Btw if a man beats his wife for being with another man thats one of the reasons he can beat her so whoever insinuated that its gonna be bad deeds for that persons record isnt entirely accurate.
My psychic powers tell me there's a big argument about to erupt.
Btw if a man beats his wife for being with another man thats one of the reasons he can beat her so whoever insinuated that its gonna be bad deeds for that persons record isnt entirely accurate.
My psychic powers tell me there's a big argument about to erupt.
your foreshadowing killed it.
...Does anyone ever get the feeling that debating with Med is like bashing your head against the wall?
maybe he's trying to get us to forget things... :?:
Submitted by Medarris on 22 June, 2006 - 20:57 #95
Since Ive come back I aint debated with any1 nor am I interested in it - but if any1 wants a similar experience then go and bash yr head against a wall - maybe you'll come back wiser :twisted:
No not even then. It's a moot point she would never do that.
"Muslim Bro" wrote:
Do you have children....I thought you said you were married for 3 months?
I was speaking in future tense, she is pregnant and we are expecting twins (confirmed btw) in December. And yes I have been married for a little over 3 months.
I was speaking in future tense, she is pregnant and we are expecting twins (confirmed btw) in December. And yes I have been married for a little over 3 months.
aww. do you know the gender(s) for sure yet then?
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 23 June, 2006 - 19:30 #98
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Med" wrote:
aww thats very sweet of you LilSis but my wife-2-b is perfect as she is - afterall my ALLAH created her. She doesnt need your advice - thanks all the same. :roll:
I'm sure she's perfect
after all she's related to u :twisted:
Grudge and bitterness is a disease of the heart........ Didn’t you know?
aww thats very sweet of you LilSis but my wife-2-b is perfect as she is - afterall my ALLAH created her. She doesnt need your advice - thanks all the same. :roll:
I'm sure she's perfect
after all she's related to u :twisted:
Grudge and bitterness is a disease of the heart........ Didn’t you know?
so is badgamani (negative assumptions)-didnt YOU know that? :roll:
i have no grudge or bitterness against him
if i did i wud of voted against him coming back in the "shud med be unbanned" thread
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 23 June, 2006 - 22:48 #100
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
so is badgamani (negative assumptions)-didnt YOU know that? :roll:
i have no grudge or bitterness against him
if i did i wud of voted against him coming back in the "shud med be unbanned" thread
Assalaam Alaikum,
Okay fair enough Muslim sister, apologies if I was implying anything wrong, perhaps I’m stuck in a time warp and both of you’s are picking off where you left off, don’t mean to rekindle old flames. I’ve had enough “forum” disputes to last me two lifetimes.
I was speaking in future tense, she is pregnant and we are expecting twins (confirmed btw) in December. And yes I have been married for a little over 3 months.
aww. do you know the gender(s) for sure yet then?
Well they cannot test that until the end of the second trimester, I'm not even sure if sex is developed yet.
I know they will be girls all the same, I've kept up my end of the deal pretty well so far I think - of course that's God's decision.
wow Dave that is so great, who would have thought tiger-loving Dave would have been married and soon to be a father of TWINS (it's too much to take). Hope Annette has an easy pregnancy/labour and I hope you have two very healthy babies....
wow Dave that is so great, who would have thought tiger-loving Dave would have been married and soon to be a father of TWINS (it's too much to take). Hope Annette has an easy pregnancy/labour and I hope you have two very healthy babies....
Thank you! I really hope for both... especially an easy pregnancy. She is an absurdly small girl and the doctors have unnerved me about her being too small.
This is very fast and all at the wrong time with her going to med school and me in law school and the airforce again but I wouldn't trade it for anything. That's me though... blow off caution and jump into stuff head first.
Submitted by Medarris on 16 July, 2006 - 15:02 #104
Women and weddings are bloody annoying!!
Sets of gold scattered around at home, perfumes and shoes and dunno what else.
Alhamdulillah got some new stuff form my inlaws - some sandles, some itr, a silver ring and a new set of clothes.
I pity those who give their inlaws gold.
alhamdulillah sooo lucky that my wedding is gonna be in accordance with shari'ah mostly as opposed to getting married in a hindu fashion as so many ppl do. Quite sad really but alhamdulillah thumma alhamdulillah.
InshaALLAH gonna have one of my Dada-Ustaads from Darul Uloom Karachi come to read the nikah!!
Nah - alhamdulillah everythings brilliant
Btw som1 was saying abt 20 being a lil young to marry? Nah for a guy thats perfect but for girl maybe she should marry earlier.
Bib Fatimah radhiyallahu anha was 15 at the time of her nikah with Sayyidina Ali radhiyallahu anh.
For deff my daughters will be married off at 16 - I dont want the headache of having to guard a womans chastity for years and years hanging over my head. Marry em off and be done with it.
Eer its not as easy as you make it out to be, thank god my daddy dont think like u "marry them off and be done with it", seems like having a daughter is a burden. Yeah sure it's naturaly worrying to find someone good for your daughter but I dont think its a burden.
Plus you have to find a good rishta and sum1 who is compatible to your daughter, so marrying them off at 16 is not easy as you make it out to be!
Submitted by Medarris on 16 July, 2006 - 18:43 #106
"Angel" wrote:
Eer its not as easy as you make it out to be, thank god my father dont think like u "marry them off and be done with it", seems like having a daughter is a burden. Yeah sure it's a worry but I dont think its a burden.
Plus you have to find a good rishta and sum1 who is compatible to your daughter, so marrying them off at 16 is not easy as you make it out to be!
the less women in a mans life the better. whats so hard abt finding a rishta? Go back home - find a nice pious alim and offer him my daughter in nikah. Simple.
Eer its not as easy as you make it out to be, thank god my father dont think like u "marry them off and be done with it", seems like having a daughter is a burden. Yeah sure it's a worry but I dont think its a burden.
Plus you have to find a good rishta and sum1 who is compatible to your daughter, so marrying them off at 16 is not easy as you make it out to be!
the less women in a mans life the better. whats so hard abt finding a rishta? Go back home - find a nice pious alim and offer him my daughter in nikah. Simple.
I feel sorry for your future daughter/daughters! Your daughter is your daughter end of the day regardless of her being married/unmarried you always want her to be in your life....thank god not all men think like you.
Oh what if your daughter dont want to marry an alim from bak home or what if there is no pious person available, your talkin about 15 yrs down the line not now, somehow I don't see this world gettin any better...
For deff my daughters will be married off at 16 - I dont want the headache of having to guard a womans chastity for years and years hanging over my head. Marry em off and be done with it.
thats terrible....
you need to give your daughter a choice
let her marry when she wants to marry
when she's ready to marry
MARRY EM AND BE DONE WITH a sad mentality... but from dont surprise me...thats what hes been taught since he was 2:-)
then we say islam gives women so many rights!!!!! sickening!!!!
med doesnt even give them the right to choose when they get married... as tagfirullah
they need an education, go school, college, uni .... islamic education,,,,etc
but no GET EM MARRIED OFF AT 16.... SIMPLE AS!!!!:-(
at 16 ur a child.... daughters in the past and now are miles apart.... its tooooooo young.... its cruelty im afraid.
i feel sorry for meds wife and kids to be... i will pray for them inshallah that may Allah change his mentality and show him guidance. ameen
Eer its not as easy as you make it out to be, thank god my daddy dont think like u "marry them off and be done with it", seems like having a daughter is a burden. Yeah sure it's naturaly worrying to find someone good for your daughter but I dont think its a burden.
Consider yourself lucky to have a decent, open minded father that doesn’t consider women to be a “burden” and a “headache”.
Not everyone is lucky enough to be blessed with father who values daughter as much as sons….apparently before marriage dad wanted boys, but today he has three daughter and one son and often says that he wishes he had more daughters.
We’re fortunate enough to be born into a religion that elevates the rights of women. There’re so many beautiful stories of the love that the Holy Prophet showed to His Beloved daughter Hadrat Fatima (ra)…even after marriage he wanted her to live near by Him.
May Allah (swt) give all men the towfeeq to become loving father’s like the Holy Prophet (saw).
Submitted by Medarris on 16 July, 2006 - 22:40 #111
For the benefit of some - the hadeeth where gladtidings of paradise are given to those who bring up 2 daughters correctly is on the basis of two things - one that they have correct tarbiyah and two that they are married off to pious suitable spouses.
Whoever wishes to see it as a dhulm to have ones offspring married at an early age then thats your look out and whoever wishes to implement the advice of Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam may do so.
