Hi iv'e just a few questions on my mind.
If i have a shower or a bath do i still need to perform wudhu inorder to read salaat or the Quraan.
When i mean shower i mean cleaning the whole part of oneself.
After a shower do i still have to perform wudhu in the tradition sense.
Or is having a shower the same as perrforming wudhu, as the same parts of the body cleaned in wudu are also cleansed when you have a shower?
Is it neccessary to wear a hat when reading salaat. When i was at uni i use to go to a predominaly arab masjid in Manachester. I noticed none of them had hats an whilst performing salaat and when i asked one of them he said it is not really neccessary to wear a hat whilst performing salaat, is this true?
When i read salaat i fold up my flairs up at the bottom of my jeans because this is the part that always touches my shoes.
But once when i folded them up i had socks on and my cousin said to me theres no point folding you're jeans up if you have socks on. This is because the point of folding you're jeans up is to keep them above youre ankle and by wearing socks you are not keeping you're ankles bare, is this true?
Please can you answer these questions, thank's.
1. Your first question is regarding the need to do wudhu again after having showered. If you have performed a full shower then that is valid and there is no need to perform another wudhu after it for salaah. But the correct manner of bathing is to first perform wudhu, then to proceed to bathing the whole body -starting on the right hand side. A basic kitab of hanafi fiqh will explain this.
2. Your second question is regarding the wearing of a hat. According to our Ulama the salaah WILL be valid without covering the head but this is khilaaf e sunnat or contrary to the sunnah. The ulama explain that salaah has some etiquettes and one of them is that we dress in a way that pleases our Lord - adopting sunnah clothing is among the etiquette. It is best to wear islamic attire when praying.
3. Your third and final question is regarding folding of jeans.
The Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam has commanded for men that their lower garment does not exceed the ankle, in another place Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam has forbidden the folding up of clothing. The actions exhibited are not good - make an effort to have your trousers cut to the required length as it is forbidden to turn them up, and it is also forbidden to leave them flowing.
In regards to socks - wearing them bears nothing on the ruling and makes no difference. The trousers/lower garment must not exceed the ankle length for men.
For further clarification I advise you consult with your ulama bruv.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Thanks fo your reply bro, its been very helpful.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
Your welcome brov. Yr 25 bruv?! I thought you were a lot younger for some reason
And I see your from Burnley Shareef
. Hows it up north?
mashaALLAH you've got ulama by the tons in and around your area (bury, blackburn,lancaster,oldhametc) - you shouldnt have a problem in religious questions innit.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Q. Does ghusl also count as wudu?
A. If the ghusl is merely recommended, such as the Friday bath, it does not count as wudu, because performing wudu for prayer is obligatory while the Friday bath is recommended and the recommended does not alleviate the need for the obligatory.
As for if the ghusl is obligatory, such as bathing due to post-sexual impurity, it alleviates the need for wudu on the condition that nothing invalidate the wudu during it, such as touching the private parts or something exiting them. So if one wants to suffice oneself with an obligatory ghusl in place of wudu, one first washes the private parts with the intention of lifting ritual impurity from them and then intends to lift ritual impurity from the rest of one's body.
Q. Is it neccessary to wear a hat when reading salaat?
A. It is recommended to cover one’s head in prayer, and somewhat disliked (makruh tanzihan) not so do so without excuse. However, not covering one’s head is not sinful or blameworthy.
As for the folding up of the jeans while in prayer, I think what med has said is correct that one should keep their clothing above their ankles even if they're wearing socks.
Muslim Bro - can you provide a link please bruv.![Smile](https://www.therevival.co.uk/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Praying without cap/tupi:
Does ghusl include wudu:
I c. thank you.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
lol i think im the oldest in here, i hope not instead of saying 25 years old like most people, i rather say 25 years young lol.
Yep im from Brun Lea (Burnley), its okay but too many racist goray do my head in it never use to be this bad before the riots, i live in a gora area so its worse.
The other day i was painting my wall outside and it was a really hot day. I was thinking to myself that i suppose Burnley is not that bad for racism. Suddenly on thinking that 5 white boys walked around the corner. It was as if fate was having a laugh at my expense.
As soon as they came closer one of them (the ginger one) says "hey thats a nice job" and i smiled and laughed it off.
Looking back at the wall that i was painting i felt this cold liquid splash on my neck and i instantly turned around only to find the ginger gora smiling back at me.
He had spilt some of the beer he was drinking on me. Then as he turned around the corner i heard him trying to immitate an indian accent and his friends started laughing.
I felt like running in my house grabbing a stick and wrapping it around his ginger head, but i thought to myself i will only make things worse and they also know where i live.
