Schools are big on the “no touch” policy …I can understand where they’re coming from, but at times its ridiculous how far they go in implementing this policy.
I was working with a boy with behaviour problems…he kept on trying to run out of the school and I was forbidden to touch him, so I stood there watching him run out of the school premises.
In another instance I was working with a kid who’d get violent and hit herself and others….I had to watch, whereas instinctually I would have pinned her down (without hurting her) until she had calmed down.
In Bristol a while back a 7year old boy got his head stuck in the railings and was stuck for over an hour…Not one of staff members attempted to pull him out or even put an arm around him to reassure him.
In schools it’s even debatable these days if it’s OK for teachers to put a plaster on a child’s knee or if its better to call the parents…consoling kids by just rubbing their back or putting them on your knee is out of the question.
Of course, it’s wrong for teachers to physically discipline kids…but to avoid even showing compassion in situations when the kid is hurt is ridiculous.
I work with kids so it’s vital that my CRB is clear…that’s understandable, but what bugs me is that I have to fork out £36 each time I apply for a new job/course or register with a new agency…one CRB is not valid for all that you’re involved in… at the moment I have three CRB’s to my name, and they were all sent of at the same time.
Ironically, I also know of schools where 'difficult' children are sent for massage in an attempt to calm them down… :?
And yet despite all these OTT precautions why DO dodgy people still manage to slip through the system? ...
If that runway child was hit by a car for instance ( Allah forbid) then surly the teacher would be held reasonable for not stopping or restraining the child- a no win situation- I’m glad I’m not a teacher.
Not entirely true, that you have to fork out 36Pounds for CRB everytime you apply for a job, most employers will reimburse your costs. And Scotland disclosure are allot cheaper to obtain a CRB.
Some may, but my Uni and the last two jobs I applied to did not pay for my CRB.
Im pretty sure that most places reimburse the CRB fee?
Perhaps its a lose-lose situation for teachers but I remember once we found out this at school we used to have a right laff particularly with PE teachers :twisted: .
Wind them up propery style and one of them - Mr Lye poked my chest and I was like oy get yr hands off me! what do'u think yr doing? My man backed off and shudda seen how Pd off he was :twisted: .
But on a serious note - kids need to be discplined. My cousin studied at one darul uloom here in uk and they were having ofsted inspections. The Ustad would sit with a metre ruler for discipline and wen suddenly the ofsted inspector came round Ustad started measuring the wall with the ruler
Who says Ulama dont have a sense of humour?! Lol. MashaALLAH.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
An Imam I know lost his job and was deported back home recently for raising his hand to a naughty kid in Mosque.
Beating a child is not the only way to discipline a him/her.
I say bring back the old school style of canes. Kids these days need discipline and they're spoilt too much. I don't believe in beating the daylight out of kids but some control is needed.
I remember a teacher called Mr Thomas in primary school and he used to pull people's ears if they misbehaved so everyone behaved when he was around.
Oh man I remember my imam back in the days. He was very strict and once hit a boy so hard that he started bleeding. He's safe with me now.
hitting kids is totally the wrong way, and its a style that has been dropped across most mosques i know...thankgod
the kids grow up hating the imams
but on the subject of schools...........i was speaking to one of my teahcer mates, and he does lil kids............he says there's a limit to how much you can touch, i.e. you can, but no letting them sit on your laps
wasnt a prob in my days as a kid, but too many freaky people around these days, and dangerous peado's, you can understand the reasons.
on a side note, he also said one kid was crying (5yr olds), coz another one said, 'lets do sex' :shock:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
[color=magenta]this is such a huge issue,i was n still go to an all girls school/sixth form where we have male teachers aswell as females n a couple of us were messing around in chemistry lesson and our teacher was a male some of us started clipping things on each others scarves n he removed this clip thng from my scarf n started apologising and i was like y are u apologising like crazy for n he said he was so afraid of even patting his students cuz this days some girls call it sexual harassment n he is so afraid of that
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
Sirus, sex was a word that was and i think still is used a cuss.
I remember back in the days when I said sex to cuss someone I used to spell s-e-x and didn't say the actual word, I still don't say the actual word now :roll:
Kids nowadays griffiti their 'tag' on walls but I remember seeing the word sex griffitied on the toilet wall at primary school.
I don't think schools should discipline kids by violence, some may say a light slap should do the trick but at times teachers get carried away, so where should the line be drawn? Personally I think teachers should just punish them by not lettin them have a break etc.
As for showing compassion towards children this can again be abused like u said MS dodgy people somehow get through the system. That is the reason why such policies are put in place IMO, however some I don't agree with.
Our class in year 7 & 8 used to get detentions nearly every single day because we were the worst class in the whole school according to our headteacher, form tutor and year team leader.
That didn't do us any good, instead we had more time to mess about and to annoy the teachers. Our class was all boys and our year team leader even moved some people to different classes and that still didn't work.
When I look back I laugh at the things I did. We used to have food fights and burn dustbins (one guy even let off fireworks in the playground). I got suspended once but I'm a good boy now :twisted:
I can remember at secondary school I used to have one or two detentions a day due to lateness. (morning and lunch. was not into skiving).
I would miss the school bus home, and have to catch the normal bus.
It continued til I changed school, where it just became accepted as my way.
Since then I have always been late. The jhobs I have managed to get since uni I have been late to the interiews for. The ones where I was early or on time, I never got.
Now getting to the point, I think detentions are mean. counterproductive.
Muslim Bro, I got suspended twice! (noone really knows about this. My mum only knows about one...) abd I was a 'good boy' at school. But as kids, accidents happen.
I think there should be some fear of teachers. If its fear of violence, then so be it. However the issue with voilence is, once you get beats, its no longer something to be feared.
But being totally hands off is counter productive. Should be allowed to prod, push as needed. IMO.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
my cousin was telling me that in mosque the imam told him to get a big stick
the cousin assumed that stick was to beat up some other kid in the class so he climbed a tree and broke off the biggest tree branch he could find
that same tree branch was used to beat HIM up :twisted:
some other guy i know blames his crap life and depression etc due to the beats he got from the teachers as a kid
i think its just an excuse
Not in all cases some molvis use to bully some kids, thats not right, why beat a kid up, fair enough hit him on his back and tell him off if he does wrong. But to get a massive stick and beat the poor kid into submission is messed up and child cruelty.
If any molvi hits my child unfairy i'l beat him up fairly, straight up.
In Islam its wrong to hit on the face or when there back is turned against you, or to violently beat the crap out of someone. Alot of molvis do this.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
If I was your cousin I would have got the smallest branch I could find....He deserves it for getting the biggest branch :twisted: