This article is by members of the US military regarding Shamil Basayev.
This guys is meant to be one of the biggest terrorists in the world and he is admired members of the US military!
He's even compared to William Wallace from Braveheart
Needless to say the Yanks have sinced changed their tune. :roll:
The Russian failure is due to a number of factors, not least of which has been the courageous leadership of a handful of Chechen leaders. As the US discovered in Somalia, so the Russians have learned that conventional military prowess is no match against rebel forces, led by skilled and committed leaders. [b]This study will examine how one of the Chechen rebel leaders, Shamil Basayev, was able to bring the goliath of Russian armed forces to its knees. [/b]
Chechnya these days is a place where little boys barely old enough to talk tell strangers their name is Shamil Basayev--a guerrilla commander whom Moscow has considered a leading international terrorist since he led a mass hostage-taking in June 1995.2[b]Though highly improbable, one wonders if Shamil Basayev ever saw the movie Braveheart. The movie portrays William Wallace, and his attempt to lead his undermanned and poorly equipped Scottish army, in their fight for independence against the more powerful England. During the past two years, Shamil Basayev and a few thousand Chechen combatants have largely defeated the much larger and better equipped Russian military. [/b]
Though final determination of Chechnya's political status has been postponed for five years, for all practical purposes the Chechens have (for the time being, at least) won their independence. This article will examine Shamil Basayev and the role he played in gaining Chechen freedom.
Full article:
I should report Major Finch.
May Allah preserve Brother Shaamil and the Brothers elsewhere in places such as Khurasaan - especially Brothers Dr. Ayman and Osamah and all those Brethren in faith worldwide whose goal is to crush the head of the Crusader Coalition - America - and may Allah rain more dark days on it like 9-11.
Why are you in favour of innocents being killed?
I understand the symbolism to strike the enemy, but why kill civillians? Are these people too cowardly to fight a military force?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I doubt you'll be getting a response Admin.
He seems like a real hero who has stood up for what is right and his and his peoples human rights. Rights to a life which Allah granted them and no one has the right to take that away only Allah does.
Allah has said the ones who oppress you and take away youre basic Islamic and Human rights fight them and i will be youre hands and feet which you use to fight them with.
Russia as a country and people have always strived to dominate the world hence the USSR which was a symbol to illegally occupy and opress its neighbours through brutal warfare and sufferings.
They tried it with many former 'USSR' occupied countries ranging from muslim countries such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgystan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and even tried occupying Afghanistan (thats where they failed).
They even illegally ocupied many christian and western countries such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Geogia.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
But two wrongs do not make a right.
He (or those he commands) have made some unsavoury decisions which detract from the whole issue.
instead of uniting the world in support of a righteous cause, iot causes us all to splinter.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Good Post.
The thing about many Muslim minorities that dot the 'Russian' landscape is that we had to endure centuries -- not years -- of continuous Russian domination and subjugation.
Thousands upon thousands were deported by Stalin, to Siberia, under his "divide and rule" plan.
Thousands of Muslims [I'm talking close to a million] were forced to convert, against their will.
Many of their beautiful Masjids were burnt to the ground, Qur'ans burnt and our Mullahs [and Mo'alims] were killed.
My friends grandparents had to learn, then teach Islam underground, as did I'm sure, thousands of their forefathers.
Despite this, Muslims throughout Central Asia and the former Soviet Union still held on to the rope of Allah swt, and still identify themselves as Muslims though they may not have been, nor are, practicing their Islam as they should be.
Read this: Russian Nightmare is coming true
Salaam Shazan
Yes this is very true the muslims did endure a forceful and brutal regime for centuries. But through this struggle it has made them stronger and have united them internally. See when you have a common enemy you forget about petty differences and eliminate them so youre primary goal is to defend youre people as a whole.
See what this brother did Shamil Basayev was nothing but defending him and his people from Brutal occupation. I understand he carried out a few sieges which i think is wrong. But if you look at the desperate situation they are faced with day in day out for aslong as any of us can remember then such incidents can be justified. Aslong as no innocent person is killed, which i believe was not the case.
Shamil Basayev, his family and his people have had a long history of involvement in the Chechen resistance to Russian rule and suffered reprisals in the process. His grandfather fought for the abortive attempt to create a breakaway North Caucasus Emirate after the Russian revolution.
One mans' terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.
And the Russians declared a brutal war against the Chechans massacaring many thousands of innocent civilians, children, women, men, old people. They destroyed their homes, businesses and masjids and humiliated them beyond and justifiable reason.
Many men were rounded up and massacred in mass graves, for the people to see on tv, executions and holocausts were taking place when the whole world including so called MUSLIMS and MUSLIM LEADERS did nothing not even supporting them or aiding them.
So who has the blood of Chechans on their hands what kind of Ummah have we become. We are almost 2 billion in number in over 52 nations accross the world with abbundance of wealth and military capabilities at our hands and we did nothing to help our brothers and sisters but turn on the news and agree with the Russians.
