Submitted by MuslimBro on 22 June, 2006 - 13:43 #31
In my area there are black women who go around people houses and start chatting to people about jehovah's witnesses. I've never been in the house when they come.
My mate invited another sect of christianity, I think they're called mormons. I think the two women were expecting to convert my mate who's proper religious but instead my mate gave them the english translation of the Qur'an and had a discussions with them. The two women didn't really want to say anything about their religion and wanted to go after 20 mins.
lol yeah i think people get real uncomfortable when they realise the other person knows exactly what they are talkin about.
Its becoming a trend these days to go door-to-door, even Muslims do it, i find it annoying to be honest esp. when people just keep talking and talking and you are busy. It's really personal expecting someone to open their home to you to listen to you when you are a complete stranger. I hate being rude so it's hard for me to tell them that i have things to do.
Dave got a Q for you....what do u think of the jehovah's witnesses?
These to men came to my house and starting goin on about them and sayin how catholics and protestants dont actually follow the bible whereas they refer back to bible on all things etc. Didnt realise christianty had so many sects within it too.
lol i remember bringing this up with Dave on the Chrisitanity thread, can't remember exactly what it's called...
Dave got a Q for you....what do u think of the jehovah's witnesses?
These to men came to my house and starting goin on about them and sayin how catholics and protestants dont actually follow the bible whereas they refer back to bible on all things etc. Didnt realise christianty had so many sects within it too.
I think he was trying to convert me lol, apparently they believe that satan rules the world :shock: and that if muslims dont believe in jehovah's witnesses then they are non-believers :?
Where did they originate from?
(p.s. didnt want to make new thread so just added it here)
Well... I don't think much of them honestly. They are rather ignorant about the Bible its origins and how to study it, they don't understand the nuances of Christianity and thus the need for doctrine and they misinterpret a lot of the Bible as is common amongst most American revivalist sects. They are impressively rude too - they are one group that definitely tries to convert people rather than explain.
Christianity does have a lot of sects - in general they can be divided into the Catholic and Orthodox churches, the Protestant Churches, the Evangelical/Fundamentalist Churches and the Christ Cults and New Age Groups.
Evangelicals I personally barely consider Christian, Christ Cults and similar groups (like Unitarians and JW) I don't consider Christian at all.
In my area there are black women who go around people houses and start chatting to people about jehovah's witnesses. I've never been in the house when they come.
My mate invited another sect of christianity, I think they're called mormons. I think the two women were expecting to convert my mate who's proper religious but instead my mate gave them the english translation of the Qur'an and had a discussions with them. The two women didn't really want to say anything about their religion and wanted to go after 20 mins.
Stay away from Mormons - just like JW they can get militant about converting people, at some point in a conversation if they are frustrated they will get very rude very insulting or just won't know when to stop wasting your time.
Although I would be curious about a discussion between a Mormon and a Muslim. Very similar groups from what I've experienced of both - with the notable exception that Mormons do believe Jesus is the son of God. All the same I consider them totally illegitimate, they believe a 19th century American living in Utah was "the last prophet" and all this ridiculous stuff about "the original" native americans being the real israelites and "the present" native americans being some evil race of people - it's messed up and racist.
Well... I don't think much of them honestly. They are rather ignorant about the Bible its origins and how to study it, they don't understand the nuances of Christianity and thus the need for doctrine and they misinterpret a lot of the Bible as is common amongst most American revivalist sects. They are impressively rude too - they are one group that definitely tries to convert people rather than explain.
Dave got a Q for you....what do u think of the jehovah's witnesses?
These to men came to my house and starting goin on about them and sayin how catholics and protestants dont actually follow the bible whereas they refer back to bible on all things etc. Didnt realise christianty had so many sects within it too.
lol i remember bringing this up with Dave on the Chrisitanity thread, can't remember exactly what it's called...
lol and if I remember clearly I avoided the question by just explaining what they believe rather than what I think of them.
No prob! Nice to see you back it's been a while - how did school wrap up for you?
yeah good, passed my exams which is good, still thinkin bout whether i shud do my honours or pack it in, kinda gettin sick of studing...wat bout yourself, hows Annette?!!
