this thread is to whine and moan about all that we are denied in life
most students are poor and in debt and its unrealistic to expect parents to fund our extravagent lifestyle.
feel free to contribute-
Mr Snobby needn't reply to this thread :twisted:
You know ur poor when...
1-u use ur expensive purfume and moisteriser sparingly cos u know u wont be able to replace it when it finishes
2-u check behind the cushions for loose change for the bus
3-u get into the lamo Boots points system
4-u quietly eat what ur mum puts in front of u knowing that take away is not an option
5-u lose weight cos u cant afford to eat fatty take away food
6-u secretly buy clothes from cheap shops
7-ur embrassed at the amount of loose change (mainly penny's) that u drop in the mosque collection box
8-u refill ur mineral water bottle with plain water
add ur own
I'm a King without a crown and I can sleep anywhere!
9 - You cash in your penny box at the bank.
Poverty in itself is a HUGE test from Allah keep ur Imaan steadfast and continue praising Allah for that which you have and so many of us would be able to remain steadfast if we were living on the streets and never knew when our next meal would come and so on ..I’ve met some VERY VERY good pious Muslims their MashaAllah with beautiful Akhlaaq and in a LOT of poverty.:arrow:
Al-Bukhari, 74:1794: Narrated Haritha bin Wahb Al Khuzai (may Allah be pleased with him) [b]I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saying, "May I tell you of the people of Paradise? Every weak and poor obscure person whom the people look down upon but if he takes an oath to do something, his oath is fulfilled by Allah. And may I inform you of the people of the Hellfire? They are all those violent, arrogant and stubborn people."[/b]
ok here comes the list:
You know ur poor when..
10 - You don't go out to eat coz you can't afford it
11- People mention your b'day, you say i don't need anything just give me money
12- You dont go shopping incase your tempted to buy something
13- You can't afford ice cream from the ice cream van :evil:
14- You are thinkin of getting an overdraft from your bank
15- You're annoyed coz you dont want to ask people who owe u money to give it back coz you feel bad asking
16 - You ask dad for money relunctantly
17 - You're depressed coz life sucks without money!
After looking at Shazan's post, Allah (swt) has given us a lot and I am extremely thankful for that, thanks for the reminder :oops:
Picking up on Shazans post - those with the smallest wallets have the biggest hearts in my experience.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
You are poor when:
* You cannot afford to go to work.
Or philosphically speaking, you are poor when:
* You can not trust your friends.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
A good lecture by Moulana Sulaiman Moola
Scroll down and listen to: Youth & Depression
Is that a hint?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
No- I dont do hints very well
, I'm interesting to know what you are suggestion?
The bayaan covers the topic of poverty very well.
Insha'Allah listen to it- and give me some feedback.......
Richness is found in contentment…
Many people go through “poor and rich” periods in life. Poverty is one of the things that the son of Adam will be tested with…
We had a very poor childhood....I wouldn’t consider myself “poor” at the moment as my necessities are taken care of by my parents….but I do miss spending money….
Ever since I quit work I am “poorer” then I used to be because now I have to…
1-Ask mum to make me a pack lunch to take to Uni cos I can’t afford to eat in the canteen.
2-I suddenly have the time and patience to sit and contribute to the tedious “how to improve the food in the canteen” University surveys as I know I’ll get £20-30 out of it…
3-I’ve already started saving up for a winter coat.
4-I sit at home more cos going out costs money.
5-I fill up my tank with petrol £5 at a time…
6-I’m seriously considering taking my old job back willing to overlook all the stress they put me through…
7-I no longer look forward to friends/family B’day’s…
8-You keep you eye on a some dress/shoes for weeks hoping that when the price comes down you'll buy it...but you wait to long and it gets sold out.
One thing I do enjoy about not having money is that I’m more relaxed…. I’m at home more ever since I’ve quit work, I’m studying more, I have more time to properly prepare for my classes…and now on my days off I’m getting up late and have the time to take baby sis to the park which I couldn’t do when I was working.
:roll: That is a nice thing to say to console a poor person or oneself but I don't share that experience as a rule. I have known wonderful people who live in poverty and very nasty rich people for sure, but also very nasty poor people and wonderful rich people, and any number of in-betweens and combinations, let alone what I cannot judge. Snobbishness towards the rich is as nasty and plain foolish as any snobbishness.
Have fun but personally I will not be showing off evidences of my poverty on this thread. It is something to endure or overcome, and there are better things to laugh about. I know I'm poor when I don't help people worse off than me.
[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]
take a chill pill Mr Grumpy
being poor makes me laugh because it means being stingy and looking under the sofa's for loose change-which is funny
that cos i dont take money serioulsy
i'm not laughing AT poor people-i'm laughing at how I act when i'm poor
I'm not grumpy, I just wanted to say it. The football is on.
