Warning! Muslims Wake up watch this!!!!! Bollywood Badboyz

Bollywood has always been fifth a fasad in our homes.

bollywood is a disease muslims, in particluar asians, cant admit too

they are just too hooked and come out with a million justifications...most of em lame

the new fanaa film has amir khan as a muslim terrorist, and kajol as a blind muslim who falls in love with him, but dont know he plans to do some sort of bombings :roll:

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


[color=magenta]i hate bollywood film/music thng the whole industry, im so glad i was never into it nor any of my family members, but it has a massive influence on pplz lives though the way, like today there was this show in our school n all the girls did indian dances n the non-asians teachers were well n truly shocked the way ppl flaunt their bodies no one could look at them[/color]

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

"Sirus" wrote:

the new fanaa film has amir khan as a muslim terrorist, and kajol as a blind muslim who falls in love with him, but dont know he plans to do some sort of bombings :roll:

I watched that film in my nan's house a month ago...I was half an hour into that film before I realised that it wasnt the type of "Fana" I had in mind... :?

i was thinking of going watching it, but unlike the sufis, the hindus dont knw what it means to become fanaa in someone Dirol

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


only the first half of fana was good

the second half was crap

but then again nearly all bollywood films are crap

BollyWood Or Bust!

Abdul Muqtadir

Excerpted with slight modifications

Muslims have always been a minority group within the Indian sub-continent, compared to the larger Hindu majority, but what is new in recent times is the Muslims absence from political power. Whenever a nation of people have migrated to India they have been engulfed by the powerful nature of its culture.

The religion of Islam was first introduced to the Indian sub-continent through the efforts of Muhammad bin Qasim Al Thaqafi and other pious men, who struggled and died to take Islam to the distant corners of the globe. The spread of Islam in the region led to its establishment as a political and social order through the implementation of Shariah, this in turn led to massive leaps in the progression of the Indian civilisation and culture.

Islam does not regard culture as intrinsically haram (forbidden). Indeed Arab culture is not necessarily Islamic culture, and Islamic culture is not necessarily equal to Arab culture. There is no identifiable concept as Islamic culture, rather the Shariah of Islam lays down the parameters of what is permissible and what is forbidden from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of Muhammad , sallalahu alaihi wassallam. Anything that does not contravene this can be taken as an acceptable culture. Bearing this in mind we can see it perfectly acceptable for a Muslim to eat an Indian curry or a plate of fish and chips, providing they are Halal. These are two icons of different cultures yet both are perfectly within the parameters of Islam.

When Muslims live side by side with non-Muslims the interaction of the two groups will indeed lead to the exchange of ideas, habits and even rituals. If not safety catches are put in place then over a period of time there is the serious danger that eventually there will be little distinction between the two groups, before long mixed faith marriages, the adoption of festivals, habits, beliefs and even worship will take place and the general lack of religious foresight will lead to a completely new ‘mutated’ community of pseudo-Muslims and their counterparts.

The threat of cultural integration and the loss of Islamic identity is so dangerous that the Messenger of Allah drew our attention to it on many an occasion. That is not to say Muslims should isolate themselves or retreat into ghettos , on the contrary it is an essential requirement to deliver the message of Islam to non-Muslim communities and this in itself must be undertaken with beautiful manners, amicable relations and the finest of speech, and of course all this requires interaction. But the concern that needs to be at the top of the agenda is that of the preservation and confidence in the creed and practice that Islam embodies. It is when the Ummah adopts Islam as a way of life and fulfils its mission that Allah grants it authority on the Earth

There are many complexities to living as Muslims in this day and age. Many factors are at play in the world around us, strings are pulled and flutes are played, the overall effect on our daily lives is tremendous. What is more frightening is the lack of insight and consciousness we as Muslims seem to possess. In most instances we only appreciate the reality of our circumstances and depth of our condition after we have tasted its bitter fruit.