Well school should be wrapping up for you if I'm not mistaken so don't get discouraged. I'm very well thank you, as is she. We just got into the second trimester and got some more testing confirming that it is indeed fraternal (not identical) twins and now that the first trimester is over there is no longer any danger so I am very pleased.
p.s. I think regarding anti semitism, Dave was referring to Martin Luther senior nor junior.
Milkybar ice lolly + =
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
p.s. I think regarding anti semitism, Dave was referring to Martin Luther senior nor junior.
Milkybar ice lolly + =
nooooo no no martin Luther Sr. was a civil rights leader just like his son Jr. they are from the 20th century, I meant the protestant leader Martin Luther from 16th century Germany - that guy was massively antisemitic.
I'm not in a position to judge, there are aspects of mainstream religions (Including Islam) where if I point out something blatently negative people will resort to ad-homs.
It's a defensive tactic when somebody feels threatened, and with religion that is often.
I'm not in a position to judge, there are aspects of mainstream religions (Including Islam) where if I point out something blatently negative people will resort to ad-homs.
It's a defensive tactic when somebody feels threatened, and with religion that is often.
nation of islam isn't a 'mainstream religion'. its more of a spin-off type thing. racism has no place in Islam and i have no idea how but their whole 'cult' is based on racist ideologies.
lol re: 'blatantly negative'. such things are subjective. what you may see as blatantly wrong, someone living in timbuctoo may have no problem with. and you would equally resort to this 'defensive tactic' were i to pick holes in your religion or way of life.
I'm not in a position to judge, there are aspects of mainstream religions (Including Islam) where if I point out something blatently negative people will resort to ad-homs.
It's a defensive tactic when somebody feels threatened, and with religion that is often.
nation of islam isn't a 'mainstream religion'. its more of a spin-off type thing. racism has no place in Islam and i have no idea how but their whole 'cult' is based on racist ideologies.
lol re: 'blatantly negative'. such things are subjective. what you may see as blatantly wrong, someone living in timbuctoo may have no problem with. and you would equally resort to this 'defensive tactic' were i to pick holes in your religion or way of life.
I don't see morality especially as it concerns religion as situational - that defeats the whole point of religion. Religion, "the Truth," whatever you want to call it has to be grounded to some immutable and immortal morality, otherwise calling NOI a cult would just be cultural ignorance on your part. It would all be relative, that's the whole problem with the Modern world in my opinion.
I don't see morality especially as it concerns religion as situational - that defeats the whole point of religion. Religion, "the Truth," whatever you want to call it has to be grounded to some immutable and immortal morality, otherwise calling NOI a cult would just be cultural ignorance on your part. It would all be relative, that's the whole problem with the Modern world in my opinion.
we may well see our religion as our code of morality, but we're not going to go around imposing those values on others. NOI don't consider themselves a seperate religion and yea i suppose an objecive term would be 'sect'.
"Don Karnage" wrote:
And yea I probably would.
As in the Christian personality on the road to Demascus prior to his Christianity when he recieved a religeous experience.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
lol then you have to try again! Saul of Tarsus was never called "Damascus" - that's actually the romanized "Dimashq" a far more ancient aramaic name for the city.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Dave got a Q for you....what do u think of the jehovah's witnesses?
These to men came to my house and starting goin on about them and sayin how catholics and protestants dont actually follow the bible whereas they refer back to bible on all things etc. Didnt realise christianty had so many sects within it too.
I think he was trying to convert me lol, apparently they believe that satan rules the world :shock: and that if muslims dont believe in jehovah's witnesses then they are non-believers :?
Where did they originate from?
(p.s. didnt want to make new thread so just added it here)
Yes i think Christianity has 71 or 72 sects, Islam has 73 sects.
I don't actually mind Jehovas witness they seem alot like us Muslims and they seem like they know what they are talking about ,hence they dont give into pressure and try to change their beliefs to how the trend of society is going. They hav'nt moulded their religion as time goes on to how people want to percieve the religion as, mind you the uniform cracks me up.
Jehova's witness literally means witness to God, like we call God Allah they call God Jehovas, its really pronounced Yehova, but theres no J in the Jewish alphabet. Just like there is no B in the Arabic alphabet so Arabs call us Bakistanis lol.
