' are NOT EVEN MUSLIMS...that is terrible.... to be honest the revival is not for you then....
people have to come out of their circles/sects and work as an ummah....alhamdulillah the revival is trying to do that.
6. pictures- well there is difference of opinion there again. but i would say focus more on articles than anything else....
i hope it answers most of your points...but me and you will NEVER agree on alot of issues, so if that means you disagree with the revival and are against it- thats not a problem at all bro.
All I would say keep giving us your feedback. Jazakhallah Khayr bro.
Submitted by equanimity on 5 August, 2006 - 16:38 #59
"Admin" wrote:
"nAS786" wrote:
i dont think people should go into to much detail into who writes a particular magazine , what sect they represent ect ect
as long as the magazine promotes good and has good messages is entertaining and gives knowledge about islam i welcome it
be it salafi, waahbi, deobandi, braveli , sufi - it doesnt matter who writes the magazine as long as what is written in it is good and promotes good messages and people can benefit from it
It does matter if its discussing aqeedah.
yep admin and that will always divide us and the muslim ummah
Submitted by Medarris on 5 August, 2006 - 16:39 #60
Ed bruv I didnt write that stuff so i could get an explanation or have an arguement about it. I just gave it cos you guys were alright with me saying what some of the criticisms are.
You answered to the best of your ability - if thats suffices for people then good for them , if it doesnt then good for them aswell.
I knw it is terrible that some ppl dont acknowledge those people as muslim - but what can ya do? :roll:
i get ya, but its to an [b]extent. [/b]who we really are...what we are realy we really forgive or hate each we really care if we do....all this is uknown as its a forum and this is the internet
your right tho
and i wouldnt go as far as them hugs.....
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
lol...i meant 'despite what you think, there are no groups'
you cant expect me to agree with you if i dont agree with what you wrote!
its nowt about you, nowt like that
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
when in a hole stop digging.
(to be honest I think Nas meant this as a positive topic. 'despite the hostitlties I like this place' type of message.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
jus re-read the title of the thread, cant say i agree....
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I have to say that sums it up perfectly. Sometimes you get taken up by the moment and perhaps care for a short time what others are saying or whatever but at the end of the day I dont walk around worrying abt what goes on here, and highly doubt that any1 else does either.
No Nas/Raf there is no groupings here - this is a very diverse forum where any1 who disagrees with liberal islam of the magazine is welcome and respected and not ganged up against . . . . so long as he keeps his trap shut :roll:
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
the forum has jack to do with the magazine - at all.
and the magazine is popular in all quarters.......all those on the forum, probz except u, like the magazine - and its checked out jokers writing anything
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
disagreement is good bruv, if everyone agreed with everyone else the forum would cease to exist
however when people start bringing up past sins, using personal insults and carry grudges agaisnt people that lead into other threads thats when its bad
Do you actually read the mag? It stays away from sectarian issues as much as possible.
The general message is become a better muslim, give up drugs, have a look around.
If you think that is too liberal message for you, then there are some fundamental questions about you that you need to get to ease with.
There are many diferent people on these forums. Ony a few seem to have issues of getting ganged up against. While that is a fault of the people doing the ganging up, thewre are more questions for the purported victims. such as why? Its not as if everyone else agrees on everything.
As a point, I disagree with a heck of alot of things. People do not gang up on me even if they dusagree. And that uis not out of fear. Its coz I state my position, and if a discussion arises, I treat others with atleast a modicum of respect. I try to avoid personal insults.
And on other discussions with the same individuals make diferent points, sometimes agreeing some times disagreeing.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
lol. Depends who you show magazine too innit. Im sure if you showed a magazine about Bodybuilding to men coming out the gym they'd love it - whereas showing it to men coming out of a sewing classes wont have the same reception.
The magazine is good for those who have that outlook - for those who dont its been labelled by some with very strong words - lol.
All depends on yr previous uprbinging and your state of mind. If yr into mocking the beard by saying stuff like men having beards "sweeping the floor" etc then you'll love it - if you've got a bit more respect and bit more orthodoxy you probably wont.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Admin bruv what comes across as selfrighteous and derogatory is actually just a perception. Our religion has a number of essential principles - one of which is al walaa wal baraa - love and hate for the sake of ALLAH. This is the millah of Sayyidina Ibraheem alayhis salaam and it is for this reason that we have a dividing line - the believer and infidel are not equal.
