I dnt knw islamically how correct this issue is - there are strong arguments on all sides in regards to it but in our indo-pak culture some people are believed to have some special sense or some ability about the future.
Theres a person I knw.
Since he was little he got feelings and dreams that sooner rather than later come true and it freaks his relatives/friends out. When he was about 7 his maternal grandmother rahmatullahi ta'ala alayha passed away. The night before he had a dream and told his mother and grandmother that Nani is gonna die tomorrow.
Thats the first time and its happened on a number of occasions after - particularly in regards to death but other things aswell where he gets some feeling. The latest one was last eid - when he was sitting with his relatives and just out of the blue and completely randomly he goes koi marney waala hai. Room goes quiet, his mother and aunts look at each other nervously and lets just say that put a downer on the day.
How far do we believe in such feelings and such things - and whats the explanation if they keep coming true?
About this person in urdu they say he has a kaali zubaan/black tongue which means that wen he utters something it has a nasty habit of happening.
Religiously we believe Ilmul Ghayb is with ALLAH alone and that psychics and fortunetellers are false but at the same time we knw that some dreams and some whispers from the angels are given to believers to forewarn them or prepare them for a calamity that is about to happen. For further reference I am mentioning to the effect what Mufti Abu Bakr Siddiq Sahib has mentioned on the TV.
So what do u think? Is it just coincidence, is it mind games and tricks or is there some truth behind such premonitions?
what does premonitions mean?
but i dont think its neccessarily ilm e ghayb.........could be jinn's/demons/supernatural/similar stuff
whats his success rate? i mean, how often has he been right compared to wrong?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
He doesnt get it much - probably 10 times and 10 outta 10. We aint talking that he wakes up and says Fulan Chawdhry is gonna eat a bag of chips and drink rubicon mango today - it tends to be abt someone dying or som1 going seriously in the wrong direction.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
According to Shaykh Humza Yusuf some people are blessed with “firasa” - the intuitive ability to see in people signs of goodness or evil. The Prophet
had this ability and said that believers have it also, but to a lesser degree..
Sometimes certain people are nearly always right with a certain feeling they have about something…If it is not ones habit to have such bad foreboding feelings but finds themselves with a bad feeling about a situation or a person, then it is prudent to listen to the heart…this is known as “discernment” (firasa) and is an angelic agent that attempts to protect us from some imminent harm.
I don’t believe in “Kali Zaban” as nothing happens without the permission of Allah (swt) however, I do believe that some people are able to make accurate premonitions.
But isnt firaasah with the Pious Servants of ALLAH? I dont think this brother is particularly pious.
Im aware of kashf and ilhaam and firaasah but was under the impression that for such abilities the person should be pure and obedient to ALLAH? Or is this not based on qurbat to ALLAH and is just something that some people have?
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
I believe that pious people are more likely to be blessed with the gift of Firasa...however, it is possible for non religious people to be blessed with this gift as well.....as shown in the they way non Muslims in the past just had to look at the face of the Holy Prophet
and would claim that "his face isnt the face of a liar" and would accept Islam.
But you're forgetting something.
Theres two sides to every coin.
The powers of the darkside are a pathway to many abilities, some considered un-natural.
Back in BLACK
didnt have u down as the superstitious type
Back in BLACK