It has existed from the time Abel "offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous." Abel was the first witness and others include Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jeremiah, John the Baptist and Jesus.
These are the core things they believe in:
Belief in Deity - That there is only one God Almighty who is a Spirit Being with a body but not a human body. Unlike the mainstream Christianilty Jehovas witness or Yehovas witness believe that there is only one God and no Trinity.
Incarnations - They also believe Christ is Lord and Savior, but not actually a God incarnate. Jesus is not a God in a mans body but he is far inferior to the one God, the only God.
They believe Jesus was a created spirit being, that he is God's only begotten son, sent down to Earth as a perfect human created by God.
Origin of Universe and Life - They believe God created the heavens and earth in six, but each "day" is equal to thousands of years. God created and controls all processes and events.
After Death - They also believe no soul remains after death. Jesus will soon return to earth to resurrect the dead, restoring soul and body. Those judged righteous will be given everlasting life on a paradise earth. Those judged unrighteous will not be tormented, but will die and cease to exist.
Why Evil? - The original sin caused humans to inherit death and sin. Satan and his demons pervade the earth as spirits tempting all to sin, which God allows as a test of faith in Him.
Salvation - You must show faith in God and in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Adhere to the practices, requirements, commandments, laws, and sacraments of the faith. "Witnessing" and active sharing of their faith with others is fundamental. Avoid behaviors that God dislikes, including celebration of birthdays and holidays originating from false religions.
Undeserved Suffering - Much suffering is caused by the inheritance of mortality from Adam and Eve, which includes vulnerability to illness and disease. Also, those who choose to succumb to Satan's temptations may suffer self-inflicted damage to their health. Satan and his demons cause great misery. God has allowed the situation to continue so that mankind can discover that God's rule is better than independent human-rule. He has allowed Satan to cause suffering to challenge Satan's claim that God's creation, humans, would turn from and curse God under pressure.
Contemporary Issues - Abortion is wrong. Homosexuality is a serious sin. Gender roles are defined: Men are the head of the household and women are loving caretakers who assist the husband in teaching the children. Divorce is permitted under certain circumstances, but Jehovah hates remarriage unless the divorce occurred as a result of adultery. Service in the armed forces or any form of allegiance to government is prohibited; one must show allegiance only to the Kingdom of Christ. Blood transfusions, along with ingesting blood, are considered wrong, as God said the soul is in the blood. Bone marrow transplants are left to the individual conscience. (Note: all other forms of medical treatment are acceptable.)
They adopt alot of ideas that the Muslims do such as we believe abortion is wrong because only God alone has the right to give life and take life as God created us.
They believe homosexuality is wrong because God created man and women to be partners and have children hence we can see this 'sign' in the form that we are created in. It is unatural for a man to go with a man and a woman to go with a woman and these ideas only derive from the wispers of the devil.
For example if this was the case then i suppoose men would give birth too, so two men could raise a family. A womens body is in a perfect form for a baby to be created in. When the baby is born it can recieve vital nutrition from parts of the body from the woman, this cannot happen with a man.
If this was the case then why was Adam created with Eve, hence this is the perfect blueprint for fellow mankind to follow.
It is immpossible for people of the same sex to have sex because their sexual organs contradict what they want to do. The laws of nature do not allow this to occur, its only mans evil curropted mind to think of other vile ways to perform this.
Opposites always attract in the laws of nature for example a positive charge on a magnetic field will always be attracted to a negative charge. Positive and positive will always repel so will negative and negative.
If we look at the animal kingdom we see the laws of nature taking place before our very eyes, if homosexuality was natural then we would see it in nature around us, but we dont.
Those who fear Allah (God) will stay away from such ideas, they curropt the hearts and minds of mankind and it is described as disease to ones mind.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
That's not right at all, first of all it's "Jehova" not "Jehovas," the 's' is because it's in the possessive form 'Jehova's witness." Jehova is the latinized tetragrammaton, in the latin Alphabet J is pronounced as an 'I' it's the transliteration - for Yodh Heh Vav Heh, "Yahweh," which isn't the [i]name[/i] of God, it's simply what the Jews call him, it's no more a name for God than is Adonai. It means something, which I have forgotten I think it is like "He who is" or "he who makes things into existance." God has no name, just titles.