Those who are unaware should be made aware that nikah at an early age was advised by Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam as a matter of utmost importance - and as for daughters being a burden - in one way they are. But I would use the word responsibilty - however long children of marriageable age are kept free and single the greater the burden hangs on the parents neck if the child should commit haraam.
I see it as a favour to my daughters that they be married of at an appropriate age.
And Editor keep your filthy idea of my wife to yourself. Perhaps in your sect women can are open targets for men but in our Islaam women are to be respected. Your low sense of respecting a mans honour is despicable - an editor of a so-called islamic magazine comes out with such filth - one can only wonder as to the nature of such people.
Seriously med did not expect you to have that type of mentality on seeing daughters as a burden,
nothing really wrong with what ed said so no need to be so harsh :roll:
btw, i also hold the opinion that getting married at 16 is kinda young....
I know girls married at that age and having problems with their cousin sis got married at 16 and shes like a kid, even one of my sisters got married at 16 and she had problems...
In this day and age i'd say girls married at 16 are kinda immature.
I'd get my daughters married 19 or later, obvious depending on how their happy.
Submitted by Medarris on 17 July, 2006 - 20:24 #114
Ed - should mind his business wen it comes to my woman - [b]just like everyone else.[/b]
And the opinions of people are irrelevant to me.
[b]Daughters are a burden just as sons are[/b]. Those who are unaware should note the context in which I use the word burden. In Holy Quran - when ALLAH most High describes the nazara of Qiyaamah the expectant mothers are described as being delivered of their[b] BURDENS [/b]- here the unborn child is called a burden.
ma'aadhALLAH I did not intend by burden that daughters are a museebah or a curse - rather was using the word in the context of which ALLAH used in the Quran. Viz they are a burden in the sense that they are a responsibility hanging over our necks - [b]sons too are a burden[/b].
And Im sure I've mentioned previously that I would prefer 100 pious daughters over one disobedient son and that I want a daughter first. Does this sound like an anti-daughter person?
My comments are said in a context and even my words are said in a context. I have explained what is meant by burden and how it is infact justified.
Gud luck to whoever wants to raise their kids in whatever way they like - for me the sunnah of Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Aathar of Sahaabah Karaam alayhim ridhwaan are my model. And it should be noted that one of the reasons for so much fornication prevalent today is that parents keep their kids unmarried till completion of education.
Every soul should sit and ponder over the situation and decide whether this disease that is affecting everyone is going to be solved by our lenient attitude to marriage or if the remedy is to return to the way of the Pious Predecessors.
It should be noted that the actions of the Early Three Generations in regards to how to live are the ideal - those who think their period and lives were limited to them have not understood the deen. If my Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam gave Sayyidatuna Fatimah radhiyallahu anha at age 15 - then the whole world can voice their concerns and talk about their modern values and whatnot but it is worth the the dungbeetle in my eyes.
Whatever my Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam did is more beloved and more purer than any newfangled deviations dodgy ppl come out with today. If my Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam ate cucumber with date then that is the correct way, if my Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam fulfilled His needs at a certain place on the way to Makkah then that is the correct way, if my Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam married more than once then that is the correct way, and if my Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam married His Daughter at age 15 then that too is the correct way. Pity that only a few of the people of the kalimah still have this thought. Diseases has become rampant - may ALLAH save us ameen.
The thing is Med in those days girls were much maturer at 15 and could manage a household/cook/clean etc but majority of the girls cannot do that, as times have changed and they are naturally more inclined to feeling not ready for marriage at that age.
Also I think a woman to be independent in this society is a must coz there are too many divorce cases you hear these days and most girls are likely to return to their parents house but what if their parents are no longer in this world then they have to fend for themselves hence seek education and work, its inevitable.
Also you say u would get your daughter married off to an alim from back home, what kind of job would he get here, would it be sufficient to proivde for you daughter and her family etc. Nowadays the house prices/mortageges are sky high and a small wage from only one person isn't suffienct hence both have to're problem is that you're stuck in the past but lets face it the present/future don't work like the way you want it to..
BTW Ed didn't even make any "filthy" comment about your wife :roll:
Seriously med did not expect you to have that type of mentality on seeing daughters as a burden,
nothing really wrong with what ed said so no need to be so harsh :roll:
btw, i also hold the opinion that getting married at 16 is kinda young....