Best thing to do is forget and move on.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
Bruv - if u get any trouble call me. White trash like that dont learn any lesson by letting them go. I need to vent some anger and frustration as it is. Last time I had a fight was a while back at uni - but have had encounters every now and then.
I used to get comments and laffs before cos I used to walk with my head down wen in white areas- I thought if you mind yr own business they'll mind theirs but it aint like that. Now I walk with head up and make eyecontact with any1 n evry1 - they dont say jack wen u be like that. Seriously ALLAH has put immense power in the sunnah beard and sunnah libaas - it naturally pours fear into the heart of kuffar.alhamdulillah.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Med.... dont encourage him towards violence whats the matter with you?
Kas racism exists in every society and a few idiots will try it on. The best thing is to avoid a confrontation with them if possible. You should only resort to physical violence in self defense and only when it is absolutely necessary.
Violence only call for more violence. You beat them with your fists, they will come back with a knife, you beat them with a knife they will come back with a gun and if you beat them with a gun they shall chase you for the rest of your life until either you're dead or they are. The best thing to do is break the circle of violence by not contributing to it.
And one should not vent their anger in such a way as any action made whilst angry is likely to be the wrong action.
Back in BLACK
I hardly think my words are going to have that big an effect on a 25 year YOUNG brother.
But yr looking at worse case scenario seraph bruv and its unlikely that would happen. Show people that yr not to be messed with and they soon behave themselves.
Thats what us lot do - be polite and wellmannerred to an extent - and ignore for a while but theres a limit and once crossed then . . .
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
One should not live in fear for that is no life at all.
But one should not also go looking for trouble.
Live and let live, do the better of the two goods and the lesser of the two evils.
Back in BLACK
i understand i rather avoid confrontation, not that im scared but i have to live there with my family.
I pray to Allah to protect me my family and the ummah inshallah.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
Yes you are right too bro, you should never live in fear, sometimes you have to fight to protect yourself. If they attack me i will fight but if they shout hurling abuse at me then i will turn the other cheek like out prophet did may peace and blessings be upon him, his family and the ummah.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
Assalaam alaikum Kas,
Sorry for going off topic, but you have right to defend yourself, but don’t transgress first
Our Parents generation had to turn the check to often- a shame we dont have their sabr.
Why should we have to?
Sabr is a beautiful thing but there is a limit to it - as with all things. If NF types wanna pick fights for random reasons then I dont see why we should back away. In Kas case I understand - they knw where he lives but generally ppl like that only spk one language and they only understand one language - and I aint on abt english.
Taxi relatives come out with funny stories and so do restaurant workers. My dad used to have a restaurant back in the day and all of us have worked in it for a period. My cousins and uncles used to tell us bare stories abt it - there was a pub three doors away and the drunks from their thought they'd cause trouble for the pakis - bad idea :twisted:
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
how did the Prophet (s.a.w) react to the violence of the non-muslims in Makkah?
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
At different times Sayyidina Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam behaved in different ways. On the most part Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam continued with da'wat and tableegh and ignored their abuse.
I wasnt saying it from a religious point of view - I was saying it generally.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
You don’t have to tell me about NF or the BNP (or any other faction for that matter)- my area was there spiritual homeland, and now there pubs have become our Masjids- they were defeated without ever raising a fist!
Salaam bro and to everyone else
i'l tell you straight bro
im a laid back guy who doesnt go out causing trouble or picking fights i think the only time i had a fight was when a gora called me a black b*s*a*rd for no reason what so ever, again near my house. I totally lost it so i ran over to him and give him the beating of his life and it felt good, coz i teached the racist scum a lesson not to call people names and i hope he learnt from it.
Ive been beat up ouyside my house, 10 goray jumped me savagely in ramadaan i rememeber it was laitul qadr the night of power. I still got up and walked to my house.
When i was young older white people use to pick on me and my friends and goray like even 5-6 years older then us would hit us again for no reason.
In the Burnley riots my uncles house and shop was burnt with them inside it, they had to run for their lives out of the burning house with larger good for nothing louts chasing them. Also my other uncles house got broken into but thank god they could defend themselves.
After all this i could easily turn around and just be like them.
But islam has taught me to be just and turn the other cheek, coz they might jump me today but Allah S.W.T watches all and there is a day of judgment where their wrong doings and mine will be judged accordingly.
I hate violence but i will defend myself like you said.
Lol sorry for going on one i just thought i'd share my experience with you and everyone else.
In Islam all men are equal, something racist scum bags cannot realise no matter what their colour is.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.