The Jehova's Witnesses [i]think[/i] it's God's personal name, and therefor say it aloud as much as possible becuase they misunderstood the Old Testament. Ironically, despite the fact it's not God's personal name it is not something you are supposed to say aloud.
And there are way more than 71 or 72 Christian sects/denominations - probably approaching 1000 depending on how liberal you are with your definition of "Christian"
JW aren't an ancient or legitimate sect of Christianity but a whole seperate religion with a bizarre christology. They were fouded in the late 19th century on the American frontier.
And they do believe in a divine Christ in a very roundabout way. I'm not sure if you are familiar with the concept of "Arianism" (the 4th century heresy) but it's very similar in it's christology. They basically believe Jesus is the only begotten "Son" of God, and that acting as the son everything was created through him - however he is not a part of God like in the Trinity. Like arianisms holy trifecta Jesus is a subserviant divine creation - it gets even more bizarre in that they believe he "reflects" the divinity of God and therefore we see God through Christ.
Making him divine by parentage, not part of God - but sort of part of God.
The reason for all the confusion and nonsense is Rev. Russell didn't understand greek at all and so he relied on the English translations to the Bible, not understanding that the language was chosen specifically within the framework of a trinitarian mindset - consequently none of it really "fits" without the trinity model. He couldn't go back and look at the original greek to rendure his own translation so he just imposed his strict "no doctrine" policy and came up with nonsense.
That's not right at all, first of all it's "Jehova" not "Jehovas," the 's' is because it's in the possessive form 'Jehova's witness." Jehova is the latinized tetragrammaton, in the latin Alphabet J is pronounced as an 'I' it's the transliteration - for Yodh Heh Vav Heh, "Yahweh," which isn't the [i]name[/i] of God, it's simply what the Jews call him, it's no more a name for God than is Adonai. It means something, which I have forgotten I think it is like "He who is" or "he who makes things into existance." God has no name, just titles.
The Jehova's Witnesses [i]think[/i] it's God's personal name, and therefor say it aloud as much as possible becuase they misunderstood the Old Testament. Ironically, despite the fact it's not God's personal name it is not something you are supposed to say aloud.
And there are way more than 71 or 72 Christian sects/denominations - probably approaching 1000 depending on how liberal you are with your definition of "Christian"
JW aren't an ancient or legitimate sect of Christianity but a whole seperate religion with a bizarre christology. They were fouded in the late 19th century on the American frontier.
And they do believe in a divine Christ in a very roundabout way. I'm not sure if you are familiar with the concept of "Arianism" (the 4th century heresy) but it's very similar in it's christology. They basically believe Jesus is the only begotten "Son" of God, and that acting as the son everything was created through him - however he is not a part of God like in the Trinity. Like arianisms holy trifecta Jesus is a subserviant divine creation - it gets even more bizarre in that they believe he "reflects" the divinity of God and therefore we see God through Christ.
Making him divine by parentage, not part of God - but sort of part of God.
The reason for all the confusion and nonsense is Rev. Russell didn't understand greek at all and so he relied on the English translations to the Bible, not understanding that the language was chosen specifically within the framework of a trinitarian mindset - consequently none of it really "fits" without the trinity model. He couldn't go back and look at the original greek to rendure his own translation so he just imposed his strict "no doctrine" policy and came up with nonsense.
That makes sense too, i read it up on the Internet, but you cant believe everything what you read lol.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
That makes sense too, i read it up on the Internet, but you cant believe everything what you read lol.
They used to come to my college dorm every thursday at 6:00pm. Inevitably some idiot would let them in and they would go door to door (in the dorm!) to converse with us.
One of my goofball roommates and teammates, Ahmed ALWAYS let these people in so he could ask them stupid questions - he thought it was hilarious.
Did learn a lot about them (and how they treat people) though...
Them and Mormons - best to avoid those types if you ask me.
They basically believe Jesus is the only begotten "Son" of God, and that acting as the son everything was created through him - however he is not a part of God like in the Trinity. Like arianisms holy trifecta Jesus is a subserviant divine creation - it gets even more bizarre in that they believe he "reflects" the divinity of God and therefore we see God through Christ.