Is it then any wonder what Shamil did and is it any wonder what he will carry on doing.
The Russian occupation and massacers have led him to be the man he is.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
Hows it going Shazan?
Its me Basayev.
Where have you been? Did you get banned from Mpac? I returned 3/4 weeks ago and you werent there.
Barodates left too i think
I think the seige was a legitimate tactic since it was the hostage-taking seige in the first war that basically was the turning point in the war and lead to the Mujahideen defeating the child-raping scumbag Russian army.
Its a tactic that has worked before so he tried it again in Beslan but unfortunately things went wrong an some children died.
Walakiukm assalaam,
Alhamdulilah and you?- all is well, I was banned from MPAC and barodate left but then he was banned
Welcome to Revival forum – and come back on MD and Ummah!
Truth has come and falsehood shall perish for falsehood by its very nature is doomed to perish.
[i]bet u missed that line folks [/i]:P
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
One distinguishable trait of Kuffir is mixing truth with falsehood.
Nice quote.
very true.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Shamil Basayev killed children intentionally. All you seem to be saying Vedeno is that it's okay because it was for a good cause - that's moral whitewashing. "Yea but it worked before" and "it was to get the Russians to stop" is classic ends justify the means Machiavelli.
Your hero killed children, because he lacked honor strength and any semblance of an ethical warrior.
Mods, Admin or Vedeno change the title of this thread immediately, there is a legal disclaimer at the top of the article prohibiting official endorsement of the article or attributing it to the US Military.
[EDIT] Thanks Admin
Just changed it. slightly.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Change it completely or debate the defense department's lawyers - this thread is outrageous, the united states millitary does not in any way shape or form condone or endorse terrorists. Considering the present political climate their warning has even more gravity.
The only one comparing Shamil to Wallace is Major Finch acting in a non-official capacity. The title can not even imply US military endorsement.
What should I change it to? I think it is pretty clear that it is one man's view. But if there can be a better title, I am open to suggestions.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Lol. Mr Karnage , dont get embarrased (sp?) about members of the US military admiring terrorists!
Gettting your facts mixed up. It was Russians who killed 40,000 children in Chechnya and then 300 more in Beslan.
If the Chechen objective was to blow the place up , they would have when the deadline ran out. The fact is they didnt.
They stayed there and basically said "we're not leaving here until you stop killing our women and children".
If Russia wants to avoid things like Beslan , then all it has to do is observe international law and Basayev would automtically do the same.
As Basayev said , you dont play football with one set of goal posts - and the ball is now in the Russian court.
Basayev has said many times (including before Beslan) that he is willing to observe international law providing the Russian scum do the same - so it is up to Russia.
How about:
US Major compares terrorist to William Wallace.
You all know that William Wallace also killed women and children right?
Not an uncommon practice back then.
[code:1]You all know that William Wallace also killed women and children right? [/code:1]
Are you saying Braveheart was historically inaccurate?
Does that mean he didnt shout "freeeeeeeeeeedom" every five miuntes?
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say he probably didn't even speak English.
I was supporting the English anyway. I was cheering when they killed him. Dont trust men who wear skirts.
yeah just like the american and british army does everyday in Afghanistan, Iraq and probably Iran too.
Who would you consider an ethical warrior then? someone who lets the opressor come in kill their people on a mass scale and humiliate them like they have done.
Don't talk about ethical warrior because you are not in his shoe and you have not seen your race almost being wiped out of existence simply for the fact that they follow Islam.
He fought the aggressor, the opressor and the west only wish they have warriors and soldiers like shamil who protect their people from such an evil regime. Without any pay, military equipment and support like the western armies have that are killing innocent civilians on a massive scale in place like Iraq now, Vietnam in the past and probable Iran tommorrow May Allah protect the innocent INSHALLAH.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
It's "embarrassed." And you unbelievably stupid kid it's a policy paper from the 90's that says in very large print at the top "You may not attribute this to the US military," disregarding such a warning means you are commiting libel, which is punished with very real, very heavy fines. You're welcome.
No, you are deliberately attempting to distort the facts with an alternate reality. Basayev killed children. Generously offering to observe international law after the fact isn't magnanimity, it's barbarism. You don't have a moral ground to stand on if you are saying killing children is situationally acceptable. "It's okay when the chechens do it, but not the Russians" at the end of the day all that matters to you are that chechens are Muslim children and Russians are not.
This makes you dispicable.
I'm so sick of these useless internet jihads and their mental backscratching about "legitimate targets" and "retributive offensives" to defend terrorism. They're all the same shriveled useless braindead socially awkward teenager playing out childish fantasies about Jihads they'll never join. It's like they revel in their social uselessness.
[/quote]What part of "not official policy" do you not understand? Any mention of rank or affiliation to the US armed forces is prohibited as libel.
Where are all these fruitcakes coming from?