I know girls married at that age and having problems with their cousin sis got married at 16 and shes like a kid, even one of my sisters got married at 16 and she had problems...
In this day and age i'd say girls married at 16 are kinda immature.
I'd get my daughters married 19 or later, obvious depending on how their happy.
how wise
nice to see that someone has their head screwed on-My God bless you with beautiful daughters and sons
its obvious u'd make a fantastic mother
and MED if you do not want everyone to express their disgust at ur nausiating private life
if ur enable to keep ur dity laundry to urself-dont u DARE kick up a fuss when people comment on it :evil:
and med maybe if you explain yourself properly and instead of using the words 'headache' and saying 'marry them of and done with' people wont take you wrong.
and about worrying about your daughters chastity.....maybe if you raise them up good you wont need to worry about all that.
Submitted by Medarris on 18 July, 2006 - 14:07 #118
Parents always worry about their children. So bringing up a daughter correctly doesnt mean you dont worry about her chastity.
And yes - maybe I shouldnt have used [i]headache[/i] and [i]married them off [/i]but what can I say? Im Med - thats they way I write.
At the end of the day the advice of Nabi Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam and the continuous practice of all the ulama through all the ages has been to marry young and arrange marriages young - and this was true even upto my parents generation.
As an example my mother and aunties on both paternal and maternal sides were married at 16-18. My grandmothers at 13-16. Hadrat Shaykh ul Hadeeth performed the nikahs of his daughters and his sons at very young age - infact atleast two of Hadrat Shaykhs sons-in-law were still studying in Saharanpur when they got married and subhanALLAH their beards had not yet fully appeared. In that time aswell people chatted whatever shaytaan whispered to them against Hadrat Shaykh but today we can see how much effort the family of Hadrat Shaykh are doing for Islaam and how much barakah ALLAH has put in their Siddiqi household as the effect of following the sunnah.
Today the values that people have are based on alien nations and upon their upbringing - mine alhamdulillah in this regard are connected to an unbroken chain stretching from today back to the days of the Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Someone mentioned her sister married at 16 - so its not even like its uncommon today. A number of my cousinsisters were married off at 16/17. If a parent brings a child up correctly and prepares his daughters for their role as mothers and wives then there will inshaALLAH not be a problem.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Medarris on 18 July, 2006 - 14:27 #119
"Angel" wrote:
Also you say u would get your daughter married off to an alim from back home, what kind of job would he get here, would it be sufficient to proivde for you daughter and her family etc. Nowadays the house prices/mortageges are sky high and a small wage from only one person isn't suffienct hence both have to're problem is that you're stuck in the past but lets face it the present/future don't work like the way you want it to..
Lol - everyones rizq is written from before.
We feel ashamed to starve a dog which guards our door and throw it a few scraps of food.
ALLAH Most High is More Generous and More Proud and More Honoured than us. If our sense of honour obligates us to feed a dog at our house - how can ALLAH keep an alim starving when he is serving the deen of ALLAH?
ALLAH is His Mercy feeds the mushriks and the atheists and the most sinful of people - how can we imagine He ta'ala wont feed the Heirs of His Prophets alayhimus salaam.
Maybe in yr world women have to work. I alhamdulillah know tens of ulama who teach in madrassah day and night, have wives and children and alhamdulillah ALLAH looks after them. And yr right - I am stuck in past alhamdulillah.
Lol - in all ages those who clung to the ways of the Pious Predecessors were taken as madmen/backward/antiprogressionists/antimodernists - look at how the people of ALLAH in Afghanistan are labelled as dajjal and ghustaakh e Rasul salallahu alayhi wa sallam - it doesnt make a difference what people say - what matters is what ALLAH thinks.
Islam began as something strange, and will return to something strange , so glad tidings to the strangers. May ALLAH include me among them - ameen.
Its a matter of faith. My faith wont allow me to believe that ALLAH will starve a person who submits to Him.
i never met anyone more sectarian than u Med-but that aint no biggie
im sure most people here have no intention of being lumped in the narrow minded-sexist-arrogant-self rightous-extreme world of urs thats full of double standards that makes us laugh
My psychic powers tell me there's a big argument about to erupt.
your foreshadowing killed it.
...Does anyone ever get the feeling that debating with Med is like bashing your head against the wall?