Many of you (I hope) will be unfamiliar with the nature and power of the ‘Bollywood’ film industry and the great impact it is having upon Muslims globally, I will now endeavour to shed some light on the area in a hope that it will make us reflect and help us reconsider our current neglect. The Indian film industry has been in operation for over fifty years and during this period of time it has been able to extend its large tentacles to every corner of the globe. Indeed where there is any substantial number of people from the Indian sub-continent ( that includes Bangladeshis and Pakistanis) you will find the long and murky shadow of Bollywood. Before the era of satellite dishes and cable companies, people would satisfy their craving for an Indian movie via the local video shop, and in the absence of these then there was always the radio and magazines at hand. Through television the access is immediate.

Depravation has led to Muslim involvement in the industry at every level and throughout its history. From the directors of the movies to the local video hire shop Muslims are in it ‘waist high’. From the likes of the legendary actor Dilip Kumar (his original Muslim name was Yusuf, it was changed to assist integration) who had his first appearance in 1944 and Waheeda Rehaman ( a Muslim lady who ran away from home to become an actress and went on to marry Hindu actor Guru Dutt) (???) to the melodic Mohammed Rafi (source of many a love song), down to the modern day Salman Khan ( Indian Romeo of the 90’s and icon for many young Asian boys) and the infamous Amir Khan. All these and many more are part of the machinery to propagate ideas and notions about the world around us. The plot of almost every film is based on the story line of ‘boy meets girl’, the film spirals the viewer into a realm of indecency that would put Hollywood to shame. The unfolding story lines usually marked with their lack of reality expose the naïve Muslim family to every thing that is wholly unislamic. The many Muslim actors and actress’s are not only involved in the encouragement of fornication, bigamy, rebellion to parents but even idol worshipping, roles which they are only too happy to play. Even though Allah says :

“Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgives anything else, to whom He pleases; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin most heinous indeed” (4:48)

The Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” Indeed it is the saying of the companions of the Prophet (SAWS) : “Whoever imitated the idol worshippers will be raised with them on the day of Judgement.”

“Boy meets Girl”

There is a constant barrage of accusations against Islam based on the myth that the Shariah is unfair to women, yet there appears to be a deafening silence at the gigantic level of exploitation of women by Bollywood. Women are always shown as being nothing more than objects to be jeered and wooed by ‘wannabe Romeos’. The most a woman is capable of achieving is to be able to dance in a park for any prospective ‘Casanova’, it is a most despicable and deplorable representation of the female. The high level of exposure to such role models to our younger generations of boys and girls has led to the current trend of irresponsible behaviour. Young boys practicing irresponsibility and young girls dreaming of an Amir or Salman to sweep them off their feet and take them to the park or library (What? Did you really think they are all studying?)
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Old 16-09-2005, 04:13 PM #2

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Muslim parents to this day still remain bewildered as to the reason why their children have been corrupted and the reason for their sons and daughters running away from home. The Bollywood Love story is a sick dream that is being pushed, its only reality is the nightmare of the break up of Muslim families. The average Muslim family will refuse to prosecute the criminal, the source of their family being dishonoured. Amazingly enough Muslim parents would be more likely to prohibit their children watching mild English films but on the other hand would have no problem exposing them to indecency of Indian movies, Why?? Simply due to the fact that the latter is morally justified because it is of Asian origin, and what is culturally correct must be morally and ethically correct. This is a clear reflection of the absence of understanding the parameters that Islam has enjoined upon Muslims and whenever such parameters are disregarded no matter how strong the cultural attachment, they lead to horrendous consequences. Not convinced? Just reflect upon the current trends amongst Muslim youth and you will soon add it up. Modesty and indecency come from the Adhab (manners) of Islam not from an ethnic or indigenous culture. As Maulana Maudoodi once said : “If you are going to sow the seeds of a lemon tree, you are not going to eat the mangoes.”

Betraying Allah

It may surprise you to learn that the Indian film industry churns out more films in one year than any other on the planet, including the head of the ‘snake of entertainment’: Hollywood. Indeed it was this amazing achievement that led to the Indian film industry being crowned, ‘Bollywood’.

When considering the western film industry we have a mild form of reassurance that comes from knowing what certificate a film has been awarded. This system does not exist in most Bollywood films and even if it did it would probably be disregarded. The end result is films that show all that would undoubtedly be regarded even by western audiences to be wholly unsavoury stuff. Bollywood does not even stop at encouraging youngsters to be rebellious to their parents and discard moral decency, it goes further to shake and jeer at the very foundations of Islamic belief ; that of the sovereignty of Allah, by its constant promotion of idol worshipping and reverence of man made images.

