Islamic Leisure Presents
17th September 2006
This event has been booked exclusively for our brothers and sisters by Islamic Leisure and will be held on Sunday 17th September. We have arranged with Alton towers to ensure no music, gambling or alcohol is allowed on the day as well as segregated adult ride areas, halal food stalls & designated prayer areas. We hope this day will live up to all your expectations and be a part of your happy memories for years to come.
Tickets are currently on sale. For those of you living in London you can either get them from me (please! I need to get them sold, help a brother out! e-mail me at or call me on 07931 477 758) or alternatively book online at the Islamic Leisure website:
You can also buy over the phone. As well as seperate adult and child tickets, there will also be special family ticket deals at discounted rates. Please check the website for details inshaAllah. Also there will be coaches leaving on the day from London, Luton, Manchester and Birmingham. To find out coach ticket price and to book again check the website inshaAllah.
Please pass this message on through e-mail and word of mouth to all your friends and family. This is a first time, unique opportunity and needs to be a success if it is to happen again in the future inshaAllah. Get your tickets today, don't miss it!!
Islamic leisure Ltd is an up and coming leisure provider in the UK focusing on the needs of the Muslim community. Many of the leisure facilities in the UK are unsuitable for Muslim use due to the presence of alcohol, music & gambling onsite to name just a few of the Muslims concerns. We at Islamic leisure aim to liaise with existing leisure providers and arrange environments that are conducive to Islamic regulations whilst retaining the 'fun factor'. The ultimate aim is to fill the void in the arena of Halal leisure for Muslims.
0871 873 2939
Anyone considering going?
Thats interesting.... thats vvvvveeerrrryyyy interesting......................
Back in BLACK
i dont understand why muslims need to go seperately
coz we're special.
Back in BLACK
I don't advocate intermixing but is it intermixing if you sit in a ride with your husband or blood brother/sister and next to you there's another couple sitting in their own compartment? I don't see how that is intermixing. If that's mixing then we may aswell lock our doors and not walk the streets?
So on that basis I don't see why the rides are being segregated most muslims will sit with their mates, spouses or other mahrams.
So if i go on this trip with my husband i guess i won't be able to get on a ride with my hubby coz he'll have to go to the mens section and I to the womens? What joy it will be to sit alone and scream :roll:
It's obviously been made a muslim only event so that sisters and brothers can attend without feeling they're compromising aspects of their faith. However is it haram or makruh, to visit a theme park coz non muslims are there? If you're taking precautions as far as hijab, making prayers, staying out of the gambling and drinking areas?
I've not been to a theme park for yrs now, they no longer have the same buzz that i got when i was younger. The adrenaline rush has gone, i don't even scream on rollercoasters. Besides health and safety not wise to go on rides with niqabs on, when you're upside down the face will be exposed. Fabric could get caught on the ride etc etc.
yeh i dont get it either :?
i'd rather just go anyother day with my sisters-i dont see whats the big deal
when i last went i remember being sickened by the stench of beer so i'm not so averse to the idea of an alcohol-free environment.
as for segregation, surely they wont segregate family members? :? sounds like one of those things which ends up not being implemented on the day coz its too complicated.
thats weird-i dont remember any smell of alcohol on my day trips to alton towers
muslims are terrible at organisation-i cant see this working
I remember the smell of donkey poo at Weston-super-Mare as if it was yesterday.
lol :roll:
correction: [i]desis[/i] are terrible at organisation (moreso punctuality) - as long as its a diverse group of muslims organising the event, inshaAllah it'll go fine.
[color=indigo]Wasnt this a hoax? Has ne1 contacted alton towers to see if its for real :?[/color]
' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}
:? well maybe you shouldnt have smelt so hard
or maybe you just stepped on some and havent realised 

bro check under your shoe
sis way to go with that positive attitude :roll:
yeah i cant really remember the smell of alcohol aswell but i do remember seeing people drink alcohol and i also remember seeing alot of people walking around half-naked, people kissing, guys going around chatting up girls, a few rows and arguments between people , and no halal food or any decent food for muslims - hardly a good environment for practicing muslims is it :?:
I welcome the idea be it hoax or not :? and more things like this should be done as long as its not so strict that the element of fun is taking out of it, i dont see the need for boys and girls to be segregated especially among families , after all its not hajj is it
, if it allows muslims to have fun and enjoy themselves in a nice halal environment , then its all good 
No, it isn't a hoax.