There's a reason why so many of his comments are overlooked...
maybe he's trying to get us to forget things... :?:
Since Ive come back I aint debated with any1 nor am I interested in it - but if any1 wants a similar experience then go and bash yr head against a wall - maybe you'll come back wiser :twisted:
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
No not even then. It's a moot point she would never do that.
I was speaking in future tense, she is pregnant and we are expecting twins (confirmed btw) in December. And yes I have been married for a little over 3 months.
aww. do you know the gender(s) for sure yet then?
Grudge and bitterness is a disease of the heart........ Didn’t you know?
so is badgamani (negative assumptions)-didnt YOU know that? :roll:
i have no grudge or bitterness against him
if i did i wud of voted against him coming back in the "shud med be unbanned" thread
Assalaam Alaikum,
Okay fair enough Muslim sister, apologies if I was implying anything wrong, perhaps I’m stuck in a time warp and both of you’s are picking off where you left off, don’t mean to rekindle old flames. I’ve had enough “forum” disputes to last me two lifetimes.
P.S what is Badgamani :?:
Well they cannot test that until the end of the second trimester, I'm not even sure if sex is developed yet.
I know they will be girls all the same, I've kept up my end of the deal pretty well so far I think - of course that's God's decision.
We've settled on Cecilia and Isabella
wow Dave that is so great, who would have thought tiger-loving Dave would have been married and soon to be a father of TWINS (it's too much to take). Hope Annette has an easy pregnancy/labour and I hope you have two very healthy babies....
Thank you! I really hope for both... especially an easy pregnancy. She is an absurdly small girl and the doctors have unnerved me about her being too small.
This is very fast and all at the wrong time with her going to med school and me in law school and the airforce again but I wouldn't trade it for anything. That's me though... blow off caution and jump into stuff head first.
Women and weddings are bloody annoying!!
Sets of gold scattered around at home, perfumes and shoes and dunno what else.
Alhamdulillah got some new stuff form my inlaws - some sandles, some itr, a silver ring and a new set of clothes.
I pity those who give their inlaws gold.
alhamdulillah sooo lucky that my wedding is gonna be in accordance with shari'ah mostly as opposed to getting married in a hindu fashion as so many ppl do. Quite sad really but alhamdulillah thumma alhamdulillah.
InshaALLAH gonna have one of my Dada-Ustaads from Darul Uloom Karachi come to read the nikah!!
Nah - alhamdulillah everythings brilliant
Btw som1 was saying abt 20 being a lil young to marry? Nah for a guy thats perfect but for girl maybe she should marry earlier.
Bib Fatimah radhiyallahu anha was 15 at the time of her nikah with Sayyidina Ali radhiyallahu anh.
For deff my daughters will be married off at 16 - I dont want the headache of having to guard a womans chastity for years and years hanging over my head. Marry em off and be done with it.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Eer its not as easy as you make it out to be, thank god my daddy dont think like u "marry them off and be done with it", seems like having a daughter is a burden. Yeah sure it's naturaly worrying to find someone good for your daughter but I dont think its a burden.
Plus you have to find a good rishta and sum1 who is compatible to your daughter, so marrying them off at 16 is not easy as you make it out to be!
the less women in a mans life the better. whats so hard abt finding a rishta? Go back home - find a nice pious alim and offer him my daughter in nikah. Simple.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
I feel sorry for your future daughter/daughters! Your daughter is your daughter end of the day regardless of her being married/unmarried you always want her to be in your life....thank god not all men think like you.
Oh what if your daughter dont want to marry an alim from bak home or what if there is no pious person available, your talkin about 15 yrs down the line not now, somehow I don't see this world gettin any better...
check out the pre-Islam/pagan mentality of Mad Med
looks like the term "caveman" is way too modern for him
my dua's are for his poor wife to be-
thats terrible....
you need to give your daughter a choice
let her marry when she wants to marry
when she's ready to marry
MARRY EM AND BE DONE WITH a sad mentality... but from dont surprise me...thats what hes been taught since he was 2:-)
then we say islam gives women so many rights!!!!! sickening!!!!
med doesnt even give them the right to choose when they get married... as tagfirullah
they need an education, go school, college, uni .... islamic education,,,,etc
but no GET EM MARRIED OFF AT 16.... SIMPLE AS!!!!:-(
at 16 ur a child.... daughters in the past and now are miles apart.... its tooooooo young.... its cruelty im afraid.
i feel sorry for meds wife and kids to be... i will pray for them inshallah that may Allah change his mentality and show him guidance. ameen
Consider yourself lucky to have a decent, open minded father that doesn’t consider women to be a “burden” and a “headache”.