Allow me if you will to narrate to you a true story that may bear some light upon my accusations. The story at hand concerns a Muslim family consisting of a young mother and father and their nine and half year old son. This family living in the UK had their origins in the Indian sub-continent, and like many Muslims from any given part of the western world they were in the habit of watching excess amounts of television, and what is specifically a trait of a substantial number of Muslims from the Indian sub-continent is the deep seated need to watch movies from an Indian origin. The family did not even give regard to the possible effects it was having upon their child. On one unfortunate day the mother of the family fell prey to a serious illness and was immediately taken to hospital, on the brink of life and death. After taking his wife to the hospital and returning home it was the fathers job to inform his young son of his mothers illness, a gruelling task indeed. No matter how the father tried to soften the blow the child was understandably distraught at the news of his mothers serious illness. After a long and arduous evening both father and son retired to sleep. Several hours into the night the father was awoken by the sound of noise coming from the living room, leaving his bed he decided to investigate with caution and entered the living room, the scene which he saw shocked him beyond _expression. In the living room he found his child transfixed to an image being projected by a scene from a Bollywood film, the image was that of a stone idol, and his Muslim son pleading to it to make his mother better again. You may find this a far fetched story but that does little to change its reality. The child had unknowingly been taught to worship others besides Allah by being exposed to large doses of idol worship in Indian films. The father saw the error of his ways and vowed to remove the films for good.

Do not for a moment think that the problem effects only Asian Muslims, it has taken to our Arab brethren , where Bollywood films are shown with Arabic subtitles, shocking really to imagine that the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) spent 23 years along with his successors, to remove idol worship from the Arabian peninsula, and yet today it has been brought back to the sacred Hijaz via satellite, little regard is given by Muslims to what Allah has ordained to keep idol worship out of this area and all that is associated with it.

It is perfectly acceptable for Muslims from the Indian sub-continent to be proud of their cultural heritage, and indeed Muslims from any part of the world can do like wise, the only problem comes when we begin to give more reverence to culture over and above the commands of Allah, cultural diversity is a blessing from Allah, it is not however on the same level as the Shariah and laws of Allah.

When we make the mistake of elevating our ethnicity and cultural origin to a level where it governs what we consider to be right and wrong we are heading for real trouble.

The above mentioned are mere snowflakes on the tip of the ice-berg, as to the real extent of damage that Bollywood has done, Allah alone only knows, but you can be sure it is massive. If you would like to prevent your children from growing up with a Shaytaan as a baby sitter – boycott Bollywood! If you would like to respect your Islamic creed and the sovereignty of Allah – boycott Bollywood! If you cannot help the suffering Kashmiri Muslims then at least do not arm their enemy – boycott Bollywood!


My personal stance on bollywood is Muslims should boycott such filth, answer to Allah for aiding the Mushirks in Kashmir – if our taxes weren’t doing enough damage already!

I dont know the validity of this statement, but someone once said to me that India's Prime Minister said he didnt need to invade Pakistan anymore, because he had access to everyones homes in Pakistan, thru Bollywood!!

i hate the new bollywood films with a passion. when i was a kid i had to suffer watching them with my parents i couldnt resist making jokes all the way until they kicked me out of the room

i was coerced into going to the cinema to watch 'may koan hoo' or who the hell cares. i walked out after half an hour and went shopping to tescos - told friends been to toilet. Got back after hours and the damn thing still had half an our to go

i do like them black and white oldies though and 70's 'qurbani' isnt bad

"laila" wrote:

i do like them black and white oldies though and 70's 'qurbani' isnt bad

I’ve only ever seen Mr. India and I wish to keep that as a distance and forgotten memory, you’re right bollywood is one of the worst forms of torture devised Cray 2

That was 1 of the first movies i ever watched,

Was bollywood crazy me, when my dad went out put something bollywood on, either tuned to zee music or B4U.

I am sooooo totally of the hook now Alhamdulillah.

I now have that very same stance.

Bollywood is really bad :oops:

But it comes in our culture soo much that its very hard to escape it completely. Weddings, parties, functions almost always have some songs on and cos they speak in same/similar lingo to us its thought of as ok.

