The status of Mohammed (s.a.w) in Islam

i went on the newsblog today after ages. dunno how many of you visit it and read the comments we receive about articles, but one in particular caught my eye and i feel it deserves a better response [size=7](no offence admin)[/size].

the article is about Mohammed (s.a.w): '[url=]Isn’t it time you did your bit…?[/url]' written by Ed.

and the comment was from 100man:

The begining is very similar to material that has been printed on flyers for years. If it is not actually plagiarised it is hardly original.

Instantly there is the emphasis on a man. Knowing that this is an introduction to a faith that purportedly worships God and God alone I am already unsettled at the appeal to my admiration of the man described as God’s messenger.

I peer more closely at the descriptions: Born over 1400 years ago - so? If this wasn’t meant to impress me like I’m some kind of idiot it would be specific, and this is my gripe about the daw’ah I have seen; Great - you do intend to impress me; Special - how we doing on the word count?; Changed the world - even though it means very little this warrants credit for being the first point of the article; Conquered the world - oh dear! This is a) untrue and b) unsettling. By their nature conquerors of the world must have had an extremely militant outlook. I take it that this is cool with Muslims because Mohammed represented the truth, however as of yet the article certainly hasn’t established that; A man recognised as the most influential person in history - spoken unequivocally although “recognised” on its own is pretty weak. But I won’t argue with it because suddenly I’m not reading an article about a religion, I’m being gently lulled into romance by a movie trailer. Just as suddenly as I don’t care to deconstruct the next paragraph: “A man who brought a message, a religion, a faith, a code of life and a system of life. A man who brought about the greatest revolution ever.” I can no longer take this as a serious descriptive effort, it is pure meaningless hyperbole.

“Today that religion and system of life has over 1.6 billion followers world-wide. This man is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)- Messenger of God.” Hang on - the religion and system of life or the man? What kind of construction is that? I think maybe today’s Muslims have becoming idolaters, no doubt in an overzealous search for precise instruction.

We are still waiting to get to a bit about God. What we get is hero-worship. There is simply no space to say anything about Mohammed’s message but that he believed in one God. That’s it. For all I know he worshipped Satan.

The article goes on by urging Muslims to be like Mohammed and urges them to be good by way of doing their bit for Islam. Hey! What about being good by doing your bit for everyone? Isn’t that more important? Didn’t God say anything about that? Or don’t you do God?

"*DUST*" wrote:
i went on the newsblog today after ages. dunno how many of you visit it and read the comments we receive about articles, but one in particular caught my eye and i feel it deserves a better response [size=7](no offence admin)[/size].

None Taken.

Its a very good topic.

Good points that njeed to be discussed.

I have to be honest, and say I did the bare minimum, in that I had to put up osme sprt of semi-official reply...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
I have to be honest, and say I did the bare minimum, in that I had to put up osme sprt of semi-official reply...
well i did genuinely mean 'no offence' because atleast you bothered replying.
but as you said it's a topic that can be addressed in further detail, for the benefit of 100man and anyone else who may have similar concerns.

[size=7]p.s. i corrected some spelling errors in that post of yours, hope you don't mind.[/size] :oops:


One thing I agree with is that our articles are at times too generic. Thus they leave out needed details, and instead of covering one or two aspects properly, they cover a few more badly.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.