Not everyone is lucky enough to be blessed with father who values daughter as much as sons….apparently before marriage dad wanted boys, but today he has three daughter and one son and often says that he wishes he had more daughters.
We’re fortunate enough to be born into a religion that elevates the rights of women. There’re so many beautiful stories of the love that the Holy Prophet showed to His Beloved daughter Hadrat Fatima (ra)…even after marriage he wanted her to live near by Him.
May Allah (swt) give all men the towfeeq to become loving father’s like the Holy Prophet (saw).
For the benefit of some - the hadeeth where gladtidings of paradise are given to those who bring up 2 daughters correctly is on the basis of two things - one that they have correct tarbiyah and two that they are married off to pious suitable spouses.
Whoever wishes to see it as a dhulm to have ones offspring married at an early age then thats your look out and whoever wishes to implement the advice of Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam may do so.
Those who are unaware should be made aware that nikah at an early age was advised by Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam as a matter of utmost importance - and as for daughters being a burden - in one way they are. But I would use the word responsibilty - however long children of marriageable age are kept free and single the greater the burden hangs on the parents neck if the child should commit haraam.
I see it as a favour to my daughters that they be married of at an appropriate age.
And Editor keep your filthy idea of my wife to yourself. Perhaps in your sect women can are open targets for men but in our Islaam women are to be respected. Your low sense of respecting a mans honour is despicable - an editor of a so-called islamic magazine comes out with such filth - one can only wonder as to the nature of such people.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
white musk had a lucky escape
Seriously med did not expect you to have that type of mentality on seeing daughters as a burden,
nothing really wrong with what ed said so no need to be so harsh :roll:
btw, i also hold the opinion that getting married at 16 is kinda young....
I know girls married at that age and having problems with their cousin sis got married at 16 and shes like a kid, even one of my sisters got married at 16 and she had problems...
In this day and age i'd say girls married at 16 are kinda immature.
I'd get my daughters married 19 or later, obvious depending on how their happy.
Ed - should mind his business wen it comes to my woman - [b]just like everyone else.[/b]
And the opinions of people are irrelevant to me.
[b]Daughters are a burden just as sons are[/b]. Those who are unaware should note the context in which I use the word burden. In Holy Quran - when ALLAH most High describes the nazara of Qiyaamah the expectant mothers are described as being delivered of their[b] BURDENS [/b]- here the unborn child is called a burden.
ma'aadhALLAH I did not intend by burden that daughters are a museebah or a curse - rather was using the word in the context of which ALLAH used in the Quran. Viz they are a burden in the sense that they are a responsibility hanging over our necks - [b]sons too are a burden[/b].
And Im sure I've mentioned previously that I would prefer 100 pious daughters over one disobedient son and that I want a daughter first. Does this sound like an anti-daughter person?
My comments are said in a context and even my words are said in a context. I have explained what is meant by burden and how it is infact justified.
Gud luck to whoever wants to raise their kids in whatever way they like - for me the sunnah of Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Aathar of Sahaabah Karaam alayhim ridhwaan are my model. And it should be noted that one of the reasons for so much fornication prevalent today is that parents keep their kids unmarried till completion of education.
Every soul should sit and ponder over the situation and decide whether this disease that is affecting everyone is going to be solved by our lenient attitude to marriage or if the remedy is to return to the way of the Pious Predecessors.
It should be noted that the actions of the Early Three Generations in regards to how to live are the ideal - those who think their period and lives were limited to them have not understood the deen. If my Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam gave Sayyidatuna Fatimah radhiyallahu anha at age 15 - then the whole world can voice their concerns and talk about their modern values and whatnot but it is worth the the dungbeetle in my eyes.
Whatever my Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam did is more beloved and more purer than any newfangled deviations dodgy ppl come out with today. If my Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam ate cucumber with date then that is the correct way, if my Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam fulfilled His needs at a certain place on the way to Makkah then that is the correct way, if my Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam married more than once then that is the correct way, and if my Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam married His Daughter at age 15 then that too is the correct way. Pity that only a few of the people of the kalimah still have this thought. Diseases has become rampant - may ALLAH save us ameen.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
The thing is Med in those days girls were much maturer at 15 and could manage a household/cook/clean etc but majority of the girls cannot do that, as times have changed and they are naturally more inclined to feeling not ready for marriage at that age.