I try to stay away from it but have my slips :oops: , and it doesnt help when the rest of the housepeople are hooked.

InshaALLAH when I move next yr none of that fitnah in my home - inshaALLAH.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

I have never realy liked bollywood or hollywood movies for that matter, bollywood has same old story but now its just complete filth and nothing else. If I was to watch any hollywood movies it would be fairytale or action movies Smile

However I used to be hooked on "fresh prince" and "my wife and kids", they were good, if I get time now and then I do watch them..

I used to watch bollywood films before and I've cut the habit but I still sometimes listen to bollywood music :oops:

I'm cutting down on music though. My sis comes upto me and asks me to download hindi tracks for her. I fell kinda bad but I don't know what to do. Should I or should I not?....the fate of downloading music is in your hands Lol

[color=magenta]dont do that cuz is the same as handing her a knife to her so she can kill herself trust me she will appreciate it at the end my older bros n sis used to not let me do some sinful acts n altho at that moment i thot they were so mean now i am eternally thankful[/color]

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

"Angel" wrote:
I have never realy liked bollywood or hollywood movies for that matter, bollywood has same old story but now its just complete filth and nothing else. If I was to watch any hollywood movies it would be fairytale or action movies Smile

However I used to be hooked on "fresh prince" and "my wife and kids", they were good, if I get time now and then I do watch them..

Fresh prince was funny

Ive never liked Bollywood movies because they always have the same storyline which is. Boy meets girl, annoying song, boy falls in love with girl, annoying song,, boy wants to get married to girl, annoying song, girls family never approves, annoying song, They all have a big fight, everyone dies, another annoying song, boy and girl get married against all odds, another bloody annoying song.

Oh how predictable, oh and they always try to copy Hollywood films have you ever noticed.

Don't let me get started on Lollywood, for cryin out loud what planet to these people live on.

Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.

"Exquisite" wrote:
[color=magenta]dont do that cuz is the same as handing her a knife to her so she can kill herself trust me she will appreciate it at the end my older bros n sis used to not let me do some sinful acts n altho at that moment i thot they were so mean now i am eternally thankful[/color]

That's what I was thinking, guess I'll take your advice.

PS. my sis has been bugging me all day coz I didn't download some tracks for her and has been telling me that her friends bro's are safe and I'm a you know what!

What’s the big deal about Bollywood films?

Why are they so popular?

I watched some a year or so ago when Channel 4 showed them late at night.

My friend made me sit through one particularly terrible one about cricket where the brave Indians beat some arrogant British colonials at the last gasp.

It was tedious in the extreme.

Most seem to have these silly song and dance routines that have nothing to do with the plot and last for ages and ages.
50 dancers suddenly burst out from behind trees and wail for 5 minutes and then the film starts again.

It’s sad to see Indians trying to lamely imitate American MTV culture.

"latifah" wrote:
What’s the big deal about Bollywood films?

Coz it's bigger than hollywood and millions of people around the world watch it and it's a big money making business for a start.

"latifah" wrote:
My friend made me sit through one particularly terrible one about cricket where the brave Indians beat some arrogant British colonials at the last gasp.

That's Lagaan, I think that film was alrite :oops: ...at the time I watched it.

Hi Bro,

I think only people from the Indian Sub-continent watch them. (and me when I'm coerced into it)

It’s just that they are lame, even worse than the terrible American films that flood our cinemas and TVs.

Lol. I don’t understand cricket so I hated that film, it went on for agggggggessssss.

Perfect cure for insomnia.

In others i've seen the girls act like hip-hop wannabes.

Switch off.

"latifah" wrote:

50 dancers suddenly burst out from behind trees and wail for 5 minutes and then the film starts again.

It’s sad to see Indians trying to lamely imitate American MTV culture.

oh the songs last a lot longer then that at least 10 min and feel like an eternity

and Muslim bro your sis is only going to get the music from elsewhere and so i'd do it for her, hopefully she'll clock your resentment and stop by herself or at least cut down.

"latifah" wrote:
Hi Bro,

I think only people from the Indian Sub-continent watch them. (and me when I'm coerced into it)

It’s just that they are lame, even worse than the terrible American films .

Bollywood is just as popular in Mumbai as it is in Dubai, and other parts of the Middle Eastern peninsular.