Some blogger got the wrong end of the stick.
But he accepts now that it is real.
i've never been Alton towers, but been drayton manor more than 12 times lol. i;ve been told alton towers is a lot bigger and the lines for the rides are too long. At drayton it's smaller you get on everything quicker and have a better time all round. So i've never been.
As far as drayton manor goes i can't remember ppl drinking alcohol. Most folks have cold drinks, ice lollies and ice cream.
Girlfriends and boyfriends..yeah saw that, half clad ppl yeah but that's to be seen in everyday life anyways, it's not just in theme parks :? It's summer what can you see right now?
[color=indigo]okay. Thanks Beast[/color]
' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}
I like blackpool better than alton towers.......pepsi max is awesome
and i de-railed the log flume, cuased our flume to overflow with water, and the ride to be shut for the rest of the day, was hilarious....didnt dry till next day
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
i use to like Blackpool but because i live about 50 miles away from it, im kind of sick of it now ive lost count of how many times ive been.
When i passed my driving a few years ago i use to go with my friends nearly everyday. Ive been on everything there the only few things i havnt done there is done the bungee jump and hired a plane out.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
you love closer so naturally you would go a lot
i only went 1st tym last year, and 2nd time this year....but went on pepsi max 5 times....ps2/ice blast once.........and too scared to go in spin doctor
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Out of all the rides i use to love going on the beach and looking at the sea.
When the tide comes in and beach is flooded we use to go down the stairs that connects to the beach where we were like yards away from the crashing waves and we use to dare each other to stand at the bottom stair case and try to dodge the waves. Silly yes i know. Sometimes we'd park the car near that big casino and when it was windy day we'd park near the barrier and the waves would go over our car lol i know what youre thinking this guys crazy. The next morning my car would all be white from the salt and i'd dip my chips into it lol.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
wen i went, the sea never came that far up!
and the beach isnt that clean :?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I know the sea isnt that clean too. i kind of have a phobia against oceans and sea's maybe coz i aint much of a good swimmer. I blame the movie Jaws for scaring the living day light out of me of the sea. When i was a kid i use to be scared of having a bath beacuse everythime i would jump in the shower i would just think of that scary lookin fish bit big teeth coming for me. i was that scared of water that i would be reluctant to sit on the toilet fearing that the shark will jump out of the toilet and bite my ass. Lol the things you get scared of when youre a kid.
I'm allright now ive even been in the sea had a little swim but in the back of my mind all i could hear was that jaws music lol.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
you still think about the sharks tho i bet?
i cant swim, something to do with a fear of drowning the most i do is walk in the water
and i watched blue peter once, and they said about the spiders who climb out of your tiolet and poison you in Australia.......that always used to scare me lol
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Lol thank God were not in Australia then. I heard a n alligator came out of a toilet once in Australia. I'd make sure i'd have some kind of barrier protecting me.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
Autralia was one of the countries I was dying to visit but after finding out it has the ten most deadliest creatures I decided against it..
I like theme parks but I dont really like the scary rides coz I am scared incase somethin goes wrong....
i love scary rides like Nemisis, Oblivion, thunder looper in Alton towers and Pepsi max in Blackpool.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
i went to port aventura just outside barcelona last week.....and it has the biggest ride in Europe............Dragon Khan
Eight 360 degree loops :shock: :shock:
altho im kind gutted i never went on it, it was tooooooo daunting and the length of the qeue help make up my mind
brought the souvenirs tho lol
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Will it be okay to sell things from youre own stall like islamic clothes, books etc.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
are you not worried this will segregate Muslims and non-muslims further by not allowing them to come on the same day?
I have already seen negative comments on other forums becuz non-muslims are told when they are booking they are not allowed on the same day.
does anyone feel very strongly about having a muslim only event in a non-muslim theme park?
its a bit pointless
whats wrong with taking muslims on a normal day
whats next.....have a muslims only shopping day
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.