[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]
Stingyness has nothing to do with how much money you have. Neither does generosity. Its about how much heart you got.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
not really
when I have money I can often say "its on me" when I'm poor i cant say such stuff
when i have money i can say to baby sis pick up whatevr u want frm the shop
when i'm poor i have to say stuff like "not more then 30p"
thats being stingy due to circumstances
when your as poor as i currently am, you cant even afford to waste time
i'm way too reckless with money...dont like the thing, so i try to get rid of it in one go
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Darn right i use it sparingly, my excuse is you don't need much anyway. Expensive perfumes are pretty strong in smell. My moisturiser is expensive but it's a large bottle and it lasts a few months, so it's well worth the money.
Things haven't got that bad yet...
Yep but it's not lame! In return i get a lot of money stashed up on the card, and recently i've got free magazines and other products aherm, saved me having to buy them:). Last amount i accumulated was 20 quid, comes in handy
don't need to lose weight yet but when i do it'll be coz i wana look nice, and don't wana die from the fat.
I openly buy clothes from cheap shops so long as the quality is good! If the quality isn't there i opt for the expensive stuff, that's being wise!
We've always had penny jars and bottles in our house. All the loose change is emptied out once a week for the mosque, or doorstep collectors. It's a great way of getting all the family to chip in for charitable causes on a "regular" basis. Good routine for kids in particular
You'd be surprised how many pounds pennies can make!
Darn right only a loony would pay for water when they're paying for perfectly clean water to run through their taps! I always refill bottles not ashamed to say so!
Only time i get mineral water is if i eat out, only coz i fear contamination..ocd lol.
All the above doesn't mean i'm poor, it means i'm being wise, and economical with my money not wasteful
...Catching the bus instead of the train even though it means it’ll take twice as long to get home…but it’ll be a lot cheaper.
hmm now there's a difference, catching a train here is cheaper than a bus....
if i wanted a return to oxford street on the tube it cost me about £5.40/90
if i was to catch the bus on a oyster card to oxford street it'd cost me just 80p to get there and 80p back
and if u buy a train ticket before 9.30am it costs about £8/9 :evil:
That is bloody crazy, no wonder taking the long journey on the bus while you're skint is the better pay 5 times more on a train! :shock:
I got an interview with Lloyds 2moro, thing is they are gona start their training in 2nd week of August, I really wanted a job more quicker than that! I hope I get the job inshallah.
good luck girl
Lloyds is a good bank-very professional-better then stupid Natwest
i'm gonna get a job in a bank when i graduate too
Thanks, will need it (just finished filling in the application form which was 10 pages long!)
I have worked for Lloyds before, its a good place to work in even though it has grumpy people who work within Lloyds ie the branch employees)
It's an inbound telemarketing position (no getting away from sales I guess) but pay rate of 7.20 p/h plus benefits/bonuses sounds no bad.
In regards to topic:
You know when you're poor when:
Your hair starts falling out with stress over no money (it could be possible!)
[b]Allahs Mountain- The battle for Chechnya, [/b]
Sebastian Smith-
[b]THE JIGSAW, PAGE 27[/b]
I once stayed several nights onthe floor of a school in Ingushetia witha family of Chechens refugees whose entire village , Bamut, had been destroyed. When I tried to give them $100 before leaving they firmly refused. 'It's not done here', Movladi said. This was a man whose house and belongings had been burnt to the ground, whose brother had been killed by helicopter rocket, and who escaped with nothing but his family, a few bundles of clothing and his tractor. Each day he made sure that I was fed and had a space to sleep and work. Only on my last day did I notice the blue and white tin cans said 'Humanitarian Aid corned beef'. Chechens are a proud people. For a Chechen to give his guest humanitarian aid from a tin, he had to be really really poor. So when he refused the money, I wrapped a $100 bill into a note saying "I'm sorry if it offends you, but I insist ...
Allahu Akbar! That story is touching. Makes me feel bad for having all the luxuries that I do and there's Brothers n sistersout there with pretty much nuthing n we still have the audacity to sit and complain!
I want to become a better Muslim by following the Prophet's (pbuh) sunna. I wish to further my knowledge on Islam and put it into practice in my daily life. And if I can be of any help/guidence then always willing to oblige.
hi shazan
Hello double standards :roll: :roll:
I didn’t come back to…Actually I’m not really here to
bring you any pleasure, just here to remove my story……….Good
I hope you have best of health and spirit, however reading your comment you haven’t exactly changed much (neither have I) unless you've lost some weight.
Try not to miss me too much