Bollywood is a hidden cancer, young impressionable minds are most vulnerable trying to emulate their idols. And as for the Muslim actors and actress in bollywood they are spineless :evil: one actress defends lesbians but dear not speak out against the Hindu mob who raped sisters in Gujarat, non of the Muslim in bollywood used their status to help the oppress muslim in the state of Gujarat.

"laila" wrote:
Muslim bro your sis is only going to get the music from elsewhere and so i'd do it for her, hopefully she'll clock your resentment and stop by herself or at least cut down.

That's abit like saying, I'm going to give drugs to an addict coz I know that they'll get it somewhere else, isn't it?

If she wants to get the music from somewhere else then let it be. It is really annoying coz she plays the music on her phone and tape (she's even got it as her ringtone). She watches b4u and records the songs she likes and even loves watching wedding films coz of the songs....that's how addicted she is to songs.

By the way things are going, I think she's getting worse everyday.

Bollywood is like a disease!

"laila" wrote:

and Muslim bro your sis is only going to get the music from elsewhere and so i'd do it for her, hopefully she'll clock your resentment and stop by herself or at least cut down.

sis, il have to disagree wiv you there, even if she does get music from other means you dont wna be the one carryin the burden knwing u were the one doin for her, if she gets from other places so be it but atleast Muslim bro can be sure he aint the one aiding her, n by him not downloading the music for her is enuf for her to knw his resentment[/color]

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

"(*_Shazan" wrote:
"latifah" wrote:
Hi Bro,

I think only people from the Indian Sub-continent watch them. (and me when I'm coerced into it)

It’s just that they are lame, even worse than the terrible American films .

Bollywood is just as popular in Mumbai as it is in Dubai, and other parts of the Middle Eastern peninsular.

You sure about that ?

I've never met an Arab, Persian or Turk who has ever watched a Bollywood film.

It's an Asian ting.

"latifah" wrote:
"(*_Shazan" wrote:
"latifah" wrote:
Hi Bro,

I think only people from the Indian Sub-continent watch them. (and me when I'm coerced into it)

It’s just that they are lame, even worse than the terrible American films .

Bollywood is just as popular in Mumbai as it is in Dubai, and other parts of the Middle Eastern peninsular.

You sure about that ?

I've never met an Arab, Persian or Turk who has ever watched a Bollywood film.

It's an Asian ting.


Well I have meet plenty of them and they are just as fixated to the bollywood as the Asian are.

And it’s not a question of meeting but traveling.

As for the Turks and Persians, both nations pride themselves on their rich and historic cinematograph, I doubt any of them would praising any other film industry which isn’t based in their country.

"latifah" wrote:
"(*_Shazan" wrote:
"latifah" wrote:
Hi Bro,

I think only people from the Indian Sub-continent watch them. (and me when I'm coerced into it)

It’s just that they are lame, even worse than the terrible American films .

Bollywood is just as popular in Mumbai as it is in Dubai, and other parts of the Middle Eastern peninsular.

You sure about that ?

I've never met an Arab, Persian or Turk who has ever watched a Bollywood film.

It's an Asian ting.

lol latifah have you been to egypt? if they think your indian they'll rattle off the names of their favourite bollywood stars and ask if you've met any. :roll:

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

Were all those clips from the same movie? I guess they can't be since the first scenes were in a modern military prison and the later were with people on horses. I can't believe people are into this junk... that was like watching nazi propaganda.

Junk? You mean Bollywood as a whole? :twisted:

(Bollywood is Indian, so during the recent escalation between pakistan and India, there were quite a few propaganda films... Nothing better than an arch enemy in a film!)

Not seen the clip above though.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
Junk? You mean Bollywood as a whole? :twisted:

(Bollywood is Indian, so during the recent escalation between pakistan and India, there were quite a few propaganda films... Nothing better than an arch enemy in a film!)

Not seen the clip above though.

Well I've seen one or two Bollywood dance numbers and a movie... it was... sappy. But I meant whatever movie the above came from. It was kind of juvenile, bad acting worse writing and pathetic direction, but even with the sad cinematography (and in context of the Hindu/Muslim violence in India) you have to wonder what effect that garbage has.