Making him divine by parentage, not part of God - but sort of part of God.
hmm, thats not what the jehovah's witness i know believes...
They basically believe Jesus is the only begotten "Son" of God, and that acting as the son everything was created through him - however he is not a part of God like in the Trinity. Like arianisms holy trifecta Jesus is a subserviant divine creation - it gets even more bizarre in that they believe he "reflects" the divinity of God and therefore we see God through Christ.
Making him divine by parentage, not part of God - but sort of part of God.
hmm, thats not what the jehovah's witness i know believes...
Perhaps she was telling you what she thought you would want to hear. Their [url=]Christology... is extremely confusing. They believe Jesus is the Son of God, and is divine through parentage and this bizarre concept called "Reflection," but they believe God and Jesus are two completely seperate individuals in all respects. It's very confusing to explain, very often they will just abandon Russell's doctrine and "ad lib" whatever seems right.
Don't take them too seriously, their practices are very cultish and they completely lack legitimacy.
In my area there are black women who go around people houses and start chatting to people about jehovah's witnesses. I've never been in the house when they come.
My mate invited another sect of christianity, I think they're called mormons. I think the two women were expecting to convert my mate who's proper religious but instead my mate gave them the english translation of the Qur'an and had a discussions with them. The two women didn't really want to say anything about their religion and wanted to go after 20 mins.
lol yeah i think people get real uncomfortable when they realise the other person knows exactly what they are talkin about.
Its becoming a trend these days to go door-to-door, even Muslims do it, i find it annoying to be honest esp. when people just keep talking and talking and you are busy. It's really personal expecting someone to open their home to you to listen to you when you are a complete stranger. I hate being rude so it's hard for me to tell them that i have things to do.
lol i remember bringing this up with Dave on the Chrisitanity thread, can't remember exactly what it's called...
Well... I don't think much of them honestly. They are rather ignorant about the Bible its origins and how to study it, they don't understand the nuances of Christianity and thus the need for doctrine and they misinterpret a lot of the Bible as is common amongst most American revivalist sects. They are impressively rude too - they are one group that definitely tries to convert people rather than explain.
Christianity does have a lot of sects - in general they can be divided into the Catholic and Orthodox churches, the Protestant Churches, the Evangelical/Fundamentalist Churches and the Christ Cults and New Age Groups.
Evangelicals I personally barely consider Christian, Christ Cults and similar groups (like Unitarians and JW) I don't consider Christian at all.
Stay away from Mormons - just like JW they can get militant about converting people, at some point in a conversation if they are frustrated they will get very rude very insulting or just won't know when to stop wasting your time.
Although I would be curious about a discussion between a Mormon and a Muslim. Very similar groups from what I've experienced of both - with the notable exception that Mormons do believe Jesus is the son of God. All the same I consider them totally illegitimate, they believe a 19th century American living in Utah was "the last prophet" and all this ridiculous stuff about "the original" native americans being the real israelites and "the present" native americans being some evil race of people - it's messed up and racist.
But if you call it racist they call you ignorant.
Interesting, thanks for the info Dave.
lol and if I remember clearly I avoided the question by just explaining what they believe rather than what I think of them.
No prob! Nice to see you back it's been a while - how did school wrap up for you?
yeah good, passed my exams which is good, still thinkin bout whether i shud do my honours or pack it in, kinda gettin sick of studing...wat bout yourself, hows Annette?!!
Well school should be wrapping up for you if I'm not mistaken so don't get discouraged. I'm very well thank you, as is she. We just got into the second trimester and got some more testing confirming that it is indeed fraternal (not identical) twins and now that the first trimester is over there is no longer any danger so I am very pleased.
p.s. I think regarding anti semitism, Dave was referring to Martin Luther senior nor junior.
Milkybar ice lolly +
= 
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
hmm, a bit like Nation of Islam.
nooooo no no martin Luther Sr. was a civil rights leader just like his son Jr. they are from the 20th century, I meant the protestant leader Martin Luther from 16th century Germany - that guy was massively antisemitic.
I'm not in a position to judge, there are aspects of mainstream religions (Including Islam) where if I point out something blatently negative people will resort to ad-homs.
It's a defensive tactic when somebody feels threatened, and with religion that is often.
nation of islam isn't a 'mainstream religion'. its more of a spin-off type thing. racism has no place in Islam and i have no idea how but their whole 'cult' is based on racist ideologies.
lol re: 'blatantly negative'. such things are subjective. what you may see as blatantly wrong, someone living in timbuctoo may have no problem with. and you would equally resort to this 'defensive tactic' were i to pick holes in your religion or way of life.
I don't see morality especially as it concerns religion as situational - that defeats the whole point of religion. Religion, "the Truth," whatever you want to call it has to be grounded to some immutable and immortal morality, otherwise calling NOI a cult would just be cultural ignorance on your part. It would all be relative, that's the whole problem with the Modern world in my opinion.
And yea I probably would.
As in the Christian personality on the road to Demascus prior to his Christianity when he recieved a religeous experience.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Do you mean Saul of Tarsus, who became the apostle Paul after being struck blind on the road to the city of [i]Damascus[/i]?
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
lol then you have to try again! Saul of Tarsus was never called "Damascus" - that's actually the romanized "Dimashq" a far more ancient aramaic name for the city.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
lol I'll take it...
Omar (the Caliph)
Yes i think Christianity has 71 or 72 sects, Islam has 73 sects.
I don't actually mind Jehovas witness they seem alot like us Muslims and they seem like they know what they are talking about ,hence they dont give into pressure and try to change their beliefs to how the trend of society is going. They hav'nt moulded their religion as time goes on to how people want to percieve the religion as, mind you the uniform cracks me up.
Jehova's witness literally means witness to God, like we call God Allah they call God Jehovas, its really pronounced Yehova, but theres no J in the Jewish alphabet. Just like there is no B in the Arabic alphabet so Arabs call us Bakistanis lol.
It has existed from the time Abel "offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous." Abel was the first witness and others include Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jeremiah, John the Baptist and Jesus.
These are the core things they believe in:
Belief in Deity - That there is only one God Almighty who is a Spirit Being with a body but not a human body. Unlike the mainstream Christianilty Jehovas witness or Yehovas witness believe that there is only one God and no Trinity.
Incarnations - They also believe Christ is Lord and Savior, but not actually a God incarnate. Jesus is not a God in a mans body but he is far inferior to the one God, the only God.
They believe Jesus was a created spirit being, that he is God's only begotten son, sent down to Earth as a perfect human created by God.
Origin of Universe and Life - They believe God created the heavens and earth in six, but each "day" is equal to thousands of years. God created and controls all processes and events.
After Death - They also believe no soul remains after death. Jesus will soon return to earth to resurrect the dead, restoring soul and body. Those judged righteous will be given everlasting life on a paradise earth. Those judged unrighteous will not be tormented, but will die and cease to exist.
Why Evil? - The original sin caused humans to inherit death and sin. Satan and his demons pervade the earth as spirits tempting all to sin, which God allows as a test of faith in Him.
Salvation - You must show faith in God and in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Adhere to the practices, requirements, commandments, laws, and sacraments of the faith. "Witnessing" and active sharing of their faith with others is fundamental. Avoid behaviors that God dislikes, including celebration of birthdays and holidays originating from false religions.
Undeserved Suffering - Much suffering is caused by the inheritance of mortality from Adam and Eve, which includes vulnerability to illness and disease. Also, those who choose to succumb to Satan's temptations may suffer self-inflicted damage to their health. Satan and his demons cause great misery. God has allowed the situation to continue so that mankind can discover that God's rule is better than independent human-rule. He has allowed Satan to cause suffering to challenge Satan's claim that God's creation, humans, would turn from and curse God under pressure.
Contemporary Issues - Abortion is wrong. Homosexuality is a serious sin. Gender roles are defined: Men are the head of the household and women are loving caretakers who assist the husband in teaching the children. Divorce is permitted under certain circumstances, but Jehovah hates remarriage unless the divorce occurred as a result of adultery. Service in the armed forces or any form of allegiance to government is prohibited; one must show allegiance only to the Kingdom of Christ. Blood transfusions, along with ingesting blood, are considered wrong, as God said the soul is in the blood. Bone marrow transplants are left to the individual conscience. (Note: all other forms of medical treatment are acceptable.)