Also I think a woman to be independent in this society is a must coz there are too many divorce cases you hear these days and most girls are likely to return to their parents house but what if their parents are no longer in this world then they have to fend for themselves hence seek education and work, its inevitable.
Also you say u would get your daughter married off to an alim from back home, what kind of job would he get here, would it be sufficient to proivde for you daughter and her family etc. Nowadays the house prices/mortageges are sky high and a small wage from only one person isn't suffienct hence both have to're problem is that you're stuck in the past but lets face it the present/future don't work like the way you want it to..
BTW Ed didn't even make any "filthy" comment about your wife :roll:
how wise
nice to see that someone has their head screwed on-My God bless you with beautiful daughters and sons
its obvious u'd make a fantastic mother
and MED if you do not want everyone to express their disgust at ur nausiating private life
if ur enable to keep ur dity laundry to urself-dont u DARE kick up a fuss when people comment on it :evil:
Ameen to you du'A sis
and med maybe if you explain yourself properly and instead of using the words 'headache' and saying 'marry them of and done with' people wont take you wrong.
and about worrying about your daughters chastity.....maybe if you raise them up good you wont need to worry about all that.
Parents always worry about their children. So bringing up a daughter correctly doesnt mean you dont worry about her chastity.
And yes - maybe I shouldnt have used [i]headache[/i] and [i]married them off [/i]but what can I say? Im Med - thats they way I write.
At the end of the day the advice of Nabi Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam and the continuous practice of all the ulama through all the ages has been to marry young and arrange marriages young - and this was true even upto my parents generation.
As an example my mother and aunties on both paternal and maternal sides were married at 16-18. My grandmothers at 13-16. Hadrat Shaykh ul Hadeeth performed the nikahs of his daughters and his sons at very young age - infact atleast two of Hadrat Shaykhs sons-in-law were still studying in Saharanpur when they got married and subhanALLAH their beards had not yet fully appeared. In that time aswell people chatted whatever shaytaan whispered to them against Hadrat Shaykh but today we can see how much effort the family of Hadrat Shaykh are doing for Islaam and how much barakah ALLAH has put in their Siddiqi household as the effect of following the sunnah.
Today the values that people have are based on alien nations and upon their upbringing - mine alhamdulillah in this regard are connected to an unbroken chain stretching from today back to the days of the Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Someone mentioned her sister married at 16 - so its not even like its uncommon today. A number of my cousinsisters were married off at 16/17. If a parent brings a child up correctly and prepares his daughters for their role as mothers and wives then there will inshaALLAH not be a problem.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Lol - everyones rizq is written from before.
We feel ashamed to starve a dog which guards our door and throw it a few scraps of food.
ALLAH Most High is More Generous and More Proud and More Honoured than us. If our sense of honour obligates us to feed a dog at our house - how can ALLAH keep an alim starving when he is serving the deen of ALLAH?
ALLAH is His Mercy feeds the mushriks and the atheists and the most sinful of people - how can we imagine He ta'ala wont feed the Heirs of His Prophets alayhimus salaam.
Maybe in yr world women have to work. I alhamdulillah know tens of ulama who teach in madrassah day and night, have wives and children and alhamdulillah ALLAH looks after them. And yr right - I am stuck in past alhamdulillah.
Lol - in all ages those who clung to the ways of the Pious Predecessors were taken as madmen/backward/antiprogressionists/antimodernists - look at how the people of ALLAH in Afghanistan are labelled as dajjal and ghustaakh e Rasul salallahu alayhi wa sallam - it doesnt make a difference what people say - what matters is what ALLAH thinks.
Islam began as something strange, and will return to something strange , so glad tidings to the strangers. May ALLAH include me among them - ameen.
Its a matter of faith. My faith wont allow me to believe that ALLAH will starve a person who submits to Him.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
"ur world" "ur sect" and "ur Islam"
i never met anyone more sectarian than u Med-but that aint no biggie
im sure most people here have no intention of being lumped in the narrow minded-sexist-arrogant-self rightous-extreme world of urs thats full of double standards that makes us laugh
if only u practised half of what u preach Med-
u wudnt be that much of a joke