In this light to say to a non-believer that a muslim is better than you comes across judgmental and arrogant but its a fact. The books of fiqh state things such as a believer should not be meek and humble when walking past a non-believer and he should walk in such a way that the non-believer takes the lesser portion of the road etc.
Such statements made by the ulama are firstly not widely known by the muslim public and if they are are ignored because we think we knw better.
khayr. ALLAH knows best.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
We have out corner of the market. No need to encroach on others. We do not want to to be the same as every other magazine out there.
As the saying goes jack of all trades, master of none.
its better to be good at a few things than to be bad at everything.
Once people stop reading The Revival, then we have an issue. Til then let the others cover the rest of the amrket. Plenty of mags out there to cover other segments.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Yr missing my point bruv. The magazine does have a lot of good in it - that cant be denied. But at the same time its not necessary that everyone is going to like it or agree with it. Does that make sense?
Take for example some salafi publications magazines - people will say that there is some good in them but naturally those who are inclined against the salafis wont feel at ease with such a magazine. You get me?
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
:?: :?: :?:
What has that got to do with anything?
If you are suggesting we are not muslims, then that is pretty arrogant of you considering you do not know what I believe. If you are suggesting something else, then I am confused about the link.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
so what is it exactly in the issues you have read that you don't like or disagree with?
even though i can't stand are still welcome to write an article for the magazine.
The Revival stays away for aqeeda issues.... purpose of the mag is to bring people in to islam, especially the youth... it also tries to get rid of misconceptions, gives practical solutions etc....
To be honest- its not aimed at you...but inshallah you and people like you can still definitely benfit from it.
but the revival is read by all sects, and distributed by all sects, and even the editorial team is made up from different background
magazine has no aqeedah, no aqeedah topics
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
He is talking about aiming at diferent at market segments. Obviously we are not for everyone. We do not cover issues that everyone likes.
And he is right. We have said that from the start. Let Emel, Trends, Qnews and others have their markets. They have their readers, we have ours.
If he wants to write something, as long as its for the right people then its all good.
No need to feel hurt at the truth.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
My brother I have not made takhsees of any1 being non-muslim here save dave (and Im sure he wont mind) and the rawaafidh (they probably will mind but I dnt :twisted: )
The link my brother is that you were saying you have disagreements but you dont get ganged up on. My point is that it depends how you say things. Everyone can say we disagree with homosexuality - but if you say it how islaam says it you will be viewd as arrogant and bigotted. Saying such things are abomination and devilish and perverted is absolutely in line with islaam - but too often its said as its wrong in our view, we disagree with it, its unnatural.
Point is our Islaam DOES have strong views on issues - the curses of Sayyidatuna Fatimah on the Day of the Amniotic Sac, the cursing of Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam in Makkah Mukarramah saying to the effect that know Oh Quraysh I have not come but to slaughter you, the curses made in Qunuut on the tribe which killed 70 Qurrah Sahaabah Karaam, the eye-4-eye cursing of Sayyidina Nuh alayhis salaam to his ppl as described by ALLAH in His Quran - ALL these are also a part of our Islam. Sure they come across as arrogant but thats the problem for the reciever the donor can rest easy.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
the revival magazine is free
aimed at youth
gives no sectarian inclination
always gives good messages like how drugs are bad and the negatives of thug culture
spreads knowledge about islam
where are the nagatives :? :?:
am I allowed to respond?
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
thats a fair point but as Sirus says the magazine is produced by people of all groups and sects and school of thoughts, it is distribute dby them all an drea dby all.
Obviously i dont expect everyone to like it- and some dont. Some may think its childish, some may think its too liberal, some may think its too chilled out, some dont the pictures in it, some wont read it if they see someone from the opposite group or sect distributing it.
I would say most people will agree on 80 to 90% of it ..... which is fine. As long as most of the youth benefit from it and it makes a difference then that is all I am concerened about.
I dont see any reason why not bro
by all means....
For once we may be on the same wavelength :twisted: .