They adopt alot of ideas that the Muslims do such as we believe abortion is wrong because only God alone has the right to give life and take life as God created us.
They believe homosexuality is wrong because God created man and women to be partners and have children hence we can see this 'sign' in the form that we are created in. It is unatural for a man to go with a man and a woman to go with a woman and these ideas only derive from the wispers of the devil.
For example if this was the case then i suppoose men would give birth too, so two men could raise a family. A womens body is in a perfect form for a baby to be created in. When the baby is born it can recieve vital nutrition from parts of the body from the woman, this cannot happen with a man.
If this was the case then why was Adam created with Eve, hence this is the perfect blueprint for fellow mankind to follow.
It is immpossible for people of the same sex to have sex because their sexual organs contradict what they want to do. The laws of nature do not allow this to occur, its only mans evil curropted mind to think of other vile ways to perform this.
Opposites always attract in the laws of nature for example a positive charge on a magnetic field will always be attracted to a negative charge. Positive and positive will always repel so will negative and negative.
If we look at the animal kingdom we see the laws of nature taking place before our very eyes, if homosexuality was natural then we would see it in nature around us, but we dont.
Those who fear Allah (God) will stay away from such ideas, they curropt the hearts and minds of mankind and it is described as disease to ones mind.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
That's not right at all, first of all it's "Jehova" not "Jehovas," the 's' is because it's in the possessive form 'Jehova's witness." Jehova is the latinized tetragrammaton, in the latin Alphabet J is pronounced as an 'I' it's the transliteration - for Yodh Heh Vav Heh, "Yahweh," which isn't the [i]name[/i] of God, it's simply what the Jews call him, it's no more a name for God than is Adonai. It means something, which I have forgotten I think it is like "He who is" or "he who makes things into existance." God has no name, just titles.
The Jehova's Witnesses [i]think[/i] it's God's personal name, and therefor say it aloud as much as possible becuase they misunderstood the Old Testament. Ironically, despite the fact it's not God's personal name it is not something you are supposed to say aloud.
And there are way more than 71 or 72 Christian sects/denominations - probably approaching 1000 depending on how liberal you are with your definition of "Christian"
JW aren't an ancient or legitimate sect of Christianity but a whole seperate religion with a bizarre christology. They were fouded in the late 19th century on the American frontier.
And they do believe in a divine Christ in a very roundabout way. I'm not sure if you are familiar with the concept of "Arianism" (the 4th century heresy) but it's very similar in it's christology. They basically believe Jesus is the only begotten "Son" of God, and that acting as the son everything was created through him - however he is not a part of God like in the Trinity. Like arianisms holy trifecta Jesus is a subserviant divine creation - it gets even more bizarre in that they believe he "reflects" the divinity of God and therefore we see God through Christ.
Making him divine by parentage, not part of God - but sort of part of God.
The reason for all the confusion and nonsense is Rev. Russell didn't understand greek at all and so he relied on the English translations to the Bible, not understanding that the language was chosen specifically within the framework of a trinitarian mindset - consequently none of it really "fits" without the trinity model. He couldn't go back and look at the original greek to rendure his own translation so he just imposed his strict "no doctrine" policy and came up with nonsense.
That makes sense too, i read it up on the Internet, but you cant believe everything what you read lol.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
They used to come to my college dorm every thursday at 6:00pm. Inevitably some idiot would let them in and they would go door to door (in the dorm!) to converse with us.
One of my goofball roommates and teammates, Ahmed ALWAYS let these people in so he could ask them stupid questions - he thought it was hilarious.
Did learn a lot about them (and how they treat people) though...
Them and Mormons - best to avoid those types if you ask me.
Perhaps she was telling you what she thought you would want to hear. Their [url=]Christology... is extremely confusing. They believe Jesus is the Son of God, and is divine through parentage and this bizarre concept called "Reflection," but they believe God and Jesus are two completely seperate individuals in all respects. It's very confusing to explain, very often they will just abandon Russell's doctrine and "ad lib" whatever seems right.
Don't take them too seriously, their practices are very cultish and they completely lack legitimacy.