They are actually defending Beslan and Shamil... I seriously can't believe this, I mean here I am saying "the Chechens have a right to fight off the Russians" "the russians are child killing psychopaths in Chechnya" and I'm admiring chechen leaders like Maskhadov, but decry ONE truly rotten individual who runs off and does the exact same things the Russians do and the whackjobs work themselves out of the woodwork to defend him?!
Where do these people come from!?
I'd like to introduce you to some of the aggressors and oppressors Shamil fought so valiently at Beslan:
lol I love this guy he end's his defense of the purpetrator of BESLAN with "may allah protect the innocent" is that some kinda joke or something? - What was it God's day off or something?
That's your hero kas and vedeno. Not that Vedeno is all that bothered by child butchering since "the Russians did it too" and in the end non-muslim children aren't worth anything to him.
Guess i better remove the article from all the other forums ive posted it in over the last couple of years, hey? :roll:
Stop making a mountain out of a molehill. The Yank army has got more important things to do than such internet forums for the reprinting of articles - all those nations and people they invade and kill arent gonna die themselves you know!
I suggest you dont talk about a topic you seem to nothing about. At least stop making stupid assumptions.
Basayev made the offer to observe international law BEFORE Beslan. About eight onths earlier- not his first offer either.
This shows he wanted to end the slow genocide of his people through "civilised" means. When the offer was rejected he tried a more brutal method.
The ball always was and always will be in Russias court. Obey international law.
Bit of an idiot aint ya? Where have i said the children dying at Beslan was acceptable? Stop being a fool and try reading post before replying to it. It helps all of us.
Not too bright are ya? Try opening a book now and again.
i have to agree with Dave on this one, and no, it didn't take the gory pictures for me to be convinced. i stick with my previous comment - two wrongs don't make a right, no matter how hard that is to accept, it still stands. kas and vedeno: yes, innocent muslims are being killed in chechnya, iraq and elsewhere, but killing non-muslim civilians doesn't bring back our dead. there are clear rules of jihad - women, children and the elderly must not be harmed. you cannot morally justify this.
ok i saw that before you edited it but what i was going to say in reply still makes sense: that was uncalled for. kas has only written 1 post on this thread, you're making some assumptions about where he stands on the topic. and you believe in God, yet that comment sounds like something an atheist would say. :?[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=]Dust, X-Men[/url]
As ive said to you before , try reading a post before replying , FOR GODS SAKE!
No-one that i know defends Beslan (i do explain what happened though and why)- Shamil himself basaically said that he regretted what happened.
People WILL defend Shamil coz he's the one Chechen that has lead the nation to victory before. The guys a hero in Chechnya for his past military achievements.
His anger at the death of Chechn children made him overstep the mark in Beslan - and he has like a man offered to pay the price and go on trial for what happened when the war is over.
Thats as much as he can do at the moment.
So to sum up , we dont defend Beslan , we do defend Shamil. We accept he made mistakes. We acknowledge and applaud his decision to pay the price for his mistakes. We support all his military operations against soldiers.
One or two mistakes wont make us hate him - regardless of how much you rant and rave.
Have a nice day Mr Karnage.
Please read my post Sis.
We dont defend Beslan though i do EXPLAIN what happened.
Shamil made a mistake and he will stand trial for it. Apart from that we continue to support him.
He's very very important to the resistance.
Where do they grow people this stupid? I'm not your friend, I don't like you - and I'm a big enough vindictive jerk to report you and the forum to the Pentagon if you don't comply. Their legal department doesn't screw around, Admin (as well as those at MPAC if you were dumb enough to pull this idiotic move) will be compelled to give them your IP, you'll be tried in a British court and fined.
I suggest you grow a brainstem - at least work out your spelling BEFORE you post.
Why does it make a difference if he promised to obey international law before he killed children? He still killed children. You are saying we should give him a pat on the back for taking one out of the Russians book, I'm saying he should be hung right along side them. Why? Because of the CRIME, not the individuals purpetrating it.
At the end of the day you can't cram into your little fascist brain that Muslim children's lives aren't worth any more or any less than non-Muslim children's lives. I don't give Muslim child killers a by because they're doing it for God, the fact you do is dispicable and barbaric.
So far you have made every idiotic excuse manageable defending Beslan, my personal favorite was Beslan was a-okay because "It worked last time." Now you're backing off because I posted pictures of the faceless victims whos murders you were just defending.
Aww... poor little vedeno has a case of situational morality.
lol you've gotta have something better than that. Your heros are terrorists - baby killing terrorists. I mean how much worse an insult can that get? It's not like you're even one yourself! You are so useless, so completely inept you can't even pull off shooting children - you just have to admire from afar.
I can't even imagine how much you must hate yourself.
It's not aetheism it's indignation, I'm accusing him of calling upon God for show, not out of some respect for innocent children.
If Kas would like to clarify his support for Shamil Basayev's record I invite him to do so, until I see something that resembles condemnation of a man who intentionally killed children and in light of his posts on this thread I'm not going to stop attacking.
I'm not a nice guy about children's issues - all of you know that.