The [b]message[/b] of the magazine [b]is[/b] overall good - thats indisputable in my view however:
Some of the things which you (Ed) mention perhaps in favour of the magazine could be taken against it by others. For example the fact that you have all different "sect members" involved in it. From one perspective its good - from the other perspective its not because it will be viewed as polluted and unreliable. We know from ahadeeth that this religion of ours is knowledge, so beware from whom you take your knowledge. The fact that all types of people are involved could go against it - and is one of my reasons against the magazine.
Secondly some might say the image of islaam it portrays is not entirely accurate. Islaam contains peace and it contains violence - both need to be accepted and addressed but sometimes it appers the magazine is liberal, apologetic and more sufi-istic as opposed to grounded in the realities.
Thirdly according to some it lacks the correct reverence for deen and in its attempts at humour perhaps oversteps the mark - at the very least some will view it as a piece of be-adabi and that can be disasterous - particularly if adab is one the things you believe in strongly.
Fourthly - the use of pictures. Some will disagree with.
Fifthly - the collaboration between men and women and their lack of shari' hijaab - this will grind on some people.
Sixthly - I believe the magazine has denounced or rejected Jenab Usama Bin Ladin? I cant recall but I thin it does? Even if it doesnt - some of the "scholars" it promotes - perhaps this is the BIGGEST ISSUE - some of these people are not accepted as muslims - hence the magazine will be rejected despite its good message.
hope no1s offended
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
And where do I have a problem with any of them. I remember making final statements abou homosexuality. In that it leads to kufr.
And there are other strong issues aswell. But that does mean we should all go in strong handed in everysingle scenario, especially if there is division over the issue.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I can live with that.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
i dont think people should go into to much detail into who writes a particular magazine , what sect they represent ect ect
as long as the magazine promotes good and has good messages is entertaining and gives knowledge about islam i welcome it
be it salafi, waahbi, deobandi, braveli , sufi - it doesnt matter who writes the magazine as long as what is written in it is good and promotes good messages and people can benefit from it
It does matter if its discussing aqeedah.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
1. we have brelwi, deobandi, wahabi, hanafi, shafi etc working with the revival. Now if we were dealing with doctrine then i will agree with you....but we are dealing with drugs, alcohol, zina, culture, materialism, misconceptions......... which all groups agree with. so that argument doesnt stand. we are an ummah bro, we have differences, take what you like and agree. And if this is your MAIN reason for beings against the mag...then that is sad.
2. the magazine is in no way apologetic , we slate blair, bush, olemt etc..... we answer misconceptions....
'sufi-istic'- again....wrong.... we dont just say purify your heart we say be active, speak out against munkar....
liberal- Islam is only one.... the ummah has difference of opinion on certain issues.... thats no big deal.... everyone is not going to agree with every single issue.
3. the issue of be-adbi, lacks respect....etc yes, some do accuse us of that....but only those people who the magazine is really not aiming at. we have a specific taget audience....
4. collaboration of men and women- bro what are you on about. most dialogues between brothers and sisters is done via email/forum/PM's...never face to face. so please be careful what you say....
5. bin ladin- yes i will always speak against him...if people dont like that...thast tough...i dont aim to please everyone. plus we dont promote any scholar....we may give quote a scholar here and there, eg hamza yusuf.... but if people dont like that.... again its tough, people need to be open minded. For you to say the scholars we 'promote' are NOT EVEN MUSLIMS...that is terrible.... to be honest the revival is not for you then....
people have to come out of their circles/sects and work as an ummah....alhamdulillah the revival is trying to do that.
6. pictures- well there is difference of opinion there again. but i would say focus more on articles than anything else....
i hope it answers most of your points...but me and you will NEVER agree on alot of issues, so if that means you disagree with the revival and are against it- thats not a problem at all bro.
All I would say keep giving us your feedback. Jazakhallah Khayr bro.
yep admin and that will always divide us and the muslim ummah
Ed bruv I didnt write that stuff so i could get an explanation or have an arguement about it. I just gave it cos you guys were alright with me saying what some of the criticisms are.
You answered to the best of your ability - if thats suffices for people then good for them , if it doesnt then good for them aswell.
I knw it is terrible that some ppl dont acknowledge those people as muslim - but what can ya do? :roll:
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar