Since I am working on a (yes another...) major reworking of the site, I thought it would be right to discuss the site, and find out what problems USERS face when they see it. You lot.
I need to know what works, what does not. WHat can be improved, what cannot.
I have some fair idea's, but they may be diferent, or non-essential in your lots minds.
1. The 'featured' is not really working. It does show a featured item, but it forces the viewer to ignore updates that are not 'featured'. Articles just added to the lists are IMO ignored. I myself have problems checking them out. They are hidden in plain site.
2. Forums are not 'hidden', but not obvious either. The list style to blame again IMO...
3. Two diferent themes are used for the site, and a third one for the forums. No consistency. Diferent sections stick to diferent screen rules.
SO do you agree with these issues? think they are minor? do you have other issues?
Just let rip. No need to be polite. I can handle the criticism
You need to change the layout again.
The colours and the boxes are too simplistic. A child could have put it together like that.
I like the [url=]Radical Middleway[/url] site. It's similar to Revival but a few steps more complex. It's got alot of info with a better layout, design.
I just wanna say that there should be more emoticons so we can express ourselves better and use less words.
My hands hurt as I have to write so much, writing this line is a mission lol
I was contemplating getting rid of emoticons altogether!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Are the emoticons taking up too much space in your server or something...
I love them...don't take them away
no they are taking next to no space.
It was just something I put some thought to, with no action actually planned.
On another note, is the current separation of content working? the separation of news from articles?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
[url=]This is my suggestion as to how you could re-work the Radical Middleway site.[/url]
I think you'll find it gives appropriate space and position to all aspects of the site.
What d'ya think?
The only prob is that Ed will be extremely unhappy with the lack of multiple sections of everything... He likes the info overload for some reason.
The space for past issues is too small though.
(besides that site is too professional!)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Hi ma'shallah this is a good website but i personally feel a few things need to be added to make it better.
There needs to be an option where i can access my inbox where i can see the posts and threads that i have made. So for example if i need to see a post or thread i made lets say 4 weeks back i can find it.
There needs to be an option where i can click on 'new posts' that will allow me to view all the new posts that have been made, instead of old ones that are still lingering about.
There needs to be a calander where all important dates are recorded on so when they occur on that particular date people will know about it. For example birthdays, Eid etc. Once its someones birthday there should be some text dispalyed so users know whose birthday it is.
There needs to be a quick links icon (shortcut icons). So when i click quick links a scroll bar comes down where i can see options that will guide me to a certain link such as edit profile, edit signature etc. Instead of going the long way around.
Where i can input a signature there should be options where i can add a specific style of writing i.e times new roman and an option to add colour to the text. Also an option to add a little image within the signature.
Where the revival forums index is there should be more variety of discussion forums where i can choose from instead of just general, announcement. How about added index's such as serious discussion, an image gallery where people can upload pictures for others to see, a fitness and health forum, suggestions and questions forum where people can suggest things and ask private questions.
It should display how many people are viewing any particular forum. For example 2 viewing the general chat, 1 viewing serious discussion etc. This should be displayed on the index next to the forum title.
The forum index should have some relevant images to make it look more attractive. For example a picture of a masjid, scenery, some arabic writing etc.
You should allow some companies to use space on your website to advertise specific items such as black seed oil, shalwar kameez, hijabs, books etc.
This will generate more users to come and view your website and the profit made can be distributed to the website or charities.
The latest subjects discussed in the forums should be displayed on the revivals front page. So when people access you're website and are on the front page they can see whats being discussed in the forums. This will advertise your forum and make people aware that the forums is alive with interesting debates which will intice people to come and join the forums.
I hope i have been a great help to you and please forgive me if i have gone over something which you already have on the website.
Don't hesitate to contact me furthur for more ideas.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
Thanks for the input.
Eventually I will allow advertising. Once I get evverything else right. Not willing to mess around with people who may fund us, and if I am making major changes when we have adverts on here, it could leave a sour taste...
as for more forum topics, I think that is a bad idea. I like simplicity. and I find other forums too complex. Where do I post first?#
Besides we DO have some hidden sections. A guys only, a sisters only, an Editorial team section. But they are hidden to make it look simple overall.
That being said, I am gonna redo the site. I have deleted the old test location, and as soon as I have something that looks like it can be worked on, I will show it here.
Just a heads up for everyone, that soon I may move the forums over. Not because its time, but for some stress testing, so that if things go wrong its best when I can fix it easily. If I cna get a decent look ready, I may do that tomorrow. If not, later.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Admin have you lost it?! You can't NOT have emoticons!!
Think about it when i want to do this :roll: it would look very dull and borin by typin this *rolls eyes*, you get me?
Dont take these emoticons away please.
Thing is there are only about three emoticons here that are any good.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Well get a better package then...however these ones are good: :shock: :?
:evil: :twisted: :roll: 
Admin: you should add these Arabic words to Emoticons:
Alhamdulilah :
Walaikum Assalaam warahmatullah wabarakatuhu:
Sal allahu aleihi wasallam
Jazak'Allah Khir
yeah thats a good idea
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
'course it is a good idea. Was gonna do it a year ago. Never got around to it!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Another idea just sprung to mind.
When you place the cursor over the text of the discussion in the topics section an information bar should pop up that tells you what the question of the subject is. For eample if ive created a topic called "what do you people think" the users are not going to know what the questions is only if they click on the page where it is revealed. But instead if they run the cursor over the text an information bar will come up with the information such as the question which would otherwise have to be seen by clicking on the text. Rather it should be displayed when i run the cursor over the text. Like if i run the cursor over a smilie emoticons it will reveal that it is a smilie emotion by an information bar comin up stating the word "smilie".
This way it is more user friendly.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
So admin you gonna remove the emoticons or add abit more to the collection we already have?
Hold your horses there Muslim Bro.
I need to get the main details right before I carry put the revolution. and then i can messa round with the incidentals.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Muslim Bro our Admin is very slow (it's his old age, give him time all will be good) how long is this gona take admin and when are we moving forums, we are moving soon right, you said?
It all depends on when I am happy with the new look. I am working on it right now as I speak.
Once I get the look and feel right, I will push the forums across first for some serious stress testing. If all goes well, the site will also be moved over, slowly but surely.
And why am I being insulted about me old age? It may hurt my feelings, and make me senile!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
:shock: So it is true...I'm not gonna say anything
Ok admin you can take as long as you want, I understand (Angel
Admin we're only kidding...surely you can take a joke :twisted:
Admin nothing hurts your feelings, your soo insensitive!! (ouch)
I want a timescale, when do we move?
Also i think when we move you should let all other members know via email that we are moving.
So does that mean we're actually moving to another we have to register again?
Last time we had to yup!
No need to register again. No need to change url's. (well originally while 'testing' we may need to as I would npot like to delete the old forum til the new ones are nown to be working properly!)
No need to send email, apart from for advertising purrposes 'We are still alive'.
The posts will also be taken across.
As for timing, I may get somethign done by the end of the day to have a look at.
Forums look-wise will be quite good IMO. I am trying to look more like the old proboards forums this time around. The front page is starting to look good.
Needless to say there will be some changes. SOme features will eb missing, while there will be others that are not available here.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I agree..
[size=9]only looks professional, but done in joomla..[/size]
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
the forum is way too slow
its bugging me as i have an ultra fast internet
sort it out
lol what is he The Wizard of Oz?
Problems with the forum can be anywhere from the servers to the software to your ISP or your computer.
Admin does his job... give him a break not like he gets paid for this.
Back in BLACK
if he doesnt sort it out-who will?
Im sure he'll get around to it, but like i said before the problem could be in a number of places, but it seems to be working fine for me. Perhaps its just your computer.
Back in BLACK